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Thread: Sam Dubose, 43, Was Unarmed When He Was Fatally Shot By University Of Cincinnati Campus Police

  1. #1
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Sam Dubose, 43, Was Unarmed When He Was Fatally Shot By University Of Cincinnati Campus Police

    BY KATE BRIQUELET 07.20.158:35 PM ET
    A newly engaged dad was fatally shot by a University of Cincinnati cop on Sunday?raising questions about the university force?s authority off campus and adding to the toll of unarmed black men dying in police encounters.

    UC officer Ray Tensing pulled over Sam Dubose, 43, a mile from the school because he was missing a front license plate, police announced Monday.

    But at some point during the 6:30 p.m. traffic stop, Tensing and the father of 13 allegedly began tussling through the car window. Dubose started driving away and Tensing fired a shot into his head, authorities said.

    ?Officer Tensing?asked Mr. Dubose multiple times to provide a license,? university police chief Jason Goodrich said at a press conference. ?He produced a bottle of alcohol inside the car ? but was unable to provide a driver?s license.?

    Authorities say a struggle ensued when Dubose refused to exit the vehicle. He was shot moments after trying to speed off, and the car rolled for a block before stopping. Dubose was pronounced dead at the scene, Goodrich said.

    Still, it?s unclear how the routine traffic violation turned deadly.

    As of Monday afternoon, investigators were waiting to interview Tensing and two other officers at the scene. All three cops declined to make immediate statements but have 24 hours to do so according to their contracts, Cincinnati police Lieutenant Colonel James Whalen said.

    Asked if Dubose had a weapon, Whalen replied, ?To the best of my knowledge, no.?

    Police are reviewing footage from Tensing?s body camera and surveillance from a nearby building, Whalen said.

    ?Our officers have the discretion to stop vehicles that commit traffic violations the way any other police officer would.?

    Tensing, who has been placed on administrative leave, was knocked to the ground during the incident, Goodrich said. He was treated at a hospital for his injuries, which included ?bruising on his legs,? the chief added.

    Goodrich said traffic stops are ?normal? for the university force, which comprises 72 officers.

    ?It?s not our primary mission, but it?s not something we shy away from, either,? Goodrich said. ?Our officers have the discretion to stop vehicles that commit traffic violations the way any other police officer would.?

    Under a mutual aid agreement, university police can patrol some areas off campus?a pact that?s becoming more common at schools nationwide.

    In 2013, UC interim police chief Jeff Corcoran told the Associated Press: ?It used to be we were responsible for the campus. Now there?s an expectation, I think, especially with parents, but to a large extent among students, that we?re also responsible for these areas off campus.?

    ?We?re getting pushed to ignore those imaginary lines on the map and be more proactive in that area,? he added.

    The UC officers undergo the same training as other law enforcement officers and are ?commissioned by the state of Ohio with full law enforcement authority,? according to one campus report.
    A spokeswoman for the Cincinnati Police Department referred questions to the university. UPDATE: Michele Ralston, a UC spokeswoman, said campus cops receive the same training as city police officers. She did not have data on how often the officers make off-campus arrests.
    As for Dubose, he has been arrested 75 times in the last 20 years, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported. Court records show he?s faced charges of misdemeanor drug possession, drug abuse, and marijuana trafficking, for which he served prison time.

    In January, his license was suspended indefinitely after multiple arrests for driving without a license, the Enquirer reported.

    Friends set up a memorial Monday morning with balloons and candles at a utility pole close to the scene of the crime. They told local media that Dubose?who got engaged last week?wasn?t a violent man despite his criminal history.

    ?Everybody in the community loved Sam,? Hadassah Thomas, a neighbor, told WLWT. ?He was so helpful and he was always around. He used to babysit for my daughter. What men do that? He didn?t carry a gun, so why did he get shot??

    Kimberly Thomas, 40, called Dubose ?an awesome man? and said he never carried weapons. ?He was a dad of 13, and the police got no explanation,? Thomas told the Enquirer. ?You?ve got to be doing something?we?re upset.?

    This isn?t the first time University of Cincinnati police have made headlines. In 2011, UC student Everette Howard Jr. died after campus police stunned him with a Taser. His family was awarded a $2 million settlement, and campus police agreed to suspend the use of Tasers.

