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Thread: Israel Keyes- Most Meticulous Serial Killer of Modern Times Is Taunting the FBI from Beyond the Grave

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    Israel Keyes- Most Meticulous Serial Killer of Modern Times Is Taunting the FBI from Beyond the Grave

    (I do not see a thread for him but his video interviews are interesting, he is reeling those cops along without telling them a thing, they have so much more patience than I ever would)

    Last year I wrote about Israel Keyes, the Alaska-based serial killer whom I dubbed the most meticulous serial killer of his generation. Keyes was initially arrested in March 2012 for ?access device fraud,? after he was caught in Texas using a debit card that belonged to a missing Alaska woman named Samantha Koenig. Before he committed suicide while in police custody last December, Keyes had admitted to killing Koenig and seven other people across the country, was suspected in three other murders, and had given the authorities a grim glimpse into his working method. Keyes would allegedly fly to one city, then rent a car and drive to another. Once he arrived at his destination, he would choose a random victim in a remote location, murder the person, and leave?sometimes, the FBI believes, accompanied by his victim?s corpse, which he would bury in another state. He stashed ?crime caches? across the country?cash, weapons, and body-disposal tools. He only killed strangers. He did everything possible to avoid detection, and, indeed, would never have been suspected in many of these murders if he hadn?t implicated himself. (Yes, it is very, very weird that this extremely careful man was caught after deciding to use Koenig's debit card, an uncharacteristically sloppy decision.)

    In fact, Keyes was so good at covering his tracks that, more than eight months after his suicide, the FBI is still having trouble identifying many of his victims. Aside from Koenig and a Vermont couple named Bill and Lorraine Currier, Keyes did not tell the FBI his victims? names?or much else about them, other than a rough approximation of when and where he killed them. Now, in an effort to gather more details, the FBI has released a detailed timeline of Keyes? criminal activities.

    As you might imagine, it is both comprehensive and vague, and it underscores just how little the FBI really knows about Keyes? crimes. Here?s one representative entry:

    July 2001 to 2005: Keyes stated he murdered an unidentified couple in Washington. Keyes refused to tell law enforcement if the couple was married or what their relationship to one another was. It is unknown if the victims were residents of Washington, tourists, or residents he abducted from a nearby state and transported to Washington. Keyes alluded to the fact these victims were buried in a location near a valley.

    ?Near a valley.? Have you looked at a map of Washington state recently? It?s filled with valleys!

    Here?s another entry:

    April 9, 2009: Keyes admitted to abducting a female victim from a state on the east coast and transported that person over multiple state lines into New York. The victim is buried in upstate New York. Investigators do not believe this victim is buried on the property Keyes owns in Constable, New York.

    OK, great, so that rules out one of the land lots in upstate New York. Gotta start somewhere, I guess.

    And another:

    Keyes provided additional details regarding the abduction and murder of a female. The female is described as having pale skin, possibly having a wealthy grandmother, and driving an older car at the time of her abduction.

    I have no idea why the FBI hasn?t cracked that case yet.

    This all goes to show three things. First, it is possible to get away with horrible crimes if you spread them out across jurisdictions, have no connection to the victims, and make sure to stay away from home. Second, a comprehensive national missing-persons database sure would come in handy with cases like these. And third, jail authorities need to do a better job keeping a suicide watch on their evil-genius control-freak serial-killer inmates.

    Give the FBI timeline a look. Maybe you?ll be able to help. Heaven knows the FBI needs all the help it can get.

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    Law & Order More: Slate Serial Killers FBI
    Chilling Video Shows Notorious Serial Killer Toying With The FBI

    The FBI is releasing more and more material in its efforts to gather information about the alleged crimes of Israel Keyes.

    The Alaska-based serial killer killed himself while in custody last year, leaving much unsaid about at least 11 murders he is said to have committed across the United States. Early last week the FBI released a comprehensive albeit incomplete timeline of Keyes’ suspected criminal activity, which I wrote about here.

    But the FBI has also released six hours’ worth of video footage of Keyes being interviewed with authorities. The tapes offer a look inside the mind of one of the most bloodless serial killers of modern times—though perhaps not in the way you’d think.

    There’s nothing theatrical about the tapes. Tempers don’t flare, chairs aren’t thrown. And, really, there’s no reason to expect Keyes to be slavering like some horror-movie villain. In fact, the tapes are notable for their mundanity, and there even seems to be a bit of a rapport between Keyes and the various law enforcement officials. The officers offer Keyes food, and regularly ask him if he needs to go and “take a leak.” (He does not.)

