Quote Originally Posted by PeaceBeWithMe View Post
Mad props to you, dude.

For some reason, this reminded me of an episode of The Amazing Race. They had to go down some massive water slide in Dubai and the girl member of the team was just crying and crying because she was afraid of heights. i turned to my youngest - she's always wanted to run The Amazing Race with me - and I told her she'd be getting a boot to the back. There is no crying in a race for a million dollars.
Amusement park stuff is nothing I want any part of, at least as far as coasters and other rides that are pretty much made to scare you. Which sucks for me, because I live an hour from Cedar Point, 3 hours from King's Island, an hour from Kennywood, an hour and a half from Geauga Lake before it closed, so I did alot of holding other peoples shit while they rode on coasters lol