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Thread: At least one gunman holding hostages in Sydney Australia cafe

  1. #26
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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    Martin Bryant didnt hold up Islamic flags turning unjustified hate toward the majority of good Muslim people whilst helping promote a campaign of fear that effects all Australians. Its the intent thats different I guess.
    Bryant was mentally disabled up until then a innocent outcast, But this blokes on bail for killing his ex wife so there quite different characters.
    I respect all opinions in this case especially.
    The fact that it was a cafe and Bryant also chose a cafe never occurred to me scared of cafes people ! Lol

  2. #27
    Sana sana colita de rana beli's Avatar
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    Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson have been namd as the two hostages killed in a 16-hour siege at a Sydney cafe, according to Australian media.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    Roses are red, violets are blue, seriously where is the fucking ring I gave Julie and ask her mom about the flowers
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    In all fairness, we have no idea how big this dude's cock was.

  3. #28
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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  4. #29
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    Amen, Kelly-Jane - thank you for your respectful rebuttal and not taking offense! I mentioned Port Arthur b/cos there's a lot of headless chooks crying racist at the outcry against this guy. When I realised it had already been done in a sense at a cafe, no less, I emphasised it b/cos MB was a crazy caucasian guy and this one was a crazy Iranian.
    I cried when they replayed Sunrise's Natalie Barr crying on air about Katrina, whom from what I gathered was the sister of someone who worked at Channel 7. It was hard to tell she was so worked up. It hits home when you see someone who's usually just a professional talking head break down and become a real human when it affects them personally. And Doily (Melissa Doyle) looked like she was about to burst into tears the whole time she was on this arvo. I'm sure they all have the "it could have been me" thought running through the back of their mind constantly today. Such a terrible situation, my god those poor families have only just started going through hell and right before Christmas too. I had hoped against hope the hostages would all be released without harm. The poor Lindt staff members - two of them that I saw were really young girls and this will stay with them for life. Losing your manager after going through that. Accounts say Tori was trying to wrestle the gun off the lunatic when he was fatally wounded, although there's still debate about whether they were both actually hit in the crossfire. RIP Katrina and Tori.

  5. #30
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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    I actually have a lot of empathy for Martin Bryant. What he did was wrong ,but its the whole debate was he born evil or did society make him that way ? The whole argument was over shadowed by gun reforms, but as a nation this should of discussed.
    This guy had a crappy life bought on mainly by himself. I also believe mental illness plays a part and I hope we as a nation don't miss the lesson in this.
    Thoughts with the families of the victims or both tragedies.

  6. #31
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Something worse has just happened in Cairns. Not much detail yet it only hit ABC Local 3 mins ago. Maybe 7 dead.

    If there's no Islamic connection & it isn't happening somewhere that makes politicians & journo's think "OMG! That could've been ME!" (like Martin Place & the 94 bushfires). It won' t get 24/7 continuous coverage - it won't get anywhere near the coverage at all.

    ETA Fuck. Twitter says it's 7 kids. 1 woman in hospital. I'll start a thread in more info needed.

    ETA it's 8 kids. Media are converging on the address & live broadcasting& tweeting. If anyone's interested in this one as it unfolds, thread with links is here
    Last edited by blighted star; 12-18-2014 at 06:27 PM.

  7. #32
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Uggh. This summer is horrible.

    The attention's back on Sydney - a Murdoch paper reports an exclusion zone has just been set up around the siege's flower memorial due to a suspicious bag

    It's Friday arvo a week before Xmas & there'll be office parties in every pub. Hopefully someone just got too pissed & walked off without their bag.


    This is the last thing we need after the huge right wing backlash against #illridewithyou

    In case the Twitter hashtag story didn't make it into the thread

    Grassroots movement springs up to support Muslim Australians

    The backlash from right wing politicians (aka Liberal or LNP in Aus) & media

  8. #33
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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    That thing in Carins is soul crushing OMFG !

  9. #34
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    So the Lindt Siege was more loser OMC reject than ISIS/Daesh terrorist

    Martin Place gunman Man Haron Monis tried to join two Sydney chapters of the Rebels outlaw motorcycle gang but was rejected on the grounds that *"no one liked him" and they found him "weird".

    The life and times of Monis has on Monday been the focus of the*coronial inquiry into last December's Martin Place siege including his move to Australia in 1996, his time as a predatory clairvoyant in western Sydney and his political activism as a self-described*sheikh.

    Man Monis dressed in garb from a chapter of the Rebels Outlaw Motorcycle Club. Photo: Department of Justice

    The inquest heard that in 2013 Monis tried to become a member of the Rebels bikie gang, buying a motorbike and changing his appearance in an attempt to join their Mount Druitt and Ingleburn chapters.

