I have been a fan of Cake Wrecks for a long time. You guys might have seen the website before and I am sharing old news, but what the Hell. I thought you guys might enjoy some of the mistakes that come from bakeries...
Let's start with the cake that started it all from a Wal-Mart bakery.
The customer called the bakery and said, "We want it to say 'Best Wishes Suzanne' and underneath that, 'We will miss you.'"
This is what they picked up from the bakery hours later.............
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Congrats on your weeding.
Should have gone with a different color for that hose...
Why the sarcastic quotation marks? Poor Anber.
What the Bride wanted:
What was delivered on the wedding day:
They requested a black high heel: