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Thread: Jasmine Richardson (12) kills parents with 23 year old boyfriend!

  1. #751
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    Re: Jasmine Richardson (12) kills parents with 23 year old boyfriend!

    For those who may be interested, my blog devoted to this subject is once again open to the public. It's woefully out of date but I do intend to change that. It may take awhile. It's a lot of work.

    I'm sorry for vanishing and taking the blog with me. There were numerous reasons for the choice I made.

    Thank you to all of you who've appreciated my input. I'm grateful to have been of some help to you all.

  2. #752
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    MEDICINE HAT ? A Medicine Hat girl convicted of killing her family now poses a low risk for future violence and is ready for re-integration into the community, but will have her Internet usage closely monitored as she inches toward freedom.

    The teenager, who turns 18 in October, was 12 years old when she aided her 23-year-old boyfriend in the slaughter of her parents and eight-year-old brother in their Medicine Hat, Alta., home in 2006.

    Both were convicted of three counts of first-degree murder. Her identity is protected by law.

    During a sentencing review hearing in Medicine Hat?s Court of Queen?s Bench Tuesday morning, the girl appeared on CCTV from Calgary flanked by case workers.

    She is showing a high level of progress and co-operation in her intensive rehabilitation, said Justice Scott Brooker.

    ?I?ve read the various reports and I think it?s fair to say the reports are very positive. It?s clear from the experts the young person present is a low risk for future violence, and has been co-operating fully in the treatment program.?

    As part of the girl?s 10-year youth sentence ? the maximum in youth law, which included credit for time in custody at the Calgary Young Offenders Centre ? she spent time in Edmonton?s Alberta Hospital intensive rehabilitative custody and supervision.

    She is entering the final phase of a four-phase program that included stabilization, intensive therapy, and transition. The final stage is reintegration into the community.

    The judge also read from a psychological report that the girl had shown a ?very high level of co-operation and respect? for others around her, including other teens.

    She has ?been an example of exemplary behaviour for the other youths in the program,? Brooker said. ?I have no doubt she?ll be a success in adapting to community life as an adult.?

    For the first time, the teen expressed more than cursory thanks when asked if she wanted to speak.

    ?I am very grateful to have received IRCS treatment,? the girl told the judge in a soft voice. ?I feel the treatment has really helped me to grow.?

    The teen is entering the conditional supervision portion of her court-ordered treatment for intensive rehabilitation.

    The girl is now allowed access to the Internet and social networking sites, however is subject to warrantless searches of her computers and cellphone.

    That means her treatment team is able to monitor ?as there is quite a lot of information about her on the Internet.?

    The girl?s defence lawyer Katherin Beyak argued against the condition, saying ?she?s entitled to privacy,? but the judge ruled otherwise, vowing to revisit the condition in six months.

    The teen must abide by a lengthy list of conditions, which include: abiding by a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. seven days of the week; reporting to a parole officer once a week or as required; residing in a residence approved by her treatment team; attending school or work in Alberta; continuing with court-ordered therapy; and having no contact with anyone named in writing by her therapists.

    She was ordered to refrain from drugs and alcohol, and is banned from weapons.

    The judge also scheduled another review of the girl?s progress in six months.

    ?She?s entering a very critical phase of her rehabilitation and the court wishes to monitor that,? he said. The girl?s progress and risk assessment will be reviewed in March.

    Justice Brooker acknowledged the challenges the girl is facing to integrate into the community after spending the past five years of her youth in custody.

    ?I?m sure this next phase will not be particularly easy for you. Everything I?ve read has given me confidence that you can meet these challenges.?

    Outside court, the teen?s defence lawyer said she faces challenges.

    ?She?s certainly feeling some reservation about reintegrating into the community,? said Beyak. ?Because she?s been in custody for so long, (she) is looking forward to it but she?s really happy to be getting along with her rehabilitation side of it and trying to get her life back together.

    ?In terms of treatment process, I think she is doing remarkably well. The resources ... put into this case have been fantastic. She?s had excellent support and I think the Justice?s comment in court accurately reflects what?s been going on and that is that she has been making great strides toward rehabilitation,? added Beyak.

    The girl, who had several pages on social networking sites at the time of her arrest at age 12, hasn?t been online since. Her computer usage will be monitored.

    ?Because of the circumstances of the crime when it occurred, that being a great amount of social networking and Internet traffic, there have been restrictions placed on her such that her treatment team can have access to any Internet that she avails herself to. For example, if she goes on a social networking site, the treatment team has the ability to go in and see exactly what is going on, who she is talking to, chatting with, those types of things,? said Beyak.

    ?She?s not prohibited but the nature of the sentence itself requires she can?t access those things normally by herself. For example, she?s still in custody. People typically still in custody typically don?t get access to the Internet. Present time, she doesn?t have access to social networking sites.

    ?As it progresses, there will be some control over how much access she has. The intention is to leave that up to the treatment team to monitor and control.?

    In March, the girl?s progress will be reviewed and assessed if any changes are necessary, said Chief Crown prosecutor Ramona Robins.

    ?This is the first time she has been under community supervision and not in a custodial setting. We started with closed custody and moved to open custody but it is still custody. All of her movements are limited. In this community supervision, that is not the case. So really knowing how successfully she complied with the conditions is important ? crucial at this point,? said Robins.

    During separate trials for the same crimes, both the girl and her co-accused, 23-year-old Jeremy Allan Steinke, were found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder.

    Steinke was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.

    The girl?s parents protested the illicit relationship between their 12-year-old daughter and the older Steinke.

    The couple plotted deadly revenge through e-mails and phone conversations.

    The girl?s parents and eight-year-old brother stabbed to death in a surprise attack in the middle of the night.

    After the murders, the pair attended a drinking party and were arrested the next morning with friends in Leader, Sask.
    ? Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald

    Read more:

  3. #753
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Glad her identity is protected.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  4. #754
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    I live in the city where she is now. Lot of people are upset that she is being let back into the community. She drew pictures of her family burning and her running to the creeps truck before they even talked about killing them together. This girl is fucked. Anyone that wants to be released will work the system. We have seen a lot of this happen in the last few months, examples Amanda Knox and Casey Anthony. Both these people have fucked up stories that don't fit. The justices systems both in the US and Canada as well as Italy it seems need to be revamped. People don't kill people then party afterward if they weren't fuck up cookies.

  5. #755
    Senior Member sarabei's Avatar
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    I just finished reading Runaway Devil....very good book about this case. Most of the stuff I already knew, but I learned more about her parents etc. I believe this girl is broken...I don't know if she will ever do anything like this again, but she is fucked in the head. I really believe she manipulated Steinke more than they was her idea and suggestion to begin with. Both are equally culpable of course, but it shows who is more fucked up regarding thought processes etc. I wouldn't want her anywhere near me that is for sure.

  6. #756
    Senior Member brie's Avatar
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    HOW can you kill your WHOLE FAMILY! And at 12 years old!!!! My niece is 13 and she's just a little baby girl! I don't understand this at all.

    I just saw this story on "Deadly Women" on Netflix. Watch it!

    I heard she was released and is in college at a University now. Crazy that you can kill your whole family and be free.
    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??

  7. #757
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    If I told you then I'd have to find a new place to hide
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    Runaway Devil

    Three members of the Richardson family were murdered in Medicine Hat, Alberta in April 2006. The murders were planned and committed by the family's 12-year-old daughter and her 23-year-old boyfriend Jeremy Steinke

    At 1:00 pm on 23 April 2006, the bodies of husband Marc Richardson, 42, and wife Debra, 48, were found in the basement of their home,and the body of their son Jacob, 8, was discovered upstairs.

    Absent from the home at that time was the couple's 12-year-old daughter.For a time it was feared that she might have been a victim, but she was arrested the following day in the community of Leader, Saskatchewan, about 130 kilometres (81 mi) away, with her 23-year-old boyfriend Jeremy Allan Steinke. Both were charged with the three murders.

    According to friends of the daughter, the girl's parents had punished her for dating Steinke, due to the age disparity. Her friends had also criticized their relationship.

