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Thread: Megan Nichols (16) was found dead more than three years after she went missing

  1. #76
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    I go back and forth. I think she could be alive, but maybe not in a very nice place right now. I also think she could have been alive for a while, come into contact with the wrong person or persons, and is now, well, not alive.

  2. #77
    Senior Member IzzyCooper's Avatar
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    I have serious doubts this child is living. It is so sad. I'd say she made it to 64, maybe heading for Evansville and met up with the wrong kind of person.
    "A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself." ~Josh Billings

  3. #78

  4. #79
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    That's the thing I couldn't imagine...the whole mystery of it all. The constant wondering "where is she", "is she okay", "is she safe?", or is she gone like poor little Skylar Neese...left to die somewhere, all alone....

    These are the things that enrage me. That there are people out there who believe that others (like the kids we read about who are missing) were meant as a means of pleasure for them to do with as they pleased, and then discard like yesterday's newspaper.

    I can't imagine what it would be like not to have my children around, to hear them playing on the computers together, to come home to their snide remarks from their ever smartening mouths, or their hugs of appreciation. To have that all ripped away, to always wonder, always worry...that is a living hell. That's where life stops, and survival begins.

    That's one reason I am so very descriptive in the things that should happen to those who steal, harm, abuse, and kill innocent children. The ones who die are gone forever, but the ones who live sometimes suffer a worse fate - the memories of all they were made to endure at the hands of someone whose sole intent was, shall we say, far from honorable.

    I apologize to no one for those thoughts. And though some think that is the first step in a spiral that ends far below where I sit now, I would rest just as easy knowing that there is one less horrible excuse for a human being walking the streets or waiting in an alley to abduct, harm, assault, rape or kill some other parent's reason for living. My children are my most favorite thing in this life, just as I imagine many parents feel that their children are an equally significant legacy. And I will take a bullet or snap a neck if need be in order to keep them safe from whatever or whomever would seek to harm them. You can bet your child's life on that.

    I hope that Ms. Nichols is found, alive, and soon. She's been gone a long time and I pray her family can somehow find the answers they so desperately seek.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  5. #80
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    Enraged is the right emotion. It pisses me off, too. I feel bad for Megan's mom and her friends and family that are ACTIVELY seeking her whereabouts. It's strange that it has been this long and NOTHING has come up.

  6. #81
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    Did they ever find her? I have a 16 year old and we just was talking about this. But I find it odd on her bio dads Facebook he is mentioning being in Evansville or around someone near there. Especially when he has the law believing he is in Oklahoma all the time.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
    Yeah sorry so wordy and yeah, I made it up! Completely!
    I have nothing better to do with my time so I make up stories about missing girls to thwart any efforts of finding them.

    You could be John David Jackson Nichols or his fiancee for all I know.
    I believe you. Some people are observant to others, some are oblivious. Name says enough hazydaze.

  8. #83
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    What police know for sure is that surveillance video from a local bank showed her riding her bicycle up to an ATM and withdrawing money shortly before her reported disappearance.
    This is why I think she must have met up with someone. Fairfield is in the middle of nowhere. You just couldn't get anywhere important on a bicycle once you left town. It does beg the question of where the bicycle is now, though. She would have had to ditch it if she got in a vehicle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mivyjo View Post
    Did they ever find her? I have a 16 year old and we just was talking about this. But I find it odd on her bio dads Facebook he is mentioning being in Evansville or around someone near there. Especially when he has the law believing he is in Oklahoma all the time.
    No, she has not been found, and as far as I know, there is no new info. There was a flurry of activity on the FB page the other day when someone posted a photo that they thought might be her. The mom explained that the photo has been sent to them before but it's not her.

  9. #84
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mivyjo View Post
    Did they ever find her? I have a 16 year old and we just was talking about this. But I find it odd on her bio dads Facebook he is mentioning being in Evansville or around someone near there. Especially when he has the law believing he is in Oklahoma all the time.
    When did he mention being in Evansville?

