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Thread: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death (Part II)

  1. #29101
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    My cousin is a guard at the prison where Jodi Arias is incarcerated. I asked her politely if she will please kick Jodi in the neck for me. Like a good cousin, she said she would. (Um, yeah, but not really. She likes her job.)

    I am constantly telling people how we (not me, but we collectively-as in our site) have been talking about her for 5 years, saying how bat-shit crazy she is. I am "usually" anti-death penalty, but definitely think she deserves to die for what she did. Just don't make it as easy as a lethal injection. If only that were legal.

    "We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people." - Sean Kennedy

  2. #29102
    Senior Member sheesh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sneakers the Wonder Dog View Post
    I'm seeing stuff on Twitter that the delay today was caused by the defense trying to limit what JM can ask Darryl Brewer and Patty Womack on cross examination.
    Has to be it. Juan will be trying to leverage anything they say into opening the door for other evidence and to impeach their witnesses. My spidery senses are certain Daryl at least withheld evidence. That won't make the Juanster happy.

  3. #29103
    Senior Member lorizfree's Avatar
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    JAII posters and owners are seriously disturbed. I wonder if they're potentially dangerous. They are starting to act with cult mentality. They will do ANYTHING to free Jodi. Pretty scary, to me anyhow.
    More rants from JAII...

    TGI Friday (+ bad acting, fake tears & BS)
    May 17, 2013 By SJ - Team Jodi 26 Comments

    I’ve never seen such a shambolic display of bad acting (and fake tears) as we had to endure yesterday morning.
    The plain fact is, the family never really cared about TA. Their hate speech from yesterday was testament to that – and they well & truly nailed it.
    They were pissed because the real truth about their brother was forced out in the open for all the see and hear. That was the real reason for the fake tears & anger – and I don’t blame them in that regard. It must be hard to be so distanced from a sibling that you never even knew about all his serious mental issues & associated deficiencies.
    TA’s dirty laundry (and his even dirtier “magic undergarments”) were forced out into the open – and they only have themselves to blame for that. It was optional after all.
    Overall though… had their cumulative attitude been different, then yes, I may of had a little compassion for them… but their attitude reeked, and still does. In stark contrast, Jodi’s mom (and the rest of the Arias family) have carried themselves with pride & dignity throughout the whole trial… and continue to do so.
    I’m not gonna go off on some biblical rant… but the TA family going all out by demanding a revenge killing – without valid reason – is just plain wrong. The same applies to their calls for the harassment of defense witnesses via Facebook. Blaming Jodi for all their combined Addams family fuck ups is plain wrong too. It’s reminds me of people that blame “the global economy” for the reason they’re broke. The truth is, those same people would be broke regardless. The economic state of the country has nothing to do with it. It’s also a proven fact that like attracts like… so poor people mainly mix with the poor… the rich mingle with the rich… and the haters feed off other haters. It’s cool. C’est la vie and all that. Just quit blaming everyone else FFS.
    My “Motherfuckers & Justice For Jodi“ post from yesterday also got a little misconstrued by some people. They thought I was somehow hating on the family. That wasn’t the case. I was venting. I’ve never hated on anyone in this site. I’ve questioned the integrity of many people. I’ve highlighted the blatant lies some people have told. I’ve called a few people sad-ass motherfuckers too. For that I make no excuses or apologies… but I’ve never once hated on anyone or called for the death of anyone… nor have I called for a specific act of violence to be carried out on anyone either. That’s the difference.
    Anyways, it looks like I made my point with yesterday’s post, and I thank everyone individually & collectively for their ongoing support of this website… and for their ongoing and unwavering support & awesomeness in our ultimate quest for Justice For Jodi.
    I already have the domain registered, which currently forwards to this website. If and when required, that same domain will be deployed in a different capacity.
    In the meantime, and not that this makes too much difference to anything, but I’ll be on vacation for a week starting this coming Sunday. Needless to say, I’ll still be checking in daily… new pages will still be added every day to keep the momentum rolling… and the site will be in good hands. For anyone that emails me regularly, I’ll be sending you a different email address for next week just in case anything urgent crops up. For everyone else, please wait until I get back before sending me your death threats, general abuse and sexually provocative messages. Thanking you :mrgreen:
    Ok then peeps… leave your relative comments & observations below, and we’ll plough on regardless as usual.
    Ain’t that the truth…
    Team Jodi

