Case of Maryland teacher accused of having sex with family dog will go to trial

On July 10, 2013, a judge determined that Maryland teacher, Stephanie Mikles, 46, will stand trial for bestiality, despite her attorney?s objections, according to the Baltimore Sun.

Judge Robert Dugan dismissed attorney Leslie Gladstone?s argument that the charge of unnatural or perverted practice is too vague making it unconstitutional. The judge also dismissed a motion asking evidence be suppressed in the case.

Mikles is accused of engaging in a number of sex acts with the family dog for about 30 days in August 2008.

She was arrested following a search of her home by child advocacy officers of Harford County following allegations of a boy who claimed he had sex with Mikles, Assistant State?s Attorney Lisa Marts told the Sun. Charges have not been filed regarding that claim.

During the search, the agency reportedly found a CD containing 12 photos of Mikles having sex with the dog.

Mikles denies the charge, and is currently on administrative leave without pay from her job with the Harford County School District pending the outcome of the matter.

According to the Sun, she had been employed as a behavioral specialist for the school district, working with special education teachers who instruct students with disabilities.

If found guilty of the charge, she could serve up to 10 years in prison and could be ordered to pay as much as $1,000 in fines.

Mikles was released from jail on $5,000 bond shortly after her arrest.

In May, ABC 2 reported the dog was still living with the family.