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Thread: Kendrick Johnson (17) Dies after getting trapped in gym mats

  1. #76
    Senior Member morbidT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TessD View Post
    In my state, or at least in the ER where I work, the paramedics can and do pronounce people dead at the scene without involving our ER physicians, when the death is obvious. Those people are never transported to the ER to be pronounced DOA by a physician. On the other hand, if the paramedics initiate resuscitation at the scene, they are required to contact an ER physician for advise as to whether they should continue resusitation or call it. If there is any question at all, obviously the patient is transported to the ER.

    I agree that the autopsy report is consistent with the cause of death being positional asphyxiation and this was most likely a tragic accident. Will the second, independent autopsy reveals anything different? I kind of doubt it but maybe it will at least give Kendrick's parents some answers?? I guess we'll see! I have a feeling there is going to be a big law suit involving this case.
    Medics are allowed to pronounce without calling Medical Direction? That's interesting. We call the nearest ER and give the info to the doc, then pronouncement is made at the scene by the medic and the coroner is called. Back in the day, the coroner would have to be called and physically be on the scene to call time of death. We don't transport any dead people to be called DOA in the ER. Unless, we initiate life saving measures at the scene/patient crashes en route, then it is the same as what you are describing.

    I hope the parents are able to come to terms if/when the independent forensic investigators come to the same conclusion as the first. Unfortunately, I also feel a lawsuit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    Thank you for all that info, MorbidT! After reading everything you wrote, I'm definitely thinking it was an accident. The only thing I am confused on, and I don't think anyone has explained (I could've skipped over it so I apologize in advance if I'm wrong) is how he was able to get in there. If I remember correctly, the rolled up mat was taller than him. Seems to me if would be impossible, or really hard, to pull youself up with nothing to put your feet on to help you up. Guess there must've been something near there he was able to stand on? I know in an article I read, the issue of the mat being taller than him was brought up, but I never saw anything that could explain that part.
    I'm think other mats were around, laying horizontal on the ground, in order for him to get up near the opening of the one he fell in.

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  2. #77
    Senior Member songbirdsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
    i just don't see how anyone wold try to hang themselves upside-down in in a confined, 6-foot deep tube and think they would get back out... i guess maybe he was that dumb, but the wind blew my purse into a trash can that came up just higher than my waist the other day and i had a hard time fishing it out!

    ETA: without falling in...
    Eh, he was very athletic. 5'10", probably figured that his height plus an arm's length would be enough to get the job done. This doesn't sound too terribly stoopid compared to some of the things I've done while trying to hurry

    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    Thank you for all that info, MorbidT! After reading everything you wrote, I'm definitely thinking it was an accident. The only thing I am confused on, and I don't think anyone has explained (I could've skipped over it so I apologize in advance if I'm wrong) is how he was able to get in there. If I remember correctly, the rolled up mat was taller than him. Seems to me if would be impossible, or really hard, to pull youself up with nothing to put your feet on to help you up. Guess there must've been something near there he was able to stand on? I know in an article I read, the issue of the mat being taller than him was brought up, but I never saw anything that could explain that part.
    Our old gym had bleachers, and they stored mats and equipment between the stands and the wall. Maybe? I couldn't find pictures of the gym. I think someone said they had quite a few stacked up, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
    Just as I suspected. A ring of elderly pedophiles.
    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Love View Post
    Fucking piece of shit, fucking scum, internet ass holes. fucking ingrate no life having fat ass. you have no fucking clue at whats going on fuck tard shit for brains.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
    i just don't see how anyone wold try to hang themselves upside-down in in a confined, 6-foot deep tube and think they would get back out... i guess maybe he was that dumb, but the wind blew my purse into a trash can that came up just higher than my waist the other day and i had a hard time fishing it out!

