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Thread: Madeleine McCann

  1. #376
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    whoaaaa this thread.

    Yeah, I always assumed the parents left her alone, came back, found her dead somehow (kids find a way), disposed of her body and fabricated the abduction.

  2. #377
    Senior Member u2addict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    whoaaaa this thread.

    Yeah, I always assumed the parents left her alone, came back, found her dead somehow (kids find a way), disposed of her body and fabricated the abduction.
    I agree. leave a kid alone and they will find away to set themselves on fire, or blow themselves up and possibly be a conductor of electricity. Shit happens.
    Don't you know these people will feel so much better if they just tell the truth, or are they two psychopaths who have no ability to care for others?
    Over the years I have come to trust my instinct because it is hardly wrong even when you want it to be.

    Fibro Fog has taken over. I am in a constant state of dyscognition so please excuse my retardation.
    'The worst things in the world are justified by belief'- Raised by Wolves SOI

    "Your life is short, it's the longest thing you'll ever do/ the worse the curse was that your dreams came true/
    God is a mirror in which each man sees himself/ Hell is place where you don't need anyone's help"

    ~You got to cry with out weeping. Talk without speaking
    Scream without raising your voice~

  3. #378
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    When you tell a lie this big, it gets harder and harder to walk away from. This is a lesson I learned from The Babysitter's Club. No children were harmed in that series, though.

  4. #379
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    I think she fell, while climbing on the couch, crying for Mummy and Daddy, hit her head possibly and died. There's a possibility they gave her a sedative drug of some description (both being Doctors), and that's why they had to fake the abduction.

    Check Gerry in this video while being asked about sedatives by a Portuguese journalist:

    I mean whoa! Did he take lessons in looking guilty?

  5. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    I think it's more like this beli:

    Police issue two E-fit photo?s of man who took Madeleine.

    [Article attached:]

    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    age progression of Madeleine

    Very sad!

    Quote Originally Posted by neenerneener View Post
    They are never going to find this girl.
    No they are not. Not alive anyway!

    Quote Originally Posted by Olivia View Post
    I am still in the 'parents killed her' camp.
    I can understand why, but I'm in the 'accidental death/cover-up' camp.

    They don't appear to be psychopaths but narcissistic? Yah Hah!!! How about you never publicly admit that leaving your 3 babies, under 4 years old, in an UNLOCKED apartment, that, despite what they say, was 120 yards away, and OUT OF SIGHT, was child negligence! I think not!

    Check out this analogy by US Criminal Profiler Pat Brown, who consequently, the McCanns tried to silence through their lawyers Carter Ruck, the most influential, powerful and frightening law firm in the UK! NO TWO-BIT LAW FIRM for these two! No siree! They signed on to Carter Ruck after Virgin owner, Richard Branson, Harry Potter author, JK Rowling, and the Beckhams funded their campaign!

    The McCanns appear pretty narcissistic in their behaviors after Madeleine's disappearance. They worry about their physiques, their clothing, hair, and jewelry, and they like a lot of attention. But, this is exactly how they were before Maddy went missing, so I am not surprised they are acting this way. Their rather off-putting behavior does not mean they are guilty of anything more than child neglect.
    But, I have been going back over the actual interviews of Gerry and Kate McCann and one statement sticks in my craw and bugs the devil out of me. It is the one thing that makes me lean toward their guilt even without any physical evidence. This is what Gerry said:

    "We felt our actions were responsible. We were essentially performing our own baby listening service although we have talked of the guilt we felt at not being there at the moment Madeleine was taken."
    Okay, that statement would be normal for a nonnarcissit and one who accepts responsibility for their actions, so maybe we shouldn't think Gerry would say that. But, one might think he should have at least said this:

    "..although we have talked of the guilt we felt at not realizing it was unsafe to leave Madeleine alone and because we were naive, we feel guilt that Madeleine was taken while we innocently left her unattended."

    This would be a pretty good statement, but, wait, I have to say, again, they are too narcissistic to admit to this large a mistake, so I would guess this is why Gerry didn't say that either. BUT, let's see examine what Gerry REALLY did say and why it is important and very concerning.