  2. #2
    Member BugBug's Avatar
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    There's a horrible epidemic of shady police officers getting their legs bruised by these "criminals" who keep dying on their watch. Something must be done! /end sarcasm

  3. #3
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Yeah, I just saw this, poor officer, his knee was clearly brutalised because of this man

  4. #4
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    "The video of the police murder of Sam Dubose is apparently so bad Cincinnati is preparing for riots"

    Sam Dubose...alive.

    After a routine traffic stop by a University of Cincinnati Police Officer, Sam Dubose ended up dead with his face blown off. The officer was wearing a body camera, but the city refuses to release the video. In the meantime, everybody who sees it is deeply disturbed, including the city wide police chief.
    Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell said he's seen the unreleased footage from a University of Cincinnati officer's body camera during last week's fatal shooting and "it's not good."
    "The video is not good," Blackwell said. "I think the city manager has said that also publicly. I'll leave it there."

    Here's the City Manager...
    City Manager Harry Black also spoke about the unreleased body camera video of the shooting.
    "It's not a good situation," Black said. "It's a tragic situation, someone has died that did not necessarily need to die."

    In 2001, after local police killed a man named Timothy Thomas, unrest broke out across the city.
    ?To quote the family, ?We don?t want another Timothy Thomas situation,'? said Pastor Ennis Tait, of the Church of the Living God. ?They?ve said that and that?s their heart. They don?t want the city to be turned upside down and that issue to be attached to their brother?s life.?
    The Police Chief is already calling for peace....
    ?We're concerned clearly. We're concerned about what could happen in our city. We're hopeful that the people of this great city are reminded that we do things right and that even when an officer may have done something inappropriate that it will be dealt with in an appropriate fashion,? Blackwell said.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    In case the last article sounded inflammatory/exaggerated

    Sam Dubose : Cop To Be Charged With Murder

    Ray Tensing, the University of Cincinnati officer who shot and killed Sam DuBose during a routine traffic stop, will be charged with murder. As of Wednesday morning, a warrant has been issued for his arrest. DuBose was shot to death in Mount Auburn on July 19, with Tensing claiming that he shot DuBose in the face after fearing he would be run over by DuBose's moving car. However, Tensing's claims have been proven lies by his own body camera footage.

    Shaun King
    PROSECUTOR: This was senseless, avoidable, murder. This man should've never been an officer. This officer will be charged with murder.
    Shaun King
    DA: This officer is a murderer and we have just issued a warrant for the arrest of Officer Ray Tensing in the shooting death of #SamDubose

    As noted by Daily Kos, virtually all studies regarding police brutality and related deaths indicate that "in nearly 99% of instances of police killing someone, even in the most egregious circumstances, 'something appropriate' doesn't actually happen and officers are let off." That's a staggering statistic, though not entirely surprising ? particularly in the greater context of a renewed national criticism on policing tactics at all levels.

    At her son's funeral, Sam DuBose's mother?Audrey DuBose expressed a mournful promise to clear Sam's name of all fabricated wrongdoings in the written program provided to guests of Tuesday's services:

    I will work to clear your name today. The truth about you are and why you were killed will shine through, Sam; it must. But regardless, your name is already cleared with the friends and family who matter.?You lived. You loved. You hurt. You laughed. And so will I ? so will we.

    I love you for all eternity,

    UPDATE 07/29/15 1:50 p.m.:

    The aforementioned body cam footage (see above) has been made available to the public. Shortly after Wednesday's press conference announcing his murder charge, Tensing was formally arrested.

    UPDATE 07/29/15 3:35 p.m.:

    Tensing has officially been fired from the University of Cincinnati.

    Edit : not sure if it's because I'm viewing from Aus but the footage linked in the article is chopped up between stills filmed from a tv screen & audio for me. There's a petition to release the bodycam footage so I'm going to assume you guys get the same choppy version I did.
    Last edited by blighted star; 07-29-2015 at 11:34 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member WooFrigginHoo's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    I don't even understand what happened there?? When did he fire?


    Making my post useful

    Officer Indicted - Due in Court Thursaday

    Former University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing is scheduled to make his first court appearance Thursday morning after being indicted on murder and voluntary manslaughter charges in the shooting death of Samuel DuBose.

    Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced the charges at a news conference a day earlier.

    "I've been doing this for over 30 years. This is the most asinine act I've ever seen a police officer make -- totally unwarranted," said Deters. "It's an absolute tragedy in the year 2015 that anyone would behave in this manner. It was senseless."

    Deters played body camera footage of the traffic stop shooting that appeared to contradict Tensing's version of what happened.

