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Thread: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death (Part II)

  1. #29126
    Senior Member Ian 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iluvsam View Post
    I don't think Patti is pissed, she is scared. There is a lot of crazy idiots out there making treats to whoever speaks in Jodi's favor; just check the messages posted in Amazon about LV. She is allowed to ask her face not to be shown, I probably would to the same.
    Just as plausible as anything I say! It's possible to interpret the look on her face as fear. The thing is, the Defense Lawyers ought to have tried to resolve the matter before the moment Patti appeared to voluntarily testify. She could have said no from the beginning. It's glaringly obvious that Jodi Arias doesn't have much of a line-up on her side. She didn't endear herself to very many people during her first twenty-seven years and it's showing. Yet she convinced herself, and tried to convince the rest of us, that our world would be a better place if she was in it and Travis Alexander was not.
    Last edited by Ian 1; 07-03-2013 at 12:52 AM.
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  2. #29127
    Senior Member Iluvsam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    Just as plausible as anything I say! It's possible to interpret the look on her face as fear. The thing is, the Defense Lawyers ought to have tried to resolve the matter before the moment she appeared to voluntarily testify. She could have said no from the beginning. The fact is, Jodi Arias doesn't have much of a line-up on her said. She didn't endear herself to very many people during her first twenty-seven years and it's showing. Yet she convinced herself, and tried to convince the rest of us, that her world would be a better place if she was in it and Travis Alexander was not.
    Yep, I agree with you, we have heard countless people talking about Travis and their friendship, we have seen his friends crying in court; I am still waiting for someone to speak how great Jodi was. NO ONE, absolutely no one has come forward, not even her parents. That speaks volumes to me. With that said, again this whole issue of the mitigation phase shows how incompetent are her defense lawyers, they should have foreseen this matter... didn't they interview her before hand? or it is just another trick to give the killer time to write her "manifesto" to the court addressing what was said by Samantha and Steven?

  3. #29128
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jillee View Post
    So, Juan gets to cross each witness for Jodi???
    Yes he does. They are testifying, not making statements like Samantha and Steven.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sweet Pea View Post
    I am still thinking what could have precipitated the "final straw" email. Does anyone know if the car JA wrecked was in her name or if it was still in Travis's. I wonder if there was insurance money and JA got ahold of it and kept it from Travis? He askes for information and then says she scammed him (in my words not his). Any thoughts?
    I think it was a culmination of things had done and was doing. Sadly we will probably never know

    Quote Originally Posted by sheesh View Post
    Has to be it. Juan will be trying to leverage anything they say into opening the door for other evidence and to impeach their witnesses. My spidery senses are certain Daryl at least withheld evidence. That won't make the Juanster happy.
    I think calling Brewer and Womack are going to backfire badly for the defense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    For those of you interested in following the 'proceedings' as they unfolded in the courtroom on Thursday, May 16, the best vantage point was from in front of your TV, your computer or other streaming device, or from a seat in the courtroom itself. Unfortunately, I wasn't in any of those places.

    Not being in a position to comment on anything that happened inside the courtroom during that morning session, here's some observations on what went on outside the doors.

    I had an unfortunate encounter with him in the courtroom in the afternoon when, during a break, while I was sitting in the end seat of the row with one leg crossed over the other, this person, wanting to exit, just kicked my foot out of the way. I reacted by saying, "You could say excuse me!" He responded in a loud voice, "I did. If you cleaned out your ears, you would have heard me." This little scene immediately drew the attention of a bailiff who suddenly appeared and said, "If both of you don't stop immediately, I will remove you from the courtroom." I had nothing more to say, but when this guy returned a few minutes later he entered the row behind me muttering some angry imprecations directed at me and climbed over the back of the seat to get to his own in the same row I was in. That's angry!

