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Thread: Random Weird and Bizarre News II

  1. #26
    Southern Undertaker Key West Digger's Avatar
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    Oklahoma warden's wife found guilty of helping inmate escape

    Steve Olafson
    September 21, 2011 ET

    OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - An Oklahoma pri­son warden's wife claimed she was kidnapped when she and a convicted murderer van­ished for nearly 11 years, while po­lice were certain she was in love with the man and helped him escape.
    Af­ter a trial that lasted through­out the summer, a ju­ry agreed with po­lice and found Bobbi Parker, 49, guilty on Wednesday of help­ing Randolph Franklin Dial escape. They rec­ommended she serve a year in pri­son.
    Parker spent nearly 11 years on the run with Dial, a gray-haired, bearded sculptor who befriended the as­sistant warden's wife through a pri­son-based pottery class in Gran­ite, Oklahoma.
    Dial, who was serving a life sen­tence for murder when he escaped, was a ma­nip­ulative and ego­tis­tical "ladies man," Dis­trict Attor­ney John Wampler said af­ter the ver­dict.
    "He could talk a good talk. I suspect he prob­a­bly charmed her and she became enthralled with that," he said.
    Parker's attor­neys maintained she was threat­ened, a defense upheld by Dial's own recorded state­ment. Dial died of lung can­cer in 2007 at age 62, but his state­ment was played dur­ing the trial. Parker did not tes­ti­fy on her

    own behalf.
    Dis­trict Judge Richard Darby sched­uled formal sen­tenc­ing for October 6. Judges in Oklahoma nearly always fol­low sen­tenc­ing rec­ommendations made by ju­ries, Wampler said.
    Parker and Dial were discovered by au­thor­ities in April 2005 when a tipster alerted the TV show "America's Most Wanted" that they were pos­ing as a married couple while living and working on a chicken farm in rural east Texas.
    Parker was returned to her husband and Dial was returned to pri­son, where he told au­thor­ities Parker was inno­cent of wrongdo­ing and acted out of fear from the threats he made.
    Pros­ecutors in Mangum, Oklahoma, didn't file crim­inal charges until three years af­ter Parker was reunited with her husband Randy and their two daugh­ters, who were 8 and 10 years old when she van­ished.
    Her husband, Randy Parker, is still employed by the corrections system but no longer works at the pri­son.
    He tes­ti­fied in her defense, telling ju­rors he still loved his wife and had a good relation­ship with her before she and Dial van­ished.
    Before he was impris­oned, Dial had worked as an art teach­er and sculptor. One of his works, a desktop
    sculp­ture of an oil derrick, was fea­tured on the televi­sion se­ries "Dallas," where it was displayed on the desk of the show's villain, J.R. Ew­ing.
    (Ed­ited by Karen Brooks and Cynthia Johnston)

  2. #27
    Southern Undertaker Key West Digger's Avatar
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    Irishman dies of spontaneous human combustion coroner finds

    Never before reported cause of death is first for Ireland

    By BERNIE MALONE, Staff Writer

    Read more: dies of spontaneous human combustion coroner finds

    Never before reported cause of death is first for Ireland

    By BERNIE MALONE, Staff Writer

    A coroner has found that an Irishman died of spontaneous human combustion -- the first ever case of its kind in Ireland.
    Michael Faherty, 76, died in his own home and coroner Dr.Kieran Mcloughlin stated that in his 25 years of inquests he had never come across such a cause of death, the Irish Independent reports.
    Faherty?s body was badly burnt but there was absolutely no source for the flames other than spontaneous combustion.
    A senior police officer and fire officer said that they had completely ruled out that he had caught fire by any outside means.
    A neighbor, Tom Mannion recounted how he had heard a smoke alarm go off in Faherty?s house at about 3.a.m in his neighborhood in Galway City on December 22nd last year.
    When he went to investigate he saw heavy smoke coming from the house. He banged repeatedly on the door but got no answer and called police and fire services.
    Police officer Gerard O'Callaghan said he found Faherty lying on his back in a sitting room, The body had been totally burnt. There was no damage to anywhere else in the house..
    The policeman said he had never seen anything like it. Fire Officer Gerry O?Malley also stated he had never seen anything like it and that no fire accelerant or anything else was ever found. Though there was a fire burning in the fireplace he said it was clear it had no connection to the death
    The inquest noted that his body had been completely cremated by the fire.
    Dr McLoughlin stated: "This fire was thoroughly investigated and I'm left with the conclusion that this fits into the category of spontaneous human combustion, for which there is no adequate explanation."

