Quote Originally Posted by Skrill View Post
You can all go **** yourselves with your sorry for loss bullshit, while disrespecting her family. I hope all of you rot in Hell

It is obvious you knew this young woman. But to come here and say the things you have said...you are the disrespectful one. You, Skrill. You disrespectful piece of shit.

Yes, her family may find this site. You know what happens when many other families whose loved ones have found this site? Many times they stick around to tell us about the awesome person that their loved one was in this life - and we are not only grateful, we are honored that they visited to share the stories of their loved one/family member with us.

This is a community, jackass
. A community of people who have lives that extend far beyond our computer screens, a community of individuals from all across this planet who visit here for a variety of different reasons, death being but a small part of the whole that is this site. This is also a community of very caring women and men who, in many cases, have experienced death firsthand in our own lives, to people we've all cared about, deeply.

We get it, you're hurting. I'm sure everyone who knew her is absolutely beside themselves with grief at the loss of someone so young, so vibrant, so full of life. And my heart would go out to you if you weren't such a total fucking bag of shit.

She deserves better than someone who "knew" her to come on here and disgrace her memory, somehow mistakenly thinking he's honoring her memory by spewing your foul mouthed rant at people who have done nothing but express sympathy and, indeed, empathy for the loss of someone so young, special, beautiful, and important to others.

For you, Skrill, there will be no apologies, for you are owed nothing. And if you continue to discolor this thread with your hatred, I'm quite certain you will be forever banned from this site. See, the thing is, should her family actually find this...the may just take comfort in the fact that they might be able to vent about the pain, the loss, the feelings that maybe they're too afraid to share with others in their "real" lives. We're a pretty easy group to get along with, unless you act like a completely fucktarded douchetool (see every one of your previous posts for examples of this).

To the family of Terra Palmer,

None of us here knew her, but that does not in any way mean that she was just another name, just another faceless person profiled on this site. She was someone with a life, with dreams, memories, and (according to a previous poster) children of her own. There is nothing we can say that will ease the pain of your loss. There are simply no words that will effectively convey to you how sorry we are that you have lost someone you care about.

Many people's first reaction to this site is one of anger, disgust, horror, simply due to the public nature of this site. I can assure you that the only difference between this site and what happens "offline" - in the real world, is that this discussion is on a public internet forum. There is nothing posted about Terra that can not be found somewhere on the internet via public records search.

Should any of you find it in yourselves to stick around, you will likely find that your first impressions were way off the mark. This site isn't all about death or doom & gloom. This site began as a sort of online memorial to myspace members who died, and that has grown to include people with facebook pages or other online profile sites. Every one of the members here is a real person, with real struggles just like everyone else. We all have jobs, lives, many of us have children, and we are a pretty damn caring group of people if you get to know us.

I want to let you know that, should you wish, you are more than welcome to share with us the person you knew Terra to be. You owe us absolutely nothing, and are under absolutely zero obligation to do that, but I will tell you that anything you post about Terra might just be cathartic for you. Posting about a memory or a favorite thing about her not only helps you to remember how much you cared about her, but it allows those who didn't know her (us) the opportunity and honor of gaining a little insight into the person you knew her to be.

I sincerely hope that one day you may come to terms with her loss, and that you are able to hold a smile on your face, and in your heart, whenever you think of her.

All the best to you.