    "?the guilt we felt at not being there AT THE MOMENT MADELEINE WAS TAKEN."

    First of all, Gerry, IF one of you had been there with Madeleine, there would be NO MOMENT WHEN MADELEINE WAS TAKEN. It simply could not have occurred. If one of you had been there, either the abductor would have simply turned around and given up the idea or you would have fought with the abductor to save Madeleine. She could NOT HAVE BEEN TAKEN if you were there.

    Let's analyze further. There are two very important words here: MOMENT and TAKEN.

    First of all, Madeleine couldn't have been taken in a MOMENT by an abductor. It would have taken quite a few moments to grab the child out of the bed, struggle with her, climb out a window, and carry her off.

    Secondly, she wouldn't have just been TAKEN. She would have been ABDUCTED, STOLEN, or KIDNAPPED.

    TAKEN is an interesting passive word. Theoretically, it could just be Gerry and Kate trying to feel less guilty about a child predator abducting a screaming and terrified Madeleine. Maybe the word, TAKEN, just feels less awful. But, then again, maybe TAKEN is what they really mean. Maddy may have been taken from life and Gerry and Kate may feel guilt over the MOMENT that occurred. Alternatively, if they really did have help moving her body and Kate really did scream "THEY have taken Madeleine," maybe they feel guilt over not being there at the MOMENT Madeleine was TAKEN from the room and hidden elsewhere. Perhaps, this is exactly why no one was supposed to look in on the children and why the doors were left unlocked. Maybe, the "feeling" Gerry has that a man was in the room is accurate because he set the whole thing up. But I digress.

    If the MOMENT refers to a time when Kate and Gerry were off partying and Madeleine suffered a serious injury from falling down the steps or had overdosed on sedatives, they might feel guilty they were not there at that MOMENT because as doctors, had they been there at that MOMENT, they might have been able to administer medical care and save Maddy's life. Gerry then would be admitting that MOMENTS do count and leaving your child unattended for even a MOMENT can effectively contribute to the child's death.
    More from Pat Brown here:

  6. #381
    Senior Member Tree Wizard's Avatar
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    I don't get why this story is still around. Surely thousands of kids go missing/adbucted all the time. Or hundreds. Or tens. Still... why is this one so special? ... I sort of get the feeling it's because people think the parents did it. Kind of like how OJ Simpson was always being talked about after his ex-wife or whatever was murdered.

  7. #382
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    Up your ass should you make the mistake of pissing me off.
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    Because she's a cute little white girl, duh. Don't you watch the news?

    Sadly, if her name were Esperanza and she were a 6 year old Hispanic girl with a cleft lip, she wouldn't even make it on a milk carton. This is what's wrong with the world. We'll go out of our way to find the people who killed JonBenet but the girl next door with Down's Syndrome goes missing for three months and you never hear a thing.

    Our children are a gift to us, and they are the future of our society. We owe it to them to protect them. ALL of, white, poor, redneck, asian, handicapped, all of them. Sadly, the poorer or less caucasian you are, the worse your chances of being found (alive or dead) are. And that has to change.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  8. #383
    Senior Member sweetleftpeg's Avatar
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    Exactly. As a mentioned before, two upper middle class white professionals, pillars of society. They should be taking pelters for leaving her alone to eat tapas and quaff wine but they aren't. Any kind of working class parents who'd gone to the bar and had a burger and chips and a pint would be getting crucified by our press. They're the same thing really. One rule for one, one for another though.

  9. #384
    Senior Member Tree Wizard's Avatar
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    True of course but... have no other cute white kids with rich parents gone missing in the last 6 years or whatever it is?

  10. #385
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    This: is what Parents do when their children go missing!!!



    Even if it's fucking futile. It's autonomic. They can't help it - they just do it!

    They DO NOT, however, lock themselves indoors for the night writing a fucking timeline with their friends on the ripped out pages of their missing child's bedtime story book!

    Maddie's book torn pages, with two different versions of the Tapas 9 timeline,
    written by the McCann Couple and their friends
    This case is so smelly, It Stinks!!

