The man who killed a San Fran*cisco preschooler, in what the city’s med*ical ex*am*iner de*scribed as the worst case of child abuse he had ever seen, has won pa*rolede*spite as*sur*ances given at the time of his sen*tenc*ing that he would spend the rest of his life be*hind bars.
Patrick Good*man mur*dered his girl*friend’s three-year-old son, Eli*jah Sander*son, on De*cem*ber 6, 2000 at their In*gle*side home. The au*topsy re*port de*tailed in*juries rang*ing from a bro*ken neck and bro*ken ribs to a sev*ered bowel and a sev*ered re*nal artery. 50 sep*a*rate ex*ter*nal in*juries were also noted.