    The prosecutor, who said he was shocked when he first saw the video, was adamant DuBose, who is black, had not acted aggressively toward Tensing, who is white.

    "People want to believe that Mr. DuBose had done something violent towards the officer -- he did not. He did not at all.
    I feel so sorry for his family and what they lost, and I feel sorry for the community, too," Deters said.

    A reporter asked Deters whether he thought Tensing tried to mislead investigators looking into the incident.

    "Yes," he said. "I think he was making an excuse for a purposeful killing" of DuBose, who was unarmed.

    If convicted, Tensing could go to prison for life, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said in a Wednesday news conference.

    'Feared for his life'
    Tensing fatally shot DuBose, 43, during a July 19 traffic stop over an alleged missing license tag. The officer has said he was forced to fire his weapon after almost being run over.

    His body camera video captured Tensing telling officers after the shooting: "I think I'm OK. He was just dragging me. I thought I was going to get run over. I was trying to stop him."

    He says his hand was caught in DuBose's car, and later left the scene with another officer to go to the hospital to get checked out. The footage shows no one rendering aid to DuBose.

    Tensing, 25, surrendered to authorities shortly after news of the indictment broke, and he is expected to be arraigned on Thursday. He has been fired from his job.

    Tensing's attorney told reporters that he believes the officer feared for his life.

    "The guy jams the keys in the ignition," Stew Mathews told CNN.

    "Turns the car on, jams it in the drive and mashes the accelerator. He wasn't slowly pulling away. (Tensing) feared for his life. He thought he was going to be sucked under the car that was pulling away from him. He thought he was going to get sucked under and killed."

    The officer's account was contradicted by Deters, the prosecutor, who said that Tensing was not dragged.

    "This just does not happen in the United States. People don't get shot for a traffic stop unless they are violent towards the police officer, and he (DuBose) wasn't," Deters said. "He was simply slowly rolling away. That's all he did."

    'Huge first step'
    DuBose's death is the latest in a string of controversial killings of people by police that include Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina.

    The people killed in each case have been black.

    DuBose's mother told reporters that she is grateful "everything was uncovered" in her son's shooting.

    "I want everybody to just lift up their heads in prayer, and thank God because this one did not go unsolved and hidden," said Audrey DuBose. "We're going to continue to fight together with God."

    Terina Allen, DuBose's sister, said she believed all along the body camera video would vindicate her brother.

    "My brother is one year younger than me, and I've known him his whole life. And I've known him to never ever to run from a police officer. His record, as bad as anyone wants to make it, proves he has no problem being arrested," she said.

    Mark O'Mara, an attorney for the family, said he does not believe there would have been an indictment if there hadn't been video of the shooting.

    "We've now made a huge first step because -- in a situation where sometimes people believe that officers are not held accountable for their actions -- in this case, one is being held accountable. So Cincinnati is showing the rest of us how to do this right," O'Mara said.

    The man who wants us to believe that he's so stupid, he believes sedans have the power of speeding freight trains & can suck people under them

    Last edited by blighted star; 07-30-2015 at 01:16 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Queena's Avatar
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    I didn't see the car drive away, nor did I hear the shot. RIP Mr. Dubose

  9. #9
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    Looks like Officer Doofy

  10. #10
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Wow at this headline/prosecutor's statement.

    Are university police considered "less than/not real cops" or something by other police depts? Is that why this one's going so differently?

    My understanding is that the investigation was handed over to another city dept or something, so honest question because I really have no idea how all these depts inter-relate, but would they be coming down this heavily & openly against the officer involved if he was one of their own? Would the bodycam have been discovered to have magically failed to record the most important moments - just like so many other times?

    I'm probably being cynical but this is just being handled so differently to the thousands of cases that came before it

    Prosecutor : UC officer "purposefully killed" DuBose

    A University of Cincinatti police officer went to jail on a murder charge after shooting an unarmed motorist in the head during a traffic stop.

    Provided/Hamilton County Justice Center
    Officer Ray Tensing

    Ray Tensing is the first officer in Cincinnati to face murder charges for killing someone in the line of duty.
    The video proved to be crucial evidence to the grand jurors who indicted Tensing, and it stunned city officials, prosecutors and the relatives of shooting victim Samuel DuBose.

    It also was a reminder that video, whether captured by witnesses on smart phones or by police officers themselves, is transforming the way fatal encounters involving police are investigated and perceived around the nation.