    Read more:

  3. #28
    Southern Undertaker Key West Digger's Avatar
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    Texas prisons end special last meals in executions

    The Associated Press
    September 22, 2011 ET

    HOUSTON (AP) ? Texas in­mates who are set to be executed will no longer get their choice of last meals, a change pri­son of­ficials made Thursday af­ter a prom­inent state sen­ator became miffed over an expansive request from a man con­demned for a noto­rious dragging death.
    Lawrence Rus­sell Brewer, who was executed Wednesday for the hate crime slaying of James Byrd Jr. more than a decade ago, asked for two chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburg­er, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, three fajitas, a meat lover's pizza, a pint of ice cream and a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts. Pri­son of­ficials said Brewer didn't eat any of it.
    "It is extremely inappropriate to give a per­son sen­tenced to death such a priv­i­lege," Sen. John Whitmire, chairman of the Sen­ate Crim­inal Jus­tice Committee, wrote in a letter Thursday to Brad Livingston, the exec­utive di­rector of the Texas De­part­ment of Crim­inal Jus­tice.
    With­in hours, Livingston said the sen­ator's concerns were valid and the practice of al­lowing death row offend­ers to choose their final meal was history.
    "Ef­fective im­me­diately, no such accommodations will be made," Livingston said. "They will receive the same meal served to oth­er offend­ers on the unit."

    That had been the suggestion from Whitmire, who called the tra­ditional request "ridiculous."
    "It's long overdue," the Houston Demo­crat told The As­sociated Press. "This old boy last night, enough is enough. We're fixing to execute the guy and maybe it makes the system feel good about what they're fixing to do. Kind of hyp­o­crit­ical, you reckon?
    "Mr. Byrd didn't get to choose his last meal. The whole deal is so il­logical."
    Brewer, a white supremacist gang member, was convicted of chain­ing Byrd, 49, to the back of a pickup truck and dragging him to his death along a bumpy road in a case shocked the nation for its brutal­ity.
    Whitmire warned in his letter that if the "last meal of choice" practice wasn't stopped im­me­diately, he'd seek a state statute to end it when lawmakers convene in the next leg­islative ses­sion.
    It was not im­me­diately clear whether oth­er states have made similar moves. Some lim­it the final meal cost ? Florida's ceiling is $40, accord­ing to the De­part­ment of Corrections website, with food to be pur­chased locally. Oth­ers, like Texas, which nev­er had a des­ignated dollar lim­it, mandate meals be pri­son-made. Some states don't acknowl­edge final meals, and oth­ers will disclose the information only if the in­mate agrees, said K. William Hayes, a Florida-based death penalty histo­rian.

    Some states require the meal with­in a spe­cif­ic time pe­riod, al­low mul­ti­ple "final" meals, re­strict it to one or impose "a vast number of con­ditions," he said.
    Histor­ical ref­er­ences to a con­demned per­son's last meal go as far back as an­cient Greece, China and Rome, Hayes

  4. #29
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  5. #30
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    We're fixing to execute the guy and maybe it makes the system feel good about what they're fixing to do. Kind of hyp*o*crit*ical, you reckon?

    I think eating would be the last thing on my mind if I was headed where they are within a few hours or days.

    ETA: How did those asterisks get in there?
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  6. #31
    Chin Checker g r ee n ey e s's Avatar
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    I always wondered how they ate all the crap they asked for. Binge and purge? Maybe they shouldn't let it get all excessive if it gets wasted.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonDancer View Post
    And apparently you fuck the mods here.

  7. #32
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by g r ee n ey e s View Post
    I always wondered how they ate all the crap they asked for. Binge and purge? Maybe they shouldn't let it get all excessive if it gets wasted.
    I was reading somewhere that most of the condemned don't touch a bite. Then there was Ricky Rector.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  8. #33
    Sana sana colita de rana beli's Avatar
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    i remember that one CSI episode where for a final meal, one guy asked for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. he was allergic to peanuts, so it was a big "fuck you" to them. you didn't kill me.

    eta - not like that would actually happen in real life. im sure a prison would not make a big mistake like that, i would think.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    Roses are red, violets are blue, seriously where is the fucking ring I gave Julie and ask her mom about the flowers
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    In all fairness, we have no idea how big this dude's cock was.

