Unfortunately I'm having issues adding any attachments the old fashioned way so going to try and link to some pics/video. As title says...I took my kids (son is 25 and daughter is now 17) to DC to see the opening night of the U.S. Saviors tour. It was my daughter's first concert and I spent an ungodly amount and gave the tickets to them as a Christmas gift. I will say it was one of the most amazing experiences jamming out between my 2 kids as all of us love Green Day and they put on one hell of a show!
After finding out pumpkins were opening and being a huge early 90s fan (read: Gish, Siamese Dream and about 50% of Mellon Collie...Pisces Iscariot doesn't count bc it's B sides I'd worked so hard to collect...lost interest after that) I checked out the Smashing Pumpkins subreddit and ended up posting a pic of me at age 19 from 1993/1994 at the local roller skating rink wearing a Siamese Dream tshirt that was spotted by a UK band called Northern Captives who reached out to me wanting to use the pic for the cover of their single/EP called Joy. So..yeah..hope you can open some of these. Not sure if my security settings will allow it. If not, Boston and Nic can tell you all about it.