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Thread: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

  1. #1
    Senior Member merdeath's Avatar
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    Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined ned

    Going back to the old "undetermined" ones again.... ID%3D116407286+%22Danielle+Chucka%22&hl=en&amp ;ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us&client=safari

    Danielle Marie Chucka 10/03/88-2/23/06 It is difficult to summarize Danielle's life and personality in such a short space, it would actually take a novel to describe the amazing, interesting, and sometimes tumultuous life she led, but I will try to describe her as best I can. I remember meeting Danielle at the Turner Club when I was eight or nine, playing Barbie dolls in the locker room with her and Megan Schanter. For whatever reason, we had no clothes for the Barbies, so we played with them being completey nude. We all thought it was hilarious as little girls who could not help but giggle at plastic boobs and crotches before Mattel introduced that tacky molded underwear as a necessary addition to make Barbie's naked body tasteful for young children. From that day foward, something between Danielle and I just clicked. She had this ridiculous sense of humor, even from that age, that you could not help but smile at, whether she was purposely making a fool of herself for people to laugh at or just making absurd or sarcastic comments.

    Danielle was never afraid to laugh at herself, either, showing that crooked , uneven-tooth smile when she did and often drooling, a habit that would attract ridicule while also giving her an innocent, childish air throughout her life, no matter how tough and mature she tried to act.

    Even later when she entered her gothic stage with her black clothing, expertly arched eyebrows, and short, blood red hair, it was hard to take her seriously once her old ways betrayed her and she drooled as she laughed uncontrollably. But back in those days when we were still little, however, Danielle's hair was actually insanely long and it became a daily ritual for Megan, Jill, Krystina, Allison, and I to take turns fighting with the knots and tangles after a day spent swimming in the pool. This one time, however, there was one knot that none of us could defeat for days and it only accumulated more volume as we deperately attacked it, pulling out chunks of hair we hid from her view while doing so. My mom tried her turn, Allison's grandma poured conditioner in it, but to now avail. And that is when she began crying when it was aparent their was nothing anyone could do to save her long mane.

    Danielle was always unconventional and took pride in being different, as did I. We got along just fine, though, both of us being somewhat outcasts, because we had eachother to confide in, even at times when being an oddball in separate Catholic schools got tough. And as we got older, the two of us became closer. We would dress as crazy as we could, bright colors, bizarre makeup, pink hairdye. I would try to dress like Gwen Stefani and Danielle would dress up in her sister's old raver clothes. Sometimes we would show up like this when she dragged me to Teen Center at OLA, the two of us looking like we wer from another decade, where Danielle would always request Nirvana no matter how many times the DJ would reject her musical taste. That was one thing about Chucka, she was always persistent and would never back down, to anyone, which sometimes got her into trouble. Sometimes kids would make fun of us and call us "hippies" and "freaks," but we always got those kids back with our own intelligent wit. In a weird way, that torment gave us pride in being "strange" and made us aspire to be stranger. Danielle went through so many hard times as we were growing up, but she always managed to pull through. She was stronger than anyone I have ever known, male or female. And throughout it all, she still managed to stay motivated, keeping up in her classes and maintaining interest in culture outside of school through literature and art.

    We would sit in my room for hours, listening to the radio, playing Super Nintendo, writing stories, and creating collaborative art projects when we were still in elementary school. At these times we spent alone, I could sense all the terrible torturous things she was suffering and it killed me inside. There were times i could not get into contact with her because her phone had been turned off, so I would just have to show up on her doorstep. At that time, she became an almost adopted member of my family and she came everywhere I went. I would never stop worrying about her from that period on, whether I was subconsciously being protective over her or just blatantly scolding her, leading to drunken yelling matches when we got older. Around 2001, we began growing up. And Danielle began to become more gothic by the day, teetering on obsession with finding acceptable fashion in the village and on ebay and other internet stores, often having her accounts put on probabtion or cancelled due to her shopaholic addiction and her inability to pay for it as a junior high student. At times, I would try and intervene in this, but Danielle was always a rabid shopper and telling her that she didn't need that new Marilyn Manson lunch box was often futile.