    The scheduled two o'clock resumption of the proceedings rolled around. At about 2:30, the bailiff came and announced the 'Judge was ready to go' so we had to hurry to our seats. There were enough seats for thirteen members of the public starting from the third row back. I held the door for the others, so was last to enter. It worked again. Last ended up first!! The bailiff filled the rows starting from back to front, so I got the third row aisle seat which provided the best vantage point. The second row, (the row behind Arias mother, aunt, the man with them, Donovan and her friend was left empty.) Apparently it was reserved for four law students/interns who appeared after the first break.) Immediately in front of Mrs. Arias, et al, in the well of the courtroom I spotted Darrell Brewer, and a couple of other people standing around just talking. A few minutes later, the door at the front of the courtroom to the left of the Bench, opened and a woman wearing a pink blouse walked the length of the room to join Darrell and the people he was with. It was Patti(?), Jodi Arias's friend and she looked extremely distressed. After speaking to Darrell, (dressed in a grey suit), she left the courtroom with an official and I later saw that she had gone to one of the witness rooms that opened up from the hallway. Darrell went after her a few minutes later. Meanwhile some staff were moving the lecturn and the microphone cables closer to the Jury Box. Shortly after that, Tanisha Alexander left the courtroom for the hallway. We waited. A few minutes later, Samantha's spouse left the room, also for the hallway. At some point Martinez came over and spoke to the family. Then Samantha Alexander left her seat for the other witness room. Tanisha came back into the courtroom from the hallway, sat for a moment, then followed to where Samantha was in the witness room. We waited a while. Then the bailiff came to us and announced that the courtroom was to be cleared of everybody but the families. Something was up! Nothing was happening.

    In the interim, I spoke to a very nice woman who frequents the trial on a daily basis, and speculated that the reason for the interruption was probably because Patti and Jodi Arias's other Mitigation witnesses probably didn't want to testify--address the jury--in public. I was able to glance through the glass slot in the door of the witness room and saw Patti, Darrell and others inside. Patti still looked extremely nervous and stressed. If that was proof that she didn't want to go on in public, it showed. Turns out that's close to the truth.

    A few minutes later, the bailiff re-appeared, invited us all to re-enter the courtroom if we so chose, but stated that court was being re-convened for the purpose only of adjournment. Most of us went back in. The judge was back on the bench, the Jury filed in and took their places. (As best I could see, Juror No.2, is a man in his forties with a helmet of thick hair, has a serious demeanor, and displays nothing else that would distinguish him from the others.)

    The Judge thanked them for their patience, said the court was unable to proceed, directed them to return on Monday, and adjourned the trial.

    We filed out into the hallway and milled around for a few more minutes. I then quickly moved to catch an elevator that people were boarding before the doors closed. The Alexander family was already in there. I caught Steven's eye and he caught mine. I saw the sadness. I lifted my right hand to shoulder height, gave a little fist pump, and looked him in the eye. He looked back and silently acknowledged me. It was not appropriate to say or attempt to say anything more.

    I trailed behind the Alexanders out of the courthouse and down the outside steps. One person, one of those 'regulars whose always hushing others up, (and I've gotta admit I find it obnoxious) sitting on a bench near the top of the steps spotted Steven Alexander and shouted "Hi Steven, Bye Steven. Way to go."

    I was heading to the LRT ' cause I was exhausted and just wanted to get back to where I'm staying with my friends. I crossed First Avenue behind the Alexanders with the pedestrian light. All of the Alexanders, except Tanisha, proceeded straight ahead. She peeled off alone and started walking up the street towards the Parking Garage Booth that is right at the edge of the garage adjacent to the sidewalk. By this time I was this old, disheveled, wearyguy walking almost parallel with her. She glanced at me and I mustered up the courage to say hello. Then I said that I speak with a lot of people and we are all so glad that she and her family got their brother back. (I meant his reputation, character, soul if you will). Hard to make sense at a moment like that. She stopped, said "Aaaw! Thank you." Her eyes said it too. Then she reached out her left arm, touched the top of my left arm and rubbed her hand up and down it two or three times. It was like she was helping me through a difficult moment. I saw the warmth and dignity in her eyes. The murder of her brother must have brought out what had to have been already there. Then we parted.

    That was a great way to end a shitty day.

    That's all for now. Isn't that enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    It is ridiculous and you are right. I observed Patti quite closely. She has serious second thoughts about being there now that she's arrived on the scene. Like Jodi? Consider it without the extremes. She's obviously pissed off that the Court is resisting doing her bidding. Darrell, in contrast, was quite animated and was acting like the peacemaker-coach to Patty. Urging her to take one for the team!
    Thank you so much for sharing. The incident with the bailiff was mentioned on Twitter and we were curious if it involved you. Not because we thought you did anything but because we knew you were there

    @SheStartedIt who is a MDS poster knows Patti Womack and said she was freaked out when she found out she was on the defense witless list for mitigation phase. She found out she was on the list not from the defense but from something I had posted here on MDS, she had not been yet notified by the defense.

    I'm so glad you had a chance to express to Tanisha that they have the support of so many.