    ETA: without falling in...
    You have to take into consideration that this was a 17 year old male. Boys that age think they are big and strong and immortal. Showing a macho persona is their thing. Historically speaking, this is the age group countries have sent off to fight wars for centuries. They just don't realize how vulnerable they are.
    No, he wasn't dumb, just mentally immature.

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by TupeloHoney View Post
    Sorry for the double post but I didn't think my kid was going to allow me to mess around on the computer any longer!

    OK, here's one of the places I read it ... This is a really long transcript including a CNN anchor (Blackwell) interviewing a former FBI dude:

    Here's the part talking about the size of the mat and that he was found with his arm extended (I knew I read late last night that his arm was extended as if supposedly "reaching for something" so I was glad to find it here.)

    There's more where that came from at the link above.
    Here's the entire interview from Tupelo's link:
    BLACKWELL: Well, now the Department of Justice is reviewing this case.

    Joining me now is former FBI federal agent and private investigator Harold Copus.

    It's good to have you back.


    BLACKWELL: You've read over the autopsy report, the paramedics report, all the documents and know about this story. Let's start here with just the dimensions.

    County officials say that 5'10" Kendrick Johnson was reaching into this mat, it's 6 feet tall, right, arm extended. His shoulders are 19 inches wide, the hole in the center is 14 inches wide.

    Do you find that suspicious?

    COPUS: I find a lot of it suspicious and one of the things that really makes me wonder is that he's reaching for one shoe. How did that shoe get into this mat? Makes you wonder who was in there, was there some horseplay, did someone see it? There are more questions here than there are answers right now.

    BLACKWELL: OK. Let's talk about this paramedics report. You have a copy; I have a copy. Let's start with this element of bruising of the face. Now the family says they were told there were no bruises, no signs of foul play, but the paramedics report says that there was bruising noted on the right side of his jaw.

    COPUS: It does. And what's interesting is when you look at the autopsy report, there's no mention of any bruising, so it doesn't make any sense. Now, you might get away with that by saying maybe when he went into the mat, that bruised his face. I don't know. No one knows, but that doesn't -- something doesn't ring true here.

    BLACKWELL: Let's talk about the consideration that it's a crime scene.

    Is that typical if the sheriff's office is there investigating or does someone have to tell the paramedics that this is a crime scene? COPUS: Someone had to tell him it was a crime scene, so there was a school resource officer on the scene. You would think by the time the medics got there, police were already there. I suspect the body was pulled out, initially looked at because they made certain determination about eye movement, things like this.

    They couldn't have done that if the body was down, stuffed down in this mat. Again, a lot more questions than there are answers.

    BLACKWELL: One more thing -- and we discussed this right before we came on -- it says that a 17-year-old male, they received a call that a 17-year-old male was complaining of cardiac arrest.

    I've listened to the 9-1-1 calls. They say he was dead when they found him. How would that make it into this report?

    COPUS: Doesn't make any sense. How could it be a cardiac arrest? Possibly they just put that down as standard language; until you interview those people you don't know.

    BLACKWELL: One other thing the coroner, county elected official, constitutional officer as is the sheriff, he has been very vocal about this case leading up to the release of this report. He says that he was supposed to be called as soon as the body was found. He was called five hours later. I also want you to hear what he told our affiliate WCTV in April.


    BILL WATSON, LOWNDES COUNTY, GEORGIA, CORONER: I don't know what the county did when they got there on the scene. The body had been moved. The scene, in my opinion, had been compromised.


    BLACKWELL: I found that to be amazingly unusual for two constitutional officers in an investigation to go head to head on something like this.

    COPUS: Very much so and the body -- the scene was compromised, there's no doubt about it. Now the question is, did anyone take any crime scene photos upon initial entry?

    And what were the written statements from the paramedics? We don't know that yet.

    BLACKWELL: I have two things I got to get to.

    He said, the coroner, Bill Watson, sent me an e-mail after we did an interview and he said something similar. I want to put up part of that e-mail.

