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Thread: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

  1. #51
    Senior Member Hellbettie's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    HER bloody PALM print, scientifically puts her there AT the murder. Maybe Jodie didn't do it, but her other personality did.
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  2. #52
    Senior Member Deviant Toaster's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellbettie View Post
    HER bloody PALM print, scientifically puts her there AT the murder. Maybe Jodie didn't do it, but her other personality did.

    Or her little sister? Or possibly even a male accomplice?
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  3. #53
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Deviant Toaster View Post
    RIP Travis.

    She is bat shit crazy, these ones are always intriguing. She had the makings of a serial killer posing the body and taking post postmortem photos. I have a feeling this is going to be quite a trial.

    Is it mean of me to mention that she was not a good photographer? For all the "extensive touch ups" she promised she couldn't frame a subject for crap.

    I always find these snapping broads interesting. A family friend of mine had her husband offed and she wasn't crazy, but "Snapped" the show profiled her story and got the story all ass-backwards.

    Agreed with all of that.

    Also, I love "Snapped". Never miss an episode.
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    A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Hellbettie's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Deviant Toaster View Post
    Or her little sister? Or possibly even a male accomplice?

    I dunno, possible for sure. I see it as a "she snapped" with blind rage. She probably doesn't remember actually doing it. The thought of him with another woman, traveling, like she used to, was probably too much for her. You know the saying about a woman scorned.

    But he fought, and looking at his arms, he could have put up one hell of a valiant fight, so it's definitely a possibility someone else helped out in some way. But I think I remember some of the evidence was a hair of hers found in his blood. So, that leads me to believe she did it.
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  5. #55
    Senior Member Just Me's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    odd she claims her personal gun is missing..

    Guess someone stole it, shot him and is trying to frame her.

  6. #56
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by turtleande View Post
    Agreed with all of that.

    Also, I love "Snapped". Never miss an episode.
    As soon as I read this article, my first thought was that this would eventually be an episode of "Snapped."

    I love that show, too. I have cable again so I can start watching it!! Woo! As soon as the DVR starts working, anyway....

    I'm completely fascinated with this case. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending the weekend reading everything I can find about it.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:28 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.
    "A vagabond dreamer, a rhymer and singer of songs
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  7. #57
    Senior Member Deviant Toaster's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by turtleande View Post
    Agreed with all of that.

    Also, I love "Snapped". Never miss an episode.

    I like the show too, but it made me realize how they twist things and sensationalize certain aspects and leave out the truth, oops. This girl is a good candidate for that show. but then again what if he was f-ing with her head (not that that makes it okay for her to murder him) you know as sometimes f-buddies will do to one another. It's just odd if they broke up over jealousy issues but continued a sexual relationship that is playing with major fire. I hope they have it on trutv so we can watch. The only other person to cock their head like a dog & smile in their mug shot is Paris Hilton.

    then you saw the one with my friend Adele Craven
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  8. #58
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    You can check out her full interview here: DEAD LINK to jailhouse interview on myfoxphoenix

    I couldn't link directly, it's located in the Side bar / Related Items / Videos (click the top one)
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:32 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.

  9. #59

    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Gosh I wonder what the hell can happen from taking sex pic to slitting his throat..and Im also reminded of that saying hell hath no fury like a woman scorn...because your right he could have goaded her ....not thats right but you know maybe the whole we just slept together and now you mention your going to Mexico with another girl and she just lost it ! Im glad someone has the dog....but this girl will need a very good lawyer do answer why in the hell she has sex pics the night of the murder not to mention DNA .....

  10. #60

    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Damn this story was helllllla interesting! I was just thinking the same thing. I hope they put her ass on "Snapped" or "Women Behind Bars". Fuck. She was a twisted bitch fosho.

    R.I.P. Travis
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  11. #61
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Deviant Toaster View Post
    Is it mean of me to mention that she was not a good photographer? For all the "extensive touch ups" she promised she couldn't frame a subject for crap.
    I'm glad someone said it. Owning a fancy camera does not a photographer make.

