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Thread: Oulay Vahn Thanavong - missing since 2 May 2016

  1. #1
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Oulay Vahn Thanavong - missing since 2 May 2016

    His disappearance circumstances are weird - so annoying that you can't copy from Charley Project.

    Oulayvahn Thanavong born 4/10/75 went missing May 2 2016. Oulay told numerous people he was leaving town to visit his family in California. It has been confirmed that Oulay was flying stand by and had a first class seat on May 2 2016 however, the passenger showed up and Oulay was bumped from that flight . Oulay was seen on camera leaving the plane and also leaving the airport through the employee pick up area. It has also been confirmed Oulay was seen and talked to at his apartment complex late morning / early afternoon May 2 after leaving the airport. That is the last known contact anyone has had with Oulay other than a text at 8:06 pm the night of May 2. Certain things in his behaviors and how his situation was left indicated he may have still been trying to catch a flight to California , but he never made it. Through the investigation we have determined his whereabouts prior to his last being seen. What we need to further this investigation is information after 8:06 pm May 2 or any other pertinent information that may help us locate Oulay. Community involvement is a must in a case like this. Please help campaign to find Oulay any way you can or if you have ANY information you feel would help authorities , I ask you to please contact Detective Jones @ 817-892-4442

  2. #2
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Never have I been a blue, calm sea...I have always been a storm.
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    Adding the updated Charley Project link:

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