    And he is in Oklahoma. He seems to be pretty active in the stand-up comedy scene in Tulsa. If he still has family in this area, it's not unusual that he might venture to Evansville once in a while.

  10. #85
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    Hamdinger, did you go to school with Megan??

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  11. #86
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    Wait, it was the parents you went to high school with. Just now re-read the first post.

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  12. #87
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    Yeah, they were both in the class above mine. I never met Megan, though. I didn't even know they had had a child together until she went missing.

  13. #88
    Senior Member aphaziak's Avatar
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    Latest I could find from July 13, 2016:

    Search ongoing for missing Fairfield teenager two years after disappearance

    A Tri-State family is still in agonizing emotional pain. They're waiting and hoping that their loved one, a missing teenager, will return.

    Megan Nichols disappeared from her Fairfield, Illinois home July 3, 2014. She was 15-years-old at the time.

    Megan's mother, Kathy Jo Hutchcraft, and Megan's stepfather Jerod are still waiting for the day they'll see Megan again.

    It's been more than two years since Megan disappeared, and they say they don't know any more about her disappearance now than they did the day she vanished.

    "It seems like I've just lost two years of my life," Kathy says.

    "There's been a lot of moments missed," Jerod says.

    If Megan was still around, she would have her driver's license and would have graduated from high school. She would have experienced holidays and birthdays.

    "You watch movies about things like this," Kathy says. "This isn't supposed to happen to you."

    Police call Megan a runaway, but Kathy and Jerod have always believed she could be in danger.

    They've never stopped looking while clinging to their family and friends and to their faith.

    "If she is out there, and she's okay, I wish she would just let us know," Kathy says.

    Knowing Megan's 18th birthday is next week, their fears are growing.

    "A lot of people are just going to think she's an adult now, she can do what she wants," Jerod says. "I hope that's not the case."

    "We don't just give up at 17, or 18 or 25," Kathy says. "We keep looking. We keep pursuing."

    Kathy says there haven't been any recent leads, but she says a few people have reached out to her, pretending to be Megan, which only adds to her pain and exhaustion.

    Still, Kathy and Jerod will never stop searching for Megan, no matter how badly it hurts.

    "We love her, and we miss her," Jerod says.

    "We have to go on," Kathy says. "The choice is to live and die, and I can't give up. I've got to go on."

    We did reach out to Illinois State Police detectives, who are handling this case. We haven't heard back from them.

    If you have any information on Megan's whereabouts, you're asked to call police.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZoMyGoddess! View Post
    maybe when the check comes next time, just throw your dick on the table and be like "if you got the check, i got dessert"

  14. #89
    Senior Member SuchAClassicGirl's Avatar
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    image.jpgNot sure how I missed this thread. Why was everyone searching so hard for the pic when it's plain as day in dad's FB photos?
    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star
    I was about to be annoyed that this thread was still active, but I see now it's morphed into offers of sex for chilli confectionary, so carry on guys :)

  15. #90
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    New (and very badly written) article about Megan's disappearance. Contains some information I didn't know, such as the "love triangle." I just don't know what to think. I always assumed she was a runaway, but I do have to admit that the wording of the note is weird. Maybe someone did force her to write it and to wipe her phone clean.

    Megan Nichols's mother says she walked into her teenage daughter's room to give her a kiss goodnight on the night of July 3, 2014. But Megan wasn't there.

    It's was 4th of July weekend in Fairfield, Illinois.

    Megan Nichols, 15, was the well-behaved only child of Kathy Jo Hutchcraft. The high school sophomore was a good student and avid member of their church.

    On this holiday weekend, Kathy Jo and Megan had plans to shop, but Megan wasn't feeling well and wanted to stay home and go to bed. Kathy Jo heads back out to finish her shopping. She's gone for an hour. When she returns, all seems normal. Later, she went upstairs to find that Megan was gone.

    In a panic, Kathy Jo and her own mother head straight to the police station to report Megan's disappearance. But according to them, the police response wasn't what they hoped. Megan hadn't been gone for long, so there was nothing police could immediately do. Kathy Jo and her mother head back to the house to look for clues.