    He told me through this e-mail, "I would appreciate it if you would destroy this interview with me. I do not want this to be shown whatsoever. I feel that our situation should not be aired."

    Of course, CNN decided that we would air it. I called to ask why.

    He said that. "This just needs to end; it's gone too far."

    Final question: are there enough questions here that if you were the person deciding for DOJ, should there be an investigation opened into this investigation of the death?

    COPUS: Definitely.

    BLACKWELL: No question about it?

    COPUS: No question about it.

    BLACKWELL: All right. Former FBI agent and now private investigator, Harold Copus, thank you very much for looking over the case with us.

    COPUS: Yes, sir.

    BLACKWELL: Poppy?

    HARLOW: Fascinating interview, Victor. I know you've been all over that story. So we'll keep on top of it for our viewers.

  5. #80
    Senior Member ImBatman!'s Avatar
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    Thanks to Morbid, Punker and others who posted all the medical information! As someone not experienced in that arena it helped to know how First Responders and Medics operate! I know that if I am ever in a situation where I might still be alive I would want someone to botch the crime scene and save my life!
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  6. #81
    Sofa King Tired PunkerDuckie's Avatar
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    In my county in CA we can declare death on scene without medical direction if the situation is obviously incompatible with life- Decapitation, incineration, decomposition, obvious rigor/lividity. We can also call it if the patient is barely alive (circling the drain we call it) and extrication (from a vehicle accident) is longer than 20 minutes (meaning we are certain they will not survive extrication, let alone transportation). We can also call certain code blues on scene (if we have worked them for 20 minutes with a persistent asystole or Pulseless Electrical Activity[which basically means dead dead, no heart movement at all]).

    We only call for orders if the patient has a DNR and family wants to refuse medical, or if it is a code with Ventricular Fibrillation or V-Tach (since those are 'fixable' rhythms, sometimes)

    Had we worked this kid, we would have pulled him out of the thing he was stuck in, moved him to a flat open location, hooked him up to the monitor to confirm lack of heart activity (for paperwork reasons) and called him based on the lividity. I assume he would have had rigor by then as well, don't remember what the down time was. We wouldn't have called for medical direction. We would then turn the scene over to the PD and here we or the fire department usually wait for the coroner (to give him our info for their report- Time of death (time medic pronounced), anything we did to the body, if we removed anything etc). If the coroner is going to be delayed we give that info to the PD and bounce.

    ETA: call on scene or not at all. We NEVER EVER CALL IT in the back of the rig. If the patient is being transported and dies we do not call it, we keep working it (unless its a DNR then we just kinda stare at them til we get to the hospital) the ER does- basically because they have to remain in the place they were called until the coroner arrives (it becomes the scene of the death). We need to get back in service to keep running calls, and don't have time to wait til the coroner can come retrieve the body from an ambulance on the side of the road. It also affords the family time to get to the er, and say their goodbyes in a private area.
    Last edited by PunkerDuckie; 06-20-2013 at 08:29 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    I want that fucking meat.

  7. #82
    Senior Member morbidT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PunkerDuckie View Post

    In my county in CA we can declare death on scene without medical direction if the situation is obviously incompatible with life- Decapitation, incineration, decomposition, obvious rigor/lividity. We can also call it if the patient is barely alive (circling the drain we call it) and extrication (from a vehicle accident) is longer than 20 minutes (meaning we are certain they will not survive extrication, let alone transportation). We can also call certain code blues on scene (if we have worked them for 20 minutes with a persistent asystole or Pulseless Electrical Activity[which basically means dead dead, no heart movement at all]).