    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    Its looking like the reason they cancelled afternoon court yesterday was solely Patti Wolmack. She asked to not be video and audio recorded. Is she trying to make the cameras shut off just for her? I don't see why she can't just get up there and do her part and get out of there.

    If this stuff is true, it seems she's acting like Jodi and making the court bow to what SHE wants. And the judge is allowing it. This is ridiculous.
    I don't think it was just Patti, I think it had to do with the defense trying to limit what JM could ask on cross examination of both Brewer and Patti.

  4. #29129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iluvsam View Post
    I think the majority of Arias' supporters are uninformed people. They haven't read all the facts and they haven't seen all the evidence. As you stated, they have chosen to believe a lady who appears to be fragile enough to be abused. If they would read and research, I am sure their views would change. Unfortunately you cannot fix stupid ;)
    They are why I was afraid for the verdict, it is so difficult to get that many people to agree; it's like politics and religion, there is never 100% agreement on anything. I just will never understand how her aunt and mom, knowing her for her entire life, cannot see that she made up so many lies about Travis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I can say that my reason for thinking Jodi deserves death is not because I watched this trial from the beginning or because it is publicized. I think she deserves death because she planned this out in advance in a very calculating way and drove 1,000 miles to commit the murder (this was no "heat of passion"), combined with her total and complete lack of even a shred of remorse for what she has done, and her dragging a decent guys name through the mud in every way possible in order to attempt to avoid taking any responsibility for her actions. She is evil.

    This is the wild, wild west, sheriff and all; she is lucky she cannot be hanged, as Eva Dugan was in 1930. She was decapitated, and that was the last hanging allowed in Arizona.

    Are there any studies that show capital punishment as a deterrent, like cutting off thieves hands in some countries cuts way down on thefts?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    It is ridiculous and you are right. I observed Patti quite closely. She has serious second thoughts about being there now that she's arrived on the scene. Like Jodi? Consider it without the extremes. She's obviously pissed off that the Court is resisting doing her bidding. Darrell, in contrast, was quite animated and was acting like the peacemaker-coach to Patty. Urging her to take one for the team!
    Ian debunked the Daisy Duke's as the reason. Gray skirt.
    I cannot imaging DB wanting to go public. How did she hoodwink him for the four years they were together? And still? I wonder if he ever met her family during that four years.

    Does anyone know the names of all the siblings? It really bothers me that the jaii posters say Travis' folks have not shown up. That shows how little they know. And that they claim he was distant from his family. I recall in 08, some of his sibs saying they were not in touch recently, but out of eight I would expect that. Steven (Stevis) said they last saw him at Christmas.

    Steven and Samantha gave utterly heartfelt, genuine impact statements; they played in my mind all night. How could anyone that saw them not feel a tiny fraction of the anguish they have had since June 10, 2008?

  5. #29130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poppycock View Post
    Does anyone know the names of all the siblings? It really bothers me that the jaii posters say Travis' folks have not shown up. That shows how little they know. And that they claim he was distant from his family. I recall in 08, some of his sibs saying they were not in touch recently, but out of eight I would expect that. Steven (Stevis) said they last saw him at Christmas.

    Steven and Samantha gave utterly heartfelt, genuine impact statements; they played in my mind all night. How could anyone that saw them not feel a tiny fraction of the anguish they have had since June 10, 2008?

    Travis is survived by brothers and sisters, Gary Alexander, Greg Alexander, Tanisha Alexander, Samantha Alexander, Hillary Wixcox, Steven Alexander, and Allie Tilghman

  6. #29131
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    Thank you! I have seen Gary (the one that stole Travis' id), Tanisha, Samantha, and Steven, and another sister whose name I am not sure of, in court. Have the other two appeared in court? I am thinking maybe the young brunette in second row on aisle may have been a sister?

    Samantha's hairdo reminded me of Mary's in Downton Abbey. So elegant!

  7. #29132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    I had to cut stuff out of my previous post 'cause it was too long. The limit is 10,000 characters.

    Not a bad idea at all. If you can't say it in 10,000 characters, then shut up! I miss my wife. She could always do in two sentences what took me two paragraphs. Her spirit lives on in my MDS friends.

    Ian, I just have to ask you this.

    Whenever Patty is on HLN (Nancy Grace or one of the other programs), whether it's audio only on the phone ("from an undisclosed location") or actually showing her, she just seems all sorts of trashed, either on benzos or booze or who knows what.

