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Thread: Julie Mott (25) died from Cystic Fibrosis and her remains were stolen from the funeral home

  1. #351
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strmmrgrrl View Post
    Bill reactivated his FB and bro called him out on his bullshit.

    Reading through all that I'm honestly starting to wonder if maybe ol Bill DOESN'T have Julie, but is leading her family on just to simply fuck with them.

    One thing I do know for sure, Bill is a cunt.
    I thought this myself, as Bill seems to be exhibiting some personality disorders and enjoying interjecting himself into the case. Maybe he likes the attention of possibly being a suspect, because otherwise he would be invisible. If he took a polygraph and passed, there goes all of his fun.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  2. #352
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    I just got back from driving by Mission park and her old house. Not surprised they moved.

    This was an outlet for me but driving there...hearing the dogs in the neighborhood....I imagined it was the same thing she'd hear when she was crying over our breakup.

    I remember one time she said "I'm done crying over you".

    She was always a lot stronger than I was.

    I don't give a shit if any of you (or them) believe me or not. There's a dark side to every relationship but at least I know what I know.

    Yeah maybe I was rude to her brother.
    Maybe, some crazy asshole stole her remains and it wasn't the funeral home.

    I'll continue my search and keep it to myself.
    I can easily disappear but everything happens for a reason.

    People will always get what they deserve.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    I've yet to have received the final report from the PI's.
    It most likely won't be anything I share publicly.

    I do hope you all understand that posting and reading on this site has really been therapeutic for me.

    Along with deactivating my Facebook account and completely cutting off all my friends and family, it's the only thing I can imagine to help with disenfranchised mourning.

    ...far better than the usual self destruction.

    If it helps in sharing Julie's story; her best years can be seen on my page.

    I'll give people one day to "stalk" me before deactivating.

    I imagine anyone who sees it will see that....yeah I'm kinda weird but if you have an inkling of doubt........go fuck yourself.

    I'd give out more personal information if I thought it would help.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    I got a text from my Mom the other night.

    She was worried about me and I decided to check in and apologize.

    I let her know that I needed time away from as many things that remind me of Julie as possible. I mean, regardless I always have the good memories with me but I needed time to myself.

    She said she understands and then went on to tell me that the detectives stopped at her house again last week.

    They still think I fucking did it and have absolutely no leads.

    One thing that came to mind is how the funeral director started talking to Julie's Mom before the funeral was over about flower arrangements.

    I heard him speak to her about where and when to pick them up.

    According to reports Julie wasn't supposed to be moved until the 17th.

    So why is it that it wasn't until Julies Mom arrived the next day that they found her missing?

    With so much time and attention toward flower much so that it was a conversation that couldn't wait until the procession was over....and we are to believe that they didn't know her body was missing until AFTER Julie's Mom arrived the next day.....

    I've reactivated my facebook account and posted one of Julie and I's last conversations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    k....set to public.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Her brother clarified in our thread that the guy who's service was at Mission park was buried the day before Julie's funeral.

    As far as the other timeline....

    Her funeral was Saturday and they talked about flowers Saturday afternoon before the funeral ended but she wasn't discovered missing until after her Mom had arrived again Sunday afternoon to pick up flowers.

    which sounds like complete horse shit to me.....that's assuming that they didn't so much as look or move the casket until Julie's Mom arrived on Sunday.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    I couldn't give less of a shit whether people believe me or not.

    What Julie and I had was very special and most would be lucky to experience such a love and connection.

    So while I share anything, just know that I'm bouncing ideas off of anything I can at this point. The private detectives I've hired have only discovered missing paper work and endless dirt on Dick Tips.

    Gut instinct means a lot to does a consensus.

    If you're here to question me and not put any thought towards what could have happened.....please fuck off.

  3. #353
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Julie and I broke up two years ago the midst of my baby fever and meeting a woman that worked at the apartments where I lived.

    In the two years after, we had become friends again........"friends" is a weird way to put it.

    Basically my love for her knew no bounds. Regardless of whether we were together or not, I felt like I needed her in my life.....I loved her more than I'll love anything ever again.

    .....but...most of our conversations were about the woman I left her for.....who although, bated me with pics of her kids and business ventures turned out to have been a stripper through out most of the 90's and just an all around horrible fucking human being....but that's another story.

