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Abused, abandoned and killed: Pregnant mother in police custody after remains of her two-year-old son are found hidden in wooded area
The body of Colton Brandt Turner, 2, was found today in Texas
His remains were hidden in a wooded area of southeast Austin
His mother has been charged with abandoning her child, and is a person of interest in the boy's death

Work, who is the person of interest in the case, gave officials three different accounts as to where Colton was when asked this week, and none of them checked out.
The young mother had been living out of her car or with friends for the past several months.

She is also four months pregnant according to her friend Briana Spieldenner, the same person who initially notified officials.

She has, for the moment, been charged with abandoning and endangering a child without intent to return.
Officials believe the child was a victim of abuse according to KXAN.
In late 2013, Work pleaded guilty to animal cruelty. She also pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily injury stemming from a May 2013 incident where she hit another woman.
Ms. Spieldenner, one of Work's best friends, fought back tears as she talked about what happened, saying, 'She's not who I thought she was.'
She said she had not seen Colton since April, adding, 'He was a happy boy. Always. He was always smiling. He was so happy. My daughter, she like I said she is two and a half, and they loved each other. They would play so good.'

In addition to calling the police, is seems that Ms. Spieldenner was also the one who helped authorities locate Work.
'I just wish I could have done something sooner. I've always been involved in his life and I love him and I l feel like I should have seen something sooner and should have been able to save him,' she told KVUE.
Colton would have turned three in just nine days.

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