    Motherfuckers & Justice For Jodi
    May 16, 2013 By SJ - Team Jodi

    So… let these clueless fucks come up with some more bullshit today. We’re used to it by now, aren’t we?. After that, we can start preparing for the appellate courts and the appeals in respect of this AZ State Circus debacle.
    And while I’m on a roll, let me tell you this — and let’s see how little of it appears on HLN later today:
    TA’s retarded & inbred meth-head loser family seriously need to get a life, and quit playing the fake sympathy card for anyone that’s stupid enough to give a fuck about them. So yeah… to the meth-head family I say fuck you and the drug dealers dicks you all rode into town on. You, just like all the other sick pedo-hugging fucks should never have been born in the first place. The world would have been a much better place without you… just like the world is a much better place without that TA asshole.
    The same sentiments go out to all the mormon motherfuckers still clinging to the illusion of Jodi’s guilt, just to make them feel “better” about themselves. Good luck with that. Fuck you too, and the bishop you’re always giving head to. You know who you are.
    This will always be a very basic & grossly overcharged self-defense case, with no credible evidence to prove the contrary. If there is credible evidence, then I’ve never seen it. I’ve seen Walmart receipts and deposit slips… I’ve also seen rape-themed text messages… and I’ve heard an audio recording of some pervert wanting to tie a 12 year old girl to a tree and fuck her in the ass. On top of that, all I’ve heard is a lot of bullshit fantasy speculation, hearsay & assumption from Dirty Sanchez — a miscreant excuse of a prosecutor who’s not even fit to shovel shit from one place to another without arguing with the shovel.
    The jurors… for reasons yet to be specifically determined, must have been watching a different trial altogether. So much so that they not only failed in their duty as jurors, but they also failed to uphold The Constitution. Another bunch of motherfuckers to behold. Please stand for the jury? Fuck you.
    Here’s permanently pissed up juror #8 talking about being approached & questioned during the trial, watching TV and seeing all the newspaper headlines. “Did anyone attempt to speak to you about this case?… I see no hands.” says Judge Pickles. So much for that BS…Ok then… in summary, and just in case anyone needed reminding…
    We are here for the long haul.
    We are proud to stand behind and support Jodi Arias.
    Always have done.
    Always will do.
    Nothing will ever change that.
    NEVER DOUBT IT FOR ONE SECOND… if you do, then you shouldn’t even be here.
    Leave your comments below as another new & star-spangled bullshit dawn breaks over Arizona.
    The real battle starts today folks.
    Are you up for it, or what?…
    Team Jodi

    PS. I nearly forgot this…….

    **Insert picture of Travis in a body bag**

    Let this be a warning to any other self-righteous bastards that think they can verbally & physically abuse women and get away with it.
    Because the fact of the matter is… in the cold light of day… most of the time you can get away with it )and do)… but sometimes… well… you just can’t. The photograph above is testament to that fact.

  4. #29104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaper-Creeper View Post
    Maybe someone here can explain why the supporters for JA claim to support her because it was based on domestic violence, WTF? How does one wrap their head around that, and honestly believe that this was justified? I am floored that these sick people honestly think the family are the sick and twisted ones. Coming from a family with domestic violence issues, it sickens me to see this crap. I applaud the Alexander family for saying what they said and dealing with this all the way they have. I would not have dealt with itthe same way.
    There are people in this world that choose to hear what they want to hear, is my guess. They listened to everything Jodi said and believed it and ignored the factual evidence. My guess is most of them are like ALV - manhaters that think women can do no wrong. Delusional people support Jodi Arias.

  5. #29105
    Senior Member tiggrrl72077's Avatar
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    I can't read the stuff from the JAII site. It makes me sick to my stomach. Although it is interesting to see the opposite side saying some of the same things I've read over here but in reference to the other side. We say how disrespectful her family is in the court room and how his family has held themselves with grace and dignity. They say how his family is disrespectful and how her family held themselves with grace and dignity. We say Jodi is acting and faking her emotion. They claim the same thing about Travis' brother and sister. It amazes me how two groups of people can look at the exact same thing but see things TOTALLY different and completely opposite. Its kinda scary.

  6. #29106
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    All I have to say regarding the JAII site is: Way to keep it classy with all of your ignorant bullshit statements. It's no wonder you're trying to free a lunatic. Birds of a fucking feather, indeed. Jaysus.

