Ugh this guy. I was just a lurker who found this whole thing fascinating, but I had to give up when he resorted accusing the deceased's brother of sexually molesting her all because people were calling him out on his bullshit. You can't unring that bell. I don't know if he took the body, but his incessant attention whoring is pretty despicable. I'm convinced she died too tired to fight him anymore. I heard how utterly disinterested she was in this narcissistic douche's prattling on and crazy laughter in the phone conversations he so weirdly recorded. His words here show just how exhausting he can be. She was obviously very nice and sweet, and it's even more obvious that he was way more into her than vice versa.

And hell yes working with the dead is a noble profession. It takes a lot of mental strength. If there were nobody to work at the funeral homes than any old cunt could rock up and steal the body of the girl he's been obsessed with for years to do all the Ed Gein things he wants to do to her. Or maybe go more Anatoly Moskvin style.