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Thread: Rhys Culley BIT His Girlfriend's Lip So She Would Be Disfigured While He Worked Away From Home

  1. #1
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Rhys Culley BIT His Girlfriend's Lip So She Would Be Disfigured While He Worked Away From Home

    Uggh. This disgusting prick

    A jealous boyfriend left his girlfriend covered in blood and convinced her top lip had come off when he*bit her during a kiss.

    Rhys Culley, of South Shields, Tyneside, had asked Chanttelle Ward if she loved him before he sank his teeth into her face during the horrific attack.

    Prosecutors said the 23-year-old had been jealous and insecure about what the 18-year-old could get up to while he was working away when he decided to disfigure her.

    Jurors at Newcastle Crown Court saw pictures of teeth marks in Miss Ward's upper lip after the attack, during which he smeared her own blood around her face and forced his tongue in her mouth.

    Chanttelle Ward, 18, was left*covered in blood and convinced her top lip had come off when her boyfriend bit her during a kiss

    Smirking:*Rhys Culley outside Newcastle Crown Court where he was found guilty of wounding with intent

    Culley, who had been in a relationship with Miss Ward for more than two years, denied wounding with intent but was found guilty after a trial.

    He will be sentenced next month and has now been remanded in custody.

    Greame Cook, defending, applied for the shopfitter's bail to be allowed to continue while he awaits sentence but Miss Recorder Wigin refused

    The judge said: 'The sentence will inevitably be custody.'

    Jurors heard Culley bit down on the victim's lip with the same force that would be needed to bite through a 1cm thick piece of rubber.

    As well as the gruesome 'very deep' injury to her mouth, Miss Ward had bruising and scratches to her head and body after the attack, which started after a row about Facebook.

    Chanttelle Ward, who was left disfigured following a horrific attack when her boyfriend Rhys Culley sank his teeth into her face, leaving her convinced he had bitten her upper lip off

    Miss Ward told jurors during the trial Culley had tried to kiss her and asked her if she still loved him before the bite.

    She said: 'He put his whole mouth around my lips and pulled, I thought that my whole lip had come off. There was blood everywhere.'

    The court heard trouble had flared at Miss Ward's home after a night out, when he chased her from room to room and attacked her.

    Prosecutor Emma Dowling said Culley kicked and punched Miss Ward, pulled her hair, threw her into furniture and threw things at her before finally launching the frenzied facial attack.

    The attack happened on February 22 this year, after the young couple had been out at the County Public House in South Shields.

    Miss Ward suffered not only the injuries to her mouth, but bruising to her arms and body, a scratch to her left breast and bruising of the face and ear

    Jurors heard Culley, of South Shields, Tyneside, bit down on the victim's lip with the same force that would be needed to bite through a 1cm thick piece of rubber

    They had been celebrating Miss Ward's mother's birthday and at about 10.30pm Miss Ward, the defendant and her aunt Susan Stewart shared a taxi home, dropping her aunt off first.

    When the defendant and his girlfriend got back to her house, the mood of the night changed. The defendant brought up a conversation that his girlfriend had had with another man on Facebook earlier in the month.

    The defendant then took Miss Ward's phone off her in a bid to look through her Facebook messages.

    After Culley had bitten his victim, he 'rubbed his face in hers, smearing the blood across her face and then he stuck his tongue into her mouth

    The court heard how when he found that the messages were no longer there he became angry and started to shout at Miss Ward accusing her of having something to hide.

    At this point, Miss Ward told the court, she realised that something was wrong and that this wasn't a 'normal' argument for the pair, who had been together for almost two and a half years.

    She became scared and lifted her phone to call the defendant's mother to ask her to come and get him.

    But Culley is said to have taken the phone from his victim, he also locked the doors so that she couldn't escape.

    Later, when her phone was left unattended she made an emergency call but Culley again took the phone from her.

    Miss Dowling said that after Culley had bitten his victim, he 'rubbed his face in hers, smearing the blood across her face and then he stuck his tongue into her mouth'.

    'When the police arrived they saw that they both had blood on them and over their faces.'

    Culley was arrested and Miss Ward was taken to hospital to have her injuries examined.

    She suffered not only the injuries to her mouth, but bruising to her arms and body, a scratch to her left breast and bruising of the face and ear.

    During his evidence Culley said he did not mean to harm his 'beautiful' girlfriend, who he knew he was lucky to have.

    His Twitter's protected now

    His fb isn't yet

  2. #2
    Sana sana colita de rana beli's Avatar
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    That poor girl. What a piece of shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    Roses are red, violets are blue, seriously where is the fucking ring I gave Julie and ask her mom about the flowers
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    In all fairness, we have no idea how big this dude's cock was.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Oh but look! It was really all her fault. She made him do it. It was the only way to make her stop biting his thumb.

    A BOYFRIEND who bit his girlfriend’s lip during a row has told jurors “I didn’t mean to hurt her”.

    Rhys Culley, denied he was trying to disfigure “beautiful” Chantelle Ward when he sank his teeth into her face and left her convinced her lip had come off.

    The 23-year-old is being tried by a jury at Newcastle Crown Court accused of wounding with intent, which he denies.