    Did she appear to be under the influence of anything when you saw her? I know you said she seemed upset but did she seem to be incapacitated in any way?

    And are the stories true that she had on some off-the-shoulder top and "Daisy Duke" shorts? Or did you feel she had on something court-appropriate?

    Thanks ever so much for relating your first-hand insights, Ian...You're the bomb :-)

  8. #29133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poppycock View Post
    Ian debunked the Daisy Duke's as the reason. Gray skirt.
    I cannot imaging DB wanting to go public. How did she hoodwink him for the four years they were together? And still? I wonder if he ever met her family during that four years.
    Jodi Arias's mother is on record as stating that Jodi never allowed 'us' to visit her in her house in Palm Desert. That's where she was living with Darrell Brewer about the last of their four years they cohabited. Chances that Mrs. Arias visited them in Big Sur/Monterey are nil. Jodi thought of her family as dumb yokels. Trust my instincts. She only spoke fondly of them when she was close to getting caught. Travis never met them, yet he allegedly referred to one of them (her Dad?) disparagingly during a dispute with Jodi Arias. He must have gotten than impression from her. We did hear her call her sister 'dumb' during that infamous 'phone recording and Martinez used that to good effect at the beginning of his cross-examination.

    Arias is arrogant, glib and crafty. She's not intelligent nor educated nor emotionally sophisticated enough to grasp the concept that things carelessly said may come back to haunt you later on. Her skills were direct confrontation and manipulation. Her behavior was never controlled by anyone--right back to her earliest years. She just backed off temporarily and schemed on ways to recover from the effects of her own folly. Now she's backed herself into a corner with no way out. That's where she will remain for the rest of her miserable life. Alone and dismissed.
    Last edited by Ian 1; 05-17-2013 at 10:24 AM.
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  9. #29134
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    She, Patty, was not more than two feet away when she passed me and I watched her approach down the aisle from the court well as she headed out towards the witness room. I was looking for signs that she was zoned out and detected nothing. Just a stressful frown! I noticed nothing inappropriate about her dress. The blouse she wore was a bit sheer and she might have had something off the shoulder on underneath. If I recall correctly, it was tucked into a grey skirt. Darrell was in the area and quite animated as this was going on and I was checking out his slim build and facial features at about the same time to confirm that it was indeed the same person I had seen in previous pictures. When I next saw Patty, it was through the slotted window of the witness room door. She was seated facing the door and her posture indicated to me that she was stressed. I'm sure I would have noticed Daisy Duke shorts if she was wearing them. If I'm mistaken, blame it on the moment and the aged brain. There was a lot to take in during those few seconds.

    P.S. The class act in the room, with respect to dress and demeanor, were the Alexander sisters, Tanisha and Samantha. Tanisha wore an appropriate horizontally striped closely fitting dress that showed her voluptuous figure to advantage. Samantha wore a more conservative and looser blue dress totally appropriate for the occasion and the task that she had to perform. They both know how to walk in high heels and did so confidently and purposefully. The whole Alexander family, (spouses included) raised the bar in that courtroom and held it there.
    Last edited by Ian 1; 07-03-2013 at 01:01 AM.
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  10. #29135
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopRocks View Post
    I too dont think jodi was smiling..She looked like a mess today, maybe it was the meds shes taking that was a contributing factor, i dont know, but she actually looked sad today

    She may be a monster, but i dont think she understood the damage shes truly caused until today. I mean i dont think any of us knew that Steven basically has PTSD because of this murder, when i heard that even i got teary eyed
    Quote Originally Posted by eliqueang View Post
    People seem to be having a field day with that. I think its just wiping the tears from under her chin. Also I believe she was showing emotion today..that wasn't smiling.
    Left handed people move their hands differently than right handed people. Look at the way she picks up a cup. It looks awkward to we righties. I honestly think she doesn't know what to do with her hands and what may look like a throat slicing motion is really Jodi just moving her hands about her face.

    As for her sadness. She's mirroring. She's been doing this throughout the trial. If someone had asked her immediately afterwards, she'd still calling Travis a horrible person, a pedophile, etc. etc. etc. If she was really feeling guilt, she'd get on that stand and tell the jury and the Alexanders what really happened. Put an end to this charade. I think this would be the only thing that might save her at this point. If she really felt empathy, she'd do the right thing. Her tears are her way of fitting in at that moment. Mirroring. Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with someone who had an English, Australian, Southern (or any accent different from yours) and suddenly you hear yourself speaking with the same accent? You don't try to do it. It just happens. (I have a really bad case of this. Sometimes it's embarrassing) It's nature's way of assimilating to your surroundings. It's a survival instinct. It's downloaded into most of our brains. Only Jodi does this to the psychotically nth degree.

