Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
But the thing is, you're waking up thousands, potentially a million people, who are not only not going to get out of bed and start combing the streets, they're going to stop caring about this case because it's having ramifications on their own life.

However, you can turn off the alert on your smart phone.
The thing is there are people out on the street, albeit a small percentage, at that time of night. They are the ones that need to be contacted immediately for in most cases of abductions, the window for detection gets smaller and smaller as each hour passes. As far as the people at home, I would argue that the alert will have a bigger impact than past alerts, for how often has one received an alert on their phone late at night? I betchya people were even more vigilant the next day because of it. And I wouldn't be concerned with people not caring. I don't really picture many people saying, "That alert pissed me off last night, so fuck that kid". Those people are just self asorbed assholes and probably would have never been good for that much of assistance in the first place.