    "It's an absolute tragedy that anyone would behave in this manner," Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said after publicly releasing the video. "It was senseless. It's just horrible.
    "He purposefully killed him."

    The video shows that Tensing, who stopped DuBose in Mount Auburn on July 19 for driving without a front license plate, speaks to him for a little less than two minutes before the fatal shot is fired.
    When Tensing asks DuBose to take off his seat belt, DuBose says "I didn't even do nothing" and turns his ignition key, starting the car. Tensing then reaches into the car with one hand and, with the other, fires a single shot into DuBose's head.

  11. #11
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Oh my fucking god. I heard the shot just now. It's about 3:18 on this clip below - it's when Sam Dubose pulls his door shut & the cop starts grabbing at him through the window yelling about the seatbelt.

    He shot him when the poor guy was just leaning back trying to get away from his hands - it was before the car drove off! He must've hit the accelerator as a reflex or something.

    Fucking hell. If that footage was "lost" or it "glitched" like it has in so many other cases, you can guarantee people would argue the victim was the aggressor again - I mean shit, they are anyway, even with the DA & the police chief & the footage telling them otherwise.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Bellaboo's Avatar
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    Thank God for that body cam because the cop lied about what transpired. He shot Sam Dubose after telling him to unbuckle his seat belt. Prior to that asking him if the vehicle was his (obviously to cop a black man shouldn't have a nice car). Again his tone was contemptuous and snide in every question he directed at Sam. Then he shot him in the head. Omg.

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves" .. Confucius
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  13. #13
    senior cunt emmieslost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    Oh my fucking god. I heard the shot just now. It's about 3:18 on this clip below - it's when Sam Dubose pulls his door shut & the cop starts grabbing at him through the window yelling about the seatbelt.

    He shot him when the poor guy was just leaning back trying to get away from his hands - it was before the car drove off! He must've hit the accelerator as a reflex or something.

    Fucking hell. If that footage was "lost" or it "glitched" like it has in so many other cases, you can guarantee people would argue the victim was the aggressor again - I mean shit, they are anyway, even with the DA & the police chief & the footage telling them otherwise.

    thank you for posting this, i've watched versions of this video several times and couldn't figure out what was going on or why the car sped away. it seems he shot him before he took his foot off the break but the car was in drive the whole time.

    so sad. i hope a jury sees this video and this guy gets locked up, but i won't hold my breath.

  14. #14
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    The video is kind of confusing, I wasn't sure when the officer shot him. It didn't appear to me like the officers life was in danger at any point. His arm was never stuck in the car door, and he was never in danger of being run over.

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    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  15. #15
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    The fucking car took off because idiot shot him and the guy's foot went down on the pedal with dead weight. FUCKING asshole.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
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    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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  17. #17
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    This cop shot this guy in the fucking head. Wow.

    The guy say "I didn't even do nothing" then bam. Fucking disgraceful.

  18. #18
    (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Amy1217's Avatar
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    Holy fuck, this makes me angry. Why the hell would you shoot someone over that?! Are you that terrified of black people that if one doesn't do what you say in like .5 seconds you shoot them? Are you that fucking dumb? Answer is apparently yes. This has to stop.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amy1217 View Post
    Holy fuck, this makes me angry. Why the hell would you shoot someone over that?! Are you that terrified of black people that if one doesn't do what you say in like .5 seconds you shoot them? Are you that fucking dumb? Answer is apparently yes. This has to stop.
    This is the kind of thing I love to see.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

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  21. #21
    NOT SAME CAT Fleta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WooFrigginHoo View Post
    This is amazing. It is so easy to be unaware of things like this. Nuances in verbiage can sometimes be obvious, but this is a great illustration.

  22. #22
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Apparently the 2 officers who lied to corroborate Tensing's false statement, were involved in a prior death

  23. #23
    senior cunt emmieslost's Avatar
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    it seems that every cop, in recent days, that has found themselves in this situation (on film) has lied about what happened. i can't think of one that was honest. even with a body cam this guy had to lie and play the victim, i think that is very telling. these guys feel protected, believe they should be and are protected so what incentive do they have to tell the truth? zero.

    i really hope that something good comes of all of this, and we see some drastic change in police culture and racial issues we still obviously face in this country. i'd be shocked if it did though.

  24. #24
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post

    Seriously? He sports that dirty stache?
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  25. #25
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    Did he not realize that his body cam was recording? Why would he tell a blatant lie when there is video that contradicts it? I'm with Shins, that stache says it all.

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