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Thread: Random Weird and Bizarre News II

  1. #51
    Senior Member rachy's Avatar
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    Elyria woman gets 15 days for choking Walmart greeter

    ELYRIA, Ohio (AP) — A judge in Ohio has sentenced a woman to 15 days in jail for choking a 71-year-old Walmart greeter who asked to see a receipt as the woman left the store.

    Elyria Municipal Judge Lisa Locke Graves sentenced 49-year-old Toni Duncan on Thursday for what she calls the "absolutely reprehensible" attack last March. Duncan was sentenced after pleading no contest and being found guilty of assault.

    According to The (Elyria) Chronicle-Telegram, the defendant also was ordered to take an anger management course by year's end and stay away from the Elyria Walmart and the victim for five years.

    The woman's 23-year-old daughter was sentenced to three days in jail for disorderly conduct and also was ordered to stay away from Walmart for five years.

  2. #52
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rachy View Post
    Elyria woman gets 15 days for choking Walmart greeter

    ELYRIA, Ohio (AP) — A judge in Ohio has sentenced a woman to 15 days in jail for choking a 71-year-old Walmart greeter who asked to see a receipt as the woman left the store.

    Elyria Municipal Judge Lisa Locke Graves sentenced 49-year-old Toni Duncan on Thursday for what she calls the "absolutely reprehensible" attack last March. Duncan was sentenced after pleading no contest and being found guilty of assault.

    According to The (Elyria) Chronicle-Telegram, the defendant also was ordered to take an anger management course by year's end and stay away from the Elyria Walmart and the victim for five years.

    The woman's 23-year-old daughter was sentenced to three days in jail for disorderly conduct and also was ordered to stay away from Walmart for five years.
    15 days?!? Someone can get more time on a drug charge than for choking a senior? We are doing it wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  3. #53
    Chin Checker g r ee n ey e s's Avatar
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    She was going to chuck her kid over a 10ft fence?? Dumbest broad ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonDancer View Post
    And apparently you fuck the mods here.

  4. #54
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    I have so wanted to choke a Walmart greeter for the same reason before.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  5. #55
    Chin Checker g r ee n ey e s's Avatar
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    She was like, "Oh, we just survived a car accident, now.. land on your feet when I throw you over this fence!!"

    Alcohol obviously makes everything indestructable.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonDancer View Post
    And apparently you fuck the mods here.

  6. #56
    Senior Member boogieman's Avatar
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    AURORA, Ore. - Victims and neighbors of an elderly man accuse him of throwing large objects at their cars, and one victim has asked KATU News to find out why authorities are not doing more to stop him.

    Victims say 77-year-old Roger White has thrown a flashlight, his cane, two-foot garden shears and, a week ago, a brick or a large rock at car windows.

    During his usual 10-minute drive from his friend's house in Donald to his home in Aurora, Tony Reeder's window was smashed by a brick.

    "It flew up and impacted right here," he said pointing to the upper right-hand corner of his front windshield. "There's a huge crater right here, and then whole windshield just splattered out."

    He sustained cuts on his head and arm from the glass. He immediately pulled over to call 911.

    "I was in shock. I didn't really know what to do."

    KATU News tried to get White's side of the story outside his home Friday. He wouldn't say much but said he hadn't thrown anything at anyone's car; instead, he said he was hit by one.

    Marion County deputies didn't believe that and said they cited him, but a report hasn't been filed yet. Another victim said a report was barely taken.

    They (deputies) didn't report or anything. They didn't come out," said Kirk Pearson who said he called deputies after White threw garden shears at his car.

    "If I wouldn't have moved out of the way, they would have went right into my windshield," he said.

    Pearson was visiting his friend Joe Schmidt who lives right across the street. Schmidt said he's seen this happen multiple times in the last year.

    "Since his wife passed away a couple, three years ago – and then having his hip replaced, I just think it's age catching up with him a little bit," he said. "He's a good person. He wouldn't do nothing to hurt anybody intentionally. That's how come I can't understand why he’s doing this."

