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Thread: Purvi Patel (33) convicted of feticide for self inducing a miscarriage

  1. #51
    Senior Member u2addict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevansvault View Post
    She's being charged because America hates women, and pregnant women especially. If these dumb twats (conservative women) would wake up, they'd see that. But we live in America, Land of the Free, Home of the most ignorant vagina owners on the planet.

    They aren't smart enough to understand that their rights as humans are being violated, and that is just plain fucking sad.

    Oh, the poor, violated, no-vacancy womb, with a view

    Fibro Fog has taken over. I am in a constant state of dyscognition so please excuse my retardation.
    'The worst things in the world are justified by belief'- Raised by Wolves SOI

    "Your life is short, it's the longest thing you'll ever do/ the worse the curse was that your dreams came true/
    God is a mirror in which each man sees himself/ Hell is place where you don't need anyone's help"

    ~You got to cry with out weeping. Talk without speaking
    Scream without raising your voice~

  2. #52
    Senior Member Defy Gravity's Avatar
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    Here's the thing. You get to decide what is best for you, your family and your uterus.
    I get to decide for mine and Peggy Sue over there gets to decide for hers.
    You don't get to tell her that since she isn't living up to your standards she has to volunteer anywhere. She doesn't have to justify shit to you.
    She doesn't have to explain to you that the genetic test to show that the pregnancy she and her husband want so very much isn't available until after 12 weeks. She doesn't have to explain that that test showed that this baby will have the same disease their older son has even though the doctors told them it was over 1 in 2 million it would happen and they have watched their older son lose all of his abilities and slowly die in front of them.
    She doesn't have to justify shit to you because its not your uterus and posting shit like this makes her feel like shit when she shouldn't have to.
    You don't know everyone's story. You don't need to know their stories. You just need to worry about your uterus and let other women worry about theirs.
    Just like you worry about your tampon and she worries about her tampon.
    See how that works. Its none of your damn business.

  3. #53
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Defy Gravity View Post
    Here's the thing. You get to decide what is best for you, your family and your uterus.
    I get to decide for mine and Peggy Sue over there gets to decide for hers.
    You don't get to tell her that since she isn't living up to your standards she has to volunteer anywhere. She doesn't have to justify shit to you.
    She doesn't have to explain to you that the genetic test to show that the pregnancy she and her husband want so very much isn't available until after 12 weeks. She doesn't have to explain that that test showed that this baby will have the same disease their older son has even though the doctors told them it was over 1 in 2 million it would happen and they have watched their older son lose all of his abilities and slowly die in front of them.
    She doesn't have to justify shit to you because its not your uterus and posting shit like this makes her feel like shit when she shouldn't have to.
    You don't know everyone's story. You don't need to know their stories. You just need to worry about your uterus and let other women worry about theirs.
    Just like you worry about your tampon and she worries about her tampon.
    See how that works. Its none of your damn business.
    The world would be a better place if the masses had half the intelligence of this forum's members. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, they don't. Well said, DG.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Caffeinatedkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marycontrary View Post
    People don't die like in the movies. It's a difficult thing to be a part of. Psychologically, some people might deal with the loss of a child thru termination better than watching it struggle to live for 4 hours. I've see some shit. Some children are not bundles of joy, but a lifetime of heartache and pain. 6wks--20wks, there is no difference. I do know in my life, there have been times that I would have preferred death over having a baby. I think abortion should be between a woman and her doctor, with no cut off date. No one has a late term abortion for the heck of it, it's always due to medical reasons.

    You have no clue what other women have been through and it's unfair to say you wouldn't judge then post pictures of your ultrasound to educate us on what a baby looks like at 16wks. It's just a bit insensitive. It's easy to say you would never abort when you have healthy children and an apparently healthy pregnancy.

    Besides that, she ordered these drugs from China. The last thing I ordered from China took 2 months to arrive. That may be why it was so late. She did not have easy and affordable access to abortive care.
    I had a son who was stillborn at 32 weeks, perfectly healthy, no issues. Just a horrible cord accident so the thought of woman killing babies is really hard for me to deal with. I stand by my previous statement. If you find out you're pregnant and you take action have an abortion that's your choice but if you wait till that baby is 20 weeks and is basically a little human, hands, toes, genitals, kicking with a heartbeat and a chance, I just can't justify it.

    I will spare you all the photos of my son who passed, it was a terrible time in my life but if I could go back in time and choose to terminate him knowing the outcome... I would still Carey him and love him till the end.

    Mommy to: Misty-Allison-Elliot-Sebastian-Quinn
    And our newest rugrat MISS MARLEE!!!