  11. #386
    Senior Member TupeloHoney's Avatar
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    I don't think it was posted here that the Portuguese Police officially reopened the case a couple weeks ago. Now they've identified a suspect ... Looks like it could be the same guy the same guy Scotland Yard is seeking, right? lol.

    Portuguese Police Name Dead Addict as Madeleine McCann Suspect

    (Nov. 6, 2013) The Portuguese Police may have reopened their missing persons investigation into the mysterious 2007 disappearance of British toddler Madeleine McCann at the insistence of Scotland Yard, but that doesn't mean the two countries are following the same leads. McCann disappeared from her parent's hotel room as they dined nearby with friends. Her younger twin siblings were left unharmed. The McCanns and their friends took turns checking on the children, essentially listening at the door for cries, but only discovered Madeleine missing several hours after she had left them unattended.

    In October, Scotland Yard released two e-fit images of the man they believe may have snatched the three-year-old from her parent's holiday villa at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, Portugal. The photos depict a white man between 20 and 40 years of age, with short cropped hair, who was seen by multiple witnesses the evening McCann disappeared. At least one witness claims to have seen the man carrying a bundled child.

    But this week, the Portuguese police released their own images of a different suspect, a 40-year-old heroin addict named Euclides "Toni" Monteiro from Cape Verde, who was fired by the Ocean Club -- where he worked as a waiter -- and who, police say, may have snatched the young Briton in revenge. None of Scotland Yard's known leads point to Monteiro, who was fired one year before Madeleine disappeared. And there is a big problem with the Portuguese suspect: he's dead. Montiero died in a tractor accident four years ago but Portuguese police are reportedly investigating the property where he lived in Lagos, Portugal with his wife.

    Monteiro was a known drug addict who was fired from the resort after allegedly stealing from guest rooms to feed his heroin addiction. According to the local newspaper, Correio de Manha, Portuguese police picked up Monteiro's cellphone ping in the area the night McCann disappeared during a review of phone records instigated by Scotland Yard. He had been on their "watch list" after numerous Ocean Club employees had reported him as a suspicious character during interviews in the days after McCann's disappearance. But because the Portuguese cops were only interested in Madeleine's parents Kate and Gerry as their suspects, they failed to follow up on leads like those that could have potentially fingered Monteiro.

    Now that Monteiro is dead, any new evidence leading to his alleged involvement into McCann's kidnapping is greatly compromised. His wife, Luisa, who was interviewed by the Portuguese authorities last week, has admitted her late husband had problems, but she has flatly denied his involvement. "It is disgusting they are not looking for a dead man as a scapegoat," she told local reporters. "It's very easy to blame someone who can't defend themselves anymore. My husband would never be capable of committing such a crime."

    In fact, many people who worked with Monteiro said that he was a known petty thief who was a "slave to his addictions," but that it would have been out of character to kidnap a child, even in revenge for losing his job. There are no material witnesses who placed a black man at the scene the night of the disappearance, and the cellphone ping could be an anomaly, or it could mean that Monteiro was snooping around the resort to ransack rooms. Monteiro's sister Paula told a Portuguese television station that her brother was constantly selling and swapping his cellphones, and that he had more than one phone in 2007.

    Correio de Manha, which is a popular Portuguese tabloid paper, reports that investigators are working on the theory that Monteiro was hoping to ask for ransom for the young child, but that he allegedly killed her when the story went global. Portuguese investigators refused to comment on the Monteiro angle to The Daily Beast. But with the absence of McCann's remains and no material witnesses putting him at the scene, the Monteiro theory will be almost impossible to prove. Meanwhile, the search is still on for Scotland Yard's suspect. After a BBC Crimewatch segment aired last month, investigators received thousands of calls. The case remains unsolved.
    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I will out think the fucking pants off of you and you would thank me for helping you out of them.

