Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
The whole Brendan Dassey thing really highlights the challenges of interviewing someone with a lower IQ. But in this case I don't get the impression anyone in LE was trying to goad Isaac into anything. So I agree...very interesting.

Also I had been really skeptical earlier about why this guy would have been friends with great-grandpa...but now I can kind of see it.
Brendan was EXACTLY who I thought of when I watched it, but the same thought as you. Brendan was clearly led and otherwise answered truthfully. I couldn't compare the two instances because with Brendan they were molding him to answer the way they wanted (needed) him to whereas with Isaac, he was given free reign.

I really hope this is solved and it sounds like they're close. The second PI seems to be heading closer to home with his interviews. We'll see.