
Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
I just got back from driving by Mission park and her old house. Not surprised they moved.

This was an outlet for me but driving there...hearing the dogs in the neighborhood....I imagined it was the same thing she'd hear when she was crying over our breakup.

I remember one time she said "I'm done crying over you".

She was always a lot stronger than I was.

I don't give a shit if any of you (or them) believe me or not. There's a dark side to every relationship but at least I know what I know.

Yeah maybe I was rude to her brother.
Maybe, some crazy asshole stole her remains and it wasn't the funeral home.

I'll continue my search and keep it to myself.
I can easily disappear but everything happens for a reason.

People will always get what they deserve.
Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
I've yet to have received the final report from the PI's.
It most likely won't be anything I share publicly.

I do hope you all understand that posting and reading on this site has really been therapeutic for me.

Along with deactivating my Facebook account and completely cutting off all my friends and family, it's the only thing I can imagine to help with disenfranchised mourning.

...far better than the usual self destruction.

If it helps in sharing Julie's story; her best years can be seen on my page.

I'll give people one day to "stalk" me before deactivating.

I imagine anyone who sees it will see that....yeah I'm kinda weird but if you have an inkling of doubt........go fuck yourself.

I'd give out more personal information if I thought it would help.
Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
I got a text from my Mom the other night.

She was worried about me and I decided to check in and apologize.

I let her know that I needed time away from as many things that remind me of Julie as possible. I mean, regardless I always have the good memories with me but I needed time to myself.

She said she understands and then went on to tell me that the detectives stopped at her house again last week.

They still think I fucking did it and have absolutely no leads.

One thing that came to mind is how the funeral director started talking to Julie's Mom before the funeral was over about flower arrangements.

I heard him speak to her about where and when to pick them up.

According to reports Julie wasn't supposed to be moved until the 17th.

So why is it that it wasn't until Julies Mom arrived the next day that they found her missing?

With so much time and attention toward flower much so that it was a conversation that couldn't wait until the procession was over....and we are to believe that they didn't know her body was missing until AFTER Julie's Mom arrived the next day.....

I've reactivated my facebook account and posted one of Julie and I's last conversations.
Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
k....set to public.
Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
Her brother clarified in our thread that the guy who's service was at Mission park was buried the day before Julie's funeral.

As far as the other timeline....

Her funeral was Saturday and they talked about flowers Saturday afternoon before the funeral ended but she wasn't discovered missing until after her Mom had arrived again Sunday afternoon to pick up flowers.

which sounds like complete horse shit to me.....that's assuming that they didn't so much as look or move the casket until Julie's Mom arrived on Sunday.
Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
I couldn't give less of a shit whether people believe me or not.

What Julie and I had was very special and most would be lucky to experience such a love and connection.

So while I share anything, just know that I'm bouncing ideas off of anything I can at this point. The private detectives I've hired have only discovered missing paper work and endless dirt on Dick Tips.

Gut instinct means a lot to does a consensus.

If you're here to question me and not put any thought towards what could have happened.....please fuck off.