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Thread: Adrian Langlais (2) was murdered and an investigation is ongoing

  1. #151
    I was not there when Adrian was hurt. But you could say, my info is about as good as being a fly on the wall

  2. #152
    Oh sorry no I was not at bostons that night. That is not my thing. Going out and drinking. And as I posted before. Adrian passing has affected me very bad. Going out and partying on the day he passed would be shitty. I was at home breaking down 😭😭

  3. #153
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    They should look at the video from the night before as well, when Christian and his buddy were there!

  4. #154
    Junior Member kk_allday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I was not there when Adrian was hurt. But you could say, my info is about as good as being a fly on the wall
    There is an old quote that says, "There are two sides to every story-and then there's the truth."

    Unless you were there at the time of the injury, you are putting your trust in someone's word which can be fallible. I don't blame you at all. This whole thing is extremely tragic and emotional.

  5. #155
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    Big word. Story. I can tell you that you are talking to a millionaire. I can sell myself as a rocket scientist. When you are fighting for your freedom. And know you screwed up you will do whatever it takes. I'm sorry. I and throwing the mic on the floor and walking away. You would argue with a fence post if it actually would stay in place long enough. Like I said. You are a leader of a lench mob. You have your sights set and let me tell you in life you are going to fail because of it.
    hehehe. lench mob.

    rip adrian. you deserved better than those two shitflaps.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  6. #156
    Senior Member emylou's Avatar
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    Da Lench Mob old school hip hop in da house. Ice Cube is our leader actually 🎧

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by kk_allday View Post
    There is an old quote that says, "There are two sides to every story-and then there's the truth."

    Unless you were there at the time of the injury, you are putting your trust in someone's word which can be fallible. I don't blame you at all. This whole thing is extremely tragic and emotional.
    Exactly. By my account you are close enough to christian that he told you his side of the story and you are passing that on as fact and using Jessica's behavior after the fact to prove I very far off the mark?

    Here's the issue, whatever your relationship is with Christian, the rest of us are not going to take him at his word no matter how vehemently you proclaim that he's a good boy that wouldn't lie. Her side is calling him abisive towards both her and the baby, while you are proclaiming that he's a good boy who is dating a psychopath. They both are pointing the finger at each other and all the rest of us knows for certain is that baby does while in both of their custody. (For the record, good, clean, wholesome, religious people don't tend to date paychotic, lying, drug using abusive women. So for us to believe you means we have to accept that point and I wont)

    You have already had a trial in your head and acquitted Christian and convicted Jessica on what he has told you alone. You are proclaiming his innocence while screaming about a "lynch mob" mentality while you yourself are only listening to one side of the story. BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION YOU WERENT THERE!!! You don't know what happened and you are going on the word of a primary suspect and desperately trying to believe him and convince us. Well, you won't. They both played a role in this and it will come out. As I said before although you don't seem to be listening, I don't want vigilante justice, the police will do just fine and those two can answer for themselves in court and later in life to their maker.

  8. #158
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kk_allday View Post
    There is an old quote that says, "There are two sides to every story-and then there's the truth."

    Unless you were there at the time of the injury, you are putting your trust in someone's word which can be fallible. I don't blame you at all. This whole thing is extremely tragic and emotional.
    None of us had to be there to know what happened. The facts speak out really clear. Either mom, boyfriend, or both were involved in this baby being killed.

    This little boy was killed. Look at the size of this toddler- and ask yourself if a toddler could get massive brain damage from falling out of a crib?
    Don't most people actually have their cribs converted into toddler beds at that age? (Sorry, don't know much about that)

    The fact that there are previous accounts of abuse and CPS dealings- both are to blame because one of these shitheads KNEW the other was a child abuser.

    I will NEVER understand why anybody supports child killers? I don't give a f if he/she is your brother, sister, uncle, dad, etc.....IMO, that is seriously what's f'ed up with this world. There is no excuse for a baby to be laying in the hospital-dead- because he was beat to death.

    Not your business- you know that just because boyfriend rushed the little boy to the hospital doesn't wipe this away? I could probably link at least 20 recent articles where a boyfriend/parent/grandparent rushed a dying child to the hospital only to find out later they killed the kid. I could also link about 100 where BOTH killed the child together... Either by both beating the kid to death, or by the fact that one ignored the beatings.