    Now, I live with complete regret and solace.

    Regret that I wasn't strong enough. Regret that I didn't marry her.

    Solace that she forgave me and that there was once a pure soul on this that never gave up on me and the only person who saw me for who I am.

    If there's one thing I can share with people, it's that sometimes love is not enough.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    .....Also forgot to mention that I told Julie I was recording to conversation; the point of which was to send the video to the other woman in an attempt to show her how close Julie and I were.....and weren't.

    If she sounded annoyed with me, its probably because she's been annoyed by my shenanigans for years.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Why would so much effort be put toward flower arrangments and yet they don't dicover the body missing until Julie's Mom arrived the next day?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    The same director who was responsible for her remains asked her at what to me looked like the worst time possible.

    She was completely distraught and in fact when I talked to her two days ago....she doesn't even remember talking to him...her words were that "the entire week was a complete blur" and her husband and Julies brother were the point of contact for the funeral home.

    Why would they go out of their way to talk to her and not so much as move or prep the remains until the next day...not until AFTER Julie's Mom arrived the next day.

    I litterally just got off the phone with the detective....his response...."yeah, we looked into all that".

    Whatever their process is, their leaving me to infer that Julie wasn't moved or preped until after Julies Mom arrived the next day......why would they wait until she got there but go so far as to disturb her during the funeral for flower arrangements.

  4. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    The entire backside of the building is pretty much all doors and they're mostly the garage type.

    As far as the loose straws comment, I talked to her brother again tonight. He clarified when her remains were noticed missing; It was on Sunday after the family had come and gone to get the flowers.

    Now I only wonder why they chose after they had left. I wonder why they wouldn't have used that opportunity to return her belongings to the family. More loose straws maybe

    As far as the stripper I was "boinking", the money I've made or my drug abuse in the past.....I know that's all exciting stuff to talk about but let's save that shit for Facebook. If you get the chance to send me a friend request, I have no problem sharing how I quit, how I made my money or if anyone does want to just talk to me personally. I went from jobless, car-less, penniless and homeless to making 75k and driving a brand new car in less than four months.

    ...but anyway.....
    I didn't come here to " clear" my name.'s horrifying and has changed me forever but the fact is that I'm here because I fell madly in love with a woman who has suffered her entire life. She's received horrible treatment from medical professionals. Her family and friends were not there for her as much as they could have been (with the exception of her mother) and now this.

    It's so far affirmed my thoughts on the funeral home but other than that, I don't see this conversation going anywhere.... other than more backlash from me being pissed off.

    Julie would have wanted me to drop this a long time ago and just try to live my life.
    That's what her family has seemed to have done

    I will not ....but I'd agree that there's no more progress to be made with this conversation.

    So i'll fuck off.

    Thank you all for your time
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    That was my thought as well as far as the building...

    The tracks though I'm referring to were in the grassy section of the top right side of your screen shot.

    The section you highlighted in that last photo isn't part of the property.

    Unfortunately I lost the phone that had all of those photos.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    ....after a couple seconds of research.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Click on improvement/ building too see what I mean
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Why would you circle random tire tracks that aren't on the property. Also, just to let you know....Google earth doesn't provide real time photos. So whatever you circled.............not even going to waste my time finishing that sentence.
    If your point was to say that my description sucked....couldn't you have done that without screen shots...or wasting my time?

    My point earlier was to go here...
    and plug in the mission park address...
    3401 Cherry Ridge

    You'll see the appraised square footage for the building.
    Although, Julies brother isn't your average MDS user, so keep in mind that he's not retarded and when he says the place isn't that can assume that that's a pretty accurate statement.

    Given the number of floors and actual usable foot space, I really don't think the place is that big at all.....not to mention that it took them seconds to come out of the building to thwart me when I started nosing around.

    Also @TupeloHoney ..... since your from Georgia you should try to read this real slow so as to avoid any injury.......

    .................................................. ........................................yes....... ....I...........lost

    @songbirdsong .... If you're going to continue to insult me, you should probably change your profile picture.

    You look like the definition of a douche bag.

    I don't know why I let your dumb ass screen shots grab my attention.
    It's obvious that no body here cares to interject anything useful.

    @g r ee n ey e s No.....Unfortunately not.