  12. #387
    has supermodel tits neenerneener's Avatar
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    They're totally twins!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC
    I want to kiss your lips. Both sets.
    * wow you truly are the sterial cunt here are yo not.I fuckin hate you cunt* - Loonywop
    ★ take the sig down ★ - Loonywop

  13. #388
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neenerneener View Post
    They're totally twins!
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  14. #389
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Twins separated at birth.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  15. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by TupeloHoney View Post
    I don't think it was posted here that the Portuguese Police officially reopened the case a couple weeks ago. Now they've identified a suspect ... Looks like it could be the same guy the same guy Scotland Yard is seeking, right? lol.

    Portuguese Police Name Dead Addict as Madeleine McCann Suspect

    (Nov. 6, 2013) The Portuguese Police may have reopened their missing persons investigation into the mysterious 2007 disappearance of British toddler Madeleine McCann at the insistence of Scotland Yard, but that doesn't mean the two countries are following the same leads. McCann disappeared from her parent's hotel room as they dined nearby with friends. Her younger twin siblings were left unharmed. The McCanns and their friends took turns checking on the children, essentially listening at the door for cries, but only discovered Madeleine missing several hours after she had left them unattended.

    In October, Scotland Yard released two e-fit images of the man they believe may have snatched the three-year-old from her parent's holiday villa at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, Portugal. The photos depict a white man between 20 and 40 years of age, with short cropped hair, who was seen by multiple witnesses the evening McCann disappeared. At least one witness claims to have seen the man carrying a bundled child.

    But this week, the Portuguese police released their own images of a different suspect, a 40-year-old heroin addict named Euclides "Toni" Monteiro from Cape Verde, who was fired by the Ocean Club -- where he worked as a waiter -- and who, police say, may have snatched the young Briton in revenge. None of Scotland Yard's known leads point to Monteiro, who was fired one year before Madeleine disappeared. And there is a big problem with the Portuguese suspect: he's dead. Montiero died in a tractor accident four years ago but Portuguese police are reportedly investigating the property where he lived in Lagos, Portugal with his wife.

    Monteiro was a known drug addict who was fired from the resort after allegedly stealing from guest rooms to feed his heroin addiction. According to the local newspaper, Correio de Manha, Portuguese police picked up Monteiro's cellphone ping in the area the night McCann disappeared during a review of phone records instigated by Scotland Yard. He had been on their "watch list" after numerous Ocean Club employees had reported him as a suspicious character during interviews in the days after McCann's disappearance. But because the Portuguese cops were only interested in Madeleine's parents Kate and Gerry as their suspects, they failed to follow up on leads like those that could have potentially fingered Monteiro.

    Now that Monteiro is dead, any new evidence leading to his alleged involvement into McCann's kidnapping is greatly compromised. His wife, Luisa, who was interviewed by the Portuguese authorities last week, has admitted her late husband had problems, but she has flatly denied his involvement. "It is disgusting they are not looking for a dead man as a scapegoat," she told local reporters. "It's very easy to blame someone who can't defend themselves anymore. My husband would never be capable of committing such a crime."

    In fact, many people who worked with Monteiro said that he was a known petty thief who was a "slave to his addictions," but that it would have been out of character to kidnap a child, even in revenge for losing his job. There are no material witnesses who placed a black man at the scene the night of the disappearance, and the cellphone ping could be an anomaly, or it could mean that Monteiro was snooping around the resort to ransack rooms. Monteiro's sister Paula told a Portuguese television station that her brother was constantly selling and swapping his cellphones, and that he had more than one phone in 2007.

    Correio de Manha, which is a popular Portuguese tabloid paper, reports that investigators are working on the theory that Monteiro was hoping to ask for ransom for the young child, but that he allegedly killed her when the story went global. Portuguese investigators refused to comment on the Monteiro angle to The Daily Beast. But with the absence of McCann's remains and no material witnesses putting him at the scene, the Monteiro theory will be almost impossible to prove. Meanwhile, the search is still on for Scotland Yard's suspect. After a BBC Crimewatch segment aired last month, investigators received thousands of calls. The case remains unsolved.
    Ha Ha! Very Good Tupelo!

    How convenient that he is:

    (a) DEAD
    (c) A HEROIN ADDICT, and
    (d) BLACK


    But hey ho? Why, in God's Holy Fuck, would a black, fired, heroin addicted, Ocean Club employee, seek revenge on such an establishment, by abducting and killing a child of a customer of said establishment? He's NOT a paedophile, he's just black, and fucked, and dead (most importantly)!

  16. #391
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Unless he sold the kid for cash or drugs. Not impossible.

  17. #392
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    Well hey yeah! Possibilities are endless! Probabilities, however, based on the evidence, narrow down such possibilities to the following conclusions:

    (a) You are a brainwashed fuckwit, who is blindly taken in by 'chimpanzee' press reports!
    (b) You have had some sort of serious brain injury, that impairs your 'critical thinking' capacity!

  18. #393
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppym View Post
    Well hey yeah! Possibilities are endless! Probabilities, however, based on the evidence, narrow down such possibilities to the following conclusions:

    (a) You are a brainwashed fuckwit, who is blindly taken in by 'chimpanzee' press reports!
    (b) You have had some sort of serious brain injury, that impairs your 'critical thinking' capacity!
    Off the meds again, huh? Have a nice break.

  19. #394
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Off the meds again, huh? Have a nice break.
    Last edited by animosity; 11-15-2013 at 03:31 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  20. #395
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    QUOTE=poppym;3516937]Well hey yeah! Possibilities are endless! Probabilities, however, based on the evidence, narrow down such possibilities to the following conclusions:

    (a) You are a brainwashed fuckwit, who is blindly taken in by 'chimpanzee' press reports!
    (b) You have had some sort of serious brain injury, that impairs your 'critical thinking' capacity![/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Off the meds again, huh? Have a nice break.
    This comment, was NOT ABOUT YOU! if you took the time to read this posters research, was about THE MCCANN CASE!

    She made some pretty direct quotes to her research: e.g. 'CHIMPANZEE PRESS', is commonly known as the 'UK Tabloids'.

    She did not quote you, yes? Yet you accused her of being 'on' and 'off' some sort of medication?

    What is wrong with you? Have a look at all of poppym's posts before you respond. Even though some MDS power has bestowed 'banning power' upon you, you're pretty shite at it! You slide so far from the truth it's scary!!!!

    Given any 'power'. you are a SCARY human being! Arrgghh!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
    I wish, for once, you were less predictable. Just sayin! YAWN!


  21. #396
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwistedSista View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by poppym View Post
    Well hey yeah! Possibilities are endless! Probabilities, however, based on the evidence, narrow down such possibilities to the following conclusions:

    (a) You are a brainwashed fuckwit, who is blindly taken in by 'chimpanzee' press reports!
    (b) You have had some sort of serious brain injury, that impairs your 'critical thinking' capacity!

    This comment, was NOT ABOUT YOU! if you took the time to read this posters research, was about THE MCCANN CASE!

    She made some pretty direct quotes to her research: e.g. 'CHIMPANZEE PRESS', is commonly known as the 'UK Tabloids'.

    She did not quote you, yes? Yet you accused her of being 'on' and 'off' some sort of medication?

    What is wrong with you? Have a look at all of poppym's posts before you respond. Even though some MDS power has bestowed 'banning power' upon you, you're pretty shite at it! You slide so far from the truth it's scary!!!!

    Given any 'power'. you are a SCARY human being! Arrgghh!!!

    I wish, for once, you were less predictable. Just sayin! YAWN!

    oooohhh, ouch. why you gotta hit below the belt? that's really mean! guess i'll go off and rethink my entire existence now. thank you so much!


    go tongue a sheep's arse with your pal poppy, you scottish fuck.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  22. #397
    Senior Member of_corpse_not's Avatar
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    I never heard of it either
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    what in the fuck is going on here

  23. #398
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by of_corpse_not View Post
    what in the fuck is going on here
    no fucking clue, but it seems fun!
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  24. #399
    Sofa King Tired PunkerDuckie's Avatar
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    That was an epic first post.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    I want that fucking meat.

  25. #400
    XoXo Miller22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PunkerDuckie View Post
    That was an epic first post.
    First post. Premie already. Been regged since June without posting. Gee, I wonder if it could be a fake account. Hmmmm

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