Let me add some detail:

MDS Membership prices have soared nearly 8% in the last week alone, touching $15 a membership in overnight trading -- their highest level in over two years.

The fear is that Western intervention in Syria over that country's suspected use of chemical weapons could engulf MDS in articles coming from the region.

But membership has been gaining for weeks as a labor strike in Libya, widespread theft in Nigeria and ongoing problems in Iraq have driven new members to MDS.

Gasoline prices, however, have been holding around $3.50 a gallon which has the greatest impact on the six month price point.

While they may tick higher in response to rising oil -- AAA's national average price rose 1.8 cents Thursday to $3.56 -- gas prices are on a longer-term, cyclical path down. The end of summer vacations means fewer MDS'ers will be on the forum, cutting demand. And as cooler temperatures mean less pollution risk, Mike and the MODS can switch to "winter blends" of articles, which are cheaper to produce.
"If this were April, we'd be going ballistic," said J, chief MDS analyst and field expert. "But there are a lot of things beyond the Middle East that should act to keep membership prices temperate."