Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
Woman on the right doesn't look as tasteful because she's tandem feeding twins. Two babies need two boobies. I'm not sure how she'd pull that off any other way?
I don't think they're trying to make a statement. They're part of a "mom group" for nursing and they happened to be photographed feeding their babies. I believe I read that it wasn't staged. Of course, because they're in uniform they'll catch even more shit than that chick on Time. I'm not in the military, but my husband is currently over seas serving a tour for the Air Force. I don't have one problem with that picture, and I wouldn't be anymore offended than if they were bottle-feeding in uniform. The sluts with nice racks who've been discharged for posing nude in partial BDU suit, boots, ect. actually do piss me off a little. This? Nah.
and three babies would need the chick from total recall!!!