Gary Hyatt, 30, had been examined by a number of medics who thought the lump by his belly button could be a cyst or an in-growing hair. The father-of-four was due to have an operation to remove it which was cancelled at the last minute. But after experiencing sharp stabbing pains he was shocked to find he had given birth to his identical twin through his belly button. Mr Hyatt, a former firefighter , from Witney, Oxfordshire, said: "I feel absolutely fine now but it has not sunk in yet that I could have had a twin brother.

"I have him in a jar at home and I call him little Gav. I haven't told many people. I feel like a bit of a freak." As the lump protruded Mr Hyatt drove himself to his local GP where his doctor witnessed the strange event. His GP Dr Joe Santos, told The Sun "It was like something from Alien. I didn't believe Gavin when he said something was coming out of his belly button until I saw him."

The 4cm long parasitic twin had been in Mr Hyatt's body since he was born. Medics think it was reabsorbed when it died in the womb early in their mother's pregnancy. It comes after surgeons in America removed a similar parasitic growth from the brain of PhD student Yamini Karanam 26. The twin had hair bone and teeth and was taken out from deep in her brain after she suffered years of bad health.