    A Marion County Sheriff's spokesman said he will take a closer look at the records Monday and that's when he'll be able to respond to questions about what, if anything, was done before the latest incident.

  7. #57
    Chin Checker g r ee n ey e s's Avatar
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    Yeah, once you have your hips replaced your basically fucked. Dude is on a war path.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonDancer View Post
    And apparently you fuck the mods here.

  8. #58
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by g r ee n ey e s View Post
    Yeah, once you have your hips replaced your basically fucked. Dude is on a war path.
    I'll sleep with a baseball bat handy.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  9. #59
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Key West Digger View Post
    Texas prisons end special last meals in executions

    HOUSTON (AP) ? Texas in*mates who are set to be executed will no longer get their choice of last meals, a change pri*son of*ficials made Thursday af*ter a prom*inent state sen*ator became miffed over an expansive request from a man con*demned for a noto*rious dragging death.
    Lawrence Rus*sell Brewer, who was executed Wednesday for the hate crime slaying of James Byrd Jr. more than a decade ago, asked for two chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburg*er, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, three fajitas, a meat lover's pizza, a pint of ice cream and a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts. Pri*son of*ficials said Brewer didn't eat any of it.
    A former death row chef says he will pay for and cook every last meal for condemned inmates himself, after Texas announced it was stopping the tradition. "We should not get rid of the last meal," said Brian Price, an ex-convict who spent a decade in Texas preparing last meals for the condemned. "Justice is going to be served when this person is executed, but can we not show our softer side? Our compassionate side?"
    Last week's audacious last meal request by killer Russell Brewer was the last straw for some in Texas.
    Brewer was executed September 21 for his role in the infamous racially motivated 1998 dragging death of James Byrd Jr.
    His last meal request was for two chicken-fried steaks smothered in gravy with sliced onions, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet with other ingredients, a large bowl of fried okra with ketchup, three fajitas, a pint of Blue Bell ice cream and a pound of barbecue with a half-loaf of white bread.
    Just for good measure, Brewer added a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts, a pizza and three root beers.
    Meet the 'Death Row Chef'
    Then he ate none of it. Not a bite.
    "Enough is enough," said Texas state Sen. John Whitmire, a day after the execution. "It is extremely inappropriate to give a person sentenced to death such a privilege -- one which the perpetrator did not provide to their victim."
    Texas prison officials agreed with Whitmire, immediately halting the tradition of letting an inmate about to be executed choose the menu for his or her last meal.
    "Texas has always been coldhearted about these type of things," said Price. "Not to minimize these crimes, the majority of them have earned their place at that dinner table. But with my offer it would not cost Texas taxpayers anything."
    Price said he knows all too well the angst some in Texas may feel about baking cakes or grilling steaks for the perpetrators of some of the most heinous crimes in the state.
    Price dealt with the same feelings years ago during a 14-year prison term for assault. His job in the facility included cooking meals to fill the sometimes extravagant requests of men who were about to be executed.
    "I used to research the crimes and wonder, 'How could I prepare a meal for this guy?'" Price said.
    Price had little empathy for the convicts on death row until he had a conversation with Manny Lopez, an inmate who was tasked with cleaning the death chamber after executions.
    "Manny told me that cleaning the blood off the gurney did not affect him," Price said. "He said what got to him was washing the handprints, smeared lipstick, tear stains off the windows of the witness room where the man's family was watching him die."
    Price said he began to imagine if the people on death row were his family members.
    "I would just act like it was my brother who was going to be on that gurney, and then I would cook," Price said.
    He wrote about his experiences and the almost 200 meals he prepared in a book titled "Meals to Die For."
    Since leaving prison he has opened a restaurant and married. He says he thinks about his conversation with Lopez often and he really wants to keep the tradition of a last meal alive.
    But it seems that Texas will not take Price up on his offer.
    "While we appreciate Mr. Price's offer, it's not the cost but more the concept that we're moving away from," said Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokesman Jason Clark.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  10. #60
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Pfft. Don't feed them at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  11. #61
    Southern Undertaker Key West Digger's Avatar
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    Doc Suspended Over Pregnant 12-Year-Old
    By Mary Beth Wilson
    updated 10/2/2011 2:15:36 PM ET2011-10-02T18:15:36

