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Thread: Carie Zapletal, 48, missing. Husband says she's depressed. Daughter claims that's not true.

  1. #1
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    Carie Zapletal, 48, missing. Husband says she's depressed. Daughter claims that's not true.

    Her Facebook:

    Memphis mom missing, daughter desperate for answers

    MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) - A daughter is desperate to find her mother who has been missing for nine days.

    Carie Zapletal, 48, went missing more than a week ago on December 2. Braving cold temperatures, Zapletal's daughter Shelbie Fuller and sister-in-law posted flyers Thursday in the area near Whitten and Appling Roads where the missing mom was reportedly last seen.

    "I have a feeling that something bad has happened," said Fuller, "Of course you're always going to think the worst and pray for the best."

    According to a City Watch issued by Memphis police, Zapletal left home walking.

    "I don't think my mom just walked away," said Fuller, "That's not my mom and she wouldn't have done that without contact."

    Police said Zapletal was wearing a black sweater, dark jeans, and reportedly suffers from depression.

    Fuller believes that information was inaccurately reported to investigators.

    "She's never been diagnosed with depression," said Fuller, "She's never been on any depression medications. That (missing persons narrative) is going by her husband and that's not true."

    Pleading with her friends on social media to share Zapletal's photos, Fuller desperately wants her mom home for Christmas.

    "If my mom is watching, please come home," said Fuller, "we do love you and we do miss you and we just want you back."

    If you have information that could help investigators, call Memphis Missing Persons at 901-636-4446 or 901-545-2677.

    Copyright 2014 WMC Action News 5. All rights reserved.
    Her daughter:

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  2. #2
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    It's been my experience that the husband saying his missing wife has depression=he killed her.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    It's been my experience that the husband saying his missing wife has depression=he killed her.
    Yea its definatly not a good sign :(

  5. #5
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Assume this is her

    She might just have really dry humour, but if not, I definitely wouldn't be swearing this person could never be prone to depression

  6. #6
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    MEMPHIS, TN ( – A family is looking for answers after woman disappeared. Carie Zapletal was last seen on December 2nd in her home in Northeast Memphis.

    Carie Zapletal was last seen on Santaolina more than four months ago.

    Friday is the 49th birthday of Shelbie Fuller's mother, Carie Zapletal, who has been missing for weeks.

    "We don't know if we need to be mourning or searching we don't know how to celebrate her birthday, it's her life and we don't know what to do," said Shelbie Fuller.

    Memphis Police have been looking for Zapletal since December 2nd. According to the police report, her husband Edward Zapletal reported his wife was missing saying that she left the house and she was upset after he recently had a stroke.

    "She came in and got dressed and I was like what are you doing and she didn't really answer me and the next thing I know she was gone," said Edward Zapletal, husband of Carie Zapletal.

    Zapletal said his wife has been battling depression and was not taking her medication.

    "She was very depressed she lost her mind she was irrational because as far as she was concerned. She didn't know if I was going to live or not I didn't know either," said Zapletal.

    But her daughter Shelbie Fuller said her mother was not depressed.

    "It's highly unlikely that she was that depressed over his situation," said Fuller. "My mom was a nurse and she knew what she was doing she knew how to handle it she knew it was going to get better."

    Fuller said her mother would never leave behind her six children and two grandkids.

    "My mom wouldn't walk away she is so strong and she is so loving and she would have done anything for anyone she's not a selfish person," said Fuller.

    But both Fuller and Zapletal said they just want Carie to return safe to them.

    "Come home Carie. We're waiting for you. I'm ready to be a husband and have my wife back," said Zapletal.

    "It's like everything keeps moving and still we are at this standstill with her and I just want an answer," said Fuller.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

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    I just saw that this woman and I have a mutual FB friend. I hope she is found safe but it's not likely. I don't remember hearing about any searches when she first went missing. It is so freaky how someone can just walk out their front door and disappear. I'm going to have to ask my friend about this next time I see her.

  8. #8
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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    I feel so badly for her daughter. Below is a picture/post she added to the Missing Persons page for her mom:

    This is the house Carie and Ed lived in right before moving to Memphis, TN. and a place of many questions. . This happened Saturday 01/09/2016. . Coincidentally, there was no electricity, and no gas on at this vacant property. As a matter of fact Carie and Ed left behind a lot of their belongings when they moved from here and no one has lived there since.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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    Thats not shady at all.

  10. #10
    Senior Member aphaziak's Avatar
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    The accusations the husband is throwing around are just... Kind of odd that he'd totally throw her under the bus like that, whether he is under suspicion for it or not.

    Also, the daughter has a really good point saying her mother had $2,000 in the bank and if she was such a bad addict, why would that still be there?

    Article from June 2016 with video of husband on Dr Phil:

    Carie Zapletal hasn’t been heard from since disappearing from her home in December of 2014 without a phone, wallet, car or coat, in 34 degree weather. Her daughter, Shelbie, says she suspects foul play at the hands of Carie’s husband, Ed. However, Ed denies the accusation and claims Carie was a drunk who spiraled out of control, using drugs and attempting suicide in the weeks before her disappearance, and that she left their home of her own will.

    “Shelbie needs to realize that Carie’s got a lot of issues,” Ed says. “Carie’s an alcoholic and binge drinker. When Carie’s been drinking, she can get really crazy.” He also says that Carie has been violent toward him and is known to “abuse prescription drugs.”

    Ed says that he believes Carie was severely depressed, and overwhelmed caring for him after his stroke, and that she’s alive and has just gone off the grid.

    “She was growing more distant. She told me that she had guzzled an entire bottle of rubbing alcohol trying to commit suicide, and she was disappointed that it didn’t end her life,” Ed says.

    Living Off the Grid, Or The Victim of Foul Play?

    However, Shelbie says she doesn’t believe Ed’s claims.

    “Ed is trying to paint a picture that my mom is a crackhead or a prostitute. That idea is absolutely absurd,” she says, adding that her mother was not suicidal. “Right now, there is over $2,000 in my mom’s bank account. If she were in the streets strung out on drugs, why hasn’t she touched her money?”

    Husband Claims He and Wife Made Suicide Pact Before She Disappeared

    “It’s very difficult for Shelbie to accept that her mother is gone. She’s looking for someone to blame,” Ed says. “This is all on Carie.”

    In the video above, Ed tells Dr. Phil why he is “totally convinced” that Carie is still alive. This episode of Dr. Phil airs Thursday. Check here to see where you can watch.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZoMyGoddess! View Post
    maybe when the check comes next time, just throw your dick on the table and be like "if you got the check, i got dessert"

  11. #11
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    I really hoped -- when I saw the update -- that they'd found her and charged him.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  12. #12
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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    Me too.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Non_Saepe's Avatar
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    Looks like the husband passed away. I saw a post on the fb that says he died after another stroke June 1st. His daughter reposted it with a snarky comment but I couldn't read any other comments because I don't do the fb. Carie's daughter said she wished there was a deathbed confession.

    Does anyone else think their house catching on fire was an effort to hide evidence?

  14. #14
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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