    "We went back upstairs and I pulled her blanket back and that's when I found her phone, and when I picked it up my heart sank," said Kathy Jo.

    And then things get even scarier. The phone has been wiped cleaned. All photos, messages, contacts, any and every sign of Megan were deleted. In her room, they found a note from Megan.

    "Basically it said, 'Mom, I love you but I'm never going to be happy here. Don't come looking for me 'cause why spend a lifetime looking for somebody that doesn't wanna be found,'" said Kathy Jo.

    The writing appears to be Megan's, but the words are not, according to her mother.

    "This does not sound like my daughter at all. To me this is borderline cruel," said Kathy Jo. "Knowing my daughter like I know my daughter, if those were going to be her last words to me, it wouldn't have been those words."

    Kathy Jo says a friend tells her to check bank accounts.

    "And sure enough money had been withdrawn on July the 3rd around 2 o'clock p.m.," said Kathy Jo. That's the same time Megan went on a bike ride earlier in the day before she went home not feeling well.

    "The last images of Megan were from this ATM surveillance video," said Kathy Jo. "It showed her riding her bike up to the bank, withdrawing money. That was right before she vanished."

    Megan's family offers up evidence of the phone and note to police. Then investigators begin doing their own digging and they don't have to go far to find a promising lead. And it's a shocker: Megan's own father, who is a sex-offender.

    "Megan's father, Jackson, had some warrants out against him," said Kathy Jo. "He was of age and the young girl was not."

    U.S. Marshals picked up Jackson Nichols, now living in the Tulsa, Okla. area. He's thrown behind bars and held on a federal warrant showing he's an unregistered sex offender. In 1997, a then 18-year-old Jackson was dating a 14-year old girl. And when the girl's mother found out, Jackson was charged with two counts of non-violent sexual assault. But over a decade later, when he's pulled over for a traffic ticket, Jackson got a big surprise.

    "I am now a registered sex offender and I'm on the FBI Watch List for 10 years," Jackson said.

    Ends up it was just a clerical error. But somehow the dismissal paperwork doesn't make its way across state lines from Illinois to Oklahoma. So when Megan disappeared and cops looked into her father, a warrant was issued.

    "They let me sit in Tulsa County Jail for almost a month because they forgot to file paperwork," said Jackson Nichols. "It took extreme measures for someone to call and harass them and finally they sent it out and I got out."

    Jackson was cleared as a possible suspect in Megan's disappearance. Megan's mother never considered her ex-husband a viable suspect because she has her own suspicions about what happened to her daughter.

    "Fairly soon before her disappearance, Megan was seeing a young man," said Megan's mother Kathy Jo Hutchcraft.

    But according to friends and family, he was in another relationships with a different girl at the same time. They say it was a good old-fashioned love triangle.

    "I'd had it at that point," Kathy Jo said. "He's using her and you, and you're done, you're 15, he's 18, this is over.

    "She kept staying in contact with him so I took her phone from her. So one evening I wanted to check her phone to see if she missed anything important," said Kathy Jo. "I seen this text conversation between her and the boy, but I only see her side of the conversation and it was happening as I was looking at her phone.

    "So I walked upstairs and I was like Megan and she was like 'Yeah, she bounced out of her door,' and I said 'I'm seeing a message between you and him here happening,' and her face just, she was had. I said 'Where's your iPod?' She didn't answer me. My heart just sunk."

    And it was about to sink even lower when she reads the texts messages from her daughter's iPod.

    "She made the comment that she couldn't stand me, she just wanted to get out of this house, and his response was 'I just want to come get you right now,'" said Kathy Jo.

    It was enough for Megan's mom to put a stop to what she calls a forbidden teen romance.

    "So I called him from her phone, and I said 'Don't contact my daughter again. This is over,'" said Kathy Jo.

    But still it wasn't over.

    "On Memorial Day 2014, we all went to bed," said Kathy Jo. "I woke up about 9:30, and it's not uncommon for me to go check on Megan. When I went up there that night she wasn't there. I am in panic mode. This had never happened. Megan had never left without telling me."

