I remember there was a time in the early-mid 2000's when Social media and Chat Room leaders main concerns was that their outlet was under investigation was being confronted by Chris Hansen and police because they failed to stop the neighborhood predator from kidnapping women and children at the time. Now the Current Social Media leaders have to confront the issues of politicians yelling conspiracy theories to politicians telling people to take something not approved by their countries version of the FDA to turning over politicians Social Media records for possible corruption allegations. Crazy how things have changed in the past 15-20 years.

Also I remember when Social Media meant people commenting on skateboarding, surfing and skydiving photos. Yes it was more about marketing their content to people who like the Xgames back in that timeframe. Plus getting college age and High school age people to keep in touch with each other as the initial intentions of Social Media at the time such as Myspace and Facebook.