    I looked up the address on her sister's MySpace that someone commented about before. The place is called Wembley House and it has a website that says:

    With extensive experience, we are able to offer a facility for patients to rest and recover from illness or post-operative surgery. We are fully equipped to assist with recovery from trauma or stroke patients.

    Sounds like an odd place for a 17-year-old to be. Makes me wonder why she wasn't just sent to a closer hospital?
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  12. #62
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by lisamarie View Post
    Gosh I wonder what the hell can happen from taking sex pic to slitting his throat..and Im also reminded of that saying hell hath no fury like a woman scorn...because your right he could have goaded her ....not thats right but you know maybe the whole we just slept together and now you mention your going to Mexico with another girl and she just lost it ! Im glad someone has the dog....but this girl will need a very good lawyer do answer why in the hell she has sex pics the night of the murder not to mention DNA .....

    He was probably fucking with her emotionally, and he ended up dead for it. He was a motivational speaker - which means he was probably a good manipulator. I'm not saying that she's justified in it, but I bet he wasn't the greatest guy in the world, either.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:40 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.
    "A vagabond dreamer, a rhymer and singer of songs
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  13. #63
    Senior Member skindeep_curiosity's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Nancy Drew View Post
    Hmm, I must have missed that part.

    RIP Travis

    It's right on the front of her head.

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  14. #64
    Senior Member Hellbettie's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    I just read a book about why women and men snap on their spouses/or partners. So I'm like, an expert on this kidding

    But..I think she was obsessed with him. Killing him, ties her to him, forever.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:42 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.

  15. #65

    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    I think your right on that know like the leader of the Selana fan club was the one that shot her ...and now they are forever liked. Very valid point. And being a motivational speeker your right he woud know what buttons to push....I just cannot get over how scary and awful it would be to slit someones throat !!!

  16. #66

    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    sorry I meant linked...

  17. #67
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    He was probably fucking with her emotionally, and he ended up dead for it. He was a motivational speaker - which means he was probably a good manipulator. I'm not saying that she's justified in it, but I bet he wasn't the greatest guy in the world, either.
    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rob, don't be a pussy. Enough with the man bashing.
    What's with the "blame the victim" shit?

    Imagine coming on here and saying "She was probably fucking with him emotionally, and she ended up dead for it" if the genders were reversed?

    If a woman's stabbed and shot would you come on and say "She was a motivational speaker - which means she was probably a good manipulator."?

    Not cool. We don't know what this guy did, or what she's done....yet.
    The women do enough man-bashing, they don't need any help. Believe that!
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:45 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  18. #68
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by lisamarie View Post
    sorry I meant linked...
    Lisamarie, you can fix typos and stuff by clicking the little "Modify" icon at the top of your comments after they've been posted. Then you don't have to double post. :)
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:46 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.

  19. #69
    Senior Member Hellbettie's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by lisamarie View Post
    I think your right on that know like the leader of the Selana fan club was the one that shot her ...and now they are forever liked. Very valid point. And being a motivational speeker your right he woud know what buttons to push....I just cannot get over how scary and awful it would be to slit someones throat !!!

    One thing that makes me wonder...I think she held the gun on him, and they fought over it, she shot him in the cheek. It may not have been a kill instant shot, so I think the throat slitting happened to finish the job so to speak.

    That's why she looks so happy, cos in a way, she's "with" him forever. No other girl would ever travel with him again. By watching the interviews, I can see that she was somewhat obsessed with the traveling they did, and probably thought that was a special thing that linked the two of them.

    I never understood this kind of stuff till I read the book, and she just fits every mold of some of the killers in that book.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:47 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.

  20. #70
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by lisamarie View Post
    I think your right on that know like the leader of the Selana fan club was the one that shot her ...and now they are forever liked. Very valid point. And being a motivational speeker your right he woud know what buttons to push....I just cannot get over how scary and awful it would be to slit someones throat !!!
    She was crazy, he was a motivational speaker. A bad match from all sides. You're right - he probably did know what buttons to push, and some people get off on that. A friend of mine was in a relationship with a woman who knew exactly what to do to set him off, and she'd do it on purpose. It got to the point where I wanted to slit her throat. It was terrible.