    "We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people." - Sean Kennedy

  7. #29107
    Senior Member lorizfree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apricotbaby View Post
    All I have to say regarding the JAII site is: Way to keep it classy with all of your ignorant bullshit statements. It's no wonder you're trying to free a lunatic. Birds of a fucking feather, indeed. Jaysus.
    The 2 posts from JAII that I relayed to all here is the nice stuff. The actual posts from supporters are much much worse. God only knows what's going in the their password rooms.

  8. #29108
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorizfree View Post
    The 2 posts from JAII that I relayed to all here is the nice stuff. The actual posts from supporters are much much worse. God only knows what's going in the their password rooms.
    They're probably all emailing each other their snail mail addresses so they can pass around that skank's nasty pair of underwear some complete effing moron bought off of eBay.


    "We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people." - Sean Kennedy

  9. #29109
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    I agree with those of you who believe Jodi was actually crying. I didn't see a smirk or a cutting motion. I actually saw genuine emotion, and not just for herself this time. She didn't cry for herself when the jury came back with the verdict that her actions were especially cruel. She didn't cry at the beginning of trial yesterday when the judge was instructing the jury on leniency... she knows she is probably going to get the DP, and she didn't cry for herself. I think shit is getting real for her. (And my god is she doped up!)

    I don't think she has Antisocial Personality Disorder. From my training (as a professional counselor - not a Ph.D.), she does not meet the criteria for that diagnosis in my opinion. I DO, however, definitely think she meets the criteria for BPD and probably Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Like DeMarte said, she is emotionally immature, and thus far, this has all been about Jodi. This has been some kind of game to her and in her twisted mind, she has been able to distance herself from the horror of what she did to Travis as well as justify it. I think she believes her own lies.

    Which brings me to this: I think there is something else off about her, and I can't put my finger on it. I have watched all of the interrogation tapes, etc., and I see some kind of dissociation on her part. Laughing and singing while she is being arrested for murder? Doing handstands? Other behaviors I've seen that just don't meet any of the personality disorder criteria. I just feel in my gut there is something else wrong with her.

    Watching those victim impact statements yesterday left me exhausted. I was crying my eyes out. I felt sick to my stomach all night. I am against the DP for my own personal reasons, but I do not think she should ever see the light of day. I wish she would have the conditions of a DP verdict (in her cell 23 hours a day, no physical contact with others, etc.). She deserves that kind of suffering in my opinion, regardless of what is psychologically wrong with her. She is a sick, sick woman and she deserves to sit in a cell (preferably with those autopsy photos taped all over the walls) and contemplate what she did to Travis every hour of every day.

  10. #29110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sneakers the Wonder Dog View Post
    You're right, but the question is what witness? Does the motion refer to Samantha and Steven Alexander? A new witness?
    I don't know, but I would suspect a new witness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saffron View Post
    I don't know very much about trials, but a prosecutor cross-examing mitigation witnesses sounds strange to me. It seems unfair to the defendant (legally speaking) to have the prosecution try to discredit friends or family over subjective things such as good memories or a prior history of good feelings toward a defendant. Who knows, though.
    It doesn't seem fair to me either. Not speaking specifically to Jodi's case, but all cases in which this may occur. Her friends and family should be allowed to speak IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by NazyNoodle View Post
    I don't think she has Antisocial Personality Disorder. From my training (as a professional counselor - not a Ph.D.), she does not meet the criteria for that diagnosis in my opinion. I DO, however, definitely think she meets the criteria for BPD and probably Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Like DeMarte said, she is emotionally immature, and thus far, this has all been about Jodi. This has been some kind of game to her and in her twisted mind, she has been able to distance herself from the horror of what she did to Travis as well as justify it. I think she believes her own lies.

    Which brings me to this: I think there is something else off about her, and I can't put my finger on it. I have watched all of the interrogation tapes, etc., and I see some kind of dissociation on her part. Laughing and singing while she is being arrested for murder? Doing handstands? Other behaviors I've seen that just don't meet any of the personality disorder criteria. I just feel in my gut there is something else wrong with her.

