Quote Originally Posted by faq_q View Post
I took in the Arias trial in person about 2 weeks ago. It is in no way like what you see on streaming video or youtube. It makes me want to go down to the courtroom on a random day and just pop in on whatever case might be going on. It was fascinating! I don't want to ever get Into law, not that it's bad, I just think that watching real-life trial has its merits over the sensationalist view that everyone gets on tv and in movies.
Yeah, I followed your updates - I mentioned earlier that I appreciated them and your style when making them. I went and sat in one a morning and afternoon session - both were Murder 1 cases. Two totally different feels to the trial and different parts of the trial. The law class I'm taking is business law but there's still a lot of criminal and trial aspects to the class. And the Citizen's Academy teaches us about law enforcement and the like. It is all very interesting and has been a real eye opener! I toured the jail here a month ago and if I didn't have Fibro, I would totally have volunteered to be tazed!