    Throughout the tapes, Keyes is calm, and detached, and obsessed with maintaining as much control over the situation as he can. He does this by withholding information about the crimes he said he committed. He says that he’s doing this because he doesn’t want his family to find out about the things he’s done. But, often, it seems like he just likes making officers of the law beg for his cooperation. Here he is, talking about the authorities’ unsuccessful efforts to locate the body of one of Keyes’ victims from New York state:

    PAYNE: One of the best analogies I’ve heard for it is it’s more like an archeological dig, uh, now it is just kinda tossing things…

    KEYES: Right.

    PAYNE: … until you find what you think you’re looking for.

    KEYES: Yeah, that’s a lot of trouble to go to. I almost feel guilty (chuckles). Costing the tax payers a lot of money to find them (chuckles).

    PAYNE: Well …

    BELL: But that …

    KEYES: Coulda just kept my mouth shut (chuckles).

    Though it really feels like Keyes is enjoying himself, the officers remain calm because they need the information that’s inside the killer’s brain. And in the five tapes, which were shot between May 2012 and November 2012, you can feel the officers getting a little bit irritated with Keyes’ failure to give them any usable data:

    KEYES: I know I don’t have any rights in this situation. I—all I have is information. So now you’re upset with me that I wanna control the information so I …

    FELDIS No, I’m not—I’m not upset—upset with you. I said I’m—I started here by saying, you know, it’s more depressing and yet there’s frustration. But I mean I - I – I …

    KEYES There’s gonna be a lot of frustration before this is all over but I mean there—it’s already been years of frustration for a lot of people. So they’re gonna have to learn to live with it for a little bit longer.

    Law & Order More: Slate Serial Killers FBI
    Chilling Video Shows Notorious Serial Killer Toying With The FBI
    Justin Peters, Slate Aug. 22, 2013, 10:50 AM 14,620 6


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    The FBI is releasing more and more material in its efforts to gather information about the alleged crimes of Israel Keyes.

    The Alaska-based serial killer killed himself while in custody last year, leaving much unsaid about at least 11 murders he is said to have committed across the United States. Early last week the FBI released a comprehensive albeit incomplete timeline of Keyes’ suspected criminal activity, which I wrote about here.

    But the FBI has also released six hours’ worth of video footage of Keyes being interviewed with authorities. The tapes offer a look inside the mind of one of the most bloodless serial killers of modern times—though perhaps not in the way you’d think.

    There’s nothing theatrical about the tapes. Tempers don’t flare, chairs aren’t thrown. And, really, there’s no reason to expect Keyes to be slavering like some horror-movie villain. In fact, the tapes are notable for their mundanity, and there even seems to be a bit of a rapport between Keyes and the various law enforcement officials. The officers offer Keyes food, and regularly ask him if he needs to go and “take a leak.” (He does not.)

    Throughout the tapes, Keyes is calm, and detached, and obsessed with maintaining as much control over the situation as he can. He does this by withholding information about the crimes he said he committed. He says that he’s doing this because he doesn’t want his family to find out about the things he’s done. But, often, it seems like he just likes making officers of the law beg for his cooperation. Here he is, talking about the authorities’ unsuccessful efforts to locate the body of one of Keyes’ victims from New York state:

    PAYNE: One of the best analogies I’ve heard for it is it’s more like an archeological dig, uh, now it is just kinda tossing things…

    KEYES: Right.

    PAYNE: … until you find what you think you’re looking for.

    KEYES: Yeah, that’s a lot of trouble to go to. I almost feel guilty (chuckles). Costing the tax payers a lot of money to find them (chuckles).

    PAYNE: Well …

    BELL: But that …

    KEYES: Coulda just kept my mouth shut (chuckles).

    Though it really feels like Keyes is enjoying himself, the officers remain calm because they need the information that’s inside the killer’s brain. And in the five tapes, which were shot between May 2012 and November 2012, you can feel the officers getting a little bit irritated with Keyes’ failure to give them any usable data:

    KEYES: I know I don’t have any rights in this situation. I—all I have is information. So now you’re upset with me that I wanna control the information so I …

    FELDIS No, I’m not—I’m not upset—upset with you. I said I’m—I started here by saying, you know, it’s more depressing and yet there’s frustration. But I mean I - I – I …

    KEYES There’s gonna be a lot of frustration before this is all over but I mean there—it’s already been years of frustration for a lot of people. So they’re gonna have to learn to live with it for a little bit longer.