  5. #55
    Senior Member Words Words's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Defy Gravity View Post
    Just like you worry about your tampon and she worries about her tampon.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    Because they are probably not ghetto and hood like me.

  6. #56
    Senior Member Caffeinatedkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Words Words View Post
    Just so long as it's not a goddamn diva cup lol

    Mommy to: Misty-Allison-Elliot-Sebastian-Quinn
    And our newest rugrat MISS MARLEE!!!

  7. #57
    The Dude abides. strmmrgrrl's Avatar
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    I have friends who cannot conceive. I have friends who've lost a child. Shit, I can't get pregnant. But none of them feel it's their duty to tell others what to believe, what to do with their body, whether it's their body or decision. Not everyone has the same circumstances and NO ONE can judge another unless they've walked in another's shoes.

    The thing I hate about anti-abortionists the most is once the child is born they couldn't give a fuck what happens to it. Even worse - a majority of them will reverse and vilify the parent because they can't properly take care of it and thus have to rely on said anti-abortionist's tax dollars. Cuz, 'MERICA.

    And I refuse to call them Pro-Life - they are anything but. A majority of them are pro-war, pro-death penalty, anti-social welfare and do NOTHING to support these children or advocate for adoption. Like I said, once that "glob of cells" checks out of the uterus, they wipe their hands of them.

    While I personally would not have an abortion, I would never consider myself "pro-life for myself and pro-choice for everyone else". It doesn't work that way. It's pro-choice period. I choose what I choose, you choose what you choose. No judgement.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Getting arrested for coke in Vegas is like being found eating a chocolate bar in the willy wonka factory.

  8. #58
    Senior Member Caffeinatedkat's Avatar
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    I just have a problem seeing things and in only black-and-white there is a gray area.
    But that's the beauty of a site like this we all have our opinions we can all say what we want to say
    And have the opportunity to be heard without being persecuted.

    I don't know you and you don't know me, we have different life experiences that lead us toward our beliefs.
    The last thing I will say on the subject is if she found out she was pregnant and had an abortion that week
    We would not be having this conversation. It takes time to decide to have an abortion to go online to find
    A place in China that sells pills to pay for and have it shipped here, all that time the baby grows and thrives
    It just seems cruel.

    I think I'm a very strong believer in this because 20 years ago my aunt got pregnant. She let her pregnancy go Till the 8th month and then she found out her husband was cheating on her. It was too late to have an abortion In the US so she found a doctor in Mexico to do it and my own grandmother paypid for it. To this day I can Not look at her without thinking of the horror that poor child insured during the partial birth abortion. If you do not know what that is please for your sake don't Google it.

    See we all a story, it

    Mommy to: Misty-Allison-Elliot-Sebastian-Quinn
    And our newest rugrat MISS MARLEE!!!

  9. #59
    The Dude abides. strmmrgrrl's Avatar
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    And I can only think of the pain the child would have endured if she had it, couldn't care for it or worse, resented it and abused it and it still died a horrible death.

    6 of one, half dozen of the other.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Getting arrested for coke in Vegas is like being found eating a chocolate bar in the willy wonka factory.

  10. #60
    Senior Member Words Words's Avatar
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    My mom wanted to have an abortion when she got pregnant for me. She couldn't find anyone to take her and someone ended up calling her mom, who then called her and bitched her out or something. So she obviously didn't do it. My whole life she made me feel like I was the reason for her divorce from my dad and why he never wanted anything to do with us.

    I understand being frustrated as a single mom of 3 kids when you get no help from anyone...but never blame your kids for things that they can't control and make them feel like shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    Because they are probably not ghetto and hood like me.

  11. #61
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Words Words View Post
    My mom wanted to have an abortion when she got pregnant for me. She couldn't find anyone to take her and someone ended up calling her mom, who then called her and bitched her out or something. So she obviously didn't do it. My whole life she made me feel like I was the reason for her divorce from my dad and why he never wanted anything to do with us.

    I understand being frustrated as a single mom of 3 kids when you get no help from anyone...but never blame your kids for things that they can't control and make them feel like shit.

    It happens all of the time.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  12. #62
    creep trailerparktrash's Avatar
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    If you think abortion is killing babies OF COURSE you are going to be against it, and vehemently against it. I don't get how people think they can convince someone who literally thinks you are killing babies to be ok with killing babies. I said killing babies too many times and now it sounds weird.

    Caffycat said she would never ever get one, but she's ok with other people getting one before they become tiny humans. Seems legit.