    Megan's gone, but not her phone, and there's a recent text from a female friend, which reads simply "OK."

    "I called that phone number back and the boy answered," said Kathy Jo.

    Megan's mom calls police.

    "And while I was on the phone with the police Megan came walking from our backyard," said Kathy Jo.

    But whatever happened between Megan and that boy that night or the next few months leading up to her disappearance, no one can say for sure. But one thing was certain, according to the Megan's cellphone records, the last calls Megan made before she disappeared were made to that boy.

    Megan's mother also says there was more to see than just Megan's image in the ATM bank surveillance video -- there was something else in the background.

    "In the very back of the video I could see a car, looked exactly like the boy's car," said Kathy Jo. "At the very end of the video, after she disappeared from it, a few moments later you could see this car pulling out."

    According to Kathy Jo, Fairfield Police claim there was no car in the video, and Megan's parents haven't seen it since that fateful day.

    And what does this boy have to say about all of this? Crime Watch Daily went looking for him to get his side of the story. We didn't end up finding him, but apparently he had plenty to say on his Facebeook page.

    He wrote, in part: "Okay, this has gone on long enough...I had nothing to do with this and that I have nothing to hide...I am not in the video as she withdrew her money and ran from her family...this is the first time I have spoken up to defend myself. I shouldn't even have to defend myself if I am not involved."

    And police seem to agree, saying he is not a suspect.

    When Crime Watch Daily reached out to Fairfield Police, they would not speak to any claims made by the family since this is an ongoing investigation.

    The Charley Project, a website set up to help solve missing person cases, lists Megan as an endangered runaway. But no matter what, Megan's family is holding out hope they'll hear their daughter sing once more.

    Megan Nichols was 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighed about 111 pounds when she disappeared. She would be 18 years old right now.

    If you have any information on her disappearance, you are asked to call the Fairfield Police Department at (618) 842-2151.

    Megan's family created a Facebook page for people with information or wanting to learn more about Megan.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post

    Okay this is the part where I admit he's kind of pretty, or at least he would be if he hadn't killed his sister and smeared poo on her candy.

  16. #91
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Edit : duh messed up my quoting, this was supposed to be a reply to SACG

    I think his privacy settings have changed. There's more than one pic of her up from 2014 & we DEFINITELY couldn't access them before.

    Edit 2 :& after seeing that last link, there's a possibility stupid teen drama turned very, very bad migh be behind this, especially with the mum saying she trusts bio dad -because he'd be a very easy target for her to reassure herself her daughter is really OK :(
    Last edited by blighted star; 11-23-2016 at 06:28 PM.

  17. #92
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    I honestly don't think the bio dad would hurt her. I thought she might have run to him if she wanted to get away from her mom, but I really don't think he kidnapped her or anything like that.

    And that picture was his FB cover photo around the time Megan went missing. It's never been hard to find, and I think a cropped version of it appears on her missing poster. The reason it was a big deal was because, according to someone who called in a tip, the police claimed that Megan had never met her bio dad.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post

    Okay this is the part where I admit he's kind of pretty, or at least he would be if he hadn't killed his sister and smeared poo on her candy.

  18. #93
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    Jackson posted this on his FB. It was in the comments of a post where he was asking if anyone could record the Crimewatch segment for him.

    Wendi Schmidt Wow! So sorry to hear! I'll spread the word too!
    Like ? Reply ? 1 ? Yesterday at 9:06pm

    Jackson Nichols
    Jackson Nichols Wendi, I know what you do. I'm the guy that quasi-interviewed you at Just 1 More. I wouldn't know how to pay you, if you looked at this. Please. I have phone records and emails. Someone knows everything. And it was swept under the rug.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post

    Okay this is the part where I admit he's kind of pretty, or at least he would be if he hadn't killed his sister and smeared poo on her candy.

  19. #94


    Hi, just found this after watching the crime watch episode that came across my fb page. Instantly thought it was all fishy, and now from reading these, it's super fishy!

  20. #95
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    I know I am reaching here.....

    but I am a member of the prayer circle for Megan page on fb. I read her moms posts sometimes and they break my heart even though I never knew her personally.