    During this period, Fallon, a few years deep into her transition from Long Island to the Bronx, introduced our group to a whole new crowd, a critical point that would determine the course of our teenage lives and lead to later ups and downs for all of us. We began meeting new people and going to local shows, where Danielle would freely critique the terrible fashion choices of concert-goers and openly show her disgust for bands that sounded like shit. We began hanging out with Fallon's friends from Lehman and her boy of interest at the time, Mike, and his band, the Kezners. For Danielle's thirteenth birthday that year, we all decided it was time for us to start drinking, and so we celebrated Danielle's entrance into teenage-dom by getting some creepy old man outside of Little Lizzie's to buy us Corona's, obviously Fallon's job. All of us were there, including Black Christina.

    Most of us only had one or two beers, but, Danielle, as the birthday girl, drank about a six pack plus for herself and wound up puking shortly after as Kevin continued to pretend to be drunker than her. After that, we began to attend those stereotypical teenage high school parties regularly, most of them taking place after spending hours at shows in places like Rumors and Luca's. Our group eventually became dubbed the "Fallon Crew," a title that conjured up mixed feelings for most people. But we didn't care, we were young and naieve, so what did we have to worry about?

    Often times, Danielle and I wound up wandering the neighborhood together nightly, drunk, sober, high, whatever. We would climb the fences of the cemetery and frolic in the old graveyard, roam from people's houses, locate the bizarros in front of 7-11, show up at Mike's house, burst in Fallon's front door, and on. Throughout all we had experienced, Danielle was still always there for me. No matter what, I could always count on her and I knew that she would forever be the truest friend I ever had.

    However, as she went on from OLA to IS192 and then to Lehman, I once again had that terrible worrying sensation for her that eventually lead to a harsh, yet hilarious drunken fight between her and I as Fallon instigated between us. It ended with a burning cigarette being thrown into my hair and her falling into some hedges. That was pretty much the first and last big fight we ever had, despite the many little drunken brawls we had later on. I was just worried about her and talked down to her like she was a child, and Danielle, the rebelious spirit she was, would have none of my authoratative demands to be more responsible and careful.

    Through those early to mid teenage years, the interaction with members of the opposite sex during shows and parties sparked our cheesy teenage girl interest in boys, something that would lead all of us in slightly different directions.

    To this day, I remember Danielle first becoming interested in that creature who would lead her to her end. Thinking about it now, I just wish I could go back and stop their relationship before it began, but it's too late now. I was excited for her at first, being the first serious relationship she would have, besides when she went out with Louie back when we were young for about 6 days before he turned gay, and then later on with Mazolla for about three days. But as it progressed, it became apparent to me that he was no good for her. He wasn't good for those around her either, as he threatened violence towards a few of our friends and even my boyfriend at the time. Though I would try to voice my opinion of him as gently as possible when the too of us were alone, she would simply dismiss it as no big deal. The times when they were broken up always comforted me about her wellbeing.

    I remember as I was leaving for my first year at college, still being worried about her, as it would be the first time in ten years we were separated for monthes at a time.

    A few monthes later when news that they were once again seeing eachother and rumors of his activities spread to me, I became so upset that I cried, but I never told her.

    Why did he have to take advantage of her, of all the terrible things she experienced like that? That wasn't the first nor the last time that the way he used her and abused his power over her would bring me to tears. It happened, too, that summer before I went to school after she told me a disturbing story about something he had done, and then two years later when she would die by his hands, when most people were unaware of them seeing eachother again, especially since Danielle had been forbidden to ever go near him again by close family and friends.

    After everything Danielle had gone through, after all the hardships she had conquered and what she had made of them, Danielle deserved to live more than anyone. She was going to be a Freshman journalism major at Oneonta this year. She also planned to teach for some time and go to grad school. But now all those plans will never be completed.

    I remember when Kevin met me on the stairwell to my dorm last semetser, pale and expressionless, just repeating that he had to tell me something. I tried to force it out of him, and all he revealed was that it was about Danielle. I kept questioning him until we reached my room and he sat me down, uttering those unthinable words. "I don't believe you, I don't believe you..." I kept saying and looked at my phone that was on silent because I had just gotten out of class. On it I saw a list of missed calls from people from home who I hadn't spoken to in weeks, some even monthes and, at that sight, immediately began to sob uncontrollably for two days straight. My sidekick for all these years was gone and I could not believe it. Danielle was so beautiful, so strong, so unique, so talented, such a true friend to everyone.