    The wait continues, which is why the FBI is now releasing all of this information, in hopes that members of the public can help them fill in some of the gaps. “That fact that Keyes is dead makes it more difficult for us,” an Anchorage FBI agent said in a FBI press release, “but the investigation absolutely continues.” Give the tapes a look and see if you can help.


    Read more:

    Videos at the link

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    Pictures of his cache and random stuff-

  4. #4
    Senior Member Bellaboo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dianalyn View Post
    Pictures of his cache and random stuff-
    his interview with police is on NAncy Grace right now, east coast time is 8:16 pm .... what a creep

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves" .. Confucius
    "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation " ...... Henry David Thoreau

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    his interview with police is on NAncy Grace right now, east coast time is 8:16 pm .... what a creep
    They are all doing specials on him tomorrow, I just found the interview this past weekend and he is interesting but creepy as hell It is hard to know how much of what he was telling them was something they really need to look for and how much he just was yanking their chain. He states in one of the interviews, the only thing I have is information, he wanted them to keep coming to beg him for more but I think he only really confessed to the couple in Vermont and the one they keep calling the barista in Alaska

    How did they come to eleven victims? Did he confess to more? And they believe there can be up to 20,30 or more?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Bellaboo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dianalyn View Post
    They are all doing specials on him tomorrow, I just found the interview this past weekend and he is interesting but creepy as hell It is hard to know how much of what he was telling them was something they really need to look for and how much he just was yanking their chain. He states in one of the interviews, the only thing I have is information, he wanted them to keep coming to beg him for more but I think he only really confessed to the couple in Vermont and the one they keep calling the barista in Alaska

    How did they come to eleven victims? Did he confess to more? And they believe there can be up to 20,30 or more?
    You are right .... he was just jerking their chain and gave up nothing and tried to escape from the court room.
    He just played them for suckers and his laughter was chilling .....he was having a ball.
    They do believe there may be up to 30 and admitted to the Vermont couple. Is hln showing more tomorrow?
    Serial killers are terrifying

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves" .. Confucius
    "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation " ...... Henry David Thoreau

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    You are right .... he was just jerking their chain and gave up nothing and tried to escape from the court room.
    He just played them for suckers and his laughter was chilling .....he was having a ball.
    They do believe there may be up to 30 and admitted to the Vermont couple. Is hln showing more tomorrow?
    Serial killers are terrifying
    Yes he will be talked about on all three of the afternoon shows, Jane VM, Nancy Grace and Dr Drew.

    I was reading more about him.

    Serial killer Israel Keyes tied to 11 murders, possibly more

    Investigators are now connecting the Alaskan serial killer who committed suicide last December, Israel Keyes, to a total of 11 murders throughout the country.

    On Monday, the FBI released a timeline of his crimes since 1997, when he abducted a teenage girl from Oregon. When Keyes was released from the Army in 2001, he moved to Washington where he committed his first murder.

    Keyes’s next move was to Anchorage, Alaska in 2007, but he still traveled a lot between states while living there. According to the Associated Press, before his suicide, he admitted to killing eight people from all around the country, robbing several banks, and breaking into almost 30 homes. He also told investigators that he murdered them all in less than 10 states, but wouldn’t admit all the locations.

    The only victims that Keyes specifically named to investigators were Bill and Lorraine Currier from Essex, Vt., and 18-year-old Samantha Koenig, although he did admit to killing an unidentified couple in Washington sometime between 2001-2005 and killing two more people in 2005-2006 and disposing of one of the bodies in Crescent Lake, Washington.

    Koenig, 18, was taken from a coffee stand where she worked in Anchorage, Alaska in Feb. 2012. Keyes was arrested for the crime six weeks later in Lufkin, Texas because he used her debit card there. Her body was found in a frozen lake three weeks later.

    Keyes was awaiting trial for her rape and murder when he killed himself in jail nine months after his arrest. CNN reports that he committed suicide by slitting one of his wrists and strangling himself with his bed sheet.

    Since Keyes was known to travel to other countries throughout his crime spree, investigators are now looking into his possible connection with international murders.

