Quote Originally Posted by Natasha_XO View Post
So do you only have a problem with women breastfeeding while sitting on the floor at target where you have to move around them? Or is it breastfeeding in general in public ?
Do you not read what I write? I DO NOT CARE IF WOMEN BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC. I am uncomfortable with seeing exposed breasts. Is this going to change anything? No. Are women going to cover up more? No. So I am supposed to all of a sudden be comfortable because you tell me to? No.

And yeah, if anyone plops their ass down in any public area where you are inconveniencing other people, then you're an asshole. Whether it's tying your shoe, eating your lunch, reading a book, or breastfeeding a kid. Once again just because someone breastfeeds, it does not make them be immune from being an asshole. You don't get a free fucking pass.