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Thread: Two 12-Year-Old Girls Stabbed Friend 19 Times In Planned Attack, Police Say

  1. #26
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    That Haunted Enchiladas story

  2. #27
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *crickets* View Post
    Right?? Those are some heavy-duty delusions.

    here is a wiki written by the admin. of the creepypasta website. He seems to be about 14 years old-->

    The fucking language of these assholes!

    You see what I did there?

    It's fairly obvious that at least one (if not both) of these girls had some serious problems. This didn't just develop overnight. I want to know which of the girls' families was sitting stone faced in the courtroom. Because there's a set of parents that grossly overlooked and ignored some warning signs.......
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  3. #28
    Senior Member SuchAClassicGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neenerneener View Post
    dafuq is wrong with these kids? are they really that stupid? holy shit. this is like a 12 year old still believing in santa.

    if they're mentally ill (like legitimately) doesn't that shit usually present later in life? O.o
    You may very well have devastated 14 year old Cutiepuff. Way to go!
    Last edited by SuchAClassicGirl; 06-03-2014 at 06:44 PM. Reason: Bolding the part I was referring to
    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star
    I was about to be annoyed that this thread was still active, but I see now it's morphed into offers of sex for chilli confectionary, so carry on guys :)

  4. #29
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    i don't think for one second either of these girls were having delusions or believe in slenderman (seriously). i think they are creepy fucking kids who were playing a game that turned deadly because one of them is just a tad bit creepier than the other. whoever the one spouting off about hearing his voice is just doing that shit for the creep factor.

    the kids are young and immature and in over their heads but it's still a game to them. they are dumb. it's because their brains don't work right yet that fucked them all up. age not crazy is the problem here.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  5. #30
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Yeah. Plenty of 12 year olds have active imaginations and read creepy stories yet manage to not plan a murder over 5 months and then actually carry out (as far as they knew, she was dead). The victim tried to crawl away and they dragged her back. Stabbing is not an easy task. It takes a certain mind to actually carry this out, the barrier that is supposed to stop at actually killing someone is missing. Not to mention saying something like not even feeling bad about doing it. Sociopathic? Something. I don't buy that it's just normal 12 year olds with active imaginations. Just my take on it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  6. #31
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    The elder brother of a school girl accused of brutally stabbing a classmate to pay homage to an eerie horror story character has said his little sister could not tell the difference between, 'dreams and reality'.
    Anissa Weier and her friend Morgan Geyser, both 12, apparently lured their young victim to a woodland area in their home town of Waukesha, Wisconsin and stabbed her 19 times before leaving her to die.
    They both told police they committed the horrendous crime because they wanted to impress a ghoulish fantasy character called Slender Man, who they had become obsessed with after reading a string of scary stories online.

    And speaking to MailOnline, William Weier gave a fascinating insight into the troubled mind of his little sister.
    He said he was fully aware of her interest in the mythical figure - which she first discovered on ghost story website, Creepypasta - and knew she loved watching online videos about him.
    He explained: 'If you looked at my younger sister you'd see a normal happy 12-year-old. She's just got a couple of weird interests. Personally I think she found Slender Man on YouTube, took an interest and then read up on it.

    'She loved CreepyPasta, she loved the Slender Man stories, just anything a bit creepy. But I don't see why it changed from dream to reality.
    'She was very quiet, she kept to herself, but she was happy-go-lucky, so this is completely out of the blue.
    'I know she understood what she was doing because she is very intelligent, to the point where by she lacks common sense.
    'But she is only a little girl so I don't think she understood the ramifications of what she was doing.'

    He went on: 'I know all about Slender Man. He surfaced a few years ago and the internet just seized hold of it and everyone started writing these Creepypasta stories.

