Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
i just wonder if the mothers care at all about how their decision affects others living outside of the 3-foot bubble.

ok, i'm done for.
I just thought I'd put my 2 cents in as a mother breastfeeding her 6 month old (first baby)

Yes we care. Most mums are super nervous about breastfeeding in public. But you have a screaming baby who is hungry (and when they decide they are hungry, well dammit, they want it NOW) and you are worried about the crying upsetting people, you are worried about breastfeeding them for your own diginity, you are worried about others making nasty comments - so you have a lot going on. It is tough as a mum listening to your baby upset. I was so paranoid that I would take a bottle of expressed milk everywhere with me in case I couldn't find a feeding room because I didn't want the looks and judgement.

If friends or family are around I feed in front of them. My MIL always asks if I want them to leave the room. When I am out, I plan where the local breastfeeding rooms are in our shopping centres etc. Only once have I done it in full view of the public, and that was down the beach and I was mostly covered.

I do find it quite disturbing reading reactions to the magazine cover (both here and in other forums), that women were angry that there were being judged for not breastfeeding, but those same women are judging women who choose to breastfeed. Women spend too much time judging each other (especially when it comes to parenting).

I return to work next week but will continue to pump and breastfeed. Plan to wean when my lil monkey is 1 but that is my personal choice. World Health Organisation recommendation is 2.

As a first time mum, my main aim is to keep her alive and healthy - anything else is a bonus :-)