Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
What was his name?
If she is think of the same one I am, it is Adam Christopher Rozamus. Happened in May of 2013 (when he jumped). He actually started posting on the Skyway bridge site, explained his reasoning of why he jumped, etc. Ended up paralyzed and committed suicide by overdose that same year in September. Here is his post:

07.14.13, First off, let me start by apologizing for not getting back to you sooner. I've been going through some things that consume a bit of my time.
A little history... I have been with my ex girlfriend for 7?yrs. We bought a house, have 2 kids and 2 dogs. We have been working opposite shifts for most of our relationship. I was going to marry her.
The entire week prior to the jump I had been going through a breakup with my girlfriend of 7?yrs. She was under the impression that I had been cheating on her for the last few years. But I haven't been. Unfortunately if you put yourself in her place and look at things from her angle, you will think that to. (false evidence).
After days of her not even looking at me, won't answer my phone calls or texts, my stress level got so high that I couldn't eat or sleep. After 5 days of no sleep or food I was no longer thinking straight. I went to work on Friday morning after an argument with her. About 10am the police show up at my job looking for me. I didn't know if they were going to arrest me or not so I slipped out the back door. (I had done nothing wrong but, again, I wasn't thinking straight).
After a 3hr walk home, we again got into an argument. I left to go get my belongings from work. I then though "screw this shit. I am just going to go jump off the skyway bridge." my entire world was collapsing around me. I picked up the kids from school, dropped them off with her and left for the bridge.
By this point I had a kind of tunnel vision. I paid the toll and drove to the top. On the way I call my ex and she ignored my call. I called again. Again she ignored me. I then called 911 from my cell phone to report the jump and told them to call my ex to inform her where her car was. After I hung up the phone, I emptied my pockets (cell, spare change, wallet, etc), put the key in the book bag on the passenger floor, got out of the car, closed the door, walked to the rear of the car, turned and took 3 rapid steps then dove over the wall.
I chose the skyway bridge because I don't own a firearm anymore and figured it would be quick and easy. When I decided to jump, I did not hesitate or change my mind at any point.
I was very blessed by a force much greater than myself. Some would call it god, or the powers of the universe. I was knocked unconscious on impact and awoke at the surface. I suffered a broken neck, broken back and ribs, and I broke my right wrist and ruptured both lungs as well.
I was then faced with a choice. I had to choose to swim or drown. I looked up at the bridge from the water and literally said "well that didn't work!" I looked around and thought about my kids. I realized I need to be here for them. I began to swim against the current to some rocks at the base of the pylons supporting the bridge. (About 100ft away.) Needless to say, I was exhausted when I finally got there. I passed out. I woke up in the hospital.
To date, my neck and back are still healing and I am paralyzed from the ribs down. I plan to walk again one day even though the Dr's say I won't. I don't have any suicidal thoughts. My family and friends have really come together to show their support and how much they care. There has been no legal action taken by anyone. I was not on any medication at the time of the jump. The only medication I'm on is what I need to recover (pain medication and others) I am still in the hospital for now. I have crossed the bridge many times before and ironically always got "butterflies" due to how high it is. Always had the "what if..." in the back of my mind. Like falling over the side due to a car accident for example. I do wonder if I will be affected when I go over it for the first time since I jumped. But I don't think I will. I just stumbled upon your site by accident when I was looking up information on the skyway after the jump.
If you have any more questions or comments feel free to ask. I am willing to help any way I can. I am still at Bayfront medical center in case you need anything else. I am healthy enough for visitors. Also you have my email address to contact me. - Adam