    Watching those victim impact statements yesterday left me exhausted. I was crying my eyes out. I felt sick to my stomach all night. I am against the DP for my own personal reasons, but I do not think she should ever see the light of day. I wish she would have the conditions of a DP verdict (in her cell 23 hours a day, no physical contact with others, etc.). She deserves that kind of suffering in my opinion, regardless of what is psychologically wrong with her. She is a sick, sick woman and she deserves to sit in a cell (preferably with those autopsy photos taped all over the walls) and contemplate what she did to Travis every hour of every day.
    The reason why I keep coming back to Anti-Social Personality Disorder is because of the way she lies so often and so easily. I don't think people with Borderline Personality Disorder are particularly known for lying like that...? Please correct me if I am wrong. Also, the BPD's I have known have been total drama queens, like hurricanes coming into and out of people's lives. One minute they are being super nice, the next, they are screaming about what a horrible person you are. As far as I can tell, Jodi wasn't like that - she may have been with Travis (?), but all I have heard about her behavior with other people is that she was "weird" and "behaved inappropriately" - like giving people cold stares or sitting at a kitchen table when asked to leave.

    I'm not a psychologist, and as such, I am probably wrong... but she strikes me as more anti-social than BPD.
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  11. #29111
    Senior Member Ian 1's Avatar
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    For those of you interested in following the 'proceedings' as they unfolded in the courtroom on Thursday, May 16, the best vantage point was from in front of your TV, your computer or other streaming device, or from a seat in the courtroom itself. Unfortunately, I wasn't in any of those places.

    Not being in a position to comment on anything that happened inside the courtroom during that morning session, here's some observations on what went on outside the doors.

    There were a couple of very hostile individuals among that crowd, persons who appear to perceive others as an impediment to achieving their own urgent goal to secure one of those scarce and coveted spots in the public gallery. Without doubt, the root of the problem is the failure of the Court Officials to willingly accept the reality that the Public has a lawful right to be there and, instead, seem to regard that essential component of the Justice system as an intrusion into the system that must be minimized and contained on an ad hoc basis. It would be a simple enough thing, once the persons officially in charge accepted the legitimacy of the public's presence, and anticipated the high level of public interest in any particular trial--especially this one--to formulate procedures and rules to advise how equal access is secured and also provide an admonition on the standard of behavior that is expected. A couple of well-placed signs and occasional monitoring of the waiting areas would do the trick. In place of that, the waiting 'crowd' is left to their own devices and, although I have never witnessed it, I've heard it said by some 'regulars' that when the chatter and activity exceeds whatever is the 'acceptable' threshold, the officials react with a threat to banish all the participants from the courthouse--including those who sit quietly and patiently waiting. So, the 'rules' are proclaimed by the odd 'regular,' speaking as some self-appointed quasi-official hall monitor. Denver was subjected to one of these on Wednesday, for no good reason, and I witnessed one on Thursday when one particularly angry guy stood up and loudly addressed the group, saying, "I came a long way to get into this trial and if we are kicked out of here because of the noise all of you are making, I am going to be mightily pissed and don't know what I will do if that happens." One lady, sitting quietly in the seat beside me, felt threatened by his statements and, herself, was at the point of going to seek out an official in direct response to what this guy said and was saying. I had an unfortunate encounter with him in the courtroom in the afternoon when, during a break, while I was sitting in the end seat of the row with one leg crossed over the other, this person, wanting to exit, just kicked my foot out of the way. I reacted by saying, "You could say excuse me!" He responded in a loud voice, "I did. If you cleaned out your ears, you would have heard me." This little scene immediately drew the attention of a bailiff who suddenly appeared and said, "If both of you don't stop immediately, I will remove you from the courtroom." I had nothing more to say, but when this guy returned a few minutes later he entered the row behind me muttering some angry imprecations directed at me and climbed over the back of the seat to get to his own in the same row I was in. That's angry!

    All of this unpleasantness could be avoided, but it seems the court officials aren't interested in doing that. My previous observation on their attitude, "The Public is invited, but they are not welcomed" holds true. There are others who agree with me. The fault rests directly in the laps of the officials in charge. Establish and display clear and simple rules and procedures and the public will follow and the dignity of the institution will be upheld.

    Enough of that!