    Miss Ward told jurors Culley had tried to kiss her and asked if she still loved him, before he bit down hard on her upper lip.

    Giving evidence from the witness box yesterday, Culley denied the 18-year-old’s claims and said he bit her only because she was biting his thumb, after a row turned violent.

    Culley told the court: “I tried to pull my thumb out of her mouth and I did bite her lip, because I thought it was the only way I could get her off. I was in so much pain.

    “I didn’t intentionally mean to bite her.

    “I was trying to pull my thumb out of her mouth.”

    Culley claimed Miss Ward had attacked him during a row at their home after a night out at the County pub in South Shields, in February. He told jurors: “I loved her more than anything else in the world.

    “I thought she loved me exactly the same way. I was lucky to have a girlfriend as beautiful as her.”

    Culley, of Elizabeth Diamond Gardens, South Shields, denied he had been worried about what Miss Ward would get up to while he was working away with his new job, which had been due to start just days after the attack.

    He told the court he is sorry for what happened that night and added: “There is not one day before I go to bed or when I wake up I don’t think about the situation. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

    He denies the charge he faces.

    The trial continues.

    Glad he thought his story through. He was trying to pull his thumb out of her mouth.

    With his teeth.

    It's so easy to bite someone's nose & top lip when your thumb's already in their mouth.


  4. #4
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    I hope she heals. Bitch is bad. Makes this tragic.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  5. #5
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    OMG those pictures of her are hard to look at. Poor thing. He said he was lucky to have a girlfriend as beautiful as her? Yeah, WAS being the key word. No one will ever want to date this guy now, knowing what he did.

    Wait, I take that back. There are some dumb bitches out there who probably would.

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  6. #6
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Dudes a Narcisissist. They blame other people for making them do bad shit. No sense of personal responsibility.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Please let him post to openly revel in the giant cirlcejerk of "It's all. Her. Fault.", & please let the Crown see it before sentencing.

    Ugggh. The comments (yep Angie, no shortage of new dates sucking up to his Auntie & Mum). Have a sample of his family's position on this -

    Right everyone, I don't normally make comments about mine or my families personal life on social network but there are things that need to be publically said on this personal matter which has devasted my family!

    In February of this year my nephew and his then girlfriend got into an argument after a night out, This argument got out of hand and the police were called,He had bitten her on the lip causing her lip to swell up and bleed.Now don't get me wrong He did it and he admits it,He also admits he deserves to be punished for it.

    Before I make you aware of other facts that the media so conveniently missed out I want to tell you a litte bit about my nephew and the relationship he had with this girl.My nephew is the type of person who gets on with everyone,He has a huge circle of friends,was and still is very popular ,He would go out of his way to help people less able than himself,He would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more than him, this was his nature. Don't get me wrong,he was no saint,He could be lippy and did get himself into scathes with his mates when he was younger but he also did Not have a cruel bone in his body!!

    He had known this girl for a while and they were just friends at first. In the beginning everything was great as it is with young couples in a new relationship, But gradually things changed and she became more jealous and aggressive and needing to be in control of his life, She told him who he could go out with,What he was allowed to do,controlling his wages.She used to shout a scream obscenities to him in front of his friends,Accusing him of having threesomes with co workers,accusations of cheating when in fact on the times this was supposed to be happening he was with her,The nasty vindictive spitefull messages to his Ipad and phone!There are a hell of a lot of people who can confirm how nasty she really was as they have all witnessed it themselves!

    Again don't get me wrong, argument wise he gave as good as he got.But as she wore him down My nephew started to change,He lost a lot of weight,Became depressed,Started self harming and ended up having to seek help and being refered to a councillor who put him on antidepressants,He started having epileptic fits which were caused by stress and anxiety,He very rarely smiled anymore.He used to go and talk to his mum and end up in tears about how this girl was treating him but he'd say he couldn't leave her because he loved her too much. It also breaks my heart to say he even attempted to end his life on two occasions in the last year Because he said he couldn't cope and didn't want to be here anymore.It really tore me up to find out this and I cannot and Will Not forgive this girl for doing this to my nephew!!

    Now what has made me open up on here is the photo circulating and Her story in the papers and on social network basically branding him scum,a barbarian etc without knowing the whole facts and all based on that picture which was given to the papers! What you are not aware of is that night she went into one of her moods and was scratching, hitting and biting him when he was packing to leave because he had finally had enough.He did push her over the side of the settee once to get her away.

    At some point during this altercation she had bitten down on his thumb and he couldn't get her off and for some reason he bit down on her to get her off him, she pulled her head back and the combination of that and him biting caused the tear on her lip, She proceeded to touch her face( as you instinctively do when you get an injury) wiping the blood around her face.Yes she ended up with a couple of small bruises but by all accounts they are Not from him hitting her, They are from the scuffle they had when he was trying to leave!