  9. #159
    Yes your right I wasn't there. Here's the thing. He was the one who was hit by her on more then one occasion. Yes it was documented. Pictures were taken. She did this more then a handful of times. She is the abuser. It is easy to say christian did it because that is what is to be believed. Should Christian have left. Yep he should have. He loved her and Adrian. I don't hold trials in my head. Both of these people are in the wrong. She came where he is staying last night beating on the door drunk and cussing and hollering. The cops had to be called she was making such a Seen. It is tuff to think a women/mom can do such a thing but let me tell you she did. She is the one who can't hold her temper. She got drunk and started to beat on a girl at bostons in the parking lot in fount of many people. Now mind you she was unprovoked. She was just drunk. Christian had the responsibility to take action to protect Adrian and he did not. This he is guilty of and will have to face the judge on this matter. But to hit adrian and cause his death he is not guilty of. This is my point and this is all that needs to be understood. CPS has been involved from the start and has been in contact with many people. Jessica is know to be an aggressor by all who have been contacted. Sometimes the answer is In fount of you but you look past it because you are looking in the wrong place, or you preconceived notions are clouding your thought. Christian by no means is a piller in the community. But he doesnt deserve to be pointed to as the murder.

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business:
    "Big word. Story. I can tell you that you are talking to a millionaire. I can sell myself as a rocket scientist."

    I have visited this site many times with regards to other homicides or deaths and have never felt the need to register and comment, till I saw this post.
    THERE is no one in THEIR right mind that would ever buy you as a ROCKET SCIENTIST.
    I honestly do not see anyone on this site defending Jessica at all, and you seem to be the only one defending Christian, which is your prerogative, but it does seem to me that your defense is soley an attempt to shift blame.
    I come to this site for facts, for links to more information, to find out for myself the character of the individuals involved. Your information, in part, was quite useful to me, but only about 1/6 of your posts provided me with anything useful. The rest of it left me with enough info to base my opinion of Christian's character on the fact that you are his friend. As far as character witnesses go, you have not done him any favors.
    I have no connection to any of the involved parties of this case and only began following because of the face of precious Adrian. That sweet child does deserve justice.
    As far as I have seen/read/sleuthed on my own, John Hartnett appears to be the only credible individual that has spoken about the situation and certainly the only one displaying any class and intelligence.
    I will continue to follow this case closely and appreciate those of you that post useful information and facts pertaining to the investigation.

  11. #161
    To daisy_44: Thank you. My intention on posting on this site in the first place was to provide people that were looking with some of the information they were unable to find. We obviously took a hard detour on that road and for that I apologize to those just looking to get some information. To that end for those that are looking, baby Adrians funeral is today at 3:30 at Greenwood funeral home. We will be having one primary fundraiser on Sunday at 4:00 at the Flips patio Grill in Fort Worth from 4-8 with the proceeds going to the father. We are up to about 400 RSVP's, but it's a big place and all are welcome.

    To none of your business: this will be my last comment directed at you personally, Today is baby Adrians funeral and I don't have the energy to argue the semantics of this case or what you have learned from Christian vs. what I know from the families and detectives. I am pretty confident that I know to whom I am speaking and if I am correct, my thoughts are with you as well. Honestly. But I am sorry, you are on an island here and you aren't going to convince anybody that Christian played as small of a role as you are trying to proclaim but because I think I know who you are, I'm not going to continue to argue with you about it.

    Today is a day of remembrance and mourning, we can all keep a close eye on the case as it develops as we move forward.

  12. #162
    Not a friend of anyone here. And yes I could sell you ice in Alaska. Sitting in front of me I would sell you a bridge in Asia. I am not here defending anyone. I will not let anyone bet up on a person they don't know. Make you own judgment on what you say is shifting blame. Do as you wish. But no one will sit here and blame a person that didn't do it. John is not here to play sides but is emotionally involved in the situation and for judgment to be placed is not our place. Getting vindication for Adrian is what needs to be done. Everyone has skeletons in there closet and to jump on a band wagon to blame is human nature. Wrongfully accusing is bull crap. When the truth comes out I will repost to here and we will see who comes out hurting Adrian and who was guilty of not protecting this lil guy. Don't judge me for being here and being the only one who is not emotionally involved and has gathered many facts on this issue and has made a valid assessment to this situation.

  13. #163
    My heart hurt every day I don't get To see Adrian. I sit an try to understand why 2 people couldn't protect this little life. 2 people had an opportunity to raise a beautiful soul and they let him down. They will pay for there mistakes. But just for a moment does anyone think rhis actually could have been a horrible accident and due to the pressure and involvement with CPS they truly were scared to take him if there where signs of trama for fear of this out come we are seeing today. These kids may have just not known what to do until it was to late. This is something that has been on my mind.