    We only call for orders if the patient has a DNR and family wants to refuse medical, or if it is a code with Ventricular Fibrillation or V-Tach (since those are 'fixable' rhythms, sometimes)

    Had we worked this kid, we would have pulled him out of the thing he was stuck in, moved him to a flat open location, hooked him up to the monitor to confirm lack of heart activity (for paperwork reasons) and called him based on the lividity. I assume he would have had rigor by then as well, don't remember what the down time was. We wouldn't have called for medical direction. We would then turn the scene over to the PD and here we or the fire department usually wait for the coroner (to give him our info for their report- Time of death (time medic pronounced), anything we did to the body, if we removed anything etc). If the coroner is going to be delayed we give that info to the PD and bounce.

    ETA: call on scene or not at all. We NEVER EVER CALL IT in the back of the rig. If the patient is being transported and dies we do not call it, we keep working it (unless its a DNR then we just kinda stare at them til we get to the hospital) the ER does- basically because they have to remain in the place they were called until the coroner arrives (it becomes the scene of the death). We need to get back in service to keep running calls, and don't have time to wait til the coroner can come retrieve the body from an ambulance on the side of the road. It also affords the family time to get to the er, and say their goodbyes in a private area.

    That's interesting. I'm glad you shared it. I love hearing what other states protocols are. Hopefully, Kevansvault and Snowfallsoon will stumble in here and provide some info as well. We call MD for any pronouncement. Even if it's obvious. We are almost an hour away from any trauma center, so if we have called a bird and the patient doesn't look like they are going to make it, we might call the bird off.

    The autopsy report stated the kid didn't have rigor, but did have livor (lividity). With the mat being a confined space and the gym may have been warm, so it could of sped up the rigor process. He also had been dead over night, so rigor had enough time to work itself out.

    We only call it in the medic if MD instructs us to. It's not calling it, it's stopping life saving measures (I should have specified that in an earlier post). The patient will be pronounced as a DOA.

    I love hearing what your area does (and other EMS peeps on here).

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  8. #83
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    If we had been called to this patient, unrolled the mat and found him as he was in the second picture, he would have been pronounced immediately. If there were any signs of lividity, pooling, or more advanced stages then it would have been no question. We would simply have made a call to the M.E. and told him of our findings. However, if he appeared "normal looking" upon assessment (no bloating, pooling, et cetera) then he would have been worked just like any other patient and been hauled to the ER as fast as the wheels on our modular Type I would carry us.

    And that death has got to be hard. Seriously. If it was an accident it was pretty insanely rare. I've seen mats like that and I just can't see anyone getting trapped in the hole made when they're rolled up, the hole's just too small. Stranger things have happened....
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  9. #84
    Sofa King Tired PunkerDuckie's Avatar
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    I just had a thought, perhaps whoever found him first (staff students etc) pulled him out of the mats prior to EMS/PD response. That would make sense.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    I want that fucking meat.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by PunkerDuckie View Post
    I just had a thought, perhaps whoever found him first (staff students etc) pulled him out of the mats prior to EMS/PD response. That would make sense.

    Yep, I thought I mentioned that. But, my thoughts keep thinking about the picture. Who took the picture while he was still wrapped up? It wouldn't surprise me if someone took the pic before they unwrapped him (non EMS personnel).

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  11. #86
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    Doing a huge multiquote from my phone gives me a headache, so forgive me for just throwing out some random stuff here.

    First, thanks so much to mT, Punker and Kevin for sharing your knowledge. Your insight is always helpful when the rest of us have a huge case of the WTFs.

    I was looking around Topix (ugh) the other night as well as the comment sections for Valdosta news to see what the local yokels had to say about the case (not always the most reliable source, but certainly interesting). Apparently, the coroner's statement about the body being moved caused rampant rumors that he was MOVED, like to another location ... in a vehicle ... before the coroner arrived. So MAYBE that's why the coroner tried to nix the interview. MAYBE the sheriff crawled up his ass just for daring to question the actions of LE. I dunno. (In the county where I worked at the paper for many years, the sheriff got irritated with some stuff the coroner told us, feeling that the coroner overstepped his bounds so-to-speak, and asked that we please not quote him on anything EVER except, "So-and-so was declared dead at [insert time here]" or "I took custody of the body at so-and-so time." These people have to work together, but they don't always get along.)