    I hope everyone remembers her that way forever. And I hope that her death does not go unpunished. We all love her and miss her so much that there is nothing I can say to express the pain all of us have felt during these last few monthes. All we have left of her now is eachother. -Love, Rachel (Rachmaster)

    I am looking for more info.

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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    From a LiveJournal:

    For we're like creatures of the wind, wild is the wind
    yesterday, February, 23 2005 at 3pm I lost the Greatest friend in the world.

    She shouldn't have gone out like she did she deserves so much better. if i even see that fuckin monster i will come down on him with full vengence. i fuckin hope he rots in jail and sufferes every day of his misrable insignificant life that scum bag cocksucker!

    i've known Danielle Chucka for almost all my life. no one has had so much in common with me and has known me like she has. I love her and i will always love her. i don't want to accept the fact that she is gone and i wish i could bring her back with ever ounce of my being.But unfourtunatly it is a fact and there is nothing that i could do or could ave done to prevent it. it hasn't even been a day and i already miss her like hell and i know that things are only going to get worse from here. we had so many plans for the future together. but i'm happy and honored that i did get to be her friend for 12+ years. We've been trough alot together and she is part of who i am today and she was a major influence on my life and that influence will be everlasting.

    From a comment on that site:

    2006-03-03 12:48 am UTC (link)
    Hey Kerrianne, it's Rachel. I just wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way. It's been said before, but all of us who know and love Danielle have to stick together and support eachother and work to make that mutherfucker Rick's life miserable. Try to feel better. I know it's hard to adjust back to reality after something like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member merdeath's Avatar
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    Comment on her memorial page:

    Apr 3 2008 8:41 AM

    Rick. (Chucka's murderer) was on channel 7 news. You can see the video if you type in Bronx Community College eyewitness news on google and then click on the asap program you can see the video.

    He's fucking going to college for free, taking 1,400 dollars worth of classes a month for free so he can get a degree faster. (Probably to look good for court.)

    So let me get this straight: Chucka never got to graduate high school. She never got to see her acceptance letters, because of him, and he gets to go to school for free? Let alone walk the streets free.

  4. #4
    Senior Member merdeath's Avatar
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    It can't be murder or there would have to be an article right?  I am thinking maybe he led her to kill herself?  Or maybe provided drugs and she OD'ed?

    I found this comment on her real page:

    Apr 28, 2006 9:52 PM

    tell me why you left me, just tell me, i'll understand..i promise. i am so sick of feeling so lost and upset, and my past is dead, and everything that i had shattered right before my eyes. didnt you know? didnt you know how much weight you had on everyones life? didnt you know how sorrowful we'd all be over you? you were so special, how could you not know...

    i am so upset with the way things turned out for you. i was so hopeful for everything. i was so blind.

    we're all so blind as to just how magikal it was when it was...

    talk to me, tell me all your secrets. i am only listening.


  5. #5
    Senior Member merdeath's Avatar
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    Another comment- kinda odd:

    Jun 11, 2006 10:58 AM

    im so sick of the bullshitters around here exploiting what happend to u for the sake of their own social gain. they'll burn in hell. i love u and miss u <3

  6. #6
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    I swear Im familiar with this girl's name from somewhere....
    It's gonna make me nuts
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    Here is the link to the ASAP article referenced above.

    I don't see a "Rick" mentioned though.  I wonder why they say that he needs to look good for court.  Maybe he was arrested in connection with Danielle's death.  We need a last name.

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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    [quote author=cookiemonter link=topic=14926.msg914177#msg914177 date=1215018703]
    I swear Im familiar with this girl's name from somewhere....
    It's gonna make me nuts

    She's from NY.  Go figure it out woman!

  9. #9
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    She died at Rick's house.

    Wednesday, January 30, 2008

    Danielle’s Memorial - 2 year anniversary

    I can't believe it has almost been two years since Danielle died.