    A Tamarac obstetrician was suspended by the state indefinitely on Saturday for failing to report the pregnancy of a 12-year-old girl, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reports.
    Dr. Michael Benjamin faces professional disciplinary action by the Florida Department of Health for allegedly violating a law that requires physicians to automatically report instances of sex involving patients under the age of 16, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
    Benjamin told authorities he didn't think he needed to report the case as possible abuse because the girl told him that she had consensual sex with a classmate in Central Florida, said the Sun-Sentinel.
    The adult boyfriend of the girl's mother was later convicted in the 12-year-old's pregnancy, the paper reports, and is currently serving a 15-year sentence for sexual battery.
    Though the girl, her mother, and the mother's boyfriend saw Benjamin in November 2009 for an abortion, the Sentinel said, the pregnancy was not reported until several months later by her primary doctor.
    On Saturday the Florida Board of Medicine rejected a proposed settlement in the disciplinary case and suspended Benjamin's license pending further review, reports the Sentinel.

  12. #62
    Senior Member boogieman's Avatar
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    SEATTLE – A Siberian Husky that was stolen from a family’s backyard in Marysville last month was returned to its family Tuesday.

    The thief who was caught on camera, however, still has not turned herself in.

    Surveillance footage from the incident ten days ago showed a woman pulling the dog, Takoda, out of Ron and Colleen Smith's yard and pushing her into a mini-van which sped off. On the video, Takoda can be heard howling as she’s forced to cross the electric fence line that kept her in the yard.

    The woman claimed she was rescuing the dog. After seeing the surveillance video of the theft on TV., the woman got an attorney and agreed to turn the dog over to police.

    But Tuesday she didn't show up at the Marysville Police Department. Instead, a man dropped off Takoda. The Smiths wanted answers.

    "Who are you?" Ron Smith demanded. It turns out the man worked for the suspect's attorney.

    The Smiths noticed right away Takoda was not herself. She was shy, shaking, and had cuts and bumps on her face.

    "Maybe their heart was in the right place, but they went about it the wrong way. And there are going to be repercussions," said Commander Rob Lamoureux.

    Dog rescue groups say thefts like this are rare, but they happen. They chalk it up to the heavy emotions involved between humans and their pets.

    "Emotions around animals run very high, very high, just like with children," said Judith Piper, who runs Old Dog Haven outside of Marysville. "People just decide they're going to fix things."

    Piper says dog rescue groups have too much to lose to be a vigilante.

    "I don't think a legitimate group would consider doing that," she said.

    Back at home, Takoda started acting like her old self. The Smiths believe someone assumed she was being neglected because she's kept outside.

    "She's more comfortable outside than inside," said Ron.

    Outside she will stay, and the Smiths hope the dog-nappers learned their lesson.

  13. #63
    Southern Undertaker Key West Digger's Avatar
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    Cops say parents locked boy in coffin
    Attachment 2884
    Police were searching on Tuesday for a couple accused of punishing their 7-year-old son by forcing him to wear a diaper and locking him in a coffin in the basement of their Pennsylvania home.
    Neighbors called police after they heard the boy crying from inside the house in Scranton on September 26, said police Detective Captain Al Leoncini.

    Police found the boy sitting in a doorway of the basement, upset and wearing a diaper, he said. The boy told police he was crying because he was hungry.

    After coming home from school, the boy said his stepfather had locked him in a coffin held shut by a chair in the basement. He said he was eventually able to escape by pushing it open. Cops say parents locked boy in coffin, boy locked in coffin, boy locked in coffin punishment,

    In the past, his stepfather had used duct tape to keep the coffin shut, the boy said, according to court documents.

    He said his mother and stepfather often punished him by putting him in the basement, where she told him ghosts lived, the documents said. They rattled chains to scare him and sometimes duct-taped him to a chair, he said.

