I want deep down in my heart to think that some real parents stole her away from the hell she was living in and now raises her as their own, in a world far removed from the one she knew at the Parsons'.

There are times when I want to forego the whole Bill of Rights and just shake the shit out of someone to get them to talk. They know what happened to her. If they didn't, we'd have heard her name on news reports two years ago, because that's what responsible fucking parents do. Both Casey and Sandy Parsons need to be dragged through the neighborhood behind a truck on fire until they agree to tell the fucking truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Some people don't approve of that, I don't rightly give a shit. We have a responsibility when we care for children, to do what is in their best interest, sometimes foregoing our own in order that the kids get what they need to grow into self sufficient, amazing, productive, happy adults. We sacrifice for them because that's what you do when you love someone.

Fuck these subhuman pieces of shit. Cut their limbs off until they start to talk.

This probably wasn't the thread to read before bed.