Came across these pictures while sorting digital photos tonight and had to share the story.

Setting: Gatlinburg, TN - 11 October 2010 - A small Gazebo Wedding in the Woods

Everyone arrived together and while the Bride & Groom stepped aside to have a last-minute meeting with the preacher, the Bride's DIL and I strolled over to look at the gazebo. An adorable cross-eyed cat came running over to us and was very friendly, purring, chatting, wanting to be petted. He was so sweet, I took a picture of him:

DIL and I were both making a fuss over him and laughing and commenting about his little crossed-eyes. "Aw, look.... he likes me..." "No, he's looking at ME!" "Hey, you lookin' at me?" That kind of thing, we were just cracking ourselves up. Suddenly Mr. Tisha got that eye-bulging, tight-lipped, shutyourmouth look on his face and I realized the Bride & Groom were standing behind me introducing the preacher to the guests.

As I was turning around to meet the preacher, hand extended, I said, "We were just laughing about the wee cat's cros- " and I suddenly understood my husband's expression.

I. Was. Mortified.

Almost 13 years later, we still laugh about it every time we get together.