    The scheduled two o'clock resumption of the proceedings rolled around. At about 2:30, the bailiff came and announced the 'Judge was ready to go' so we had to hurry to our seats. There were enough seats for thirteen members of the public starting from the third row back. I held the door for the others, so was last to enter. It worked again. Last ended up first!! The bailiff filled the rows starting from back to front, so I got the third row aisle seat which provided the best vantage point. The second row, (the row behind Arias mother, aunt, the man with them, Donovan and her friend was left empty.) Apparently it was reserved for four law students/interns who appeared after the first break.) Immediately in front of Mrs. Arias, et al, in the well of the courtroom I spotted Darrell Brewer, and a couple of other people standing around just talking. A few minutes later, the door at the front of the courtroom to the left of the Bench, opened and a woman wearing a pink blouse walked the length of the room to join Darrell and the people he was with. It was Patti(?), Jodi Arias's friend and she looked extremely distressed. After speaking to Darrell, (dressed in a grey suit), she left the courtroom with an official and I later saw that she had gone to one of the witness rooms that opened up from the hallway. Darrell went after her a few minutes later. Meanwhile some staff were moving the lecturn and the microphone cables closer to the Jury Box. Shortly after that, Tanisha Alexander left the courtroom for the hallway. We waited. A few minutes later, Samantha's spouse left the room, also for the hallway. At some point Martinez came over and spoke to the family. Then Samantha Alexander left her seat for the other witness room. Tanisha came back into the courtroom from the hallway, sat for a moment, then followed to where Samantha was in the witness room. We waited a while. Then the bailiff came to us and announced that the courtroom was to be cleared of everybody but the families. Something was up! Nothing was happening.

    Back out in the hallway, the reporter who did the interview with Jodi Arias after the guilty verdict, approached me and asked me about the incident in the courtroom with the angry guy. He was looking for a story. I minimized it--it wasn't a big deal. Suddenly both he and I were swarmed by some regulars. At this point I hadn't recognized him but they started calling him Troy and someone told me who he was. They took over the conversation asking him about his interview with Jodi Arias immediately after the guilty verdict. I heard him say, "I think she is insane." Then I moved away just they were pumping him and monopolizing the conversation with all the same old stuff, their own opinions, etc., etc., and I was frankly weary of hearing it and didn't want to be there, so I moved away to avoid it all.

    In the interim, I spoke to a very nice woman who frequents the trial on a daily basis, and speculated that the reason for the interruption was probably because Patti and Jodi Arias's other Mitigation witnesses probably didn't want to testify--address the jury--in public. I was able to glance through the glass slot in the door of the witness room and saw Patti, Darrell and others inside. Patti still looked extremely nervous and stressed. If that was proof that she didn't want to go on in public, it showed. Turns out that's close to the truth.

    A few minutes later, the bailiff re-appeared, invited us all to re-enter the courtroom if we so chose, but stated that court was being re-convened for the purpose only of adjournment. Most of us went back in. The judge was back on the bench, the Jury filed in and took their places. (As best I could see, Juror No.2, is a man in his forties with a helmet of thick hair, has a serious demeanor, and displays nothing else that would distinguish him from the others.)

    The Judge thanked them for their patience, said the court was unable to proceed, directed them to return on Monday, and adjourned the trial.

    We filed out into the hallway and milled around for a few more minutes. I then quickly moved to catch an elevator that people were boarding before the doors closed. The Alexander family was already in there. I caught Steven's eye and he caught mine. I saw the sadness. I lifted my right hand to shoulder height, gave a little fist pump, and looked him in the eye. He looked back and silently acknowledged me with a half-smile. It was not appropriate to say or attempt to say or do anything more.

    I trailed behind the Alexanders out of the courthouse and down the outside steps. One person, one of those 'regulars whose always hushing others up, (and I've gotta admit I find it obnoxious) sitting on a bench near the top of the steps spotted Steven Alexander and shouted "Hi Steven, Bye Steven. Way to go."

    I was heading to the LRT ' cause I was exhausted and just wanted to get back to where I'm staying with my friends. I crossed First Avenue behind the Alexanders with the pedestrian light. All of the Alexanders, except Tanisha, proceeded straight ahead. She peeled off alone and started walking up the street towards the Parking Garage Booth that is right at the edge of the garage adjacent to the sidewalk. By this time I was this old, disheveled, wearyguy walking almost parallel with her. She glanced at me and I mustered up the courage to say hello. Then I said that I speak with a lot of people and we are all so glad that she and her family got their brother back. (I meant his reputation, character, soul if you will). Hard to make sense at a moment like that. She stopped, said "Aaaw! Thank you." Her eyes said it too. Then she reached out her left arm, touched the top of my left arm and rubbed her hand up and down it two or three times. It was as though she was helping me through a difficult moment. I saw the warmth and dignity in her eyes. The murder of her brother must have brought out what had to have been already there. Then we parted.