    'It's all just urban legends and Slender Man has become one of the biggest ones. Several people have made internet movies about him and there are online games as well.
    'My sister never played the games, but she liked watching the videos.
    'It's been very shocking for our family, but what can we do?
    'My stepmother and my father have not been talking about this. My dad has been relatively Stoney faces.
    'This was out of character for my sister. I just wish she had enough common sense to tell the difference between what is real and what isn't.
    'Obviously something on the internet as blown up as Slender Man is not going to be real, they are just legends.
    'I'm shocked like anybody would be if it was their little sister. It does happen, but when it does it's a surprise to everybody.'
    William said, despite his sister's love of scary films and stories, there were no red flags or indications that she would take her obsession to such a violent extreme.
    He explained: 'This was out of character for my sister. She was relatively quiet, she didn't talk about anything she did at school.

    Lots more at the link. Tons of pictures
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    Here's the brother.

    Last edited by bermstalker; 06-04-2014 at 03:00 AM.

  7. #32
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Lol. Little sib does Slenderman, big sib does Jeff The Killer. They're a creepypasta family!


    After weeks of unexplained murders, the ominous unknown killer is still on the rise. After little evidence has been found, a young boy states that he survived one of the killer's attacks and bravely tells his story.

    "I had a bad dream and I woke up in the middle of the night," says the boy, "I saw that for some reason the window was open, even though I remember it being closed before I went to bed. I got up and shut it once more. Afterwards, I simply crawled under my covers and tried to get back to sleep. That's when I had a strange feeling, like someone was watching me. I looked up, and nearly jumped out of my bed. There, in the little ray of light, illuminating from between my curtains, were a pair of two eyes. These weren't regular eyes; they were dark, ominous eyes. They were bordered in black and... just plain out terrified me. That's when I saw his mouth. A long, horrendous smile that made every hair on my body stand up. The figure stood there, watching me. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he said it. A simple phrase, but said in a way only a mad man could speak.

    "He said, 'Go To Sleep.' I let out a scream, that's what sent him at me. He pulled up a knife; aiming at my heart. He jumped on top of my bed. I fought him back; I kicked, I punched, I rolled around, trying to knock him off me. That's when my dad busted in. The man threw the knife, it went into my dad's shoulder. The man probably would've finished him off, if one of the neighbors hadn't alerted the police.

    "They drove into the parking lot, and ran towards the door. The man turned and ran down the hallway. I heard a smash, like glass breaking. As I came out of my room, I saw the window that was pointing towards the back of my house was broken. I looked out it to see him vanish into the distance. I can tell you one thing, I will never forget that face. Those cold, evil eyes, and that psychotic smile. They will never leave my head."

    Police are still on the look for this man. If you see anyone that fits the description in this story, please contact your local police department.

    (continued at link)

  8. #33
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    despite being stabbed a dozen and a half times.
    How do you stab someone half a time? I've never heard of that. Does the knife have to go in a certain amount to be considered a full stab wound?

    'This was out of character for my sister. I just wish she had enough common sense to tell the difference between what is real and what isn't.
    'Obviously something on the internet as blown up as Slender Man is not going to be real, they are just legends.
    'I'm shocked like anybody would be if it was their little sister. It does happen, but when it does it's a surprise to everybody.'
    William said, despite his sister's love of scary films and stories, there were no red flags or indications that she would take her obsession to such a violent extreme.
    Isn't the fact that she can't tell fantasy from reality kind of a warning sign? I know she's young, but still.

  9. #34
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Mental illness can present very early on.

    As a side note, I am having a hard time believing the quotes attributed to these girls. They don't sound like anything a kid would say. "I was surprised I didn't feel any remorse?" What 12 year old talks like that? That sounds like police paraphrasing.

  10. #35
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    911 call is released according to this article but I couldn't find a link to it...

    Man to stabbed girl: 'Who did that to you?'

    CNN) —"Who did that to you?" a bicyclist in Waukesha, Wisconsin, asked the 12-year-old girl he found bloodied and lying near a wooded area.

    His words were captured on a recording of the 911 call he made, which has now been released.

