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Thread: Iliana Peters (10) found dead in a wooded area after going missing; a homicide investigation is on-going

  1. #26
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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    Never have I been a blue, calm sea...I have always been a storm.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevansvault View Post
    The older I get, the easier and more appropriate I find it to say the quiet part out loud.

    This country has gone to shit, and we need to stand up and call out any and every single piece of shit moron douchebag asshole, every time.

    Most of us have been 'round these here parts awhile, and every so often I get a liiiiiiitle done with the knuckledragging shitstains in society.

    This baby's mom never gets to put her daughter to bed again. She'll never graduate, never drive, never have her first real boyfriend. I can't even fathom the pain that
    this family is going through right now, and it makes me angrier than fuck that the little dickhead suspect and his lawyers find it appropriate to try this case in a lower court.
    Agree completely.

  2. #27
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    Teen accused of killing Wisconsin 10-year-old to stay in adult court system, appeal judges decide

  3. #28
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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    Never have I been a blue, calm sea...I have always been a storm.
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    Good. He did an adult crime, so he should be tried accordingly.

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