    That was a great way to end a shitty day.

    That's all for now. Isn't that enough?

    Last edited by Ian 1; 05-17-2013 at 09:45 AM.
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  12. #29112
    Senior Member dizzyp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    Then I said that I speak with a lot of people and we are all so glad that she and her family got their brother back. (I meant his reputation, character, soul if you will). Hard to make sense at a moment like that. She stopped, said "Aaaw! Thank you." Her eyes said it too. Then she reached out her left arm, touched the top of my left arm and rubbed her hand up and down it two or three times. It was like she was helping me through a difficult moment. I saw the warmth and dignity in her eyes. The murder of her brother must have brought out what had to have been already there. Then we parted.

    That was a great way to end a shitty day.

    That's all for now. Isn't that enough?

    I would want to say the same thing to her and the family. Thank you for your firsthand account and insights Ian, much appreciated..

  13. #29113
    Senior Member M Joy's Avatar
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    Its looking like the reason they cancelled afternoon court yesterday was solely Patti Wolmack. She asked to not be video and audio recorded. Is she trying to make the cameras shut off just for her? I don't see why she can't just get up there and do her part and get out of there.

    If this stuff is true, it seems she's acting like Jodi and making the court bow to what SHE wants. And the judge is allowing it. This is ridiculous.

  14. #29114
    Senior Member Ian 1's Avatar
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    I had to cut stuff out of my previous post 'cause it was too long. The limit is 10,000 characters.

    Not a bad idea at all. If you can't say it in 10,000 characters, then shut up! I miss my wife. She could always do in two sentences what took me two paragraphs. Her spirit lives on in my MDS friends.

    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  15. #29115
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    ^ a person displaying [false] misplaced empathy!

    The only time I see 'true' emotion in Arias here, is when Samantha's voice takes an involuntary emotional turn, while saying the words "..slit from ear to ear"! (At 13:30) It's the first time I ever seen anything close to 'real', in Jodi's face, but it is inappropriate, because it is NOT shame, and it is NOT remorse, it is empathy!

    As if she were saying, "Oh my God, how awful to lose your brother in such a heinous manner! I loved him too!" This elevates her (as usual) to an equal par with TA's siblings, along the lines of [in her own words], "I hope they can find peace!"

    'Oh and don't worry! Even though I HAD to slaughter your brother, in the manner that I did, I'll be a martyr for that Peace! Just give me the Death Penalty!'

    This can only mean one thing, that which we know to be true, that Jodi is fully entrenched in her own lies! She owns her bullshit, which gives her a pass on owning what she has done!

    Owning her own, shit is 'worse than death' for Jodi! She may not even have the emotional capacity or intelligence!

  16. #29116
    Senior Member Jillee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olgasbunghole View Post
    Originally Posted by Jillee
    I've read this before. It's one of the best blogs out there in trying to explain what kind of mental disorder Jodi has.
    But I'm now leaning toward the Psychology Today's article that was release recently.

    the theory that is talked about in that psychologytoday blog is a very common theory amongst parents of adult children who have the same behavior's as JA, with the exception of murder! No parent wants to believe that they brought a sociopath into the world, that their lovely cute little baby & loving child that they have so many beautiful memories of.......... it's heartbreaking and unimaginable for a parent to accept.
    Actually, I think this article is harsher on her. It says she's an evil spoiled brat and that you can't fix evil.
    Quote Originally Posted by snowfallsoon View Post
    Ya some support her for that, others support her because 'she is being framed by the Mormon Mafia'.
    Kinda like the Amish mafia... only they all can drive.
    [QUOTE=PopRocks;3421929]shes going grey huh?

    Grey AND Jen Jen bald!

    Quote Originally Posted by frankenstein View Post
    P.S.-Has anyone else given a reach-around to a spider-monkey whilst reciting the pledge of allegiance, or is that fairly uncommon?