    But this girl snapped, and snapped hard. It wasn't done in a flurry of passion, because she took pictures afterward. Plus, where did the gun come from? Did I miss that somewhere in the story?

    I'm really thinking this was premeditated. She probably snapped before she even got there.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:48 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.
    "A vagabond dreamer, a rhymer and singer of songs
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  21. #71
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rob, don't be a pussy. Enough with the man bashing.
    What's with the "blame the victim" shit?

    Imagine coming on here and saying "She was probably fucking with him emotionally, and she ended up dead for it" if the genders were reversed?

    If a woman's stabbed and shot would you come on and say "She was a motivational speaker - which means she was probably a good manipulator."?

    Not cool. We don't know what this guy did, or what she's done....yet.
    The women do enough man-bashing, they don't need any help. Believe that!

    Oh, I'm not blaming him. I'm just speculating about what may have caused her to snap.

    ETA: The more I read about this, and watching that video is leading me to believe that she's just purely a psycho. It was eerie how calm she seemed in the jailhouse interview. No remorse whatsoever. Just denial.
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    "A vagabond dreamer, a rhymer and singer of songs
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  22. #72
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    She was crazy, he was a motivational speaker. A bad match from all sides. You're right - he probably did know what buttons to push, and some people get off on that. A friend of mine was in a relationship with a woman who knew exactly what to do to set him off, and she'd do it on purpose. It got to the point where I wanted to slit her throat. It was terrible.

    But this girl snapped, and snapped hard. It wasn't done in a flurry of passion, because she took pictures afterward. Plus, where did the gun come from? Did I miss that somewhere in the story?

    I'm really thinking this was premeditated. She probably snapped before she even got there.

    In the interview, she said her personal firearm she carried was missing. Ya, she got rid of that shit in the Pacific.
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  23. #73
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    Oh, I'm not blaming him. I'm just speculating about what may have caused her to snap.

    ETA: The more I read about this, and watching that video is leading me to believe that she's just purely a psycho. It was eerie how calm she seemed in the jailhouse interview. No remorse whatsoever. Just denial.

    Fine, but would you be asking the same questions if a man snapped?

    "Hmmm, I wonder what she did to get herself killed."

    Doesn't seem right, does it? So let's give the man the benefit of the doubt.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:51 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  24. #74
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellbettie View Post
    In the interview, she said her personal firearm she carried was missing. Ya, she got rid of that shit in the Pacific.

    Her gun, her camera, pictures that PROVE she was there right before it happened, her DNA, her handprint.

    Um...she'd be doing herself a favor if she confessed and took a deal on this one, because taking her chances with a jury probably wouldn't work out in her favor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    Fine, but would you be asking the same questions if a man snapped?

    "Hmmm, I wonder what she did to get herself killed."

    Doesn't seem right, does it? So let's give the man the benefit of the doubt.
    I would absolutely ask the same questions if a man snapped. It's got nothing to do with gender at all. I think women are worse at manipulating and pushing buttons than men are for the most part anyway.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:53 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.
    "A vagabond dreamer, a rhymer and singer of songs
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  25. #75
    Senior Member Hellbettie's Avatar
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    Re: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    Her gun, her camera, pictures that PROVE she was there right before it happened, her DNA, her handprint.

    Um...she'd be doing herself a favor if she confessed and took a deal on this one, because taking her chances with a jury probably wouldn't work out in her favor.

    I would absolutely ask the same questions if a man snapped. It's got nothing to do with gender at all. I think women are worse at manipulating and pushing buttons than men are for the most part anyway.
    She even sits there and admits that the evidence is compelling. DNA evidence doesn't lie. I could see her DNA being in his place. But her DNA in the area of the blood, is overwhelmingly against her. You're right, she'd be smart to take a plea. However, she'd probably think death would put her with him, that much sooner.
    Last edited by nestlequikie; 01-06-2013 at 07:54 AM. Reason: To attempt to repair broken links and quoting issues from forum software changeover. NO CONTENT HAS BEEN CHANGED.

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