  9. #34
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    i remember that one CSI episode where for a final meal, one guy asked for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. he was allergic to peanuts, so it was a big "fuck you" to them. you didn't kill me.

    eta - not like that would actually happen in real life. im sure a prison would not make a big mistake like that, i would think.
    If a prison did do that they would then use heroic measures and spare no expense to save the guy so they could nurse him back to health then kill him.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  10. #35
    Southern Undertaker Key West Digger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeply shaded View Post
    If a prison did do that they would then use heroic measures and spare no expense to save the guy so they could nurse him back to health then kill him.
    Would the prison have the inmate sign a DNR during intake?

  11. #36
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Key West Digger View Post
    Would the prison have the inmate sign a DNR during intake?
    I don't know how that is handled in prison. I do know that there was a story recently that was similar to this, where the prisoner had to be treated for some life-threatening injury or illness then was executed. I can't recall details though.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeply shaded View Post
    If a prison did do that they would then use heroic measures and spare no expense to save the guy so they could nurse him back to health then kill him.
    i dont feel like looking now - but i remember reading an article about a man who had the flu at the time of his execution, so they allowed him to get better and then killed him. I think the name of the article was "Inmate too sick to die" something like that.

    and the article about the woman who WANTS to be morbidly obese is completely disgusting. Eating 22,000 calories a day is ridiculous, and im sorry to say, i know she's a mom, but i hope her death is quick. She is literally commiting a slow suicide. disgusting.

  13. #38
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    Not so weird, but funny...
    An alleged beer burglary in Covina ended with three 19-year-olds in custody and a botched getaway that injured a store employee and reportedly sent one suspect through a car wash on foot, police say.
    Nicholas Kalscheuer and Nicholas Fiumetto are accused of trying to steal beer from the Baja Ranch Market, located at 425 S. Citrus Ave., according to Covina police.

    On Wednesday around 3 p.m., the men entered the store and each grabbed a 30-pack of Tecate beer, said police.

    "As they walked to exit the store, Kalscheuer dropped the beer due to store employees following him, and continued to follow Fiumetto, who was still holding the 30-pack of beer," according to a statement from Covina police.

    Fiumetto and Kalscheuer ran outside, where Andy Huynh was waiting in a getaway car, police allege.

    Kalscheuer was detained by a store employee while Fiumetto managed to hop in the vehicle with his beer, according to police.

    A store employee tried to corral the vehicle, but ended up on the hood to avoid injury, said police. Huynh then allegedly drove away with the employee still on the hood. They made it about 50 yards, before crashing into a curb, sending the employee flying, according to police.

    Both suspects fled, said police.
    Fiumetto was detained and arrested by police after a short foot pursuit, according to a statement from police.

    A witness told the Los Angeles Times that the "short foot pursuit" turned out to be pretty wet and wild.

    Pepe Pinedo, who manages Citrus Car Wash, said he saw two police officers chase Fiumetto into the car wash tunnel.

    "He got into the wash and the rollers and got all wet," he told the newspaper. "By the time he came out of the car wash, the officer was already on the other end of the tunnel. … It was kind of funny. It was a nice show." Huynh managed to escape but left his wallet in the abandoned vehicle, according to police.

    "Officers were able to contact Huynh via telephone and convinced him to turn himself in a short time later," according to police.

    The suspects, all 19 years old, are being held at the Covina Police Department on $50,000 bail each. The employee who was thrown from the hood was hospitalized with abrasions. He was later released.

    Charges in the case include robbery, resisting arrest and assault with a deadly weapon, said police.

    The Tecate was recovered.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  14. #39
    Sana sana colita de rana beli's Avatar
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    thats great haha
    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    Roses are red, violets are blue, seriously where is the fucking ring I gave Julie and ask her mom about the flowers
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    In all fairness, we have no idea how big this dude's cock was.

  15. #40
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    Didn't know where else to put this.....