    No one in the Rebels gang is willing to attend the inquest to give evidence however junior counsel assisting the inquiry Sophie Callan said one bikie had informed the inquest "no one really liked him and he was weird'. Other club members said Monis was "strange and weird".

    "He would say he had a lot of money, but then he didn't have any," Ms Callan read

    Man Monis with a Rebels member. Photo: Department of Justice

    He was kicked out of the gang because he was "weird" and Rebels took his motorbike.

    The inquest earlier heard that Monis had a dramatic change in his behaviour in 2008 and he became more obsessed with his Islamic heritage.

    He told his then*wife, Noleen*Hayson Pal, who was not Muslim, to comply with Islamic requirements to cover her hair, the inquest was told.*

    In 2009 he gave a lecture at Granville, in Sydney's west, in Farsi, telling his audience:*"Your intelligence service is not working. There's criminal activity in your country"

    He attended a conference hosted by controversial*Islamic group*Hizb ut-Tahrir in July 2011.

    But in 2012, Monis enrolled in the Salvation Army's Booth College because he wanted to learn "more about Christian studies".

    ​However Monis's studies were cut short because he "ultimately was unable to demonstrate he had sufficient English proficiency".

    Counsel assisting the coronial inquest, Jeremy Gormly SC said Monis only attended one lecture at Booth College and he was "reportedly disruptive*and difficult on that occasion".*

  10. #35
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    Gunman Man Monis's deadly points system for Lindt cafe hostages: If they did the right thing they scored points, but if they lied it would count against them

    -Lindt cafe gunman Man Monis put hostages on a points system
    -His mood swaying erratically Monis said he'd be watching them closely
    -If they behaved well the hostages would score positive points
    -If the thought they were lying it would count against them
    -Monis also obsessively monitored the media coverage of his siege
    -Evidence was given at siege inquest of 'jumpy and erratic' Monis
    -Monis wanted to believe coverage that siege would 'end peacefully'

    As Lindt cafe gunman Man Monis grew increasingly jumpy and erratic during the siege he told his 18 hostages that he was putting them on a points system for good or bad behaviour.
    Evidence at the inquest into the Sydney siege on Tuesday heard that the mood of the gunman swayed dramatically and that he was 'increasingly jumpy' and nervous about what was going on outside the cafe as darkness fell on the evening of December 15, 2014.
    The inquest has also been shown footage of Man Monis lying dead on the floor of the Lindt Cafe after the siege.
    Monis? behaviour was tense and erratic with him expressing concern about movements outside the window and telling hostages he was maintaining an account for each of them,' Counsel assisting the inquest, Sophie Callan said.
    'So that if they did the right thing they would attract points. But if they were not honest that would count as debits against them.

    'He continued to be concerned about police coming close to the cafe and had hostages warn negotiators on a number of occasions that the police should stay away or he would shoot one of the hostages.'
    At one point, he singled out hostage Selena Win Pe and threatened to shoot her 'in 15 minutes' unles she could convince the police negotiators to turn off the lights outside the cafe in Martin Place.
    Ms Callan said that at other times Monis was fixated on radio coverage of the siege and seemed pleased that police were 'emphasising that they were confident the siege could finish peacefully'.
    He listened to Radio 2GB for much of the evening and ordered his hostages to send out messages to the media.

    Lindt cafe gunman Man Monis ordered Tori Johnson to put his hands on his head and to kneel at 2,06am, and then shot him in the back of the head at 2.13am.
    When Mr Johnson slumped to the floor, Monis said 'Don't move, everything will be fine', the inquest into the deadly Sydney siege heard on Tuesday.
    After the flash of the shotgun fire, a police sniper called Sierra 3 radioed in 'White Window 2 Hostage Down'.
    The Sydney siege gunman began 'increasingly jumpy' and tired inside the Lindt cafe siege and refused to leave the hostages unattended even though he wanted to go to the toilet, the siege inquest has heard.
    Before midnight, he was so uneasy when he wanted to urinate he didn't risk going to the toilet and a bottle was obtained from the kitchen and the gunman urinated in the corner,Fiona Ma then took the bottle and emptied it.
    The inquest also heard that Lindt cafe manager Tori Johnson sent out a text message from inside the Lindt cafe asking police be told that the lobby door of the cafe was unlocked and that gunman Man Monis was alone in one corner.
    'Tell the police the lobby door is unlocked. He's sitting in the corner on his own,' was the message Mr Johnson sent out.
    From 7.15pm police had audio from inside the cafe via a surveillance device, which was played to the inquest.