    Okay.....leaving for realz this time

  5. #355
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    The entire backside of the building is pretty much all doors and they're mostly the garage type.

    As far as the loose straws comment, I talked to her brother again tonight. He clarified when her remains were noticed missing; It was on Sunday after the family had come and gone to get the flowers.

    Now I only wonder why they chose after they had left. I wonder why they wouldn't have used that opportunity to return her belongings to the family. More loose straws maybe

    As far as the stripper I was "boinking", the money I've made or my drug abuse in the past.....I know that's all exciting stuff to talk about but let's save that shit for Facebook. If you get the chance to send me a friend request, I have no problem sharing how I quit, how I made my money or if anyone does want to just talk to me personally. I went from jobless, car-less, penniless and homeless to making 75k and driving a brand new car in less than four months.

    ...but anyway.....
    I didn't come here to " clear" my name.'s horrifying and has changed me forever but the fact is that I'm here because I fell madly in love with a woman who has suffered her entire life. She's received horrible treatment from medical professionals. Her family and friends were not there for her as much as they could have been (with the exception of her mother) and now this.

    It's so far affirmed my thoughts on the funeral home but other than that, I don't see this conversation going anywhere.... other than more backlash from me being pissed off.

    Julie would have wanted me to drop this a long time ago and just try to live my life.
    That's what her family has seemed to have done

    I will not ....but I'd agree that there's no more progress to be made with this conversation.

    So i'll fuck off.

    Thank you all for your time
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    That was my thought as well as far as the building...

    The tracks though I'm referring to were in the grassy section of the top right side of your screen shot.

    The section you highlighted in that last photo isn't part of the property.

    Unfortunately I lost the phone that had all of those photos.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    ....after a couple seconds of research.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Click on improvement/ building too see what I mean
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Why would you circle random tire tracks that aren't on the property. Also, just to let you know....Google earth doesn't provide real time photos. So whatever you circled.............not even going to waste my time finishing that sentence.
    If your point was to say that my description sucked....couldn't you have done that without screen shots...or wasting my time?

    My point earlier was to go here...
    and plug in the mission park address...
    3401 Cherry Ridge

    You'll see the appraised square footage for the building.
    Although, Julies brother isn't your average MDS user, so keep in mind that he's not retarded and when he says the place isn't that can assume that that's a pretty accurate statement.

    Given the number of floors and actual usable foot space, I really don't think the place is that big at all.....not to mention that it took them seconds to come out of the building to thwart me when I started nosing around.

    Also @TupeloHoney ..... since your from Georgia you should try to read this real slow so as to avoid any injury.......

    .................................................. ........................................yes....... ....I...........lost

    @songbirdsong .... If you're going to continue to insult me, you should probably change your profile picture.

    You look like the definition of a douche bag.

    I don't know why I let your dumb ass screen shots grab my attention.
    It's obvious that no body here cares to interject anything useful.

    @g r ee n ey e s No.....Unfortunately not.

    Okay.....leaving for realz this time
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    They have yet to install cameras
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    You're absolutely right.
    I've come to terms that she may never be found.
    I've come to terms that her memory is obfuscated and that my love for her is chalked up with obsession.
    She, in all the years of being the only person who had faith in me would want me to just try try to live my life the best way I can.
    That's the least I owe to her.

    I have nothing more to say.

  6. #356
    Senior Member emylou's Avatar
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    Olivia you rock

  7. #357
    The Dude abides. strmmrgrrl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emylou View Post
    Olivia you rock
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Getting arrested for coke in Vegas is like being found eating a chocolate bar in the willy wonka factory.

  8. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by emylou View Post
    Olivia you rock
    I totally agree.

  9. #359
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emylou View Post
    Olivia you rock
    I think I probably screwed it up as the multi quote feature sucks, but it's mostly there.

  10. #360
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Good stuff Liv. He hasn't gone preemie just to get edit privileges has he?

    & to Julie's family, I'm so, so sorry you're dealing with this. It reminds me of someone in my family who just cannot allow a funeral to pass without causing some awful drama to focus everyone's attention on them. Obviously they've never done anything this awful, devastating & vile, but the sentiment appears similar : "EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME!!! I'M EXTRA SPECIALLY SPECIAL!!"