    Patti, Danielle's mom, wanted me to let everyone know that a vigil will be held on the two year anniversary of her death on February 23 at P.S. 71 on Roberts Ave from 3:30 pm- 5:30 pm, across from Rick's house where she died. Afterwards, there will be a mass and then a gathering for food and drinks at Megan's dad's restaurant, The Harbor. Patti along with Danielle's grandmother Emma and Danielle's sister Nicole will be there.

    As all of you know, Danielle was a beautiful, smart, very funny and witty girl whose presence was just indescribable. She was an amazing friend who would make you coffee and sit around watching Reno 911 and Sienfeld re-runs all night to cheer you up when you were feeling down. She was the kind of person who would take anyone into her house, give them a few beers, and sit around and talk about anything while listening to old records. Danielle was the friend you would take with you everywhere. She was a growing artist and writer who died way too young. Right now, she should be a sophmore at Plattsburgh, pursuing a major in journalism. However, she did not even get a chance to see her acceptance letter.

    Please come and show your support for Danielle, her family and friends.

    Show that we will not let a murderer get away with this.

    Most importantly, Remember the amazing fucking person that Danielle Chucka was and the impact she had on all of our lives. Keep all those memories going.

    Spread the word guys. Thanks. 407286

  10. #10
    Senior Member merdeath's Avatar
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    I am intrigued.  We need to get Rick's last name...

    Found this in her blog:

    Tuesday, November 23, 2004

    The Bed
    Current mood:  bored

    This is the place where she lay her head
    when she went to bed at night
    And this is the place our children were conceived
    candles lit the room brightly at night

    And this is the place where she cut her wrists
    that odd and fateful night
    And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling
    And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling

    This is the place where we used to live
    I paid for it with love and blood
    And these are the boxes that she kept on the shelf
    Filled with her poetry and stuff

    And this is the room where she took the razor
    and cut her wrists that strange and fateful night
    And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling
    And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling

    I never would have started if I'd known
    that it's end this way
    But funny thing, I'm not at all sad
    that it stopped this way

    This is the place where she lay her head
    when she went to bed at night
    And this is the place our children were conceived
    candles lit the room brightly at night

    And this is the place where she cut her wrists
    That odd and fateful night
    And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling
    And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling

    Is it a song or something?

  11. #11
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    Saturday, September 25, 2004


    Okay, so last night was boring and a waste of time. haha, but tonight I should get shrroms definately. If not I happen to have a case of 30 beers. I could actully drink my own weight if I wanted. Haha, I'll probably die tonight. If I do, I will miss you all.

    Anyway, I hate people. I really really hate everyone.
    Well, today I have to tell a good friend something that will most likely cause a fight, but oh well. FOR ONCE ITS NOT SOMETHING I DID, lol. Its something she/he did, and something she/he continues to do which is very wrong and pisses me off. I know I'm right, and if she/he makes the decision not to listen to me and continue doing what she/he is doing, then I will never talk to her/him again and its her/his loss. So, you know... I dunno.

    Fuck it though. HA!
    I'm going crazy, I've got to do something fun tonight because if I don't... well then it would be another night wasted.

    Download Mr. Roboto by Styx!

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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    From Danielle's mom's myspace:

    I am from the Bronx, NY. . . I am the proud mom of two beautiful girls. My eldest, Nicole is a college graduate and has just been accepted as a NYC Probation Officer - her dream is to work for one of NYC's criminology departments in forensic physcology (her majors in school). Nicole will be 26 on 2/24. . . she's the rock in my life. My younger daughter Danielle was 17 years old when she was murdered by her x-boyfriend on 2/23/06. My baby is gone and my heart is broken. To say the least, her murder has turned my life upside down. There is a vigil or her b-day and death anniversay every year across the street from where she was murdered (picture of vigil is on my-space picture). If you're interested in viewing my daughter's my-space memorial page - please go on to google and type in "Danielle Chucka" - you can pull up the sight via Google. My girlfriend of 5 years and I broke up due to Dan's murder. After the murder I became depressed and my x couldn't handle that I wasn't myself. I don't know what she expected but I couldn't give it to her at the time. I was barely handling life at the point but fortunately, I have finally become angry due to Dan's murder instead of being depressed. I need to be angry - I have to go to court re her death starting on 3/19. . . I am a happy go lucky type of person. Intelligent, independent and I love new experiences. I am looking for someone who doesn't sweat the small stuff. . . that drives me crazy - someone who I can share everything with and who will be a bit patient when I have a bad day . . . 