    Still flying: Michael Jordan made $60 million over past year
    Michael McCarthy, USA TODAY
    USA Today
    September 24, 2011 ET

    The busi­ness of Michael Jordan is still boom­ing eight years af­ter he took his last shot for

    Wash­ington Wizards, says Forbes. His Airness earned $60 million over the past year, es­ti­mates Kurt Badenhausen of the financial mag­a­zine.
    That makes the for­mer Chicago Bulls super­star

    just about the richest sports fig­ure around -- with the exception of Tiger Woods, who still leads the mag­a­zine's list of world's high­est-earning sports fig­ures despite los­ing sponsors such as Ac­cen­ture and AT&T.
    Jordan's now chairman of the Charlotte Bobcats. Writes Forbes: Yet even out of the spot­light, the busi­ness of Michael Jordan has nev­er been better. We es­ti­mate that Jordan earned $60 million over the past year mainly through his endorse­ment deals with Nike, Gatorade, Hanes, Up­per Deck, 2K Sports and Five Star Fragrances. He also owns five restaurants and a car deal­er­ship in North Car­olina.

  16. #41
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    From the old enough to know better files...

    A North Carolina man crawled four days across the Utah desert after breaking his leg on a solo hike, inspired by a Hollywood movie about a man who cut off his own arm to save himself after being trapped by a boulder in the same canyon. Amos Wayne Richards, 64, of Concord, N.C., is now recovering at home.

    Canyonlands National Park rangers found Richards four days after he fell 10 feet in Little Blue John Canyon on Sept. 8. Along with the leg injury, he dislocated his shoulder but was able to work it back into place.

    "It took me about 3 or 4 minutes to work my shoulder and get it back in place and once I got it back in place, I stood up and realized my ankle hurt a little bit," Richards told WBTV in Charlotte.

    Without cell phone service and only two protein bars to eat, Richards began crawling back to his car across the rocky terrain. He filled his water bottles with rain as he painstakingly retraced his steps, eventually dragging himself almost five miles.

    "I was actually following my GPS, crawling right on top of my feet print that I had hiked in on," Richards said.

    Rangers first began looking for Richards Sept. 9 after his campsite was found unattended, said Denny Ziemann, chief ranger for Canyonlands and Arches national parks. They discovered his car two days later at the trailhead for Little Blue John Canyon, which is part of the Canyonlands remote and rugged Maze District but technically outside park boundaries.

    "The search was pretty quick and dirty" once they realized where Richards had gone hiking, Ziemann said. Within hours, a helicopter spotted Richards - who used the flash on his camera to catch the pilot's attention - only a couple of miles from his car.

    Richards was treated for the shattered leg and dehydration at a hospital in Moab, Utah, before returning to North Carolina to recover.

    Ziemann said the result could have been much worse for Richards because he went hiking alone and without telling anybody his plans. Temperatures in the region were in the 80s during the day and 60s at night.

    "We make a lot of rescues of people, but we usually know where they are," Ziemann said. "They were either hiking with somebody and got hurt or if they were hiking alone, they told people where they were going."

    In 2003, climber Aron Ralston hiked into the same canyon also without telling anyone his plans. He became trapped by a boulder and was forced to cut off his own arm to free himself. Ralston went on to detail his struggles in a book. His story was later adapted into the Oscar-nominated movie "127 Hours."

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  17. #42
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    Plan for sex offender 'village' misunderstood

    Stephen Hudak, Orlando Sentinel
    Orlando Sentinel
    September 26, 2011 ET

    A Tampa woman who wants to cre­ate a village for sex offend­ers in Central Florida said her plan is mis­under­stood.
    "We're trying to cre­ate a solution to a prob­lem, not a new prob­lem," said Barbara Farris, whose fledgling for-prof­it ven­ture, Sex Offend­er Solutions, aims to devel­op a re­mote out­post populated exclusively by sex offend­ers.
    Farris today would not disclose the exact location of the community, which includes rented prop­er­ties in Lake and Sem­inole counties, citing an Inter­net backlash against her and concern for the prop­erty owners who have agreed to lease the sites. But she said the prop­er­ties are near State Road 46. She said many of the sex offend­ers lined up to move in are from out of state.
    Lake County Commis­sioner Leslie Campione dispatched a memo today to fel­low commis­sioners, ask­ing for an opportunity Tuesday to discuss the issue, concerns of res­idents and pos­sible changes that could be made to county codes.
    Farris said her compa­ny would mon­itor offend­ers in the rural clus­ter, which would be sited "away from kids," bus stops and playgrounds.
    "We want to pre­vent an­oth­er John Couey," she said, re­ferring to the sex offend­er convicted in the 2005