    The cyclist explained to the 911 operator that the girl told him she'd been stabbed multiple times.

    "Is she awake?" the operator asked, "Is she breathing?"

    "Yes, she's breathing," the cyclist said. "She says she can take shallow breaths. She's alert."

    Was there anyone around, a possible assailant? the operator asked.

    "I don't see anybody," the cyclist answered.

    Police say they have the suspects who attacked the girl, stabbing her 19 times. They were her friends, authorities say, two other 12-year-olds: Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier.

    Geyser and Weier had concocted a plan to kill their friend so that they could impress a ghoulish character called Slenderman, according to authorities.

    Weier explained to police that Slenderman was the leader of a web site called creepypasta and in order to please him, a follower had to kill a person, according to a criminal complaint in the case.

    In reality, Slenderman is a fictional character and Internet meme that appears in horror stories, videos and images.

    "Both suspects had a fascination with a fictitious character that often posted" to websites dealing with stories about death and horror, Waukesha's police chief Russell Jack has said.

    Geyser and Weier were arrested hours after the victim was discovered, according to the complaint. They have been charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide, according to court documents filed Monday.

    The two are being charged as adults and appeared in court Monday where bail was set at $500,000 for each, Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel said.

    Waukesha police Capt. Ron Oremus told CNN Wednesday that investigators are searching through digital evidence including iPads and cell phones.

    Anthony Cotton, Geyser's attorney, told CNN Tuesday that he's spoken briefly with his client. She is housed at a juvenile facility for females, he said.

    Her family is in "shock," the lawyer said, adding that he expected Geyser to undergo a mental evaluation.

    Attempts to contact an attorney for Weier have not been successful.

    The condition of the victim has been updated to fair at Waukesha Memorial Hospital, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Wednesday.

    Brother says sister loved Slenderman

    Weier's older brother, William, told the Daily Mail Wednesday that he knew about his sister's interest in the character Slenderman.

    She liked to watch online videos about the spooky character with long tentacle-like arms and a blank face, said William Weier, a makeup artist who works for a local variety show.

    "If you looked at my younger sister you'd see a normal, happy 12-year-old," he told the Mail. "She's just got a couple of weird interests. Personally, I think she found Slenderman on YouTube, took an interest and then read up on it."

    Anissa Weier also liked the web site, her brother explained to the Mail.

    Creepypasta is a play on the term "copypasta," which is derived from the keyboard action "copy-paste." Creepypasta is horror fiction written with the Web in mind and, often, comes in a style that makes it look like a news or true crime story.

    On Tuesday morning, a lengthy statement about the Wisconsin case appeared on

    The statement expressed condolences for everyone involved and stressed that the site does not condone or encourage violence in any way. But it also noted that "it's hard to justify pinning blame on an entire genre of writing."

    "She loved Creepypasta, she loved the Slenderman stories, just anything a bit creepy," William Weier reportedly said. "But I don't see why it changed from dream to reality."

    Planning an attack

    Weier and Geyser attended the same middle school as the victim and had a sleepover at the home of one of the suspects Friday night, according to the police chief.

    According to the criminal complaint, the suspects had been planning the attack since February.

    They first thought to kill the victim by placing duct tape over her mouth while she was sleeping and stabbing her in the neck, the complaint says.

    They also considered killing her in a park bathroom where there was a floor drain that could make cleanup easier, the complaint says.

    The girls ultimately decided to carry out the attack in the park while playing a game of hide-and-seek.

    "As they left for the park ... (the victim) was walking in front of them and Geyser lifted up the left side of her white jacket and displayed the knife tucked in her waistband," the complaint says. "Weier stated she gave Geyser a look with wide eyes and, when asked what that meant, Weier stated, 'I thought, dear god, this was really happening.' "

    'One millimeter away' from death

    The victim was stabbed near her heart, and she was "one millimeter away from certain death," the complaint says.