  13. #13
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    Nothing so far..Ill keep checking though.
    First, I must clean!
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

  14. #14
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    [quote author=cookiemonter link=topic=14926.msg914195#msg914195 date=1215019922]
    Nothing so far..Ill keep checking though.
    First, I must clean!

    I honestly find the name familar too and I am in NY also.  I am really leaning toward suicide for some reason...

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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    [quote author=cookiemonter link=topic=14926.msg914177#msg914177 date=1215018703]
    I swear Im familiar with this girl's name from somewhere....
    It's gonna make me nuts

    I know me to, I feel like I saw this on a show or something

  16. #16
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    I am surprised nothing more has come from this.  Its like 2 years old... 

    Also on her real page there is no mention of a Rick.  He comments and blogs date back to 2004 (when she was alive) and his name wasn't mentioned once.  Rick can also be short for Richard right?

  17. #17
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    This is why it sounded familiar Rick deleted his profile though.

  18. #18
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    hey all..

    I'm new here but a long time lurker...I was reading this article and typed Danielle's name in Yahoo and came up with this link. If you scroll to the bottom where people can reply to the article there is a post from Danielle's mother explaining her death and what is going on with her situation right now...hope this helps!  :-)

  19. #19
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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

    [quote author=NeverTooLate link=topic=14926.msg1081378#msg1081378 date=1226935672]
    hey all..

    I'm new here but a long time lurker...I was reading this article and typed Danielle's name in Yahoo and came up with this link....its a pretty good explanation from Danielle's mother on how she died...hope this helps!  :-)

    Nice find, NeverTooLate!!!

    Here is the article in case the link goes away....

    One Response to “NY lawmaker urges banks to maintain foreclosed properties”

      1. Patricia Chucka on August 7th, 2008 11:06 am

          Is it possible for me to personally meet with Mr. Klein. I am at my wits end concerning my 17 year old daughter Danielle Chucka’s murder - no justice has been served. Though I am trying everything I know to fight for her justice, I need some guidance. Here is a brief description of what happened,. Danielle was off from work and school on 2/23/06 and ran into her old boy friend Rick Angley who lives on Roberts Place across from PS 71 - he invited her in and somehow she od with Rick’s prescription drugs in her system. He called his mom at work who came home and his uncle was home - they moved Danielle’s body from the basement and left her on their back deck for over 5 hours without calling 911 - they also got rid of her clothing. Detective Ramos of the 45th worked on the case and was very frustrated by the hurtles he had to face by the DA - Dectective Ramos retired early - one of the reasons is due to my daughter’s case. The authorities also believe that the family was going to get rid of Dan’s body - why leave her on their back deck for 5 hours and get rid of her clothes - the only reason why they didn’t get rid of the body - my daughter Nicole came to their house at 6:30 pm looking for her (they didn’t answer their door). There is more to the story - I just won a civil suit. Rick got slapped with drug parafonilia and drug treatment at which time he is going to Bronx Comm College free of charge - he was featured on the ABC news program as one of the first students in the program Bronx Comm College has started helping people in rehab. That’s it - I believe he also go community service hours. My daughter received a scholarship and go into all the colleges she applied for but she never go to open the letters from the schools because they came the day she passed - where is the justice? My next step - once the civil matter is finalized - I plan to take all the information my lawyer’s private investigator found out and other info my lawyer has and go to the asst. da to press manslaughter charges and also charging his mom and uncle for moving my daughter’s body and not calling 911. By the way, Rick wasn’t a poor teen who panicked - he was 24 years old at the time of the incident and it’s not the first time someone od on Rick’s pills - he had people drag that 17 year old boy’s body on to the corner but a girl who was at the scene was bright enough to take the boy’s cell phone and dial his mom and let her know what happened to her son and where he was - the mother rushed him to Jacobi and he was saved.