    The child told police he had to wear a diaper because there was no working bathroom in the basement, where sometimes he was locked for an entire day, the documents said.

    The boy was placed with a children's welfare agency and police issued warrants this week for Lori Gardner, 26, and Brian Sleboda, 31, both of Scranton, Leoncini said. boy locked in coffin punishment,

    Both have been charged with endangering the welfare of a child and unlawful restraint.

    "We're trying to locate the mom and the step-dad to serve these warrants, but at this point we don't know where they're at," Leoncini said. Brian Sleboda and Lori Gardner, boy in coffin neighbors crying,

    Source: yahoo

  14. #64
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Holy crap, locked in a coffin? Hurray for the neighbors who heard him crying and called police!
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  15. #65
    Senior Member boogieman's Avatar
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    CARLSBAD, N.M. (AP) — A Texas man is facing battery charges after police say he hit his estranged New Mexico wife and pulled her hair over her lack of a response to his Facebook status update.

    The Carlsbad Current-Argus reports ( ) that 36-year-old Benito Apolinar of Pecos, Texas, was arrested Monday following a fight at the Carlsbad, N.M., home of Dolores Apolinar.

    According to the criminal complaint, Benito Apolinar posted a comment on his Facebook page about the anniversary of his mother's death, but Dolores Apolinar didn't click the "like" status button.

    The complaint says Benito Apolinar told his wife that he was unhappy that she didn't respond as others did. Police say that's when a fight began.

    Benito Apolinar pleaded not guilty to one charge of battery.

    It was unclear if he had hired an attorney.

    I couldn't find either of them on Facebook.

  16. #66
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    Teenage girl 'stole from neighbour for cash to fund her porn addiction'

    Darin Pake started to notice that things were disappearing from his house.
    Over the course of two days, his camera was gone. And his brief case. And a jar of money.

    In an attempt to stop anything else from disappearing, he installed a video camera to see where his things were going.

    He was not expecting the visual he taped.

    The footage showed his 18 year old neighbor Amanda Owens crawling into his house from the doggy door.

    Owens was a familiar face, but Mr Pake was more accustomed to seeing her walk in through the front door when he hired her as a babysitter.

    The tape showed Owens wandering around the house on Monday and rummaging through Mr Pake's things for 20 minutes.

    She even stopped to chug a Red Bull from the fridge when she needed a little energy boost.

    Mr Pake called police and they got a formal statement from Owens, leading them to the most surprising portion of the story.

    Owens admitted to breaking in and stealing things in order to pay off debts from her porn addiction.

    She said that she broke into the Pake household three times in the course of the week to find find valuables that she could pawn for cash.

    Owens said that Mr Pake's camera was still sitting in her bedroom, along with the jar of money.

    She was planning on getting money from the sale of the stolen goods because she previously bought 20 to 30 DVDs of porn and owed money as a result.

    Owens is charged with a felony count of burglary, and faces up to 10 years in prison and a maximum fine of $20,000.

  17. #67
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Should have used her money for Proactiv.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  18. #68
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    I'm shocked anyone pays for porn.

  19. #69
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HyperU2 View Post
    I'm shocked anyone pays for porn.
    That's what I was thinking, too.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  20. #70
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  21. #71
    Senior Member boogieman's Avatar
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    Wanted to post this somewhere, and figured I would post it here as it's related to the StopXAM post I made on page 2:

    StopXAM is now targeting people who park on the grass in parks, by covering their cars in grass.

    And them trying to stop people from driving backwards down the streets:

    And... In related Weird/Bizarre news, A Venezuelan city has hired Mime's to deal with bad drivers:

    Could this be the answer to solving traffic woes in U.S. cities like Los Angeles?

    A part of Venezuela's capital is using the services of about 120 mimes who are giving bad drivers the silent treatment in an effort to combat traffic woes. Think human traffic signals that have the ability to scorn drivers who dare to break the rules.

    The mimes have been sent into the streets to do what police alone have not: tame the lawless traffic.