    Also, on the subject of contacting the GBI before the coroner: Supposedly, the person (allegedly a captain from the sheriff's dept) who contacted the GBI was not one of the people who is authorized (by law) to do so. She was authorized AND required by law to call the coroner, didn't, and instead called someone she was not authorized to call. This causes more side-eyeing.

    Anyway, this is just what I remember off the top of my head at the moment. Like Nic said above, I have such a hard time imagining this kid going into this mat without someone there to pull him out, which is why I suspected horseplay-gone-wrong. But maybe he did. Such a terrible way to go :( And I fear a second autopsy just isn't going to give his loved ones the answers they want or need.

    And lastly ... I don't understand this whole thing about the kids using the mats as "free lockers." Wtf, do these kids have to PAY for lockers? I don't get it. Someone enlighten me if this is just the way some schools do things these days.
    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I will out think the fucking pants off of you and you would thank me for helping you out of them.

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by TupeloHoney View Post
    Doing a huge multiquote from my phone gives me a headache, so forgive me for just throwing out some random stuff here.

    First, thanks so much to mT, Punker and Kevin for sharing your knowledge. Your insight is always helpful when the rest of us have a huge case of the WTFs.

    I was looking around Topix (ugh) the other night as well as the comment sections for Valdosta news to see what the local yokels had to say about the case (not always the most reliable source, but certainly interesting). Apparently, the coroner's statement about the body being moved caused rampant rumors that he was MOVED, like to another location ... in a vehicle ... before the coroner arrived. So MAYBE that's why the coroner tried to nix the interview. MAYBE the sheriff crawled up his ass just for daring to question the actions of LE. I dunno. (In the county where I worked at the paper for many years, the sheriff got irritated with some stuff the coroner told us, feeling that the coroner overstepped his bounds so-to-speak, and asked that we please not quote him on anything EVER except, "So-and-so was declared dead at [insert time here]" or "I took custody of the body at so-and-so time." These people have to work together, but they don't always get along.)

    Also, on the subject of contacting the GBI before the coroner: Supposedly, the person (allegedly a captain from the sheriff's dept) who contacted the GBI was not one of the people who is authorized (by law) to do so. She was authorized AND required by law to call the coroner, didn't, and instead called someone she was not authorized to call. This causes more side-eyeing.

    Anyway, this is just what I remember off the top of my head at the moment. Like Nic said above, I have such a hard time imagining this kid going into this mat without someone there to pull him out, which is why I suspected horseplay-gone-wrong. But maybe he did. Such a terrible way to go :( And I fear a second autopsy just isn't going to give his loved ones the answers they want or need.

    And lastly ... I don't understand this whole thing about the kids using the mats as "free lockers." Wtf, do these kids have to PAY for lockers? I don't get it. Someone enlighten me if this is just the way some schools do things these days.

    I see this a lot. Coroner and Sheriff are affiliated with opposing political parties, can't stand each other, related by marriage and can't stand each other, or some other issue where they can't stand each other.

    I guess I can see why people would think the body was literally moved to a different location. To someone who doesn't know common terminology within the field, it does seem suspicious. Move the body=turning it over, extricating, moving it a couple inches/feet, etc. Transport=moving the body to a different location. But, I can see the speculation and assumptions from the terminology used in the interview.

    The lockers- My first thought was the kids probably don't have enough time to go to their locker between classes, so they are using the holes in the mats to keep their items to snag between classes. Like, it's on the way to the next class. When I was in school, my locker was on one side of the building and I had multiple classes on the other side of the building. I had to take all of my books for those particular classes because there was no way I could get to and fro from my locker in two minutes.

    Thanks for the info, TH!

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    Ok, I am probably blind but I keep seeing this pic referred to and I am not seeing it. Can someone point it out for me? Thanks!

    This one.