    And, btw- she certainly stared at her "abusers" siblings the whole time. I found that the most interesting aspect of her demeanor. I expected her to look away from them. (from what she said in that interview). Very interesting to me!

    Quote Originally Posted by sheesh View Post
    Has to be it. Juan will be trying to leverage anything they say into opening the door for other evidence and to impeach their witnesses. My spidery senses are certain Daryl at least withheld evidence. That won't make the Juanster happy.
    I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Darryl's interview with the investigators!! Seems he contradicted many things he said in that interview when he was on the stand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Iluvsam View Post
    I don't think she is pissed, she is scared. There is a lot of crazy idiots out there making treats to whoever speaks in Jodi's favor; just check the messages posted in Amazon about LV. She is allowed to ask her face not to be shown, I probably would to the same.
    See, I think they should have just turned the cameras off and gotten on with it. I don't really care what either of them have to say. I just want this thing to be OVER! If they only would have done that, we'd have an answer today or Monday. Now we have to wait until next week. What's so hard about turning the cameras off?! would they have to hold hearings for it? Ugh! This whole trial has just been deny and delay, deny and delay!

    Quote Originally Posted by frankenstein View Post
    P.S.-Has anyone else given a reach-around to a spider-monkey whilst reciting the pledge of allegiance, or is that fairly uncommon?

  11. #29136
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    The last couple of days, ever since the penalty phase started, I've been thinking about the job JM has to do now. I think its actually the toughest job so far. First he had to prove guilt then aggravation. But now? He has to convince 12 people to kill someone.
    He's done it before, and I'm sure may do it again.
    We know this jury doesn't like her. But I'm thinking there will be one or two that hold out on putting her to death. As much as I've leaned toward the DP since that post-conviction interview, we don't know that the jury will see that interview. I still predict LWOP. But depending on what she says when she gets back on the stand, I may change my mind.

  12. #29137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sneakers the Wonder Dog View Post
    I'm sorry but With Donavan and Jodi it's a case of who's zooming who. Donavan is a criminal. She's not some naive waif who got taken advantage of by jodi Arias.
    Her crime was helping a Jodi-like friend and the friend's brother burn down a failing business for the friend's financial benefit. She admitted the truth, passed the lie detector test, while the friend never did. Have any of you MDSers found have any more details on her case? The old newspaper report I read also said she's married.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post

    She, Patty, was not more than two feet away when she passed me and I watched her approach down the aisle from the court well as she headed out towards the witness room. I was looking for signs that she was zoned out and detected nothing. Just a stressful frown! I noticed nothing inappropriate about her dress. The blouse she wore was a bit sheer and she might have had something off the shoulder on underneath. If I recall correctly, it was tucked into a grey skirt. Darrell was in the area and quite animated as this was going on and I was checking out his slim build and facial features at about the same time to confirm that it was indeed the same person I had seen in previous pictures. When I next saw Patty, it was through the slotted window of the witness room door. She was seated facing the door and her posture indicated to me that she was stressed. I'm sure I would have noticed Daisy Duke shorts if she was wearing them. If I'm mistaken, blame it on the moment and the aged brain. There was a lot to take in during those few seconds.

    P.S. The class act in the room, with respect to dress and demeanor, were the Alexander sisters, Tanisha and Samantha. Tanisha wore an appropriate vertically striped closely fitting dress that showed her voluptuous figure to advantage. Samantha wore a more conservative and looser blue dress totally appropriate for the occasion and the task that she had to perform. They both know how to walk in high heels and did so confidently and purposefully. The whole Alexander family, (spouses included) raised the bar in that courtroom and held it there.
    Thank you so much, Ian. It's amazing the rumors that floated around about the reason for the delay being Patty's dress. Although I must admit, after hearing how absolutely blotto she sounds and looks on her TV interviews, I wouldn't have been shocked to learn she had shown up in such attire, lol!

    I don't quite understand her reticence to show her face on camera during her testimony, though. She's been on at least a couple of HLN programs, as well as in a Dateline or 20/20 episode clearly showing her face and her name is common knowledge. Another rumor floating around is that she has had a few encounters with the law and that JM will bring out her character on the stand. Maybe she's trying to avoid that humiliation rather than a fear of showing her face when she testifies?