  14. #164
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Can someone give me a simplified outline/breakdown of wtf is happening in here?
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  15. #165
    Oh my God...just stop. No, there is not one person who believes that. That is the load of bull shit that HE fed to HER as HE carried Adrian out of the bedroom unconcious. Thats the night they BOTH decided to lay that baby back down, hope he wasn't actually hurt, and go to bed while he was seizing in the other room. It is also why he lawyered up at the hospital while she told that story to the detectives. You think that is valid?!?! That story right there is why they both deserve prison for the rest of their lives.

  16. #166
    Moderator nestlequikie's Avatar
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    I hope so much that everyone in attendance at the funeral service today has their focus on Adrian.

    No matter what you think or whom you believe in regards to this "case", the fact remains that this little boy never gets to grow up. All that potential... just gone.

    I am so, so sad for those that truly loved him and cared for him.
    I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. - Donnie Darko

  17. #167
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shins View Post
    Can someone give me a simplified outline/breakdown of wtf is happening in here?

    A little 2 year old was killed. The mom and her boyfriend said he fell from the crib, but he had massive head trauma. CPS was involved with the family for awhile. Mom is trying to get people to give some money to her.

    Looks like friends and family from both sides (boyfriend and mom) are posting.

    The real dad was not involved in the little boy's death.

  18. #168
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy_44 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business:
    "Big word. Story. I can tell you that you are talking to a millionaire. I can sell myself as a rocket scientist."

    I have visited this site many times with regards to other homicides or deaths and have never felt the need to register and comment, till I saw this post.
    THERE is no one in THEIR right mind that would ever buy you as a ROCKET SCIENTIST.
    I just repped the new girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  19. #169
    Miss information again. He did not lawyer up. This is what I keep saying. Rumors and everyone is believing it.

  20. #170
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermstalker View Post
    A little 2 year old was killed. The mom and her boyfriend said he fell from the crib, but he had massive head trauma. CPS was involved with the family for awhile. Mom is trying to get people to give some money to her.

    Looks like friends and family from both sides (boyfriend and mom) are posting.

    The real dad was not involved in the little boy's death.

    Oh boy. They're just babies, people.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Listen, if no one cares when a crazy noodle walks in and executes children with a gun, no one cares about anything.

  21. #171
    The mother said he fell out of the crib. Not both. Then the mother changed her story when questioned. Christian was told what happened by the mother. Adrian should have been taken to the hospital right then. My post about an accident wasn't ment to lighten this situation. I was just curious what anyone else thought about it

  22. #172
    Senior Member debk589's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I am not here defending anyone.

    Really?? Cuz it seems like all you've been doing here since your first post is defending Christian. Listen, most of us have been on this site long enough and seen FAR too many articles just like this one, and I promise you, even with or without John's posts, we would have come to the conclusion on our own that Christian was involved somehow.

    My heart breaks for this poor little boy, and I hope he can be PEACEFULLY put to rest today, since it seems like peace was missing quite a bit from his life here on earth.

  23. #173
    As I stated, preconceived notions from what you have heard or read "here before" I'm not saying christian is innocent in this. He shares blame. But to hang him out when you have no idea of there lifestyle and what has gone on before this, is stupid wake up people. Oh wait. All of you on here are those people that think everything on the Internet is true.

  24. #174
    So all of you are educated from Harvard law school and have gone out in the field and collected evidence. And have sat in this site and solved all of the cases right.

  25. #175
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    I come to this site often, however, I just registered due to this thread. I do not think anyone is suggesting that the mother is innocent. It is obvious that people are disagreeing as to whom inflicted the deadly injury, however, both are guilty of not acting to save the child. Even if the two suspects were scared of CPS, which I am sure some people are, they made the decision to try and save themselves instead of a child. My questions are probably very personal and if so I understand not receiving an answer. However, here goes.....First of all it seems that the child was being raised by a wonderful couple, Mr. Winkler, who posted on here. However, I assume these were not her parents? Where are the moms parents? I have heard nothing about anyone in her family being involved in her life. Second, What is the status of the relationship between the two who are suspected in the crime? They seemed to be a united front until the baby died. Are they just blaming one another now? Were Uli and Jessica on good terms until this happened? Sorry for all the questions, however, a backstory sometimes reveals how outcomes come to be. Just looking for some insight. It is going to very important to establish who was with the child during the critical time before, during, and after the injury took place. Does anyone know a timeline? Thanks.

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