From day one, the neighbor across the street hated me and my kids and would yell at us if anyone (even people we didn't know) parked in front of her house. I had bought a bunch of boxes of Sour Patch Kids Cereal (It's as bad as it sounds) and we didn't like it but the squirrels did. So, I'd sit out in the front yard, wearing a ratty Andy Kaufmann t-shirt and boxer shorts, and hand feed a half dozen squirrels the cereal. It was like crack to them; the furry little bastards would go nuts for the stuff and I had a ton of it because it was on sale for 99 cents a box and I bought the store out - I'm impulsive and love cereal. The neighbor would watch me from her window and I'd always make sure the "Sour Patch Kids Cereal" box was in clear view hoping she'd wonder what the hell was going on...
Maybe she's here and will post up about the weirdo who played with the squirrels.