    This whole trial continues to amaze with it's circus-like antics and meltdowns. I don't think they'll garner much sympathy from the jury on Judgment Day, though.

  14. #29139
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    The last couple of days, ever since the penalty phase started, I've been thinking about the job JM has to do now. I think its actually the toughest job so far. First he had to prove guilt then aggravation. But now? He has to convince 12 people to kill someone.
    He's done it before, and I'm sure may do it again.
    We know this jury doesn't like her. But I'm thinking there will be one or two that hold out on putting her to death. As much as I've leaned toward the DP since that post-conviction interview, we don't know that the jury will see that interview. I still predict LWOP. But depending on what she says when she gets back on the stand, I may change my mind.
    From viewing the demeanor of that Jury in the courtroom and on a couple of occasions outside it as they come and go, and based on how they decided on the two earlier stages of the trial, I think they are going to follow through with the Death Penalty. That said, I'm not rooting for it--just saying I'm pretty sure its going to happen and it's gonna happen in short order--probably by Tuesday noon at the latest. There are a lot of people in this jurisdiction who are consciously opposed to the liberalism of neighboring California and who's to say if that attitude doesn't prevail on the Jury. Just watching them, you get the impression that they are a straightforward, determined group who aren't going to be swayed by pity in view of the nature of the murder Jodi Arias committed.
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  15. #29140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    From viewing the demeanor of that Jury in the courtroom and on a couple of occasions outside it as they come and go, and based on how they decided on the two earlier stages of the trial, I think they are going to follow through with the Death Penalty. That said, I'm not rooting for it--just saying I'm pretty sure its going to happen and it's gonna happen in short order--probably by Tuesday noon at the latest. There are a lot of people in this jurisdiction who are consciously opposed to the liberalism of neighboring California and who's to say if that attitude doesn't prevail on the Jury. Just watching them, you get the impression that they are a straightforward, determined group who aren't going to be swayed by pity in view of the nature of the murder Jodi Arias committed.
    Wow. Thank you for all your valuable insights, Ian. I'm interested to see if your prediction comes true, especially since you have seen them up close and personal. Most of us only know them by their questions and how they "voted".

    ETA: LOL. I love how Jodi getting a visit in jail from her attorney is big news (on HLN)
    Last edited by M Joy; 05-17-2013 at 11:11 AM.

  16. #29141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    It is ridiculous and you are right. I observed Patti quite closely. She has serious second thoughts about being there now that she's arrived on the scene. Like Jodi? Consider it without the extremes. She's obviously pissed off that the Court is resisting doing her bidding. Darrell, in contrast, was quite animated and was acting like the peacemaker-coach to Patty. Urging her to take one for the team!
    Maybe this is Patti's problem:

    The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial


    Patricia Womack, who is appearing on behalf of the murderer, has a criminal record and was in rehab for alcohol and heroin abuse.

    [Via Chris Stark | Twitter]

  17. #29142
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    The last couple of days, ever since the penalty phase started, I've been thinking about the job JM has to do now. I think its actually the toughest job so far. First he had to prove guilt then aggravation. But now? He has to convince 12 people to kill someone.
    He's done it before, and I'm sure may do it again.
    We know this jury doesn't like her. But I'm thinking there will be one or two that hold out on putting her to death. As much as I've leaned toward the DP since that post-conviction interview, we don't know that the jury will see that interview. I still predict LWOP. But depending on what she says when she gets back on the stand, I may change my mind.
    I keep going back and forth on the DP. It will be hard to get all twelve jurors to agree. There may be some one pities her and believes she is deserving of mercy. Such a difficult decision to make make and to live with.

    I am disappointed that the judge allows the defense team's inept preparation of their witness and the parameters of any cross exam to delay and postpone the proceedings. The prosecutor was always prepared. Defense was never ready if Juan finished his exam of a witness early. This defense team has been inept, unprepared and disrespectful of the court.
    My observation is that at times they (JW and KN) have looked at Juan with a grudging respect watching him examine witnesses and during closing arguments. This just so needs to to be wrapped up. I can accept Life without Parole.

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves" .. Confucius
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  18. #29143
    Senior Member Ian 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MorbidlyLovely View Post
    Thank you so much, Ian. It's amazing the rumors that floated around about the reason for the delay being Patty's dress. Although I must admit, after hearing how absolutely blotto she sounds and looks on her TV interviews, I wouldn't have been shocked to learn she had shown up in such attire, lol!