  17. #29117
    Senior Member Ian 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    Its looking like the reason they cancelled afternoon court yesterday was solely Patti Wolmack. She asked to not be video and audio recorded. Is she trying to make the cameras shut off just for her? I don't see why she can't just get up there and do her part and get out of there.

    If this stuff is true, it seems she's acting like Jodi and making the court bow to what SHE wants. And the judge is allowing it. This is ridiculous.
    It is ridiculous and you are right. I observed Patti quite closely. She has serious second thoughts about being there now that she's arrived on the scene. Like Jodi? Consider it without the extremes. She's obviously pissed off that the Court is resisting doing her bidding. Darrell, in contrast, was quite animated and was acting like the peacemaker-coach to Patty. Urging her to take one for the team!
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  18. #29118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    I had to cut stuff out of my previous post 'cause it was too long. The limit is 10,000 characters.

    Not a bad idea at all. If you can't say it in 10,000 characters, then shut up! I miss my wife. She could always do in two sentences what took me two paragraphs. Her spirit lives on in my MDS friends.

  19. #29119
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    All of this arias/Patti stuff reeks of entitlement to me, and I can't figure out what they think they could possibly be entitled to, and why. Again, I'm probably just making things up.
    "You know those fishing shows where they catch a fish and then let it go? They don't want to eat it, they just want to make it late for something." Mitch Hedberg

  20. #29120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    I was heading to the LRT ' cause I was exhausted and just wanted to get back to where I'm staying with my friends. I crossed First Avenue behind the Alexanders with the pedestrian light. All of the Alexanders, except Tanisha, proceeded straight ahead. She peeled off alone and started walking up the street towards the Parking Garage Booth that is right at the edge of the garage adjacent to the sidewalk. By this time I was this old, disheveled, wearyguy walking almost parallel with her. She glanced at me and got up the courage to say hello. Then I said that I speak with a lot of people and we are all so glad that she and her family got their brother back. (I meant his reputation, character, soul if you will). Hard to make sense at a moment like that. She stopped, said "Aaaw! Thank you." Her eyes said it too. Then she reached out her left arm, touched the top of my left arm and rubbed her hand up and down it two or three times. It was like she was helping me through a difficult moment. I saw the warmth and dignity in her eyes. The murder of her brother must have brought out what had to have been already there. Then we parted.

    That was a great way to end a shitty day.

    That's all for now. Isn't that enough?

    Wow, that made me tear up a little bit (I don't tear up very often either).
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  21. #29121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    It is ridiculous and you are right. I observed Patti quite closely. She has serious second thoughts about being there now that she's arrived on the scene. Like Jodi? Consider it without the extremes. She's obviously pissed off that the Court is resisting doing her bidding. Darrell, in contrast, was quite animated and was acting like the peacemaker-coach to Patty. Urging her to take one for the team!
    Maybe now that her friend has been convicted she is taking heat for standing up for a convicted murderer. But she's really acting immature about the whole thing. I wish I knew what this judge is thinking.

  22. #29122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    I miss my wife. She could always do in two sentences what took me two paragraphs. Her spirit lives on in my MDS friends.

    *You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ian 1 again.*
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  23. #29123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jillee View Post
    Actually, I think this article is harsher on her. It says she's an evil spoiled brat and that you can't fix evil.
    That is psychopathy in a nutshell IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    Maybe now that her friend has been convicted she is taking heat for standing up for a convicted murderer. But she's really acting immature about the whole thing. I wish I knew what this judge is thinking.
    Actually, if she actually is an alcoholic, she probably is emotionally immature.
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  24. #29124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    It is ridiculous and you are right. I observed Patti quite closely. She has serious second thoughts about being there now that she's arrived on the scene. Like Jodi? Consider it without the extremes. She's obviously pissed off that the Court is resisting doing her bidding. Darrell, in contrast, was quite animated and was acting like the peacemaker-coach to Patty. Urging her to take one for the team!
    I don't think she is pissed, she is scared. There is a lot of crazy idiots out there making treats to whoever speaks in Jodi's favor; just check the messages posted in Amazon about LV. She is allowed to ask her face not to be shown, I probably would to the same.

  25. #29125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saffron View Post
    I don't know very much about trials, but a prosecutor cross-examing mitigation witnesses sounds strange to me. It seems unfair to the defendant (legally speaking) to have the prosecution try to discredit friends or family over subjective things such as good memories or a prior history of good feelings toward a defendant. Who knows, though.