    On the recording hostage Jarrod Hoffman suggests to Man Monis that the two pregnant hostages Harriet Denny and Juliet Taylor be let free.
    Evidence was also given that Monis became increasingly jumpy as night fell just before 8pm and wanted all the lights turned off in Martin Place.
    Counsel assisting, Sophie Callan, said a blue flashing Christmas light made Monis nervous and hostage Marcia Mikhael conveyed message that police should stay away or Monis would shoot a hostage.
    Monis was also 'fixated' on media coverage and listened to Radio 2GB throughout the evening.
    He also continued to request to have a conversation with then Prime Minister and a Islamic state flag presented to him.
    He became frustrated that he was not given a flag, a conversation with Mr Abbott and the lights remained on in Martin Place and regarded that as evidence the police were not taking him seriously.

    The evidence was given on the second day of the resumption of the inquest into the Lindt cafe siege by Man Haron Monis in December 2014.
    On Monday, the inquest heard that a triple-zero phone call made by Tori Johnson where he was told by a police dispatcher to 'hang on' as he read out a message while being held at gun point.
    Photos of the knife and gun used in the siege were also supplied to the inquest along with the shocking telephone note crafted by Monis.
    Mr Johnson was heard saying Australia was under attack from Islamic State and there were three bombs in Sydney's CBD as he relayed the deadly intentions of gunman Man Haron Monis after he was taken hostage in Martin Place in December 2014.
    'I have a gun in front of me. Australia is under attack by Islamic State, there are three bombs in different locations,' the cafe manager can be heard saying in the chilling recording.
    The call was made at 9.14am - about an hour after Monis entered the Lindt Cafe and took 18 hostages. Monis shot dead Mr Johnson during the 17-hour siege.

    Mr Johnson was told to 'hang on' and 'stay on the line' several times by the police dispatcher as she tried to gather information on the hostage situation and find the location of the cafe.
    Initially she did not know where Martin Place was.
    'Lindt Chocolate Cafe, that's where I am,' Mr Johnson said.
    Despite having a gun pointed at him, Mr Johnson calmly told the dispatcher after several minutes on the phone that he needed to 'finish reading this message... sorry I have a gun in front of me'.
    Monis claimed that other 'brothers' were at Martin Place, Circular Quay and George Street and were in control of three bombs, which could be detonated by a radio.

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    'Police should not come close to me and other brothers otherwise they will explode the bombs. Some hostages have been taken,' the message read out by Mr Johnson said.
    'The plan is to request Tony Abbott to call them or me and to have them have a debate, while it is broadcast live on ABC national radio.
    Mr Johnson calmly repeated Monis' demands several times as the operator sought to clarify information.
    'He wants ABC radio to contact his phone number,' he said. 'He's got a very large gun in front of me, I'm sorry.'
    The operator said: 'I understand that sir, I'm trying. I'm getting them, I'm getting the authorities.'
    Mr Johnson said: 'He's just threatening everyone he'll shoot them. He's putting people in front of doors with their hands up.'
    The inquest heard that police arrived within minutes of the triple-zero call made by Mr Johnson.
    'One cannot help but admire the calmness and coolness with which (Mr Johnson) managed that call,' counsel assisting, Jeremy Gormly SC, told the inquest.

    State Coroner Michael Barnes had earlier dismissed an application from Mr Johnson's family asking for the triple-zero phone call not to be played to the public.
    Counsel for Mr Johnson's family, Gabrielle Bashir SC, told the hearing on Monday that 'grief and emotions' of the families of the victims had not subsided, and that they should be protected from further pain.
    However counsel assisting, Jeremy Gormly SC, said the evidentiary significance of the calls were of the highest order, adding that it was during the calls that Monis announced himself to the world.
    'We have the note from which he was apparently asked to read. And in it Monis makes his statement to the world at large about what he is doing,' Mr Gormly said.
    '... the first two lines are: 'Australia is under attack by Islamic State. There are three bombs in three separate locations'.'

    The final stage of the inquest into the siege, which began on Monday, will examine the siege itself, including the police response and management.
    The process is expected to take at least eight weeks.
    The siege began when Monis entered the Lindt Cafe in central Sydney on the morning of December 15, 2014, and took 18 people hostage.
    Johnson was fatally shot by Monis, who was killed when police stormed the building after a 17-hour stand-off.
    Katrina Dawson was killed when she was hit by shrapnel from police bullets.


    Tori Johnson: I have a man in front of me, I'm just giving you his phone number.

    Dispatcher: Where are you?

    Tori Johnson: I'm calling from Martin Place.

    Dispatcher: Can you tell me what street you're on?

    Tori Johnson: On the corner of Phillip Street. I need to read a message to you.

    Dispatcher: Can you just hang on a minute. Phillip Street, is that in Martin Place?

    Tori Johnson: Phillip Street, Sydney, yes.

    Dispatcher: Okay, so that's in Sydney. Do you know the cross streets to where you are?

    Tori Johnson: The cross street is Martin Place and Phillip Street.

