I am putting this here because I don't know where else it would go. Someone sent this message in to the MDS FB and I said I would post it here:

I am not sure if I am on the right site to ask this question, but here it goes. Maybe you can help me answer some questions? I have a friend that has been in a coma for a week. Mark has always been outgoing and very active. Three to four months ago Mark started acting out of character. When I talk to him on the phone he didn't talk very long he acted depressed and he was always wanting to get off the phone. He was an avid walker and worked out regularly and he out of the blue quit everything. Now approximately four months later he's in a coma in a hospital Yuma Washington. At first the doctors thought that he might have West Nile disease but today the doctor came in and asked if he may have gotten some antifreeze. My question is If someone was poisoning Mark with antifreeze could this have started say three or four months ago. I was thinking if the person doing the poisoning only put a little bit of antifreeze in their his food or drink that over a period of time spread out through four months or so that his liver and kidney would shut down and he would eventually go into a coma? They were going to take him off of the respirator today but his brain didn't show enough activitiy so they were afraid to take him off of ventilation. Please respond, Thanks Also If this doesn't sound like antifreeze what could it be? Please excuse spelling,