    Despite the flippant tone I have throughout this thread I feel deeply distressed for you all. Most of us are here because of losses in our own lives, multiple in some cases. We know what grief is like, but not one of us has ever had to deal with something like this - & at a time that should've been devoted to coping with your loss.

    (Also, please DO NOT click the song I posted to Bill - I can't say I'm 100% on him doing this over an employee yet, but I'm probably at about 98 for & 2 against right now. Even if my suspicions are wrong, for the amount of fucking around he's given you re the PI etc he deserves it. You do not).

  11. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    Good stuff Liv. He hasn't gone preemie just to get edit privileges has he?

    & to Julie's family, I'm so, so sorry you're dealing with this. It reminds me of someone in my family who just cannot allow a funeral to pass without causing some awful drama to focus everyone's attention on them. Obviously they've never done anything this awful, devastating & vile, but the sentiment appears similar : "EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME!!! I'M EXTRA SPECIALLY SPECIAL!!"

    Despite the flippant tone I have throughout this thread I feel deeply distressed for you all. Most of us are here because of losses in our own lives, multiple in some cases. We know what grief is like, but not one of us has ever had to deal with something like this - & at a time that should've been devoted to coping with your loss.

    (Also, please DO NOT click the song I posted to Bill - I can't say I'm 100% on him doing this over an employee yet, but I'm probably at about 98 for & 2 against right now. Even if my suspicions are wrong, for the amount of fucking around he's given you re the PI etc he deserves it. You do not).
    No, but I was discussing this thread with Mike and I didn't want him to go premium (if he does) and delete everything without it being saved.

  12. #362
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    I have been really busy trying to move on with my life.

    No more drunken stupors... So far.
    I really do have a lot of regrets.
    Speaking of which...
    The stripper was definitely a real person. Julie and I have broken up before but when she would give me adderall even if I damn near begged her not to, I think that was a significant contributor to my depression.

    I met Janean at the apartment complex where I lived. She was going through a divorce and I had instant baby fever when she started showing me pictures of her kids. After I started working with her I ended up getting my brother an apartment there. After more on and off fighting with her she used him as a patsy to get me fired. They basically said that I falsified documents in order to get him approved. I didn't realize she was the cause until the end of our "relationship".

    When you manage a property that you live at (in Texas at least) you're required to sign a 72 hour notice to vacate in case your contract is terminated. I lost my home, my job and completely alienated everybody I knew because of that relationship.

    Worst of all....I lost Julie over it.....again
    In time, After selling my drums to pay Janean back for the money she loaned me to get an apartment I eventually became friends with Julie again. God, I was a fucking mess.

    During Janean and I's 2 year relationship ( which I equate to being the longest freaking breakup ever) Julie and I became very close again.

    Janean at one point asked me to delete every female friend I have on Facebook because she knew that's how Julie and I met. I'll spare you all the rest of the story of that crazy train.
    Took me awhile but I did it...... honestly to humor myself.
    Side note..... If you ever want to get rid of those bullshit inspirational poster posts on your feed.... apparently that's the way to do it.

    Thank god I recorded that bat shit crazy conversation. (She knew I was recording the conversation and why....Julie is not the type to EVER become jealous by the way.) She stopped talking to me all together (who would blame her) and I befriended Julie again 2 weeks before she passed.

    I was blessed to have been able to talk to her as much as I did before she passed.
    I use that term loosely.
    I'm not religious but I think everything happens for a reason.
    I cannot even fathom where I would be mentally if Julie wasn't my friend on Facebook after she passed.
    It took me weeks to build up the courage to listen to those recordings but when I did, I instantly remember everything.... every phone call, every date, all the kisses, the fights and my horrible horrible choices.
    I decided to share it because maybe there was more I was missing......nope! Just look crazy.

    I talked to her in the mornings, on breaks......I've dated 4 woman since I met Julie and it always turned out the same.

    She was such a truly pure and selfless person....that loved murder mysteries, the movie pulp fiction; she loved animals.... especially horses and kittens.
    Yes...kittens...not so much cats.She loved sites like this, thedirty .com and other shows like Dexter and snapped. She would read tons of books about serial killers.

    I was definitely advantageous of her selflessness and I honestly think she just wanted someone to talk to.

    All those people on Facebook who say they were her friend..... they didn't fucking exist in Julie's life until after she passed.
    It pains me to say that.

