It is with a cutting and keen sadness that I announce the death of Amanda Harris
This is what her mother would like you you to know: Her community was THE most important thing to her (besides family & Memphis). She says emphatically, "I know that she would not have wanted to hurt any of you. "
I know from conversations I had with Amanda about grieving, depression, & pain that she *wanted* to hang on and get better- please know that she tried. She tried. I watched her struggle, try to get help, try to want to live.
I know that there will be a lot of feelings about this. I have feelings about this. I am gutted. She could not get through the pain she felt. I don't know how I will.
I am with her mother making arrangements. I am asking if folks can hold space here. Hold it really fucking tight. Hold it for each other, for the Harris family, for her partners and her pets.
Please hold off asking questions and just be here. Please show up for each other. Amanda (echoing Bryn) asked that we be kind to each other.
I have more to say; I just can't right now.