Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
I didn't hear that about visitation rights with the daughter. Sounds like an totally dysfunctional bunch.
The HLN coverage is awful. Hard to follow with sidebars and no analysis of the issue. Seems like HLN only avataravatar the
Defendant was 15 at t he time of the murder and does not know all.of the ins and outs of these relationships so provides no insight.

Such a brutal death for a young teen...... doesn't the mom seem to be a little emotionally detached on the stand?
The mother had an angry demeanor the whole time she was answering questions it seemed to me. One of the juror questions was in what way did Trey and Joshua Young not get along and she really did not have an answer. It had been reported in the beginning that they were friends but the grandmother and her have made a point of going on HLN shows to say that was not true.
I have been watching on wild about trial and the white noise during sidebars is awful