    Jon, I can only imagine what this is like for you but I'm horrified that you would continue to disrespect Julie like this...... and what you said while we were looking over her casket is the creepiest fucking thing I've ever heard anyone say.

    I can't even being myself to type it and honestly she deserves better than that.

    Your mom has been facing a nightmare every day and you're perpetuating it.

    Ask Dick head Tipps why they waited until after your Mom had picked up the flowers to report her missing.

    I'm done with this.
    I'm doing the best to take everything Julie has given me and trying to live my life the best way I can.

    I didn't take her and if you want to know why I didn't take the polygraph..... fuck you.
    That's why.

    I've poured my heart out to you people but now I have to move on with my life.

  13. #363
    Senior Member bryanwasdrunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olivia View Post
    Yeah, Dick Tips isn't looking so suspicious now that this dude has gone completely coco-puffs.

    This thread is reminding me more of the time the woman came on here who helped her boyfriend smash his ex's head with a hammer. I think it was the thread that made Mike remove edit privs for everyone not premie. Archiving is a good idea I think.
    Ma'am, what is hard to explain about a person breathing or not breathing? what is so difficult? why is that a difficult concept for you?

  14. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanwasdrunk View Post
    Yeah, Dick Tips isn't looking so suspicious now that this dude has gone completely coco-puffs.

    This thread is reminding me more of the time the woman came on here who helped her boyfriend smash his ex's head with a hammer. I think it was the thread that made Mike remove edit privs for everyone not premie. Archiving is a good idea I think.
    Congratulations Boston Babe and Songbirdsong.... you're the only two people on this thread with a brain.

  15. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    Congratulations Boston Babe and Songbirdsong.... you're the only two people on this thread with a brain.

    Well at least you admit you don't have a brain
    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I will out think the fucking pants off of you and you would thank me for helping you out of them.

  16. #366
    Senior Member bryanwasdrunk's Avatar
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    Heartbroken1, this thread (and this site in general) is pretty much a large mob of grown-up women who've just about seen and heard it all. When they listen to the conversation you recorded, they're putting themselves in Julie's shoes and not yours -- that's natural for them. You need to start trying to look at yourself from the point of view of how women see you. I swear to God that this will do you no end of good. Listen to what these women are saying. I mean it. They aren't calling you creepy just to be meanies.

    Find another dude who you completely trust, yes a dude and not a woman, to help you do this . . . for fuck sakes.

    . . . and for the love of Christ just cooperate with Julie's family.
    Ma'am, what is hard to explain about a person breathing or not breathing? what is so difficult? why is that a difficult concept for you?

  17. #367
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    Quote Originally Posted by TupeloHoney View Post
    Well at least you admit you don't have a brain

  18. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanwasdrunk View Post
    Heartbroken1, this thread (and this site in general) is pretty much a large mob of grown-up women who've just about seen and heard it all. When they listen to the conversation you recorded, they're putting themselves in Julie's shoes and not yours -- that's natural for them. You need to start trying to look at yourself from the point of view of how women see you. I swear to God that this will do you no end of good. Listen to what these women are saying. I mean it. They aren't calling you creepy just to be meanies.

    Find another dude who you completely trust, yes a dude and not a woman, to help you do this . . . for fuck sakes.

    . . . and for the love of Christ just cooperate with Julie's family.
    I completely understand what you're saying.
    I have no problem doing the Polygraph.
    My lawyer, my family, close friends, wiki sources that refute the use of the damn thing.... they all say otherwise.

    Several news outlets and publishers have contacted me but I'm done. I've been interrogated by Tier 1 detectives, my family's land has been scoured by hr car, my home.

    Not to mention the personal anguish.
    This may never go away no matter what I do.

    I've lost all hope that they'll find her when detectives visited my parents again last week.
    I truly don't believe anyone stole her body and I have nothing more to prove.

    My "after the funeral" story will never change and there will always be fucked up people that want to perpetuate shit like this...... whether it's to sell newspapers or human nature.

    Either way.... put yourself in my shoes.
    Julie wouldn't have wanted this for me.
    She would want me to just continue to recover and keep trying to be a better person.

    They need to go back to the people who were responsible for her remains.

