Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
I know, right?!?!? And this one is really disturbing, I read on her friend Kayla's page (I think Anthony is a guy Kayla has a crush on or something??):

Someone asked: Do you think Anthony will prove his love to you by killing your family and kidnapping and raping you? I know the last thing already happened but the other stuff mite b, dunno, a Xmas present maybe? (: I think this is becoming a fad (:

Kayla answered: Are you serious? If I've said this once I've said it 100 times, me Nd Anthkny don't like each other! Have not seen his ask? He's already talking about some girl on there! I doubt that's me. So please just stop with the Anthony and Kayla dating thing.-__- and for you to even have a sick ass imagination like this is gross. You fucking need help! You sick fuck.

Why would she even bother answering that?? Why not just delete those kinds of posts??
Not only that, but why would your first response be "oh my gawwww guys I'm TOTALLY not into him!"? No one give a fuck about Anthony, they're trying to piss you off.