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    Thank you! Ok, I saw this one, but people kept talking about seeing his shoes in the pic and I didn't realize that I was looking at his shoes up on his legs, so I thought there was another one that I was missing. Based on this pic though, it's totally easy to see how he got into the mat (size wize..the whole climbing in thing is still a little up in the air) even though his Dad said he couldn't fit.

    Yeah, I think it's possible to wiggle into it. Bend shoulders forward and it just decreased shoulder width. If it was standing upright and he reached in, I can see him falling in. When he was trying to get out; the trashing he could do (not much and with his legs), just scooted him further down. It looks like he probably flung his shoes off. Look at his socks. They are all bunched up at the toes. I could be off base with it, but when I put my shoes on, I make sure my socks are bunched free. Have you ever slung your shoes off with socks? When I've done it, it tugs on my socks and they look similar to what his look like in the pic.

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by morbidT View Post
    The lockers- My first thought was the kids probably don't have enough time to go to their locker between classes, so they are using the holes in the mats to keep their items to snag between classes. Like, it's on the way to the next class. When I was in school, my locker was on one side of the building and I had multiple classes on the other side of the building. I had to take all of my books for those particular classes because there was no way I could get to and fro from my locker in two minutes.
    I wouldn't want to put my stanky shoes in with the rest of my stuff, but then again I'm not a teenage male. Our school assigned separate athletic lockers for athletes as it had a hefty budget for that kind of thing. Dunno about this school. This is sad.
    Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
    Just as I suspected. A ring of elderly pedophiles.
    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Love View Post
    Fucking piece of shit, fucking scum, internet ass holes. fucking ingrate no life having fat ass. you have no fucking clue at whats going on fuck tard shit for brains.

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    I wouldn't want to put my stanky shoes in with the rest of my stuff, but then again I'm not a teenage male. Our school assigned separate athletic lockers for athletes as it had a hefty budget for that kind of thing. Dunno about this school. This is sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  17. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by morbidT View Post
    I see this a lot. Coroner and Sheriff are affiliated with opposing political parties, can't stand each other, related by marriage and can't stand each other, or some other issue where they can't stand each other.

    I guess I can see why people would think the body was literally moved to a different location. To someone who doesn't know common terminology within the field, it does seem suspicious. Move the body=turning it over, extricating, moving it a couple inches/feet, etc. Transport=moving the body to a different location. But, I can see the speculation and assumptions from the terminology used in the interview.

    The lockers- My first thought was the kids probably don't have enough time to go to their locker between classes, so they are using the holes in the mats to keep their items to snag between classes. Like, it's on the way to the next class. When I was in school, my locker was on one side of the building and I had multiple classes on the other side of the building. I had to take all of my books for those particular classes because there was no way I could get to and fro from my locker in two minutes.

    Thanks for the info, TH!
    I hear you on trying to get to your locker between classes. My high school was large and also very overcrowded, and it was difficult to get through the cattle herd and get to class on time ... and damn-near impossible if you needed to go to your locker. And we had SIX minutes.

    Interestingly, I have discovered that some schools do indeed charge locker fees. I can't find info about Lowndes County High School specifically, but I did find that Hahira Middle School, which is in Lowndes County, charges a fee for lockers. I realize schools are trying to cover budget shortfalls and stuff, but damn. What's next, a toilet fee?

    They're gonna nickel and dime us to death, people!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I will out think the fucking pants off of you and you would thank me for helping you out of them.