    Ps- I <3 abortions
    Quote Originally Posted by Cap-n Meow
    TPT is more caramel. She's sweet and so smooth she'll slide a finger in your butthole.

  13. #63
    Senior Member Queena's Avatar
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    Like gay rights, it's not my business what one does with their bodies. Personally, I would never have an abortion, however, there are too many stories of children being abused by people who weren't ready to be parents. I would rather someone get an abortion than inflict their misery on that child. The child more likely will grow up and inflict misery on someone else, or a group of people. Maybe that makes me cruel to say, I would rather someone have an abortion, than to see the baby get abused or even worse raped, but that's how I feel.

    I have supported friends during their abortions, because it's not my place to judge, and no matter how much of a friend, aunt, sister, or whatever I am, I will never have to raise the child full time. So, I can't tell someone what they should do because of what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't watch the Walking Dead, but doesn't mean anyone else shouldn't be allowed to.

    I do find late term abortions disturbing. Aborting a 6 month fetus is very graphic, and a long process. However, if you choose to do that, it's none of my business. Just as if someone is gay, bisexual, trisexual, or whatever. As long as it doesn't affect me, I don't see why I should tell someone what they can do.

    I'm liberal, and I resent being lumped in with conservative women!
    Last edited by Queena; 04-03-2015 at 06:25 AM.

  14. #64
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caffeinatedkat View Post
    The last thing I will say on the subject is if she found out she was pregnant and had an abortion that week
    We would not be having this conversation.
    So, I take it you're willing to step up and pay for these abortions then. Because again, like its been said multiple times. You don't know her story. She probably couldn't afford it. If you want to decide what is right or wrong for other Women to do, you need to pay for them to do it the way you think they should do it. Kathy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  15. #65
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marycontrary View Post
    People don't die like in the movies. It's a difficult thing to be a part of. Psychologically, some people might deal with the loss of a child thru termination better than watching it struggle to live for 4 hours. I've see some shit. Some children are not bundles of joy, but a lifetime of heartache and pain. 6wks--20wks, there is no difference. I do know in my life, there have been times that I would have preferred death over having a baby. I think abortion should be between a woman and her doctor, with no cut off date. No one has a late term abortion for the heck of it, it's always due to medical reasons.

    You have no clue what other women have been through and it's unfair to say you wouldn't judge then post pictures of your ultrasound to educate us on what a baby looks like at 16wks. It's just a bit insensitive. It's easy to say you would never abort when you have healthy children and an apparently healthy pregnancy.

    Besides that, she ordered these drugs from China. The last thing I ordered from China took 2 months to arrive. That may be why it was so late. She did not have easy and affordable access to abortive care.

    Indiana has passed a flurry of laws making it extremely difficult to obtain an abortion.

    It's fucking bullshit.

    The 'gray' position on abortion is being pro choice. That doesn't mean YOU are obligated to have an abortion. It means you respect the CHALLENGING AND EMOTIONALLY CHARGED DECISION other women get to make.
    Last edited by bowieluva; 04-03-2015 at 07:37 AM.

  16. #66
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caffeinatedkat View Post
    I just have a problem seeing things and in only black-and-white there is a gray area.
    But that's the beauty of a site like this we all have our opinions we can all say what we want to say
    And have the opportunity to be heard without being persecuted.

    I don't know you and you don't know me, we have different life experiences that lead us toward our beliefs.
    The last thing I will say on the subject is if she found out she was pregnant and had an abortion that week
    We would not be having this conversation. It takes time to decide to have an abortion to go online to find
    A place in China that sells pills to pay for and have it shipped here, all that time the baby grows and thrives
    It just seems cruel.

    I think I'm a very strong believer in this because 20 years ago my aunt got pregnant. She let her pregnancy go Till the 8th month and then she found out her husband was cheating on her. It was too late to have an abortion In the US so she found a doctor in Mexico to do it and my own grandmother paypid for it. To this day I can Not look at her without thinking of the horror that poor child insured during the partial birth abortion. If you do not know what that is please for your sake don't Google it.

    See we all a story, it
    Some people know they are not fit to be a parent, or are not in the position to successfully raise a well balanced and cared for human being. They don't need a lot of time to figure it out, and the sooner they do it, the easier the process is for everyone involved.

    Your example is almost a perfect illustration of this. Your grandmother waited till the baby was practically full term, so of course it was more traumatic. Her decision to not have a baby with a man who wasn't faithful to her was her own. Perhaps she didn't want to be tied to the guy for the rest of her life, or she knew she'd resent the baby, or she knew she couldn't raise it alone... whatever. It was her life and her decision.