    This writer makes very interesting points and, from a layman's point of view, she makes a very good case against a BPD diagnosis, and a very good case for an Antisocial Personality Disorder diagnosis. Very interesting...

    I don't think Jodi is smiling at all in this example, or anytime the camera was on her today. I think she was crying and that she was very sad. (I'm not defending her, but I thought she felt very emotional today.)
    This is how I understand Jodi's witnesses participation. I believe they have 2 choices. They can either stand up and read a statement like Steven and Samantha did, or they can choose to take the stand any actually testify, whereby the DT gets to ask them actual questions. If they opt to simply read a statement, Martinez can do nothing with regards to questioning them. If they opt to take the stand, then he is allowed to cross-examine. I believe the same goes for Jodi and that if she doesn't want to be crossed, she has to just make a statement.

    I think that's fair to allow a cross-examination if they choose to actually take the stand and testify. You know that if they do, a lot more is going to come out from Nurmi or Willmott directing them, than if they just wrote a simple statement, because they can actually make claims about things instead of just imparting their emotions about Jodi.

    I want to say that both Steven and Samantha had the ability to take the stand and testify if they chose to, but that they didn't want to be subjected to the defense team attacking them. It would be unwise to attack them, but I believe the DT would've tried to address say the childhood abuse and then twist that to say it could have made Travis into an abuser, etc. I can't blame them for not wanting to be subjected to the likes of that.

    So, it's my belief that Darryl and Patti could just get up and give a simple statement if they were afraid of cross-examination. But, I'm guessing they were pressured to actually get on the stand. That's maybe Patti's concern, because, Martinez could bring up things like Patti's personal issues (drugs, alcohol, any criminal activity) in order to discount her credibility as a witness. I don't think that fazes Darryl because he's already testified and I don't believe he has any skeletons in his closet.

    I also have to think that Jodi is going to read a (long-ass) statement, rather than take the stand and be led by Nurmi. Because I'm sure she knows that if Martinez gets to cross her again, he's going do things like throw up the autopsy pictures to contrast her "oh look I'm an artist so you shouldn't kill me" crap.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sweet Pea View Post
    I am still thinking what could have precipitated the "final straw" email. Does anyone know if the car JA wrecked was in her name or if it was still in Travis's. I wonder if there was insurance money and JA got ahold of it and kept it from Travis? He askes for information and then says she scammed him (in my words not his). Any thoughts?
    I don't think we heard but I would guess the car was still in Travis' name because if he signed it over to her, there would be no incentive at all for her to actual make the payments to him. He did give her a lot of chances though, so it's possible that he gave her the benefit of the doubt that she would still pay and so signed it over.

    But, the one thing is, according to the AZ DMV, you must have an AZ license to register a car there. We know Jodi had a California license because we've seen it from court photos. I don't think she ever got an AZ license, not that we've ever seen proof of anyways. Based on that, I'm going to say that the car was probably still in Travis' name and probably still on his insurance, and that she would have transferred it over to her name when she either obtained an AZ license, or registered it in CA when she went back there.

    Quote Originally Posted by zeebee View Post
    I don't know, but I would suspect a new witness.

    It doesn't seem fair to me either. Not speaking specifically to Jodi's case, but all cases in which this may occur. Her friends and family should be allowed to speak IMHO.

    The reason why I keep coming back to Anti-Social Personality Disorder is because of the way she lies so often and so easily. I don't think people with Borderline Personality Disorder are particularly known for lying like that...? Please correct me if I am wrong. Also, the BPD's I have known have been total drama queens, like hurricanes coming into and out of people's lives. One minute they are being super nice, the next, they are screaming about what a horrible person you are. As far as I can tell, Jodi wasn't like that - she may have been with Travis (?), but all I have heard about her behavior with other people is that she was "weird" and "behaved inappropriately" - like giving people cold stares or sitting at a kitchen table when asked to leave.

    I'm not a psychologist, and as such, I am probably wrong... but she strikes me as more anti-social than BPD.
    I remember one, maybe both of Jodi's parents telling Det. Flores how Jodi had these abrupt "mood swings" or changes in behavior. It was said that she would be all fine and happy, and then fly into a rage or break down and cry. I'm not sure if that fits the bill though.

    "Well, it's YOUR fog..." - J. Martinez

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