    When the bicyclist found her, the girl pleaded, "Please help me. I've been stabbed."

    She was in extreme pain and could only answer yes or no questions, the complaint says.

    Authorities searched for the two other girls, and a sheriff's officer found them walking near Interstate 94, Jack said.

    He declined to say whether the suspects had blood on their clothes, but added: "There was evidence that was readily apparent when the two were taken into custody."

    That evidence included a large kitchen knife inside a purse, according to the complaint, which Geyser identified as one of her mother's old purses.

    Read more:

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  11. #36
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hamdinger125 View Post
    How do you stab someone half a time? I've never heard of that. Does the knife have to go in a certain amount to be considered a full stab wound?

    Isn't the fact that she can't tell fantasy from reality kind of a warning sign? I know she's young, but still.
    A dozen and a half as in a dozen (12) and a half dozen (6) times equals 18
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  12. #37
    Senior Member SuchAClassicGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    A dozen and a half as in a dozen (12) and a half dozen (6) times equals 18
    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star
    I was about to be annoyed that this thread was still active, but I see now it's morphed into offers of sex for chilli confectionary, so carry on guys :)

  13. #38
    Senior Member becoming's Avatar
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    My son and niece are big fans of Slenderman and Jeff The Killer. :/

  14. #39
    XoXo Miller22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by becoming View Post
    My son and niece are big fans of Slenderman and Jeff The Killer. :/
    I don't think it's a ":/" situation. It's like when Columbine happened and Doom was blamed. It wasn't about Doom. And even if it was - plenty of people played Doom and didn't shoot up their school. There are deeper issues at play here. But those deeper issues aren't going to be talked about. It's always the guns, or the video games, or the music. It's never what lies underneath. Because that's ugly. And that's dirty. And complicated. And it's too hard. So, instead - there will be shouting about the surface issue(s) until the next incident happens that can be made into a cause.

  15. #40
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Exactly, this is the equivalent of blaming 80's & 90's child murderers on Goosebumps.

    Out of over a thousand articles that either implied or said outright that their parents must've done something wrong, there was finally this -

    WAUKESHA, Wis.—Neighbors of two Wisconsin girls accused of stabbing a friend nearly to death say they’re struggling to reconcile the allegations with what they know about the 12-year-olds and their upbringings.

    Waukesha County prosecutors have charged the two girls in adult court with attempted homicide for allegedly stabbing a girl the same age in the woods. The girls told detectives they conspired for months to kill the other girl in hopes of pleasing Slenderman, a fictional character they read about on a horror website.

    Most residents in their Waukesha neighborhood didn’t want to talk to reporters Tuesday. They said they were still trying to wrap their minds around the allegations. But neighbors who did agree to talk said the girls came from good families and that the parents were responsible guardians who doted on their children.

    Emily Edwards, 15, baby-sat one of the girls for about two years. She told The Associated Press the girl seemed to be a well-adjusted child who was never mean or violent. She said the girl never even picked on her younger brother, and if anything acted as a peacekeeper whenever others teased him.

    “She was completely normal, nothing off about her. She was very social, friendly, outgoing,” Emily said, “which is what makes this whole thing so weird.”

    Prosecutors say the two girls lured the victim into the woods Saturday and stabbed her 19 times, with one of the wounds coming within a millimeter of piercing a major artery near her heart.

    The girls were identified as Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser.

    Emily said that as far as the girl she baby-sat, she often saw her family laughing and smiling together. She described the girl’s parents as “such nice people” who seem devoted to their two kids.

    Paul Plotkin, another neighbor close to the father of one of the girls, said he was troubled by comments he’s seen online suggesting the parents must have been absent, negligent, addicted to drugs or worse.

    “Anyone who knows them knows these are good people, a normal middle-class family,” said Plotkin, 44. “It just goes to show, no matter how hard you try to instill good morals, good values, things can still go wrong.”

