What about women who work full time? I know plenty of women who have no choice BUT to pump because they work. They even have a private office in our buildings for that purpose that is locked when not in use.

I personally would have a hard time BF because I have inverted nipples and have already been told it'll be a task, plus I'm not sure that I would be able to have work off for 2+ years to give the kid the boob at will.

I never get into these convos because I'm a bit bitter towards woman who poo poo women who HAVE to use formula.

Personal story about BF in public. We were taking the train to Chicago and I was staring at this woman who was on the lower level with out meaning to stare. I was just zoned out. When I finally paid attention, I realized she was breastfeeding and she gave me the NASTIEST look for looking at her. I was instantly mortified and felt uncomfortable and I'm pretty sure she went on to tell her friends/family about the creep on the train who was staring at her while breastfeeding.