    I do not condone violence to anyone and I do not condone what he did, I also do agree with my nephew that he should be punished for what he did even if it was unintentional, but not to the extent of all the lies, embellished stories and hatred that are circulating around here based on one persons account! In her own words she had even said he had never been violent towards her during the entire relationship.That night has turned out be the most horrorfying night of his life! Because of those lies my nephew is now facing a possible 10 year sentence,Basically his life has been ruined and a family left totally empty and destroyed by someone who appeared at first to be very nice but turned out to be a very nasty,vindictive and in my eyes, Evil piece of work!

    You can all make of this what you will but I stand by my nephew and if any of you disagree with me standing by him and giving the above statement then feel free to delete me because quite frankly I do not care about the condemnations and unfounded disgusting things that are being said, I just wish to set the record straight and remind people there is Always more than one side to a story

    Last edited by blighted star; 10-08-2014 at 04:32 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member debk589's Avatar
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    Don't get me wrong,he was no saint,He could be lippy and did get himself into scathes with his mates
    Really Aunt?? Really?! LIPPY is the word you use to describe him???

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by debk589 View Post
    Really Aunt?? Really?! LIPPY is the word you use to describe him???
    I'm laughing way too hard at this comment.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Venus2B's Avatar
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    I still don't understand how they figure he can bite her lip, badly, with his thumb in her mouth.

    Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. - Mark Twain

  11. #11
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    That don't even make fucking sense.

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

  12. #12
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    At some point during this altercation she had bitten down on his thumb and he couldn't get her off and for some reason he bit down on her to get her off him, she pulled her head back and the combination of that and him biting caused the tear on her lip, She proceeded to touch her face( as you instinctively do when you get an injury) wiping the blood around her face.Yes she ended up with a couple of small bruises but by all accounts they are Not from him hitting her, They are from the scuffle they had when he was trying to leave!
    This bitch is retarded if she thinks anyone will believe this shit.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  13. #13
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    Am I the only person that thinks this dude looks like a butchy chick wanting to be a dude?

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

  14. #14
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    This bitch is retarded if she thinks anyone will believe this shit.
    Oh but they do. They're definitely deleting anything that criticises him because there are responses to posts that aren't there, but still - check out the comments on the page. They either believe, or they just don't care & want to date him anyway. They're insisting it was self defense because his families version is she bit him on the thumb. Except he wasn't bleeding, he'd already shoved her so hard she fell over an entire lounge (that's from the aunt defending him, not from the girlfriend) & what guy defends himself against a smaller female by biting her anywhere, let alone on the face!

    &how did his thumb get in her mouth?? It's the sort of thing that happens if you're trying to fight off someone who's forcibly grabbing you around the head or face, but people don't just run around angrily snapping in the air trying to get their teeth at people's hands?? If your thumb's being bitten you pull your hand away or push their face with your free hand - you don't bite someone else's teeth? How can they believe this shit?

    If they just stuck to complaining that the sentence of 10 yrs minimum is disproportionate when some murderers & most paedophiles get less, I might have some respect for them. But you can't say "I'm not defending him/he deserves to be punished, just not like this" in one breath, then attack the victim & basically say "her fault - she made him do it, she's EVIL" in the next. If it's anything like Australian law, once police were aware & he admitted he bit her, it was completely out of her control anyway - she couldn't have withdrawn the charges if she wanted to.

    Georgia Thorne I have no idea who you are but I have read the stories. Women like her are snakes! Puts women to shame. I personally would of given her a head butt a while ago. Lol. But thats just me. I hope it all works out

    Stacie Dawn Leeson Hope the judge recieves as many charactor references as poss to go in ryhs favour. She gives all us women a bad rep! Im ashamed to be the same sex...coming from an abusive relationship myself of 4yrs if it truely happened to her she would realise how horrendous it can be! It breaks u and its still going fo break him after hes got out of it! Shes a sick vile creature..i wont call her a human being because she isnt one! Thoughts to ryhs family xxx

    Katie Dawson Lynch Sexism that's why! And gives a bad name to women who are ACTUALLY abused rather than an accidental bite and smearing blood around your face for dramatic effect. I seriously hope his verdict is overturned because this entire case is ridiculous, that girl should be ASHAMED of herself and so should her family
    Last edited by blighted star; 10-08-2014 at 06:10 PM.

  15. #15
    Those comments are so gross. They act as though she FAKED being bitten on the face.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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    Agreed Bumble Gum ! Wtf and I can't even read his support page makes me sick !
    No one deserved that, even if she was biting your thumb you don't bite her FACE. What a sick fuck , glad his locked up. I hope she heals well she is beautiful.

  17. #17
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    Since this was bumped, they jailed him for 8 years.

    What a ridiculous looking Poindexter wannabe. Good riddance.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  18. #18
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    They are gonna like him in jail cuz he's a dude that kinda looks like a lady.

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

  19. #19
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Lol. Petition re the terrible injustice against Rhys Culley

    Number of signatures : 1

  20. #20
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    Lol. Petition re the terrible injustice against Rhys Culley

    Number of signatures : 1

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  21. #21
    Senior Member jennafyre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    Lol. Petition re the terrible injustice against Rhys Culley

    Number of signatures : 1
    Ha! The one signature is probably GT. Helpin' out a fellow brotha.

  22. #22
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    This is so stupid. Do these people think she bit her own lip?

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

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