    Dressed in clown-like outfits and white gloves took to the streets of the Sucre district this past week, the mimes wag their fingers at traffic violators and at pedestrians who streaked across busy avenues rather than waiting at crosswalks.

    They found plenty to keep them busy in a city where motorcycle riders roar down sidewalks, buses drop passengers in the middle of busy streets and drivers treat red lights and speed limits as suggestions rather than orders.

    "Most people are collaborating, but bad habits are usually hard to break and some drivers just don't change their ways," said Neidy Suarez, an 18-year-old mime wearing fluorescent yellow overalls and a bright red ribbon wrapped around her pigtails.

    Suarez frowned, thrust her hands forward in a "stop" motion and then pointed to a red light as a motorcyclist raced toward a crosswalk filled with pedestrians.

    "Some people get angry when we reprimand them," Suarez said. Some drivers have shouted insults after a silent rebuke.

    "But most people react agreeably and some have offered compliments," Suarez said, raising her voice from time to time so she would be heard amid the honking horns, ambulance sirens, rumbling bus engines and music throbbing from car stereos.

    Mayor Carlos Ocariz of Sucre, in the eastern part of Caracas, turned to the mimes to encourage civility among reckless drivers and careless pedestrians. He is following the example of

    Antanas Mockus, a former mayor of Bogota, Colombia, who combined mimes and stricter police enforcement in a program that was widely seen as a success.

    Caracas' streets, though, may be even more chaotic than those of Colombia's capital.

    Drivers who miss a highway exit often simply put their cars in reverse and return through oncoming traffic.

    Motorbike riders charge the wrong way up one-way streets and honk pedestrians aside as they roar onto sidewalks, sometimes with small children tucked precariously between an adult passenger and driver.

    Alex Ojeda, president of the Jose Angel Lamas Foundation, a cultural organization that employed professional actors to train the mimes, said he is confident the mimes will help, although he conceded that changing the behavior of motorists will be a long-term task. Generations of attempts to enforce traffic laws have largely failed.

    "Many times, the mimes can achieve what traffic police cannot achieve using warning and sanctions in their efforts to maintain control," he said. "Mimes, on the contrary, often achieve the same objective by employing artistic and peaceful actions."

    At a ceremony for newly trained mimes, Ocariz vowed to keep up the effort "until the streets of Sucre are full of creativity and education."

  22. #72
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    Kindergarten Teacher Hangs Herself In Front Of Class

    It makes you wonder why she got into teaching in the first place.
    On the same day she attended a funeral for a co-worker who had died from a respiratory ailment, 45-year old Linda Elaine Walker returned to her Illinois kindergarten classroom to take her own life, according to a report in the Daily Mail. She killed herself by hanging.

    She committed the act Monday before her classroom of students at the Tri-C Elementary School in Carterville, Ill. Some 30 counselors have been brought to the school this week to help students and other teachers through their grief.

  23. #73
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    How did that guy get to be a journalist?

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by WooFrigginHoo View Post
    Kindergarten Teacher Hangs Herself In Front Of Class

    It makes you wonder why she got into teaching in the first place.
    On the same day she attended a funeral for a co-worker who had died from a respiratory ailment, 45-year old Linda Elaine Walker returned to her Illinois kindergarten classroom to take her own life, according to a report in the Daily Mail. She killed herself by hanging.

    She committed the act Monday before her classroom of students at the Tri-C Elementary School in Carterville, Ill. Some 30 counselors have been brought to the school this week to help students and other teachers through their grief.
    Holy frappin crap.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  25. #75
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WooFrigginHoo View Post
    Kindergarten Teacher Hangs Herself In Front Of Class

    It makes you wonder why she got into teaching in the first place.
    On the same day she attended a funeral for a co-worker who had died from a respiratory ailment, 45-year old Linda Elaine Walker returned to her Illinois kindergarten classroom to take her own life, according to a report in the Daily Mail. She killed herself by hanging.

    She committed the act Monday before her classroom of students at the Tri-C Elementary School in Carterville, Ill. Some 30 counselors have been brought to the school this week to help students and other teachers through their grief.
    No way!
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

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