    Various messages they sent to each other were available to the public, before the accounts were removed by Nexopia staff. The daughter's user page, under the name "runawaydevil", falsely said she was 15 and ended with the text "Welcome to my tragic end".

    Just hours prior to committing the murders, Steinke and some friends reportedly watched the film Natural Born Killers, a 1994 film about a young couple who commit a violent spree of killings. Steinke asserted to his friends that he and his girlfriend should go about their plans in a similar manner, but without sparing his girlfriend's young brother.[19] Steinke said to an undercover officer: 'You ever watch the movie Natural Born Killers?... I think that's the best love story of all time...

    Under the Canadian Youth Criminal Justice Act the name of the daughter could no longer be published in Canada after she became a suspect. Under the same act, twelve is the youngest possible age at which a person can be charged with a crime; convicts who were under fourteen years of age at the time they committed a crime cannot be sentenced as adults, and cannot be given more than a ten-year sentence

    On 9 July 2007, the girl was found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder in the killings.On 8 November 2007, she was sentenced to the maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment.Her sentence included credit for eighteen months already spent in custody, to be followed by four years in a psychiatric institution and four-and-a-half years under conditional supervision in the community.

    On 15 December 2008, Steinke was sentenced to three life sentences on each of three counts of first-degree murder. The sentences are to be served concurrently; Steinke will be eligible for parole after serving twenty-five years.

    In September 2011, the girl began attending classes at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta during the final years of her sentenceThe killer was released from a ten-year sentence at a psychiatric hospital in the fall of 2011, and in October 2012 it was reported her rehabilitation was going well, and she expressed remorse for her actions that experts considered genuine.[27]

    The Richardsons' daughter is believed to be the youngest person ever convicted of a multiple murder in Canada. Steinke admitted to the murder of the parents in conversation with an undercover police officer while in custody.

    Murderous Children: 12 Year Old Jasmine Richardson & Her Boyfriend Murdered Her Parents & 8 Year Old Brother

    Runaway Devil: How Forbidden Love Drove a 12-Year-Old to Murder Her Family

  8. #758
    Senior Member Trahnse's Avatar
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    There was a thread on this way back when. I wonder if it's still around or if it got lost in the crashes.

  9. #759
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trahnse View Post
    There was a thread on this way back when. I wonder if it's still around or if it got lost in the crashes.
    I looked but I didn't see one. It could also be I didn't look in the right place.

  10. #760
    Moderator nestlequikie's Avatar
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    Sneakers? I usually go to Google and type in "Mydeathspace: ****" and put the name of the person in the thread where the *s are.

    I am going to leave Sneaker's thread here since the old thread is all gobbledegooked up from the forum switch and crashes.
    I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. - Donnie Darko

  11. #761
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post!

    Sneakers? I usually go to Google and type in "Mydeathspace: ****" and put the name of the person in the thread where the *s are.

    I am going to leave Sneaker's thread here since the old thread is all gobbledegooked up from the forum switch and crashes.
    Thanks Nestle.

  12. #762
    Senior Member Trahnse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post!

    Sneakers? I usually go to Google and type in "Mydeathspace: ****" and put the name of the person in the thread where the *s are.

    I am going to leave Sneaker's thread here since the old thread is all gobbledegooked up from the forum switch and crashes.
    Good call! I figured if it was still around, it would be all jacked up!

    They had this story on one of those crime shows. They wouldn't say Jasmine's name, just called her JR. I kinda laughed considering it had been published already for years now.

  13. #763
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    I'm going to merge the two threads. There's a lot of information in the old one.

    ETA: Also 'runaway devil' is not an appropriate thread title for a death thread. It doesn't tell us anything about what the story is about. Just an FYI, please follow the standard for thread titles.

  14. #764
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    I'm going to merge the two threads. There's a lot of information in the old one.

    ETA: Also 'runaway devil' is not an appropriate thread title for a death thread. It doesn't tell us anything about what the story is about. Just an FYI, please follow the standard for thread titles.
    Thanks Bowie.

