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Thread: Florida man mistook his pregnant wife (Nicole Christine Rupp, 31) for an intruder and shot and killed her; the 6 month along baby was delivered alive but died a week later

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    Florida man mistook his pregnant wife (Nicole Christine Rupp, 31) for an intruder and shot and killed her; the 6 month along baby was delivered alive but died a week later

    A Florida husband said he fatally shot his pregnant wife after waking up in the middle of the night and thinking she was an intruder, according to authorities who believe it was nothing more than a tragic mistake.

    Sheriff William Snyder told the outlet that the husband said he woke up in the middle of the night, thought he heard an intruder in the home and grabbed his firearm to investigate. The man, who said he didn't realize his wife had gotten up, saw a shape in the hallway and fired a single shot, the sheriff said.
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-17-2022 at 02:46 PM.

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