    After doing some research and reading this thread I got to looking at Megan's fathers fb page. And thinking about how the person who posted on here was sure that he was seen with a young girl in what looked like could have been a sex trafficking situation. His page is full of content about sex and drugs. So then I searched for escorts in Tulsa and found this profile I think could be her. Maybe I'm reaching and it's not her but it looks similar to me. Some of the listed info wouldn't match her. She isn't 30 and is taller than 5-3. But she doesn't show her face in any of the photos. All of the other escort profiles I looked through do.

    Megan loved modeling. Her prices are listed at $250-$1500. I am just thinking a promise of a "modeling job" could have enticed her to run away. The description of "naughty Nola" and even some of her reviews paint her as smiley, young, down to earth, spontaneous, super friendly.

    I feel bad even suggesting this but it is a possibility.

    Let me know what you think....[]=Tulsa.TUL&client[]=&layout=gallery&search_category=female-escorts&p=1&td=07%3A00%3A00

  21. #96
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boystory3 View Post
    I know I am reaching here.....

    but I am a member of the prayer circle for Megan page on fb. I read her moms posts sometimes and they break my heart even though I never knew her personally.

    After doing some research and reading this thread I got to looking at Megan's fathers fb page. And thinking about how the person who posted on here was sure that he was seen with a young girl in what looked like could have been a sex trafficking situation. His page is full of content about sex and drugs. So then I searched for escorts in Tulsa and found this profile I think could be her. Maybe I'm reaching and it's not her but it looks similar to me. Some of the listed info wouldn't match her. She isn't 30 and is taller than 5-3. But she doesn't show her face in any of the photos. All of the other escort profiles I looked through do.

    Megan loved modeling. Her prices are listed at $250-$1500. I am just thinking a promise of a "modeling job" could have enticed her to run away. The description of "naughty Nola" and even some of her reviews paint her as smiley, young, down to earth, spontaneous, super friendly.

    I feel bad even suggesting this but it is a possibility.

    Let me know what you think....[]=Tulsa.TUL&client[]=&layout=gallery&search_category=female-escorts&p=1&td=07%3A00%3A00
    Can you repost the last link as it didnt work?

  22. #97
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    Let me know if that one works

  23. #98
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    This is a different girl/ad but I think it looks like her in the face. It's blurry of course, so hard to tell. Anyone else think so?

  24. #99
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    I submitted pictures to Fairfield police from two adult female escort profiles. One of the profiles had tons of pictures on them. The face is blurred out in all the pictures but you can see a birthmark above her buttocks in some of the photos. Some of the missing flyers also note that Megan has a birth mark just above her buttocks. I also feel like you can see her cowlick in some of the photos. Plus I thought the girl(s) in the profiles resembled her.

    I tried posting another message with links to the profiles but it never went through? Not approved, maybe?

    But you can search for "naughty Nola" & "naughty native" which are both escorts based in Tulsa and/or Houston. It looks like Nola used to go by the name "Aria" in 2014-2015 and the photos used then were even more blurred out and less revealing. Megan would have been underage until July 2016.

    FF police said thank you and that they would investigate the lead.

  25. #100
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boystory3 View Post
    I submitted pictures to Fairfield police from two adult female escort profiles. One of the profiles had tons of pictures on them. The face is blurred out in all the pictures but you can see a birthmark above her buttocks in some of the photos. Some of the missing flyers also note that Megan has a birth mark just above her buttocks. I also feel like you can see her cowlick in some of the photos. Plus I thought the girl(s) in the profiles resembled her.

    I tried posting another message with links to the profiles but it never went through? Not approved, maybe?

    But you can search for "naughty Nola" & "naughty native" which are both escorts based in Tulsa and/or Houston. It looks like Nola used to go by the name "Aria" in 2014-2015 and the photos used then were even more blurred out and less revealing. Megan would have been underage until July 2016.

    FF police said thank you and that they would investigate the lead.
    Interesting! Thanks for the info and welcome to the site
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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