Dude. I'm seriously sad that no one messaged me on fb that he made a thread
Dearest Brennan Tammons,
Your info wasn't misinformed, it was literally to fuck around with an innocent missing person and his family. You claimed that not only did you live with him, he was also your lover, even though he had a wife and kid(s) before he went missing. YOU made a fake fb profile of "him" with his new name, and it was linked to YOUR fb profile with your actual name (should have used a fake name, man). I'm pretty sure that's the only way we have your real name. You fucked around with the detective who came in here to talk to you about it, YOU made it worse by lying and avoiding this man.
Also you claimed that you already changed your name with the courts. I stated IN the thread that there were no records of it. idk why someone would message you the same info... Yeah, you can do it where they'll seal the records and shit...but obviously you didn't do that, since you're still complaining that this is your real name and you didn't go through with it. Stop fucking lying, dude. This is all on you. It has nothing to do with you being black or gay, stop fucking making it look like it is. I seriously hope I'm one of these "harassers" that you can't name.
Seriously. Fuck you. Fuck off. No one cares whether you're black or gay. I would still hate you if you were white and straight. People are right stating that you're only here looking for attention. it's pretty fucking obvious. EVERY single time your name is said, you're here...this time took a little bit, but you still came. Honestly, you're a fucking legend here, you could have been cool about it and rode with it, but you're just being a fucking dick about it.