  15. #765
    Senior Member missbad's Avatar
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    Curfew remains for woman who killed family
    Submitted on December 9, 2013 - 1:56pm

    By The Canadian Press
    MEDICINE HAT, Alta. - A woman who was just 12 when she helped murder her family in southeast Alberta must continue to abide by a curfew.
    The now 20-year-old woman, who can't be named, appeared by closed-circuit TV in Medicine Hat Court of Queen's Bench for a curfew review.
    The woman's lawyer had previously argued his client is a "poster child" for how young offenders can be rehabilitated and asked for her 11:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew to be lifted.
    But Crown prosecutor Brandy Shaw said the curfew makes supervision more effective and reduces risk to the community.
    Justice Scott Brooker opted to keep the restriction in place.
    The woman was convicted along with her then-boyfriend, Jeremy Steinke, of killing her mother, father and younger brother in their Medicine Hat home in 2006.
    She has fewer than two-and-a-half years left on her 10-year sentence and is to be fully released without supervision when she is 22.
    The court will revisit the curfew during the next annual review, which is set for September.
    The twice-annual reports on how the girl has been doing in care have been presented to the court since 2008.
    Court heard during the trials that the girl was angry with her parents because they were displeased with her relationship with Steinke, who was 23 at the time. Her parents felt he was too old for their daughter.
    All of the victims were stabbed to death.
    Steinke received a life sentence without the chance of parole for 25 years.
    A year ago, court was told that the woman "continues to express significant remorse for her role in these crimes'' and that the remorse was considered genuine.
    (CJCY, The Canadian Press)
    Copyright 2013 The Canadian Press

    Quote Originally Posted by sogs View Post
    Nothing matters but the lesbian.

  16. #766
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Hmm. Well, I'm rooting for her recovery and the opportunity to live a normal life.

    I know her actions were as extreme as they come, but teenagers have bizarre dramatic shifts in their moods and lack obvious maturity and reason. They want what they want now, and like a dog in heat, they will do whatever it takes to get it. She wanted to be with her boyfriend (as fucked up as that situation obviously is) and agreed to what needed to be done to make it happen - not grasping the serious and long-term consequences (as most teenagers can't do.)

    It seems like from what missbad posted that she understands now and is remorseful. I'm not the same person I was when I was 12, as most people aren't.

    Do we know if she tried to maintain a relationship with this guy? I don't wanna read through the thread because 30 pages meh.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  17. #767
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    I also always thought it was really weird that people assumed, without any psychiatric evidence whatsoever, that she was the mastermind of this relationship instead of the fucking child molester banging her.

  18. #768
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    I also always thought it was really weird that people assumed, without any psychiatric evidence whatsoever, that she was the mastermind of this relationship instead of the fucking child molester banging her.
    It's all Eve's fault. If she hadn't eaten the apple none of the evil that's been loosed on the Earth would have happened. Ergo it's the little kids fault, not the poor innocent adult male.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  19. #769
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    I also always thought it was really weird that people assumed, without any psychiatric evidence whatsoever, that she was the mastermind of this relationship instead of the fucking child molester banging her.
    Oh, of course. Seems to be the trend when it's the persons family who's murdered. Like "OMG HOW COULD YOU IT'S YOUR FAMILY."

    Instead of what seems to be a much more obvious approach to me: Who the fuck is the child molester, and where did he even come from? Anyone who has the stance that the 12yr old had the upper hand in this relationship has some very interesting views on psychology..
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  20. #770
    Senior Member missbad's Avatar
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    Sentence almost over for Medicine Hat girl who murdered family

    MEDICINE HAT- Canada?s youngest multiple killer is set to appear in court today, marking one of the final chances the public has to learn of the woman?s progress before her sentence ends in nine months.

    The now 21-year-old woman was 12 years old when she helped her boyfriend, Jeremy Allan Steinke ? who was 23 ? murder her parents and eight year-old brother at their Medicine Hat home in April 2006.

    She was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to the maximum 10-year youth sentence.

    The woman, who can?t be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, is known only as J.R.

    Throughout her sentence, which ends in May 2016, J.R. has been described as a ?poster child? for rehabilitation. The woman?s defence lawyer has said she?s at the lowest risk level possible to reoffend.