          Where did Rick get his pills - he worked in a pharmacy on Zerega Avenue and was eventually fired for stealing the pills. This is a man who hung out with young kids in his living room selling pills to young kids and he’s going to college and my daughter is in a grave.

          I just want to meet with you re a possible law I can try have passed in Danielle’s honor that makes people call 911 when someone gets sick, od’s and/or passes out in your home - I don’t believe there is such a law at hand now - that is what I have been told by authorities.

          I appreciate your time and I would love to meet with you. I cannot let this rest - my daughter could have been saved had they called 911 and not left her outside on their deck to die.

          Thank you

          Patti Chucka
    RIP Danielle
    I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. - Donnie Darko

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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined ned d=8&gl=us

    Patricia Chucka on August 7th, 2008 11:06 am Is it possible for me to personally meet with Mr. Klein. I am at my wits end concerning my 17 year old daughter Danielle Chucka’s murder - no justice has been served. Though I am trying everything I know to fight for her justice, I need some guidance. Here is a brief description of what happened,. Danielle was off from work and school on 2/23/06 and ran into her old boy friend Rick Angley who lives on Roberts Place across from PS 71 - he invited her in and somehow she od with Rick’s prescription drugs in her system. He called his mom at work who came home and his uncle was home - they moved Danielle’s body from the basement and left her on their back deck for over 5 hours without calling 911 - they also got rid of her clothing. Detective Ramos of the 45th worked on the case and was very frustrated by the hurtles he had to face by the DA - Dectective Ramos retired early - one of the reasons is due to my daughter’s case. The authorities also believe that the family was going to get rid of Dan’s body - why leave her on their back deck for 5 hours and get rid of her clothes - the only reason why they didn’t get rid of the body - my daughter Nicole came to their house at 6:30 pm looking for her (they didn’t answer their door). There is more to the story - I just won a civil suit. Rick got slapped with drug parafonilia and drug treatment at which time he is going to Bronx Comm College free of charge - he was featured on the ABC news program as one of the first students in the program Bronx Comm College has started helping people in rehab. That’s it - I believe he also go community service hours. My daughter received a scholarship and go into all the colleges she applied for but she never go to open the letters from the schools because they came the day she passed - where is the justice? My next step - once the civil matter is finalized - I plan to take all the information my lawyer’s private investigator found out and other info my lawyer has and go to the asst. da to press manslaughter charges and also charging his mom and uncle for moving my daughter’s body and not calling 911. By the way, Rick wasn’t a poor teen who panicked - he was 24 years old at the time of the incident and it’s not the first time someone od on Rick’s pills - he had people drag that 17 year old boy’s body on to the corner but a girl who was at the scene was bright enough to take the boy’s cell phone and dial his mom and let her know what happened to her son and where he was - the mother rushed him to Jacobi and he was saved.

    Where did Rick get his pills - he worked in a pharmacy on Zerega Avenue and was eventually fired for stealing the pills. This is a man who hung out with young kids in his living room selling pills to young kids and he’s going to college and my daughter is in a grave.

    I just want to meet with you re a possible law I can try have passed in Danielle’s honor that makes people call 911 when someone gets sick, od’s and/or passes out in your home - I don’t believe there is such a law at hand now - that is what I have been told by authorities.

    I appreciate your time and I would love to meet with you. I cannot let this rest - my daughter could have been saved had they called 911 and not left her outside on their deck to die.

    Thank you


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    Re: Danielle Chucka (17) cause of death is undetermined

  22. #22
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    9 years later, and still no justice for Danielle Chucka. Rick's last name is Angley.

  23. #23
    Senior Member Jumaki15's Avatar
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    Just had read this and then googled the Rick dudes name and found some interesting stuff:

    Forum threads on the guy and how he is sleezy and a liar here:

    and another starting here:

    And an article about Danielle's family here:

  24. #24
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyFalcon17 View Post
    9 years later, and still no justice for Danielle Chucka. Rick's last name is Angley.
    Welcome Lady Falcon. I'm sorry for your loss
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  25. #25
    Senior Member Kelly-Jane's Avatar
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    This Rick guy.... So so shady !

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