    I don't quite understand her reticence to show her face on camera during her testimony, though. She's been on at least a couple of HLN programs, as well as in a Dateline or 20/20 episode clearly showing her face and her name is common knowledge. Another rumor floating around is that she has had a few encounters with the law and that JM will bring out her character on the stand. Maybe she's trying to avoid that humiliation rather than a fear of showing her face when she testifies?

    This whole trial continues to amaze with it's circus-like antics and meltdowns. I don't think they'll garner much sympathy from the jury on Judgment Day, though.
    I think the Defense argument for a semi-closed hearing or some other obstructionist tactic with respect to Patty's testimony is that she will not be as forthcoming with her answers if she is exposed to the full public scrutiny that other witnesses have endured and that will supposedly work to Jodi Arias's detriment. Keep it in mind and keep watching. I am pretty sure that Patty has never contemplated the serious position she would be in, like right now, when she gave in to the allure of celebrity/notoriety when she first came out as Jodi's friend. Perhaps they should ask Alyce LaViolette to render an opinion on Patty. Somebody effed up, but why does that surprise anybody. Patty never had to face Martinez in the past and facing the prospect of having to do that cannot be comforting. By the time the Defense told her that she would have to do that, it was too late for her to back out. Now she's panicking. She's not a pampered guest on 20/20 or Dateline. This is serious stuff.
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
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  19. #29144
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poppycock View Post
    Thank you! I have seen Gary (the one that stole Travis' id), Tanisha, Samantha, and Steven, and another sister whose name I am not sure of, in court. Have the other two appeared in court? I am thinking maybe the young brunette in second row on aisle may have been a sister?

    Samantha's hairdo reminded me of Mary's in Downton Abbey. So elegant!
    Hilary and Allie are the other two sisters. Allie is the one I believe you are referring to as the young brunette in the second row. Hilary is blonder than the other sisters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    Arias is arrogant, glib and crafty. She's not intelligent nor educated nor emotionally sophisticated enough to grasp the concept that things carelessly said may come back to haunt you later on. Her skills were direct confrontation and manipulation. Her behavior was never controlled by anyone--right back to her earliest years. She just backed off temporarily and schemed on ways to recover from the effects of her own folly. Now she's backed herself into a corner with no way out. That's where she will remain for the rest of her miserable life. Alone and dismissed.
    So perfectly put and as it should be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strange Dog View Post
    Her crime was helping a Jodi-like friend and the friend's brother burn down a failing business for the friend's financial benefit. She admitted the truth, passed the lie detector test, while the friend never did. Have any of you MDSers found have any more details on her case? The old newspaper report I read also said she's married.
    Donavan is still on parole. I read her court record and the minutes from her case. She's not some dumb bunny who fell under the Felon's spell. She's is in it for the benefits - cash!

    Donavan posted here at MDS way way back when as Karma4ever and on other forums and blogs under that user name as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by MorbidlyLovely View Post
    Thank you so much, Ian. It's amazing the rumors that floated around about the reason for the delay being Patty's dress. Although I must admit, after hearing how absolutely blotto she sounds and looks on her TV interviews, I wouldn't have been shocked to learn she had shown up in such attire, lol!

    I don't quite understand her reticence to show her face on camera during her testimony, though. She's been on at least a couple of HLN programs, as well as in a Dateline or 20/20 episode clearly showing her face and her name is common knowledge. Another rumor floating around is that she has had a few encounters with the law and that JM will bring out her character on the stand. Maybe she's trying to avoid that humiliation rather than a fear of showing her face when she testifies?

    This whole trial continues to amaze with it's circus-like antics and meltdowns. I don't think they'll garner much sympathy from the jury on Judgment Day, though.
    Back in Jan/Feb when Patti showed up in court and was sitting with Sandy Arias she was dressed very inappropriately for court, jmo. If you scroll back a few pages you will see a number of pictures of her when she was there.

    After she appeared on NG last time, by phone, Chris Stark on Twitter began posting her home address and phone number on Twitter and elsewhere. She was being threatened and harassed.

    She found out she was being called as a mitigation witness from a friend (@SheStartedIt) who posts here on MDS and saw we had posted she was listed as witness for mitigation. She hadn't even been notified by the defense at that point. She was freaking out according to @SheStartedIt

  20. #29145
    Senior Member dizzyp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oh right View Post
    Maybe this is Patti's problem:

    The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial


    Patricia Womack, who is appearing on behalf of the murderer, has a criminal record and was in rehab for alcohol and heroin abuse.