    kidnapping, rape and murder of 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford, abducted from her fa­ther's home in Homosassa.
    Farris, a Tampa res­ident who lived for years in the Or­lando area, pointed out that sex offend­ers already live in Central Florida, sometimes in tents in wood­ed ar­eas because they cannot find a lan­dlord will­ing to rent to them.
    Word of Farris' plan riled up res­idents of Sorrento, a small community in east Lake County which she named as a good place for trans­planted sex offend­ers because it is "far enough from civ­i­lization," kids and temptations.
    "If she feels the need to be a watchdog over these people, there are plenty of open places near Tampa to shelter them," said Su­san Brooks, a res­ident of the Sorrento area since 1986. "She obvi­ously doesn't know our community."
    The area, which includes Mount Plymouth, has four small parks and a new el­e­mentary school.
    Lake's statutes reg­u­lating sex offend­ers mirror state law, which forbids offend­ers from living with­in 1,000 feet of a school, day-care or park, said Gregg Welstead, the county's di­rector of conservation and compli­ance.
    Shudak@tri­ or 352-742-5930.

  18. #43
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Sounds good to me. I'll start boxing up our sex offenders asap and send them her way.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  19. #44
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    With traffic control in Moscow left in the occasionally sober hands of its citizenry, a group of young protestors has taken up the task of teaching manners to motorists ? even if it means getting thrown on an SUV's hood.
    The group StopHAM has been battling drivers who roll on sidewalks as part of a broader campaign for several months now, but the new video shows just how aggressive their tactics ? and the response from drivers ? have become. Given previous videos, the activists seem to think that by using women, video cameras and non-damaging liquids, they can shame drivers into changing course without getting its members injured.

    Because in Russia, randomly confronting people about their bad parking and traffic habits will lead to some impolite conversations, the occasional flashed pistol, and words with gentlemen in blacked-out Mercedes SUVs who are not accustomed to being disturbed.

    Last edited by boogieman; 09-27-2011 at 05:29 PM.

  20. #45
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Why do they drive on sidewalks?
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeply shaded View Post
    Why do they drive on sidewalks?
    "Crazy Russian chicks"? Think the title gives that away.

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Key West Digger View Post
    "Crazy Russian chicks"? Think the title gives that away.
    The chicks aren't the ones driving on the sidewalks. They are trying to stop the asshole men who are.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  23. #48
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    SPARTANBURG, SC (FOX Carolina) - According to the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office, a mother crashed her car and tried to flee the scene on foot with her child.

    Nikki Settle, 25, was charged with one count of Neglect of a Child or Helpless Person, driving under suspension, hitting fixtures and failing to report, DUI greater than 0.16 percent second offense and child endangerment.

    According to the incident report, on Wednesday at 10:16 p.m. deputies responded to Interstate 26 westbound where a 2009 white Lexus had crashed into the cable barrier in the median.

    The report said two witnesses were driving behind Settle's Lexus and saw her driving erratically, and then crash into the median barrier.

    The witnesses saw Settle get out of the car, carry her 4-year-old son, climb the barrier, cross I-26, and walk up a hill with the child in her arms, according to the incident report.

    Witnesses told deputies that Settle tried to throw the child over a 10-feet-tall fence before they were able to convince her to walk back to the crash scene.

    Deputies said EMS checked over the child and he was in good health. He was turned over to a maternal grandmother.

    Settle posted bond and was released Friday. As a condition of her bond, Settle cannot drive a car and has to wear an alcohol and drug monitor.

  24. #49
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Trying to imagine a drunken woman attempting to toss a 4 year old child over a 10 foot high fence.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  25. #50
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeply shaded View Post
    Why do they drive on sidewalks?
    In Russia, sidewalk drives you!

    Quote Originally Posted by deeply shaded View Post
    Trying to imagine a drunken woman attempting to toss a 4 year old child over a 10 foot high fence.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

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