    Beli- I am always screwing up the titles in seems like, what did I do this time? I usually just take the headline from the article. I also am not sure if I should have put this in more info needed because the FBI is asking for info. He is creepy interesting though

  8. #8
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Yeah, this guy is a psychopath. Do you think him and JA are in the same category of person?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    Yeah, this guy is a psychopath. Do you think him and JA are in the same category of person?
    Both are evil but he was a hunter scouting his victims and the victims were purely random. And his planning and execution were elaborate. Your thoughts?

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves" .. Confucius
    "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation " ...... Henry David Thoreau

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    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Both are evil but he was a hunter scouting his victims and the victims were purely random. And his planning and execution were elaborate. Your thoughts?
    he sure seemed cold and calculating. If what he told was accurate, it is like a puzzle for the FBI. JA on the other hand was immediately accused.

  11. #11
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    Yeah, this guy is a psychopath. Do you think him and JA are in the same category of person?
    I think female psychopaths are harder to come by, and I think JA had psychopathic traits but was not a full blown psychopath. She killed Travis because he pissed her off. This guy seems more intelligent, and killed strangers. I would put him in a more evil category.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    I think female psychopaths are harder to come by, and I think JA had psychopathic traits but was not a full blown psychopath. She killed Travis because he pissed her off. This guy seems more intelligent, and killed strangers. I would put him in a more evil category.
    Yes, he killed because he got some sort of perverse joy out of it. JA killed more as a type of revenge (because Travis wouldn't love her).
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  13. #13
    Sana sana colita de rana beli's Avatar
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    Name needs to be changed.

    Here is are some pics -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    Roses are red, violets are blue, seriously where is the fucking ring I gave Julie and ask her mom about the flowers
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    In all fairness, we have no idea how big this dude's cock was.

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    The creepiest thing about this guy is how normal he appears (at least so far in the video I am watching). That is the one thing I see in common with him and JA - I don't know that my hairs would have stood on end had I met him in person, not knowing anything about him - and I usually have a pretty good hinky meter. The ones who freak me out are the ones that don't set off alarm bells for me (like JA).
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  15. #15
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    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  16. #16
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Havent ever seen an ugly serial killer. Would you help an ugly gnome-like person?

  17. #17
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    Havent ever seen an ugly serial killer. Would you help an ugly gnome-like person?
    That is true that most of them are good looking. I can't say I wouldn't help a person who needed it. Especially if they had a sick/injured animal. I do feel for these victims.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

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    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    Havent ever seen an ugly serial killer. Would you help an ugly gnome-like person?
    - Australia's most famous serial killer.

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    This is probably a little of topic, but when I first heard of him abducting the girl from Alaska, I felt so bad for her family. Now reports have come out that this guy lived for approximately 6 or 7 years, only 45 minutes from me in Washington State. I am originally from Texas, so when my family would visit I would take them out to Neah Bay for the Cape Flattery hike (beautiful by the way). I think it's just creepy that I could have possibly run into him at some point.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by dianalyn View Post
    I think it would be more likely to send me to somewhere just like this!
    Same here. I work down the street from where the Baseline killer lived. I drove by the spot where one of his victims was found when they were working the scene. It was creepy, but it was creepier before he was caught because there were several crime scenes within about a mile radius, so I already suspected that the killer lived somewhere around there.
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  21. #21
    Senior Member nclexusgirl's Avatar
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    Here is Samantha's thread on here:
    I can be your *ADDICTION* if you wanna get hooked on something!!

  22. #22
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    BTK Killer and John Wayne Gacy were not much to look at

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    Senior Member zeebee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dianalyn View Post
    BTK Killer and John Wayne Gacy were not much to look at
    I initially thought of BTK too, but he wasn't ugly, just average looking. John Wayne Gacy was a creepy clown though.
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  24. #24
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dianalyn View Post
    BTK Killer and John Wayne Gacy were not much to look at
    I lived across the street from John Wayne Gacy. I used to go to the bar that he often went too. He liked men so I was safe. My college boyfriend found one of his victims floating in the desplaines river. I remember when they dug up his entire yard.

  25. #25
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    I lived across the street from John Wayne Gacy. I used to go to the bar that he often went too. He liked men so I was safe. My college boyfriend found one of his victims floating in the desplaines river. I remember when they dug up his entire yard.
    that would traumatize me for life.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

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