    If J.R. doesn?t break the law for five years after the sentence ends, her record will be wiped clean.

    During a February sentence review hearing, court heard J.R. was set to live more independently in April or May, and her lawyer unsuccessfully applied to have her curfew removed entirely.

    In February, caseworkers who appeared beside J.R. urged Justice Scott Brooker to keep the woman?s existing Monday-to-Thursday nightly curfew to help her as she transitioned to a more independent living arrangement, with no supervision.

    It?s expected the Monday to Thursday curfew will be re-examined at today?s sentence hearing, which could mark the second to last time the public learns about J.R.?s progress before her sentence ends.

    J.R. and Steinke had been carrying on an illicit romance before her family was killed. Through online messages under their usernames ?runaway devil? and ?soul eater,? the couple talked about killing the girl?s parents.

    Steinke, who goes by the name Jackson May, is serving a maximum sentence in Edmonton for three counts of first-degree murder.
    J.R. and Steinke had been carrying on an illicit romance before her family was killed. Through online messages under their usernames ?runaway devil? and ?soul eater,? the couple talked about killing the girl?s parents.

    Steinke, who goes by the name Jackson May, is serving a maximum sentence in Edmonton for three counts of first-degree murder.

    Quote Originally Posted by sogs View Post
    Nothing matters but the lesbian.

  21. #771
    NOT SAME CAT Fleta's Avatar
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    Her record is WIPED CLEAN in five years?! For murdering her parents and brother?!

    Fuck you, canada.

  22. #772
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fleta View Post
    Her record is WIPED CLEAN in five years?! For murdering her parents and brother?!

    Fuck you, canada.
    How does it work in the states? I know there was a chick who went to college and since her crimes were committed as a minor, it was a big shock when she murdered her roommate that she had previously murdered her parents.

  23. #773
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    How does it work in the states? I know there was a chick who went to college and since her crimes were committed as a minor, it was a big shock when she murdered her roommate that she had previously murdered her parents.
    If the case stays in Juvie, most states seal the records at 21.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  24. #774
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by puzzld View Post
    If the case stays in Juvie, most states seal the records at 21.
    Yeah, that's what I thought, it would be the same here.

  25. #775
    Junior Member Ro'Sothian's Avatar
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    Young children are like computers without passwords, they can be easily infected with a "virus" and influenced. They don't really have morals and seem to escalate in aggression levels. Throughout school the kids have gotten better as I've gotten older. In middle school it was the worst, kids at that age are evil. She couldn't really be held accountable for her actions. Her boyfriend could've been a sociopath or psychopath of sorts and got into her head. That's what pedophiles do and why they sometimes succeed, little girls are easy as fuck for them to get close to. I've seen much proof by pedophiles themselves that are in their 20's and in a relationship with a 12-year-old. I wonder how common it actually is, that's a scary thought.

    Some of the most brutal murders to date are commited by young children. Either that or they're just more publicized, but I've read about unspeakable things that kids at that age have done. In fact, I found out about Jasmine in a video listing off a bunch of murders by young children. "I wanted to know what it felt like" was what one 15-year-old said she did it for.

    Also, if exposed to the internet they almost seem to age faster, experiences and "I've seen some shit"-wise. For example, there's this girl called "Ally Mangrum" who was 12 and broadcasted using a video camera. She typically did make-up and girl things then people started requesting her to do dirty things on camera. "For her fans" she did things like twerking or showing her underpants. Eventually her account was banned for basically being child porn. At the age of 12... this is what happens what children at that age go unsupervised. Also, her parents are none the wiser.

    As for Jasmine, I believe that her 10 years of therapy will mean she is definitely a changed person. The problem before was lack of attention, now she's getting special attention and lots of it. Though I think as a part of the conditions of her release, and eventually that of the pedophile, is that they never see each other again.

    I honesty wish I could contact Jasmine, I think it would be quite interesting to see what she was like. If she is suffering from PTSD, anxiety, or something then I would suggest D&D to "live another life" as you really feel like a different person while playing that game.

    I suggest this thread as a place for everyone to continue to post up-to-date information as the rest of it is as scattered as my brains 90% of the day.

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