    The two girls live in the same apartment complex, which has about a dozen buildings scattered in an open layout with leafy trees. About a dozen small children played on a small playground in the center of the complex Tuesday afternoon, as parents watched from a distance.

    The other girl’s family posted a note on their front door asking reporters to respect their privacy. One woman said she couldn’t comment because the family asked her and other close friends not to talk to the media.

    Another woman who lives three doors away said the family seems close-knit and sociable. Carolyn Nelson, a 71-year-old retiree, said whenever she runs into the family they’re friendly and always ready to lend a hand.

    “They’re very nice. I can’t say anything bad about them,” she said. “I just feel sorry for the parents. I just don’t know how they can handle this. It’s just unbelievable.”

    Anthony Cotton, an attorney for one of the girls, said he would push to get her case transferred to juvenile court, where more social services and mental health treatment would be available.

    “She’s 12 and she has mental health issues,” Cotton said. “There’s no question that she needs to go to the hospital.”
    The best friends/imaginary world thing reminds me of that old NZ case that Heavenly Creatures was based on.

    One of them is a crime writer now.
    Last edited by blighted star; 06-04-2014 at 05:22 PM.

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    A dozen and a half as in a dozen (12) and a half dozen (6) times equals 18

  17. #42
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hamdinger125 View Post
    I want laughing at you by the way. I was laughing with you. I have my fair share of derp moments lol. It makes sense how you could read it that way
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  18. #43
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    No, it was dumb. Reading comprehension fail. Go ahead and laugh. :)

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by debk589 View Post
    That guy deserves not one but two cookies. He was great at remaining calm, talking to her in a calm manner and when she didn't want to talk not pressing her - he was awesome. It probably did a lot in terms of helping her stay calm as well.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by neenerneener View Post
    dafuq is wrong with these kids? are they really that stupid? holy shit. this is like a 12 year old still believing in santa.

    if they're mentally ill (like legitimately) doesn't that shit usually present later in life? O.o
    Yes, neens, they are. Suburban kids have no responsibilities and tons of free time to be as dumb as they want to be with very little (if any) parental supervision. My kids lost out on that bet though, my wife and I are up their ass about everything so that we know the who/what/where/when/and why of things going on in their lives. Since it's all they've ever known, they're fine with it and my wife and I actually get to be part of their lives without being shut out as "the parents".
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  22. #47
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    So... 12yr olds had free reign of the internet, ability to plan a murder for 2 weeks, and went into the woods equipped with a knife.

    So basically the parents are letting the kids raise themselves and have no concern/interest in their whereabouts.

    Mix that in with a bit of crazy and you have the perfect recipe for a child murderer.

    None of this can be blamed on the story. When I was a kid I read Fear Street and Goosebumps, and playing GTA... I never contemplated killing someone. Ever.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  23. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shins View Post
    So... 12yr olds had free reign of the internet, ability to plan a murder for 2 weeks, and went into the woods equipped with a knife.

    So basically the parents are letting the kids raise themselves and have no concern/interest in their whereabouts.

    Mix that in with a bit of crazy and you have the perfect recipe for a child murderer.

    None of this can be blamed on the story. When I was a kid I read Fear Street and Goosebumps, and playing GTA... I never contemplated killing someone. Ever.
    Yep, only I heard they planned this for almost six months. At least one of them is developing a personality disorder IMO, and the other could have been a fucked up follower. One could have manipulated the other into falling for the Slenderman crap. I just don't believe they did this for any other reason than to kill the girl.

  24. #49
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    I am wondering why they chose this particular girl. Is it because they were friends with her and they could get her to go to an isolated area?

    If the one little girl was thinking Slenderman can teleport and read her mind then I can see where she would be obsessed with proving that he was "real". If she could prove to people he exists, that means she isn't crazy after all.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  25. #50
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    I don't know much about mental illness, but I'm thinking MPD or Schizo.

    12yrs old is a little old to literally believe in fairy tales, and to the extent of murder is just... beyond.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

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