  19. #369

    Remind me what I said. I can remember saying she looked beautiful and I remember pointing out to you that the crease in her elbow was still soft. And that was what my mom called "still Julie". I remember you hugging me and telling me that you loved me like a brother. I remember thinking "man, I'm glad I'll never have to see this guy again". I remember thinking it was weird that you stayed back to be the last person to say goodbye to Julie. I thought that was disrespectful to the family. I thought it was extremely disrespectful that when I got up to speak, you left your seat in the back of the chapel, walked up the center isle, and sat where I was seated. Next to my wife and my parents. Like you were a part of the family. I've got big news for you, bud, you're not a part of our family. I remember as we were walking out, my dad telling the funeral director to watch you because you might steal something. Oh the fucking irony on that one! So remind me what did I say that was so creepy?

    Let's talk about flowers. The reason why I'm not going to ask Dick why they didn't discover Julie's body missing until after we picked flowers up on Sunday, is because I fucking know why. I just not going to help you develop your timeline.

    Disrespecting my sister? How? By trying to find out who stole her?

    The reason you won't take the polygraph is because you know you're going to fail it. And be exposed as the sick fucker you are. The sick fucker who drives by the house asking for Julie to peek out the window just so you can see her, which she never did. The sick fucker who comes over in the middle of the night and finds Julie truck unlocked. How long did you sit in the truck, Bill? I believe Julie said 2 hours. Why don't you tell the nice people what you took as a keepsake? Was it a brush? Or was it a headband? I honestly can't remember.

    Now to your "after the funeral" story. I'm not going to give you the details, but I know at least one stop you made that you've never brought up. Was it good seeing her?

  20. #370
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Oh, god.

  21. #371
    Senior Member emylou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    Remind me what I said. I can remember saying she looked beautiful and I remember pointing out to you that the crease in her elbow was still soft. And that was what my mom called "still Julie". I remember you hugging me and telling me that you loved me like a brother. I remember thinking "man, I'm glad I'll never have to see this guy again". I remember thinking it was weird that you stayed back to be the last person to say goodbye to Julie. I thought that was disrespectful to the family. I thought it was extremely disrespectful that when I got up to speak, you left your seat in the back of the chapel, walked up the center isle, and sat where I was seated. Next to my wife and my parents. Like you were a part of the family. I've got big news for you, bud, you're not a part of our family. I remember as we were walking out, my dad telling the funeral director to watch you because you might steal something. Oh the fucking irony on that one! So remind me what did I say that was so creepy?

    Let's talk about flowers. The reason why I'm not going to ask Dick why they didn't discover Julie's body missing until after we picked flowers up on Sunday, is because I fucking know why. I just not going to help you develop your timeline.

    Disrespecting my sister? How? By trying to find out who stole her?

    The reason you won't take the polygraph is because you know you're going to fail it. And be exposed as the sick fucker you are. The sick fucker who drives by the house asking for Julie to peek out the window just so you can see her, which she never did. The sick fucker who comes over in the middle of the night and finds Julie truck unlocked. How long did you sit in the truck, Bill? I believe Julie said 2 hours. Why don't you tell the nice people what you took as a keepsake? Was it a brush? Or was it a headband? I honestly can't remember.

    Now to your "after the funeral" story. I'm not going to give you the details, but I know at least one stop you made that you've never brought up. Was it good seeing her?
    I really feel for you and your family and Julies friends. It is so sad you have to go through this.
    This guy Bill is a delusional attention seeking leech.

  22. #372
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    Her? My grandmother??

    Jon I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

    I promise you I didn't take her.

    If you want the entire timeline, talk to Ortiz. There are people I've mentioned who you are free to talk to.

  23. #373
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    I just realized something crazy..... you and I are probably the best bet on finding out what actually happened .....If only you could pull your head out of your ass. Ortiz has obviously has 0 leads and you're the only one who knows what the scene looked like.

  24. #374
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    Why then..... why did they wait to report her missing?

  25. #375
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartbroken1 View Post
    I just realized something crazy..... you and I are probably the best bet on finding out what actually happened .....If only you could pull your head out of your ass. Ortiz has obviously has 0 leads and you're the only one who knows what the scene looked like.
    Do you think this is Scooby Doo? Sure, Bill. Let's work together on this. I'll tell you all the details that I know and you can use that to strengthen your alibi. Golly gee Scoob! Just take the polygraph and prove me wrong.

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