    [Via Chris Stark | Twitter]

    I wonder if they can bring in a pinch-hitter for her... she looks very iffy for Monday.

  21. #29146
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    Quote Originally Posted by dizzyp View Post
    I wonder if they can bring in a pinch-hitter for her... she looks very iffy for Monday.
    I don't agree with what Chris Stark is doing. Patti Womack obviously has issues. She is not a "professional witness" like Samuels or Laviolette. Publishing Patty's home address and other info is beyond the pale.

  22. #29147
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    I found your account of Thursday riveting, Ian 1. Well done painting the painting.

  23. #29148
    Senior Member *crickets*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    For those of you interested in following the 'proceedings' as they unfolded in the courtroom on Thursday, May 16, the best vantage point was from in front of your TV, your computer or other streaming device, or from a seat in the courtroom itself. Unfortunately, I wasn't in any of those places.

    Not being in a position to comment on anything that happened inside the courtroom during that morning session, here's some observations on what went on outside the doors.

    There were a couple of very hostile individuals among that crowd, persons who appear to perceive others as an impediment to achieving their own urgent goal to secure one of those scarce and coveted spots in the public gallery. Without doubt, the root of the problem is the failure of the Court Officials to willingly accept the reality that the Public has a lawful right to be there and, instead, seem to regard that essential component of the Justice system as an intrusion into the system that must be minimized and contained on an ad hoc basis. It would be a simple enough thing, once the persons officially in charge accepted the legitimacy of the public's presence, and anticipated the high level of public interest in any particular trial--especially this one--to formulate procedures and rules to advise how equal access is secured and also provide an admonition on the standard of behavior that is expected. A couple of well-placed signs and occasional monitoring of the waiting areas would do the trick. In place of that, the waiting 'crowd' is left to their own devices and, although I have never witnessed it, I've heard it said by some 'regulars' that when the chatter and activity exceeds whatever is the 'acceptable' threshold, the officials react with a threat to banish all the participants from the courthouse--including those who sit quietly and patiently waiting. So, the 'rules' are proclaimed by the odd 'regular,' speaking as some self-appointed quasi-official hall monitor. Denver was subjected to one of these on Wednesday, for no good reason, and I witnessed one on Thursday when one particularly angry guy stood up and loudly addressed the group, saying, "I came a long way to get into this trial and if we are kicked out of here because of the noise all of you are making, I am going to be mightily pissed and don't know what I will do if that happens." One lady, sitting quietly in the seat beside me, felt threatened by his statements and, herself, was at the point of going to seek out an official in direct response to what this guy said and was saying. I had an unfortunate encounter with him in the courtroom in the afternoon when, during a break, while I was sitting in the end seat of the row with one leg crossed over the other, this person, wanting to exit, just kicked my foot out of the way. I reacted by saying, "You could say excuse me!" He responded in a loud voice, "I did. If you cleaned out your ears, you would have heard me." This little scene immediately drew the attention of a bailiff who suddenly appeared and said, "If both of you don't stop immediately, I will remove you from the courtroom." I had nothing more to say, but when this guy returned a few minutes later he entered the row behind me muttering some angry imprecations directed at me and climbed over the back of the seat to get to his own in the same row I was in. That's angry!
    (Respectfully snipped)
    Oh, Ian! When I saw that item on Twitter yesterday my first thought was "Could that be Ian? Naaah, couldn't be." It WAS you!

    I have to add my thanks to everyone else's for your on-the-scene reporting. The dynamics of what goes on inside the courtroom and out are fascinating and you bring so much detail back to us. Thank you x 1 million!

    I would personally love to see you as a regular trial observer on HLN but I know you wouldn't want to be affiliated with that organization...

  24. #29149
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Patti might have active addictions and the resultant legal problems that go with them. Are her children with her? Is she on probation? Is she struggling financially? All of these factors and more might be adding to her less than willing testimony. its one thing to phone into Nancy Grace, but quite another to testify in open court before God and millions of court watchers. JMHO

  25. #29150
    Senior Member Schpadoinkle's Avatar
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    Hey everyone! I really haven't been paying attention to the trial since the verdict came in. I am now informing myself vicariously almost exclusively through MDS. I figure I'll get less of a headache and objective points of view better that way :-) any idea when this crazy shit show is going to be wrapped up?

    "Never cry over a whore..." - Klaus

    Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
    i like the word 'twat'.

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