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    In my high school, we didn't have lockers. We had to carry everything in our backpacks (which were always SO heavy). There were only lockers in the locker rooms and the only time you could use them was when you had P.E. and when you changed into your P.E. clothes, you could put your regular clothes in a locker. But it wasn't like it was YOUR assigned locker, you would just pick a random one for that one time, that one period. Obviously, there weren't many lockers; not enough for someone to keep one the whole day. And it was impossible to get away with it. If we all got there and there was a lock on one (which meant someone snuck in there to use it all day) then the P.E. teachers would cut the lock off. It sucked having to carry all our stuff with us and try to fit every single book and notebook in our backpacks, not to mention everyone had to carry their lock with them. Maybe this guy was protesting that there weren't enough lockers. Like hey, we need more lockers so that we don't have to put our shit in these rolled up mats, it's dangerous, SEE?!?!? Sorry, too soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  19. #94
    Member Keann Scissorhands Powley's Avatar
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    The school gym didn't have cameras?

  20. #95
    Sofa King Tired PunkerDuckie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keann Scissorhands Powley View Post
    The school gym didn't have cameras?
    Our school gyms don't have cameras.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    I want that fucking meat.

  21. #96
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keann Scissorhands Powley View Post
    The school gym didn't have cameras?


    Who puts cameras in the school gym? Hell I don't even think they do that in Compton.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  22. #97
    Sofa King Tired PunkerDuckie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevansvault View Post

    Who puts cameras in the school gym? Hell I don't even think they do that in Compton.
    There's a special word for someone who puts cameras in a school gym. I think it's called... pedophile.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    I want that fucking meat.

  23. #98
    Senior Member TupeloHoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keann Scissorhands Powley View Post
    The school gym didn't have cameras?
    Hi Keann. The only mention of a camera that I've read is in this article Tess posted on Page 2, but it's hard to tell from the story exactly where the camera is located. It kind of sounds like the camera is indeed somewhere inside the old gym because it captured Kendrick heading "towards the gym mats."

    Quote Originally Posted by TessD View Post
    It's so hard to find any info or timeline of what happened that day ...before Kendrick ended up in that rolled up mat. Here's some snips from this article:

    "The story borders on the outlandish to many ? the theory that Johnson died trying to retrieve a shoe from a stack of wrestling mats in the high school?s old gym on Jan. 10, 2013. But the investigation into Johnson?s death revealed that students often used the spaces between gym mats as free lockers, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation?s full report on Johnson?s death details how the teenager died and how dangerous the mats can be."

    "A motion-controlled camera recorded Johnson crossing paths with another student and heading in the opposite direction towards the gym mats, which authorities stated had been rolled up and stacked vertically over the Christmas holidays."

    "A class reportedly filled the empty gym shortly after Johnson went to retrieve his shoes. The time elapsed left just enough time for the teen to lose his life as he attempted to change out of his good shoes between classes."

    So he was wearing one pair of shoes and went back to the old gym to change into another pair of shoes? When he became stuck inside the mat, did he kick off the shoes he was wearing in the struggle to free himself? Ugh! It's so hard to make sense of this story.
    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I will out think the fucking pants off of you and you would thank me for helping you out of them.

  24. #99
    Senior Member songbirdsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keann Scissorhands Powley View Post
    The school gym didn't have cameras?
    Quote Originally Posted by TupeloHoney View Post
    Hi Keann. The only mention of a camera that I've read is in this article Tess posted on Page 2, but it's hard to tell from the story exactly where the camera is located. It kind of sounds like the camera is indeed somewhere inside the old gym because it captured Kendrick heading "towards the gym mats."
    The gym was built in 1966 or something. They built a new one. I do think it's weird that the school won't release the surveillance footage of Kendrick.

    I read somewhere that he was found by a couple of students and a teacher helped them to unroll the mat, but he's still rolled up in the picture where you see his feet. Does that mean one of the students took the picture, or did the investigators roll him back up to take a picture?
    Quote Originally Posted by animosity View Post
    Just as I suspected. A ring of elderly pedophiles.
    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Love View Post
    Fucking piece of shit, fucking scum, internet ass holes. fucking ingrate no life having fat ass. you have no fucking clue at whats going on fuck tard shit for brains.

  25. #100
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    How long after they exhume a body does it take for them to release a report? I am curious to hear the follow up on this one

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