    Dispatcher: But Martin Place is not actually a street.

    Tori Johnson: Martin Place is a street, yes. It's a pedestrian street.

    Dispatcher: Okay but it's not actually a road. I need a road... so I can see Bent Street and I can see Bridge Street. Are either of those near you?

    Tori Johnson: We're above Martin Place train station.

    Dispatcher: Okay so you're further down Phillip Street, so you're above Martin Place train station are you?

    Tori Johnson: That's right. In between Elizabeth and Phillip Street.

    Dispatcher: Oh Elizabeth okay so that's a cross street for me so that helps. So Elizabeth Street so what have you got there?

    Tori Johnson: I have a message to read to you.

    Dispatcher: Okay.

    Tori Johnson: Um, about Phillip Street I don't know exact location but I ask them not to explode it. Three evacuations should be evacuated. This is the message I am reading from someone who is standing in front of me.

    Dispatcher: Right, so there is an object is there?

    Tori Johnson: There's bombs in three locations.

    Dispatcher: Okay.

    Tori Johnson: Yep, he just wants me to read exact message.

    Dispatcher: okay.

    Tori Johnson: About George St I don't know the exact location but I ask them not to explode it. Three locations should be evacuated: Martin Place and Channel Seven, Circular Quay and George Street.
    Police should not come close to me or other brothers otherwise they will explode the bombs. Some hostages have been taken.

    Dispatcher: Okay, hang on a second. So we've got Channel Seven, What were the other ones you gave me?

    Tori Johnson: Circular Quay and George Street.

    Dispatcher: I'm just confirming where you are now?

    Tori Johnson: Yep, it's Lindt Chocolate Cafe, that's where I am.

    Dispatcher: Okay, just stay on the line with me please.

    Tori Johnson: Sorry there's more message I have to read to you as well.

    Dispatcher: Alright well you just need to hang on a second. From the Lindt Chocolate Shop is it?

    Tori Johnson: That's right.

    Dispatcher: Okay just stay with me on the line please.

    **Can hear Tori Johnson telling people in the background that the shop is closed.**

    Dispatcher: Have you closed the shop have you?

    Tori Johnson: Yes we have and both doors are locked. I need to finish reading this message.

    Dispatcher: Yes I understand that just hang on a minute.

    Tori Johnson: Sorry I have a gun in front of me.

    Dispatcher: Okay.

    Tori Johnson: So Australia is under attack by Islamic State, there are three bombs in three different locations. Martin Place, Circular Quay and George Street. I want to contact other brothers and ask them no to explode the other two bombs, but I can't contact because they don't carry phone with them. They have radio with them. The plan is to request Tony Abbott to call them (brothers) or me and to have a debate while it is broadcast live on ABC national radio. So that is why they have radio and the best way to contact them is by voice message to announce that they should not explode the bombs. They listen to anything I tell them. The device placed inside the radio is another way of exploding the bombs.

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    Last edited by luvit; 03-22-2016 at 12:31 AM.

  12. #37
    Sana sana colita de rana beli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    Roses are red, violets are blue, seriously where is the fucking ring I gave Julie and ask her mom about the flowers
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    In all fairness, we have no idea how big this dude's cock was.

  13. #38
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    Brave Lindt Cafe hostages gestured for passerby not to enter

    Brave hostages inside Sydney's Lindt Cafe may have saved the life of a woman who tried to enter the building as the siege was taking place.

    Rosemary Brit attempted to walk through the cafe doors on the morning of the December 2014 siege but found they were locked, she told an inquest into the Martin Place terror attack.

    Thinking she was too short to trigger the glass door sensors, she tried to catch the attention of a number of people inside.

    But the hostages avoided making eye contact and one man gestured for her to go away.
    "He seemed quite serious and possibly distressed," Ms Brit said.

    Ms Brit then noticed a man in a baseball pulling a shotgun from a plastic bag.

    Pulling away, Ms Brit went to call police, but was initially so shaken she couldn't unlock her phone.

    "I was scared," she said. "I couldn't punch the pin in to unlock my phone."

    Ms Brit said her last glimpse inside the cafe was of a "bewildered" looking woman turning from the counter to face gunman Man Haron Monis.

    Earlier today at the inquest, barrister Michael Klooster, who had previously represented Monis, said he had run into the gunman before the siege began and that he appeared "cool, calm and collected".

    Mr Klooster said Monis had invited him to sit down and talk but he had refused because he was due in court in 10 minutes.

    The siege began a short time later and when Mr Klooster heard about it he called the terror hotline to tell them Monis might be the gunman.

    The inquest into the siege, in which Lindt Cafe manager Tori Johnson and lawyer Katrina Dawson were shot dead, continues.


  14. #39
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    The NSW Coroner held an inquest into the siege and the deaths


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