    Life isn't easy, why make it harder on yourself or others by demanding children be born into precarious situations?
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  17. #67
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    And someone please tell me how the fuck having Ms. Patel behind bars for 30 years helps anyone? Who does this benefit? The state of Indiana? No, they're gonna lose businesses left and right because they're borderline retarded. So who, exactly? Perhaps only the women's prison, which will now gain notoriety as a place that holds a woman because she was left by the state to fend for herself. What a great country we live in. Or, not.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  18. #68
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    I once had a fucking great article on abortion rights, and cases where women's rights were violently impeded on when they needed late term abortions, etc. I posted it to facebook maybe a year ago and fuck if I can find it.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  19. #69
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    Find it, goddamn!! Don't tease us, Shins.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevansvault View Post
    Find it, goddamn!! Don't tease us, Shins.
    I went back two years and can't find it. It might have been removed by the originator. It was seriously the best article written about this topic, ever.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  21. #71
    Senior Member Defy Gravity's Avatar
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    One of my closest family members to me can not conceive. It breaks her heart. One of my best friends lost her full term baby. It was traumatic for her in ways I can't fathom and for all of us.
    These are *wanted* pregnancies. My best friends oldest daughter was born at 26 weeks. She is 11 now.
    I'm not out chanting "Hey lets abort full term pregnancies!"

    However, Ms. Patel is not a danger to society. How can she be found guilty of both of these crimes- either she is guilty of one or the other? How can they use an outdated float test to claim this was not a stillbirth? Its *junk science* that should piss off anyone who stands for justice. It reminds me of when they were using outdated methods of arson testing to execute people in Texas. This is not ok, no matter how you feel about abortion.
    I assure you that inducing a miscarriage with drugs from China is cheaper, carries less of an emotional trauma for some and in some peoples mind is less *sinful* than a surgical abortion. To her it may not have been an abortion, it was a miscarriage.
    She is doing more time for this than some men do for beating their toddlers to death- for breaking every single bone in their body. How exactly is this justice?
    All to prove a political point.

  22. #72
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    jk jk jail abortions happen all the time because the prisoners are raped or have consensual relationships with guards!

  23. #73
    Moderator raisedbywolves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caffeinatedkat View Post
    I mess up all the time because of voice to talk. My keyboard is jacked.
    Perhaps if you can't afford a new keyboard, having more kids isn't the answer.

  24. #74
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    Perhaps if you can't afford a new keyboard, having more kids isn't the answer.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  25. #75
    Senior Member marycontrary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caffeinatedkat View Post
    I had a son who was stillborn at 32 weeks, perfectly healthy, no issues. Just a horrible cord accident so the thought of woman killing babies is really hard for me to deal with. I stand by my previous statement. If you find out you're pregnant and you take action have an abortion that's your choice but if you wait till that baby is 20 weeks and is basically a little human, hands, toes, genitals, kicking with a heartbeat and a chance, I just can't justify it.

    I will spare you all the photos of my son who passed, it was a terrible time in my life but if I could go back in time and choose to terminate him knowing the outcome... I would still Carey him and love him till the end.
    I worked labor and delivery for 35 yrs and we had a level 5 nicu. I've seen it all. We also terminated pregnancies for medical reasons. I understand that your child was wanted and how painful it is.

    I do know that the things you are saying may well be very painful to someone who had an abortion. I can assure you that every termination I saw was a child that was wanted and planned. Just as you can see no reason to abort, the women I cared felt termination was their best choice for their child. There are a lot of women on this site and the things you are saying and your US pictures may cause some real pain to someone who had an abortion. I never met a patient that took it lightly, it was a long and painful ordeal and they went through it with empty arms, the same as you.

    You claim to be pro-choice but sound like pro-life. You need to stop with the fingers and toes shit, because all of us are adults and have a clue about fetal development. Personally, we don't care about the choices that you make for yourself and you don't have to justify a thing. However, some here may be silent due to your postings because what you are saying may be painful for them. I have a friend who is a rare genetic defect. Her first pregnancy produced a child who died from this disease. The couple went through genetic testing and found they each were a carrier of the gene. Still, they only had a 25% chance of it happening again. She had a 2nd child with the disease and died. She attempted a 3rd child but had an amnio for genetic testing and found that child too had the disease. She chose an abortion for her 3rd. The subject is painful as she was around 22wks when the results of the amnio came back. She also had a tubal after the 3rd, and became a foster parent. She eventually adopted an older child who came into her care. The political rhetoric in this country causes her a lot of grief.

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